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Chapter 597 Deadly Plan

Chapter 597 Fatal Plan

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 597 Fatal Plan

Bracada, Stormwind City.

In the third week of the fifth month of the game, it has been two months since the City of Gods was promoted to the prefecture.

In the past two months, under the operation of Mixue Bingtang, the Jenova Chamber of Commerce has upgraded from a Ponzi scheme at the beginning to a behemoth with tentacles covering more than a dozen main cities in Bracada.

Human trafficking, gambling, and [Buwei Wine] with the slogan "Make Bracada Great forever" are the three carriages driving the growth of the Jenova Chamber of Commerce, causing the Jenova Chamber of Commerce to expand at a terrifying speed.

After rapidly accumulating capital, the Jenova Chamber of Commerce wielded a tool called investment bailout to hunt for bargains in Bracada, which had just experienced a war.

Originally, if it continued to develop like this, the Jenova Chamber of Commerce was bound to compete with the established forces in Brakada, and could easily be suppressed and excluded.

However, the Jenova Chamber of Commerce has the legendary diplomatic skills of [Serui] as its backend.

In the entire Brakada, there are very few people who have a bad relationship with Seri.

Mixue Bingtang very wisely chose to delegate power, allowing Seri to freely withdraw Titan Coins to open the joints without restriction.

The God of Wealth paved the road, and the nobleman drove the road.

As an outsider, the Jenova Chamber of Commerce managed to sneak into the circle of Brakada's established aristocrats and flourished in the circle, as if it were on par with the newly legendary Agede.

The economy is like building blocks. A bright and beautiful house is built with building blocks one after another.

If the small building blocks are adjusted, the economy can still function.

But if a large piece is suddenly removed, the house will collapse.

With the current size of the Jenova Chamber of Commerce, Mixue Bingtang is sure to give Brakada a fatal blow.

But Mixue Bingtang was ready to leave, but something happened suddenly and she was left behind again.

Erathia, Ronis is dead, Queen Catherine takes the throne!

Among the nine major forces, in terms of comprehensive strength, Brakada has always been the uncrowned king, like a beacon in the world.

In addition, Brakada's main military unit: mages, after all, has a strong affinity with humans.

Therefore, a large number of bishops and corrupt officials who fled from Erathia gathered in Bracada.

Each of these bishops and corrupt officials carries a huge amount of money with them, which is the wealth and anointing they have worked hard to plunder year after year, for decades and hundreds of years. The total is almost equal to the total economic output of Erathia in several years.

They came all the way from Erathia with only money and no foundation. The local nobles of Bracada, who were hundreds of times poorer than them, were able to make a fortune from them.

The person who was originally a master suddenly turned into a fat man.

It’s such a big piece of sizzling fat meat that everyone wants to take a bite of.

Mixue rock candy has a very sensitive sense of smell.

These scum of Erathia, no mages from Brakada dare to use them.

This means that they basically have no way to grow.

But they brought with them a large amount of gold coins and resources, and they were all the powerful people of Erathia.

Their wealth and living habits do not allow them to live in poverty.

Enjoyment has become their only reason for living. However, due to their status, they are not qualified to enter the top gold-selling caves in Brakada, such as the Divine Realm in Thunder City.

It just so happens that no one knows how to enjoy it better than Jenova Chamber of Commerce, and at Jenova Chamber of Commerce, there is no threshold.

After drinking [Buwei Wine], which can revitalize people, the beautiful dealer is accompanied by the smoke from the powdered dream mushrooms, the confusing lights, the magic of just the right temperature, and the cheers of the winner.

Novel stocks, extremely fluctuating lines, life and death.

Even the mages of Brakada are curious about these various excitements.

Those corrupt officials and bishops who came from a place with simple folk customs like Erathia had never seen this scene before.

In the conscience of heaven and earth, the most exciting thing they have ever done is to export a little boy in front of a statue of an angel.

The casinos hidden behind the Tree of Life Tavern are like soul-absorbing ghosts, sucking away those bishops and corrupt officials bit by bit.

The funds of the Jenova Chamber of Commerce have once again expanded rapidly.

For Mixue Bingtang, funds are weapons.

Suddenly having so many planes and tanks on hand, Mixue Bingtang didn't know how to fight.

It would be a shame to withdraw directly. She can do bigger things.

Mixue Bingtang even wants to join forces with Brakada's big treasury to establish the [Financial System], a terrifying vampire, in Brakada.

Finance is the economic activity of using various financial instruments to flow funds from the fund surplus side to the capital scarcity side.

To put it bluntly, finance is borrowing money.

Finance itself will not produce any actual value. It will only use various methods and find various excuses to suck blood from the real industry.

In essence, the financial industry is the embodiment of capital's exploitation of labor.

Brakada now has the prototype of the financial industry.

Mixue Bingtang is confident that as long as Brakada's big treasury is willing to cooperate, she can leverage a thousand times the leverage with the funds she has.

After a thousand times of leverage, the economic explosion she can trigger can also spread a thousand times.

However, her plan requires more time, at least three to five years for her to implement.

The plan that was supposed to be completed in one or two months suddenly stretched to several years. For such a large-scale adjustment, Mixue Bingtang would definitely have to discuss it with Qi Ge.

Seven Pigeons, who were following the Silver Spirit sailing in the Dark Ring Sea, pondered for a long time after listening to Mixue Bingtang's description.

His perspective of thinking is different from Mixue Bingtang.

Mixue Bingtang only thinks about economic means, and the purpose is only to destroy the currency of Titan Coin and destroy the credibility of Brakada, making it impossible for Brakada to issue currencies like Titan Coin.

But Qi Ge thinks more and takes a longer term.

After Seven Pigeons put down the conch, they successively contacted Agede, Seri, two legends of the Church of Fortune, Wolfs, and Ogtavia.

After two full days of thinking, Qi Ge finally made up his mind.

"What?! You want me to cooperate with the Titans, members of the Great Council, and the administrators of the Great Treasury, these top dignitaries in Brakada, to help them earn more gold coins and resources?"

Michelle Bingtang was so unbelievable that she even doubted her ears.

"Qi Ge, did you make something wrong?

Our goal is to destroy the Titan Coin. The more gold coins and resources they hold, the more stable the Titan Coin will be.

It's too late for me to destroy their economy, so you still want to help them earn more?"

"Don't worry, listen to my explanation."

Qige said slowly:

"What I say next can be recorded and used as our future action plan, but it must not be leaked. Only the most core members of our organization can know it.

First, I want to talk about the social structure of Bracada.

The current society of Bracada presents two corresponding pyramids, the front pyramid and the inverted pyramid.

The top dignitaries of Brakada—descendants of the Titans, demigods, legendary heroes, and those who contributed to the establishment of Brakada.

These people account for about 0.2% of Bracada's population, but account for about 80% of Bracada's wealth.

Brakada's common heroes, mage, djinn, and snake demon.

They are the main ethnic group in Brakada, accounting for about 50% of Brakada's population and 20% of Brakada's wealth.

The remaining 49.8% of the population, namely goblins, hardly possess any wealth, and are even considered part of the wealth themselves.

The positive pyramid divided by population and the inverted pyramid divided by wealth possession correspond to each other.

This social structure is quite dangerous."

"Pareto's Principle?"

Mixue Bingtang asked.

Qige explained: "No, it is much more dangerous than Pareto's law.

The Pareto Principle means that 20% of the population controls 80% of social wealth.

But in Bracada, 0.2% of the population accounts for 80% of the wealth.

Just because Brakada's productivity is developed enough and the goblins are oppressed miserably enough, the remaining 20% ​​of wealth is enough for 99.8% of the population.

But at this time, Bracada was like a giant walking on a tightrope, top-heavy.

What we need to do now is to make this wealth more concentrated.

Let the top 0.2% of Bracada occupy 90%, 98%, or even 120% or 140% of the wealth.

There is nothing left to exploit from the goblins.

If the top 0.2% want to extract more wealth, 50% of the population must be divided into different classes.

Make some people richer and make some people poorer.

Then let the rich draw the poor, and then they draw the rich.

Ultimately, a bottom-to-top wealth transportation chain is formed.

I need you to help them speed up the process and push for all kinds of debt, leaving 48% of the 50% of the subject population with debt that is almost impossible to repay.

At the top of Brakada, the weapons in the hands of the Titans and top dignitaries are too powerful.

These main body residents will not have the courage to resist unless absolutely necessary.

If you want people who don't want to be slaves to stand up, you have to push them into the most dangerous time.

Deprive them of their property, make them work endlessly but never repay their debts, and turn them from noble mage masters into indentured slaves.

When they are tired of running around, exhausted mentally, and cannot even guarantee their basic survival, they will start to resist in order to survive.

Only let them collapse, make them unable to survive, and let them fall to the same level as goblins.

Only then will they curse, only then will they be unwilling, and only then will they awaken.

We can only make them suffer, make them feel the huge gap, and make them miserable.

They will become our allies in overthrowing Bracada.

In Erathia, we can reform from the top down.

But in Bracada, we can only revolutionize from below.

Therefore, we must turn the walls that originally hindered us into sharp blades that work for us.”

After listening to Qige's words, Mixue Bingtang's heart trembled.

Her volume involuntarily increased and she asked in a low voice:

"Qi Ge, but you have a big problem.

For the top brass of Bracada, wealth has only concentrated, not disappeared.

Even if they really resist, wouldn't it be enough to eliminate the resistance if Titan divides the wealth?"

"It's not that easy."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"At the end of the Ming Dynasty, King Chuang Li Zicheng rebelled.

Just a few days before the capital was captured, Emperor Chongzhen personally went out to ask the wealthy ministers to donate money to pay the soldiers guarding the capital.

However, most of the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty turned a deaf ear to Emperor Chongzhen's request, and very few responded.

In the end, Chongzhen only raised 200,000 taels of silver, which was not even enough for military pay.

After Li Zicheng captured the capital, he killed corrupt officials and wealthy households one by one, and confiscated more than 70 million yuan in silver alone, as well as countless jewelry, calligraphy and paintings.

The wealth of Brakada will definitely be concentrated in the hands of legends, demigods, titans and other people and races with powerful weapons.

Getting them to voluntarily give up their wealth is even harder than suppressing the rebellion directly.

Those are Al Zeus's confidants. Al Zeus can't kill his own people, right?

Even if he is killed, the rebellion that has been started will not be quelled."

Mixue Bingtang took a deep breath and said to Qige:

"I understand. It is much easier for the top nobles who control the means of production to make money than for the common people to make money."

Qi Ge chuckled lightly and said:

"Mixue Bingtang, don't be careless.

Al Zeus has suppressed the goblins for so many years, and has not allowed the goblins to launch a rebellion out of despair.

He still has some skills in being able to fish from dry ponds sustainably.

But there are specialties in the art industry.

I believe that you will be able to achieve our goal without him discovering it."

Hearing this, Mixue Bingtang said in high spirits:

"Do not worry!

The top class in the Yasha world often have strong personal power.

Therefore, their various overt and covert methods are far behind our world.

In the field of "open and fair, reasonable and legal exploitation", if we hold an atomic bomb and the other side holds a wooden stick, they are not on the same level.

If you boil a frog in warm water, I can boil it until it croaks."

"Haha, I'll leave it to you then."

Qi Ge laughed and said:

"In the lighthouse city of Brakada, there is a female Titan legendary hero [Jobol]. She is the top dignitary among the top dignitaries in Brakada. Even Teacher Agede has a lower status than her.

You can try to contact the Titans from her.

But when you come into contact with her, you must be cautious and cautious."

Michelle Bingtang nodded vigorously and replied solemnly:

"I see."

Sylvia sat on the guardrail of the Silver Spirit, dangling her bare feet, and kept stepping on the water splashing up from the sea.

When she saw Qi Ge finally putting down the conch, she asked unhappily:

"Who are you talking to for so long?"

"With one of our comrades."

Qi Ge smiled, sat next to Sylvia, pointed at the sea in the distance that began to become darker in color, and said:

"We're almost there.

Ahead is the deserted Beihai.

Now we are at the intersection of the Dark Ring Sea and the Wild North Sea, and when the blue-black sea water completely turns into ice blue, we will reach the Wild North Sea."

Sylvia looked around curiously and asked:

“I really haven’t been here much.

I remember that sea monsters often appear in the sea near here, so there are no merchant ships."


Qige nodded and said:

"In a large area around the Wild North Sea, the frequency of sea monsters appearing is much higher than in other sea areas.

This is because Beihai Zhangyao and the descendants of Beihai Zhangyao have completely occupied the Wild Beihai.

Not only will they devour order-side creatures in the Wild North Sea, but even wild monsters will be devoured by them, like starving ghosts who never have enough to eat."

Qi Ge then explained: "Strictly speaking, the Beihai Zhangyao itself is not a creature that completely belongs to our Yasha world, it should belong to an outsider from other worlds.

Judging from the history of the Yasha world, Beihai Zhangyao seemed to appear out of thin air, and as soon as he appeared, he became the overlord of the deserted Beihai.

It had an excellent reputation before it was invaded by Chaos.

In addition to maintaining order and stability in the Wild Beihai, it will also rescue passing ships.

According to records, it once cooperated with an underground lord of the Evil Eye tribe on the Wild North Sea, and asked his descendants to help transport goods as ships.

Those giant octopuses can use their eight legs as landing platforms to unload their heavy cargo on ships at deep-sea docks, and then transport them back to shallow waters by ship.

Because of the existence of Beihai Zhangyao, shipping near the Deserted North Sea is extremely convenient and cheap, which greatly promotes the economic prosperity and city development along the Deserted North Sea.

It can be said that before being contaminated by Chaos, Beihai Zhangyao was a powerful, kind-hearted and orderly intelligent sea beast.

Nigan's city is close to the deserted Beihai, and there are still many Evil Eye tribes who worship Beihai Zhangyao as a god.

In its heyday, these evil eyes would wear octopus hoods and perform dramas as Beihai Zhangyao as a ritual to worship it.

Unfortunately, since being contaminated by Chaos, Beihai Zhangyao has changed from a peaceful and kind-hearted sea beast of order into a terrifying monster.

The deserted Beihai has also become a restricted area for shipping."

Sylvia blinked doubtfully and asked:

"You seem to know Akira Beikai very well?"

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"Of course, I have some information about it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have known that it was as powerful as the Whale King in the Wild North Sea."

As Qi Ge and the others were talking, the color of the sea water unknowingly became closer and closer to ice blue.

Wild Beihai is coming.

Seeing this, Qi Ge immediately shouted loudly:

"Galaxy, unfold the Silver Spirit, its largest form!"

Standing on the watchtower, Yinhe heard the call of the seven pigeons and closed his eyes slightly.

The bottom of the Silver Spirit began to absorb seawater, and the hull unfolded like a flower blooming, layer after layer, at an extremely fast speed.

These flowers form cabins, platforms, and walkways, gradually turning virtual reality into reality.

In just 2 minutes, the Silver Spirit changed from a heavy cruiser with a deck area of ​​4,000 square meters to a super aircraft carrier with a deck area of ​​4,200,000 square meters.

The space compression stunt of the Silver Spirit is very magical.

The compressed deck will not disappear, but will exist in the alien space of the Silver Spirit.

When the Silver Spirit becomes smaller, it can freely enter and exit these compressed areas through the hatches from the deck to the cabin.

After completing the work, Yinhe flew down from the watchtower, flew to Qi Ge, and smiled sweetly:

"Brother Admiral, Sister Sylvia, the expansion is completed!"

Qige held Yinhe's hand and said, "Let's go, take us to the Blue Whale."

Sylvia also held Yinhe’s hand and blinked:

"Little Galaxy, please."

"I will handle it."

Yinhe smiled proudly and disappeared with Qi Ge and Sylvia.

After awakening three times, the originally soft little Galaxy has gained many abilities.

The freedom to transport any person or object on the Silver Spirit like this is just one of them.

Qi Ge and Sylvia arrived on the Blue Whale, but Ruoke was already waiting on the deck of the Blue Whale.

The crew of the Pirate Emperor Fleet are also busy crazily, doing final inspections.

This is a battle that determines whether the Whale King can awaken, and every pirate dare not take it lightly.

Qi Ge handed over Yinghe to Keruoke and said to Keruoke and Yinhe:

"If the Whale King wants to awaken, he needs to defeat Beihai Zhangyao himself, and the Silver Spirit cannot help.

But if you can, Yinhe, please wait for me here while I follow the Whale King.

You can use telescopes to keep an eye on the battle situation. If I send a signal, you can immediately deploy the natural disaster heavy artillery to help us.

But as long as I don't send a signal, no matter how dangerous the situation is, don't take action."

Ke Ruoke and Yinhe nodded at the same time.

"Lord, don't worry, my eyes are sharper than the eyes of a gargoyle. I will definitely not miss it."

"Brother Admiral, you should be more careful."

After receiving the news from Sylvia that everything was ready, Qige patted Koroko on the shoulder and handed over the equipment authority of the Silver Spirit to Koroko.

He boarded the Blue Whale and entered the captain's cabin of the Blue Whale with Sylvia.

Next, Sylvia's consciousness will resonate with the consciousness of the Whale King. As the temporary first mate of the Blue Whale, Qi Ge will shoulder the task of ordering the crew of the Blue Whale.

The time has come, Qi Ge loudly said: "Silver Spirit, Blue Whale, prepare for ejection!"

After receiving Qi Ge's order, Galaxy immediately teleported to the sky of the Silver Spirit.

Above the Silver Spirit, a mithril tree appeared out of thin air, and then, a magical channel that shot straight into the sky pointed toward the sky at an angle of 45 degrees from the hull of the Silver Spirit.



A crisp explosion sounded from the Silver Spirit, and the Blue Whale was launched through the magic channel like a cannonball!

The Blue Whale drew a high parabola in the sky and flew 6 kilometers to reach the sky above the deserted North Sea.


The phantom of the Whale King appeared out of thin air and enveloped the entire Blue Whale, helping the Blue Whale maintain its balance in the air.

Qi Ge knew that once the Blue Whale landed on the deserted Beihai Sea, it would be immediately discovered by Beihai Zhang Yao.

The Yinling, which is not far from the Wild Beihai, will also be affected by Chiyu and drawn into the battle.

But with the magic power of the Silver Spirit, this can be avoided.


After all, the Silver Spirit's ejection was limited. After flying for a full 17 kilometers, the Blue Whale finally crashed into the Deserted North Sea with a bang.

At this moment, the system prompts in Qi Ge’s ears also sounded crazily!

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for arriving in the special sea area of ​​Huangbei Sea. You have gained attack power +1.]

[System prompt: As the first player to arrive at Wild Beihai, you have gained an additional skill point.]

[System prompt: You have been discovered by [Chaos·Beihai Zhangyao] and entered combat mode!]


Bang bang bang!!!

Thirty-six explosions were heard in succession, and the entire sea suddenly exploded!

Thirty-six super-giant octopus tentacles, 1,000 to 2,000 meters long and requiring ten people to hug them, stretched out from the sea out of thin air!

Countless giant octopuses that looked like white bones were surrounding the tentacles, staring eerily at the Blue Whale.

(End of chapter)

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