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Chapter 612 Schmidt Advanced

Chapter 612 Smit’s Advancement

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 612 Smit’s Advancement

As soon as Ren Shiba finished speaking, Qi Ge couldn't wait to open the system panel and found the original system prompt.

[When the player comes into contact with the natural wonder: Immortal Wood, the Immortal Wood will be automatically transplanted to the Forest of Pamu.

The Pamu Forest will be upgraded to a mythical building: the Immortal Forest.]

[When the player successfully collects 5 buildings: Cold Pond Crypt, Immortal Forest, Cave Harpy Lair, Underground River, and Underground Mountains, they will be synthesized into a mythical building: Ancient Crypt]

He carefully compared the charts and finally determined that the islands around the Emerald Islands mentioned by Ren Shiba were indeed the Immortal Forest that he had visited twice in the echoes of history.

The first time he went to the Immortal Forest, he entered the historical echo of the Harpy, which was closer to the present time.

When he went to the Immortal Forest for the second time, he entered the historical echo of the underground river, and the time was far away from the present.

Qige has speculated before that the mythical building [Ancient Crypt] is probably composed of five miracle buildings from the same place and different time periods.

"Since the Immortal Wood is here, I have to agree even if I don't agree.

The Chaotic Sea is so dangerous, and with the help of Poseidon Church, it is much better than me fighting alone."

Thinking of this, Qi Ge said to Ren Shiba:

"Master Ren Shiba, can you tell us in detail how you received the mission from God?"


Ren Shiba said:

"The time when God sent the oracle was probably a hundred years ago, not long after I became a demigod.

On an ordinary day, after practicing my swordsmanship and praying to God as usual, I received a revelation from God.

Deep in the Sea of ​​Chaos, the God buried a scale full of divine power under the young immortal tree, which could protect the immortal tree.

At the same time, God also left the six-headed Hydra clan as the guardians of the immortal tree.

Unfortunately, the chaos broke out too quickly and the gods who had not yet become gods were trapped by the chaos and could not be rescued in time. The ancient archipelago area fell.

After the fall of the ancient archipelago area, the backup plan left by the gods was activated.

The god left his own statue and scales, which is equivalent to the god's personal visit.

After becoming a god, his divine power can constantly fight against chaos.

The Immortal Wood contains immortal laws, and with the protection of divine power, the Immortal Wood can directly draw power from chaos and accelerate its own growth.

For so many years, the scales on the god have always protected the immortal wood, turning the chaos that wanted to devour the immortal wood into nutrients for the immortal wood.

When I became a demigod, the Immortal Tree was completely mature and could be used as another world tree to fill in the gaps in the world of Yasha.

Naturally, it's time to recover the Immortal Wood and God's Scales from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Under the command of God, I immediately organized a group of warriors to go with me to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Unfortunately, before the first expedition started, we encountered an outbreak of chaos and could only stay on the defensive.

The second time was a little successful, but encountered a troublesome Chaos monster on the way. The troops suffered heavy losses and had to retreat.

The third time was half successful. When we were about to reach the Immortal Forest, we jumped into the chaos riot and had no choice but to escape back.

the fourth time……"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."

Qige's head hurt when he heard it.

If something is half successful, then it means everything is a failure.

Do you want to have such high emotional intelligence?

"On the Eighteenth Blade, the Sea of ​​Chaos is complex, and the position of each chaotic area changes every minute and every second. How do you locate the Immortal Forest in the Sea of ​​Chaos?"

Qi Ge asked softly.

Ren Shiba explained:

“By relying on the anglerfish God has given us.

One that can navigate us to where the statue of God is.

As long as you follow the instructions of the anglerfish, no matter how the chaos changes, you will move towards the Immortal Forest.

The other one can guide us to the location of Penglai Wonderland and ensure that we don't get lost in the sea of ​​chaos."

Qi Ge asked again:

"The Chaotic Sea is very dangerous. There are many areas of the ocean that will cause constant damage just by entering it.

You didn’t have battleships to protect you, so how did you march in the chaotic sea?”

Ren Shiba pointed outside the window and said:

"We don't have battleships, but we have sea beasts.

We have conches and sea snails that can withstand the erosion of Chaos."

Qi Ge thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"No, we can't go far just relying on sea beasts.

Sea beasts are living creatures after all, and Chaos has many insidious methods specifically targeting living creatures.

Whether it is mental attack or life extraction, it will pose a huge threat to sea beasts, and a battleship is still needed.

How many people are you going to dispatch? Let me see if the Silver Spirit can accommodate them all."

When Ren Shiba heard this, he suddenly became excited:

"Master Apostle, do you mean that you are willing to help me?"

"Of course, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight.

The Lord Poseidon has shown such favor, so I naturally have to repay him."


Ren Shiba clapped his hands fiercely and said excitedly:

"Lord Apostle, our soldiers have been ready for a long time.

Some time ago, the power of the Chaos Sea was weakened a lot for some reason, and the Chaos Demonic Tide has not erupted for a long time. This is the best time for us to go to sea.

We have already prepared 10,000 Naga sword masters, 30,000 stream spirits, and 80,000 kappas.

Including the support from the Qilin tribe, the total is 200,000.

This is the greatest strength that our Poseidon Church can exert while ensuring that Penglai Wonderland is absolutely safe."

"Two hundred thousand..."

Qi Ge made a new calculation and confirmed that the Silver Spirit could fully accommodate an army of 200,000 people. He felt relieved and said to Ren Shiba seriously:

"The total is 200,000, so let's round it up and call it one million!

I will convince the Lion-Hearted Monk to join, and I will honor you, that will be two demigods plus a million troops.

Even if the sea of ​​chaos has swords and lava pans, we will crush it!"


Ren Shiba clapped his hands vigorously and said: "With the help of the apostle this time, we will definitely succeed.

The day when the immortal tree is recovered is the day when God will send down the praise.”

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the mission [Sea into the World] Third Ring]

[Task name: The sea enters the world

Mission Level: Silver White True God Level Main Line Mission

The first ring [Poseidon shows his power] (Completed)

Second Ring [Exile to the Abyss] (Completed)

The third ring [Immortal Tree]

Task requirements:

Attack the Sea of ​​Chaos and regain the Immortal Forest.

Third ring mission reward:

The Sea King Medal is upgraded to Level 1 [Prince of Nine Oceans].


very good.

Qi Ge smiled slightly in his heart.

He received the first silver-white true god-level main quest [Liberation of the Fairy Tribe] and the first link was not yet visible, but the sea into the world was already in the third link.

"After the Sea King Medal is promoted to [Prince of Nine Oceans], I will be the one under one god and above all races.

Those who serve under Poseidon are under my command.”

Qi Ge was so happy that he couldn't wait to say to Ren Shiba:

"Your Majesty Ren Shiba, let's discuss the plan to regain the Immortal Forest in detail."

Ren Shiba enthusiastically pulled Qi Ge and said:

"Don't worry about this moment.

The Apostle has just been crowned today and is very tired, so he’d better take a nap first to regain his energy.”

I was about to lie down just now, didn't you pull me up to have a private chat?

Are you not in a hurry now? Oh, once the duck is in the pot, it can’t fly, right?

Qi Ge did not doubt it, so he smiled and said:

"Okay, then thank you for your kindness."

Ren Shiba pulled Qi Ge and spoke very fast:

"Let's go, let me take you to take a bath first."

Before Qi Ge could say that he had washed himself, he was carried on his shoulders by Ren Shiba.

Ren Shiba had no intention of discussing it with Qi Ge. He took three steps at a time and ran to a large bathhouse-shaped room in Poseidon Shrine.

"Master Apostle, please take your time and enjoy."

Ren Shiba threw the seven pigeons into the room and slammed the door shut.

"what's going on?"

Qi Ge stood up with a confused look on his face and looked around.

This is a luxurious bath, spacious and bright, decorated with exquisite seaweed pots and seaweed curtains.

There is a coral table next to the bath, with exquisite tea sets and snacks placed on it, and they are still steaming.

There are also comfortable giant shells around the bath. The warm shell meat of the shells allows Qi Ge to lie down and rest.

Qige can feel that this luxurious bathhouse is a very comfortable and relaxing place, suitable for those who want to stay away from busy life and enjoy tranquility and relaxation.

The sea people in Penglai Wonderland do not have the habit of bathing. They live in the sea all year round and do not need to wash their bodies with water.

However, Poseidon Shrine has the custom of bathing and changing clothes before and after prayers.

Qi Ge feels that this is also evidence that there are many terrestrial creatures in the world of endless celestial beings.

The bathroom was beautifully decorated and warm, but there was no water at all, which made Qi Ge very strange.

"How can I take a bath without water?"

Qi Ge was about to open the door to inquire when suddenly a large stream of clear water floated in from the bath window.

The water flow separated and squirmed in the air, and soon turned into a human shape.

A total of four hundred Chuanlings made of water stood in the center of the bath.

They smiled cleverly and said to Qi Ge:

"Master Apostle, come and take a bath."

Qi Ge:……

Qi Ge took a breath of cold air.

"Hiss! This won't work, this won't work.

How can I wash you?"

"Master Apostle, we are the purest water, which can make you feel comfortable when washing."

"Don't worry, Lord Apostle, we will clean every corner of your body."

"Yes, come on, Apostle, you lie down and we can move ourselves."

"That's not okay. A real man may do something or not do something. If I take a bath with you, wouldn't it be equivalent to having skin-to-skin contact with you all the time?"

This is too beastly. Wait, what are you doing? Don’t take off my pants..."

Qi Ge refused thousands of times, but in the end he was no match for the enthusiasm of the Chuanlings, and was pulled into the bath amidst their delicate laughter.

An hour later, Qi Ge was lying on the shell, weak and dizzy. Apparently he had been in the bath for too long and had fainted from the bath.

Chuan Ling's body has an extremely rich fragrance, and these colors almost dye the seven pigeons.

From a distance, you can see the pink aroma.

"No, no, no, with this smell, let alone Sylvia when I go back, I won't even be able to hide it from the Milky Way."

Qi Ge changed into a new set of clothes and cleaned up the smell on her body.

He was about to stand up when suddenly the system prompt rang.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, the number of followers of the Holy Griffin Church has reached one million, and the Holy Griffin Church has been officially established. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, your soldier Smit Avara Mrak has successfully completed the path of hero.

Please upgrade Smit Avara Mulak to level 5 as soon as possible.

After advancing to level 5, Smit Avara Mrak will become your secondary hero.】


Qi Ge suddenly sat up from his shell and clenched his fists.

"Smit, it's done! It's so fast!"

Holy Sky City, more than a month ago, this city was the capital of Erathia.

This is the place where the believers of the Holy Sky Church are most concentrated, and it is filled with relatives of those who have vested interests in the Holy Sky Church.

If you study carefully, you will find that except for a small number of civilians in Shengtian City, the vast majority of wealthy people are related to the senior leaders of Shengtian Church.

A cardinal-level bishop is like a seed. From the seed, a big tree grows, with intertwined roots and luxuriant branches.

Big trees took root in the soil called [People of Erathia], constantly absorbing nutrients from it, making the soil miserable.

After Catherine completely took control of the royal power of Erathia, she used the momentum of victory to launch a major liquidation of the Holy City from beginning to end.

Asset inventory, registration, guilt tracing...

Throughout the Holy City, there were countless heads of people killed by Catherine. The number of pseudo-legendary people who died was more than those who died in the Holy War.

The results are also very amazing.

In one holy city alone, the property confiscated from the houses would be enough to feed the entire population of Erathia for three years.

In these three years, all the people of Erathia can lie down, do nothing, and live very prosperously.

It is easy to kill people, but difficult to detoxify them.

The Holy Heaven Church's threat to Erathia is not just these moths.

Ideological control is the most deadly.

In the deeply rooted Holy Heaven Church in Erathia, even though Pope Ronis has died and been deposed by Catherine, there are still many believers.

It is impossible to change the doctrines and ideas they have accepted without resorting to some means.

It just so happens that Qi Ge has many, many tricks at his disposal.

Seven weeks ago, Saint Smit of the Holy Gryphon Church visited Shenglin Village near Shengtian City and openly accepted refugees in Shenglin Village.

A large number of refugees from the Roland Territory were crowded into temporary thatched houses in Shenglin Village.

Smit looked compassionate and held a piece of bread in his hand.

When a refugee came, she broke off a piece of bread and gave it to him.

Thousands of refugees in the entire village were full, but Smit still had more than half of the bread in his hand.

At that time, countless people witnessed this incident, and word of mouth spread the word. Everyone exclaimed that the saint of the Holy Gryphon Church might have the power to create things out of nothing, and constantly conjure food.

Six weeks ago, when Smit was publicly promoting the Holy Gryphon Church in White Rock City, he was assassinated by the Holy Sky Church.

In front of everyone, Smit was stabbed in the stomach with a sword, and the scene was stained with blood.

But just four days later, Smit, who was supposed to die, returned again, accompanied by an extremely beautiful girl angel.

Under the surprised eyes of countless people, Smit loudly declared:

"I was assassinated on Wednesday, came back on Friday, and finally came back here on Sunday.

I should have died, but the angel told me that countless people in Erathia are still deceiving the Holy Sky Church, and I must come back to save them."

The girl angel rose into the sky, showered petals and light on Smit, and then suddenly disappeared in the air.

For a moment, there was thunderous applause and everyone shouted for a miracle.

That afternoon, while cooking, fishermen from various regions in the east, west, north and south of Erathia were surprised to find ancient stone flakes hidden in the fish maws, which read:

"The holy sky is dead, the blue sky must stand!"

Blue Sky Church is another name of Holy Griffin Church. It got its name because the church’s emblem uses cyan as the background color.

Five weeks ago, countless bards poured into Erathia from all directions, singing the glorious story of Her Majesty Catherine's victory over Geffen Hart, and denounced the various evils of the Holy Heaven Church.

Four weeks ago, a large number of cities in Erathia launched large-scale faith conversion activities.

Anyone who belongs to Erathia can receive two pieces of pumpkin pie and a potato as long as they worship at the local griffon tower.

Three weeks ago, the Poseidon Church announced that it recognized the legitimacy of the Holy Griffin Church and would coexist harmoniously with the Holy Griffin Church.

Both churches have announced that they do not prohibit believers from believing in both sides at the same time.

Two weeks ago, there was an incident in the northern border of Erathia.

The current leaders of the Holy Sky Church, Edred and Saint Adela, announced that they would abandon the darkness and turn to the light, voluntarily hand over the remnants of the Holy Sky Church, and declare to join the Holy Griffin Church.

A week ago, Smit gave a public speech in Glory City, titled "My Struggle - For a Better Erathia".

Smit's speech described in detail how the Holy Sky Church oppressed and exploited the people at the bottom of Erathia, and revealed a lot of unsavory inside stories about the Holy Sky Church.

Smit used his own personal experience as a child and what he saw with his own eyes as the starting point to describe the various evil deeds of the Holy Sky Church clearly and clearly.

She criticized the past, looked forward to the future, and put forward the people-oriented, fair and just proposition of the [Holy Griffin Church], which received applause and tears from countless people.

Just as Qi Ge was being scrubbed by the Chuanlings, all 70,000 monks in the largest monastery in Erathia announced their conversion to the Holy Gryphon Church under the persuasion of Father Rai.

This last shortcoming was made up, and Smit successfully completed the road of heroism!

However, Smit actually encountered the same trouble as Keruoke - the hero's road was over and his rank was not enough.

Under the influence of Lianxin Conch, part of the experience gained by Seven Pigeons will be given to Smit.

The seven pigeons wandered around in the Sea of ​​Chaos, not only filling up his experience points, but also filled up Smit's experience points.

This troubled Smith very much.

With a huge reserve of experience points and a unique life experience, there are too many advancements that Smit can choose from.

The 5th level of the treasure maker, the 5th level of the spearman... Because of her status as a saint, Smit can even advance to the level 1 and 5th level mythical unit [Saint of Destiny], which only Adela has advanced to.

However, Smit was somewhat dissatisfied with these advancements.

Just when Smit was troubled and confused, the conch (right) she had been hanging around her neck suddenly rang.


"Brother Qi Ge!"

Smit was very pleasantly surprised, and Seven Pigeons were also very pleasantly surprised.

“It really works!

In the Sea of ​​Chaos, all my other sound-transmitting conchs have lost their function. I never thought that the Heart-Connecting Conch that communicated with you, Smit, could actually cross the restrictions of the Sea of ​​Chaos!

It’s so awesome, you deserve to be my Smit.”

"Hehe. I'm pretty awesome.

Brother Qige, I have good news for you, I have completed my journey as a hero!"

I don't know why, but after hearing the seven pigeons' voices, Smit suddenly felt less uncomfortable.

Qi Ge and Smit talked a lot. Qi Ge told Smit some of the things he encountered on the Sea of ​​Chaos. However, Qi Ge reported good news but not bad news and did not tell Smit about his encounter with the devil.

Smit complained to Qige some about the hardships of being a saint, but mostly he expressed his longing for her.

At the end of the chat, Smit talked about his current troubles.

"Choose advanced arms?"

Qi Ge touched his chin and said:

"Smit, your intuition is right.

[Saint of Destiny] is a very powerful advancement, but it is a combat advancement. Once selected, you will not be able to automatically obtain the treasure-making skills after becoming a hero. You need to relearn them. At the same time, when you create treasures, you will not be able to obtain weapons from the weapon class.

own bonus.

You love treasure-making, and I still hope you can continue on the road of treasure-making."

Qi Ge quietly said in his heart:

"It's safer this way too."

Smit replied:

"Yeah! Brother Qige is right. I also like the treasure maker better."

Smit quietly said in his heart:

"Only a treasure maker can better help Qi Ge."

After the two parties reached a consensus, Smit told Qi Ge about several treasure maker upgrades that he could advance to.

After Qi Ge heard this, he asked:

"Is there any advancement you really, really want in this?

When you hear the name, it sounds like an advanced one."

Smit said distressedly:

"No, I don't feel satisfied with any of the advanced steps.

Even the subsequent advancement of the Lucky Treasure Maker, the Level 5 Mythical Destiny Treasure Maker, I am not satisfied with."

“What about the list Jones Phil gave you?

Are there any subsequent advancements for the scrap collector and magic treasure maker that you are satisfied with?"


"Not even the great treasure casters of the mythical arms are satisfied."


Smit replied, then stuck out his tongue and asked:

"Brother Qige, am I too picky?"

"No. This is not picky."

Qi Ge said softly:

"Congratulations Smith, this shows that you are likely to find your own path.

Advancing from level 4 to level 5 is the most critical step.

It was at this step that Ruoke completed her transformation and advanced directly from level 4 to level 6. She became the first saint goblin in the world of Yasha and walked her own path.

If you feel dissatisfied with even the fifth-level mythical arms, it means that you are already on your own path, but you just haven't finished it yet."

"I see. Fortunately, I didn't advance casually."

Smit patted his chest and asked:

"Then Brother Qige, how am I going to complete my journey?"

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"I don't know the answer to this, it only lies in your heart.

You can try to go out more, look around, listen, and find your own, the most precious throbbing."

ps: My arm hurts, please excuse me first.

(End of chapter)

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