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Chapter 620 The Principle of Recycling

Chapter 620 The Principle of Cycle

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

[System prompt: You have entered the chaotic area: Chaos Spiral]

"The spiral of chaos...the place of the abyss."

Qi Ge looked thoughtfully at the stars that were constantly being born and dying in front of him. The system clearly indicated that this was a chaotic area, but in his heart he kept shouting that this was an abyss.

When this happens, Qi Ge feels that it must be related to Ur's blessing.

"After the abyss was broken, it turned into a large number of fragments and drifted in the void to avoid the pursuit of Chaos.

When the drifting fragments encounter other worlds, they will invade the world, wash away their own imprint of chaos, and then take the opportunity to escape.

There are abyss fragments that have successfully escaped, and naturally there are also those that have not.

This sea area should be the fragments of the abyss swallowed by chaos, a special product formed after chaos transformed.

But it retains a little bit of the abyss that allows me to recognize it."

Qi Ge observed it carefully. The most urgent task was to find a solution to the harsh environment.

After thinking about it, Qi Ge decided to give the Ocean Hat to Lion Heart, and then let Lion Heart activate the second special skill of [Ocean Hat].

【Ocean Hat

Combination treasure

Equipment location: Helmet

Basic attributes: The movement speed of all troops on the sea is +10, including combat and large maps.


1. Protect the troops from harm from the whirlpool, and you can use the ship summoning technique and destroy the ships.

2. Turn it on during battle. After turning it on, the terrain that the troops have moved will be converted into sea area.

Cooldown for three battles.

3. Our (including friendly forces) units with sea area stunts will not be negatively affected by the terrain when moving.】

The second special skill of Ocean Hat will enter a three-battle cooldown once activated.

Navigating in the Sea of ​​Chaos, each area sailed through can only be regarded as a battle.

In other words, the Seven Pigeons in the next three sea areas will not be able to use the effect of the Ocean Hat.

But with the damage intensity of [Chaos Spiral] per second, if Qi Ge didn't use the Ocean Hat, he might not even be able to get through the first Chaos Sea.

Let’s talk about the future in the future. Under insufficient conditions, Qi Ge can only take care of the present first.

Taking the Ocean Hat from Sylvia's hand, Lionheart laughed heartily:

"Ha! What a good thing! With this treasure, I can freely roam the nine seas."

Sylvia's face was stinky and she said reluctantly:

"Old man, I'm not giving this to you, I'm just lending it to you for a while!

When the cooling is over, you have to return it to me."

"Ha, I understand. That guy from Qi Ge gave you a token of love, right?

Old man, although I am a scumbag, I am not scumbag enough to even rob my daughter’s things, so don’t worry.”

Lionheart laughed, dodged Sylvia's angry kick, and put the Ocean Hat on his head.

In an instant, the entire body of the Sky Whale became sparkling, and a bright blue light bloomed from the Sky Whale's hull, dyeing the sea of ​​lava and fire beneath the Sky Whale's ship.


The King Whale screamed happily, jumped up from the deck, and jumped into the sea next to the Sky Whale, causing large splashes of water.

Next, as long as the Sky Whale clears the way, the Silver Spirit can follow behind the Sky Whale without suffering super high damage from the sea of ​​fire.

But the moment the Sky Whale successfully transformed the sea area, the entire sea of ​​​​fire suddenly rioted as if it had been disturbed.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff.

As a strange bubble sound sounded, huge abyss worms emerged from around the Seven Pigeon Fleet.

Although their name is worm, their hard head occupies 3/4 of the body and only a short milky white link tail.

And their huge mouthparts, like spiral cutters, almost occupy the entire head.

A large group of abyss worms stared closely at the fleet of seven pigeons, swaying their short tails and shaking continuously.

"Oh no."

Qi Ge's face darkened.

Sylvia asked Qige with a look of disgust:

"Qi Ge, what kind of monster is this? It looks so disgusting."

Qige took a deep breath and explained:

"They are abyss worms. They are not very powerful in combat, but they are the sentinels of the abyss.

When they find an enemy approaching the abyss, they will shake their tails at an extremely high speed and frequency, emitting special ripples that we cannot hear or see.

This will notify all abyssal creatures in the entire abyss, allowing them to quickly approach this place.

The key is that the abyss worm cannot be killed yet. Once the abyss worm is killed, other abyss worms will enter a violent state, explode themselves one after another, and emit stronger ripple signals, causing all creatures in the entire abyss to enter a rage mode.

This will increase the gathering speed of abyssal creatures ten times or even a hundred times.

Enemies that could have been annihilated one by one will swarm over, with various types of soldiers mixed together, making it extremely difficult to deal with."

"If we don't fight, they will notify us of the gathering of the Abyss troops, and if we fight, they will speed up the notification process.

It sounds very troublesome.

We can’t kill the seven pigeons, so how are we going to deal with them?”

Qi Ge's mind changed and he suddenly laughed.

"I almost forgot, we have the fastest warship in the entire Yasha world."

Qi Ge loudly commanded:

"All Winter Generals are prepared to use winter snow to freeze all the abyss worms. Be careful not to use harmful frosts."

Xiao Yinhe, who was standing next to Qi Ge, immediately teleported and conveyed Qi Ge's order.

The deck of the Silver Spirit opened, and three thousand heroic snow maidens wearing general robes flew up from the splints.

They stepped on the thick snow cloud and flew to the top of the abyss worm.

The snow clouds dropped heavy goose-like snow and gradually covered the Abyss Worm, as if covering the Abyss Worm with a white blanket, but this white blanket is extremely powerful.

The abyss worm, completely covered by the blanket of white snow, turned into ice at an extremely fast speed.

【General Winter

Power: Yingzhou


Level: 4

Quality: hidden







Immortal Mansion: 15 (150 spiritual energy value)

Casting distance: 20

Range: 9


Special Skills: Immortal Art Troops: Can release Immortal Art

Flying, immune to ice damage, immune to ice negative magic.

Frost Trap:

Set up a frost trap on the battlefield. Enemies that pass through or stay in the frost trap will be frozen for three rounds and suffer damage equal to the number of winter generals * 40.

The size of the frost trap is 3*3.

Snow Slash: When attacking in melee, there is a 30% chance of freezing the enemy for one round, and an additional 200% ice damage will be caused to the frozen enemy.

Possess magic:

Winter Snow: Lift into the air and stay in place for five rounds, creating a 9*9 area of ​​snow.

Enemy units that enter the snowy area for two rounds will be frozen for six rounds.


Immediately freezes the enemy and causes (50+magic power*10) damage.

Immortal magic: Ignore magic immunity, use aura value to release, all damage caused by fairy magic is fairy magic damage.】

Perhaps because the rules of the world are not perfect enough, the diversity of troops in Penglai Wonderland is much less than that in Sand World.

Basically, all arms have only one advancement route.

Being single does not mean that it is weak. The strength of Yingzhou's forces and arms is still there.

Qige came out this time and took the route of elite soldiers, ranging from level 1 to level 7, with the lowest being level 4 soldiers.

General Dong is a powerful unit that Qi Ge focuses on bringing more of.

This is of course not because they are fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged, and can be eye-catching on the road, but because they are an extremely rare and powerful control unit.

From stunts to the magical skills possessed by General Winter, everything is controlled.

After all the abyss worms were frozen, Qi Ge asked [Crazy Shark Guard] to move all the abyss worms onto the Silver Spirit.

The fleet immediately set off and headed northeast.

Qi Ge held a piece of white paper in his hand, drew a red X in the middle of the white paper, and drew a long route.

Due to the warning of the abyss worm, the chaotic creatures in the entire chaotic spiral are gathering towards the red X point drawn by the seven pigeons.

Therefore, Qi Ge quickly encountered the first wave of enemies.

Abyss Hive Demon.

The normal Abyss Nest Demon is the product of original desire. It looks like a fat creature that looks like a stove with a bunch of tentacles on top.

Their huge, pulsing bodies are constantly giving birth to demon babies. The demon babies she gives birth to will spurt out from the many holes in her body that suddenly appear and disappear.

Although this demon can barely move, she is still twitching and contracting, stimulated by her endless desire to reproduce.

This desire to have children engulfed her in an attempt to break out of her body; most of her energy and energy had to be spent on suppressing her own mutations. In order to suppress the mutations, they would sometimes even eat the demon babies she gave birth to.

The energy and magic they consume will be used to impregnate themselves, supplement nutrition, and suppress the ugly deformities caused by her endless reproductive process.

If a nest demon can completely suppress its desire for reproduction, it will advance to become an abyss demon.

Abyss Spawn Demons can copy themselves very well and use their own bodies to give birth to new Brood Demons.

However, the number of abyss-born demons is fixed. If a nest demon wants to become an abyss-born demon, it must first die of an abyss-born demon, or have an abyss-born demon advance.

Therefore, the abyss-born demons will reproduce the nest demons while being wary of their competitors.

If they cannot advance in time, they will eat the nest demon they gave birth to that is about to advance.

If they don't eat the nest demons, when more and more nest demons are about to advance, the abyss-born demons will become the prey of those nest demons.

Of course, this is a normal nest demon.

The nest demon encountered by the Seven Pigeon Fleet was obviously abnormal.

On the top of the tentacles of these nest demons, there is a small demon baby (level 1 soldier) hanging.

These demon babies blocked the reproductive pores of the nest demon, making it impossible for the newborn demon babies to squeeze out of the nest demon's body.

Therefore, the bodies of these abyss nest demons are fully stretched by countless demon infants, and their skins are squeezed by the demon infants to the point where they are almost transparent, and you can even see the faces of the demon infants moaning in pain.

Although they look very disgusting and terrifying, these nest demons can actually float on the sea of ​​fire and glide quickly because their bodies expand.

The state of these nest demons is obviously abnormal, and Qi Ge is almost certain that they are affected by chaos.

Qi Ge is very clear about the special abilities of normal nest demons, but Qi Ge is not clear about this kind of nest demon that has been transformed by chaos.

When a lion fights a rabbit, he also uses all his strength.

Faced with an unknown military type, Qi Ge made a decisive decision to first send his most powerful combat weapon, the Sky Whale, to give it a try.


With a whale cry, the Sky Whale suddenly accelerated, like a huge stream of light rushing across the sea of ​​fire!

Then, there is no more.

Wherever the Sky Whale passed, all the Chaos Hive Demons were crushed into mud, with not a single one left.

Qi Ge:……

Qi Ge frowned and realized immediately.

He now has a professional nautical demigod in his hands, driving a three-awakened combat-type ship spirit battleship.

"Hey~ I seem a bit strong..."

As we all know, absolute strength can solve all problems. If it doesn't work, it means we don't have enough strength.

To deal with the mobs in the Chaos Spiral, the Sky Whale is too powerful.

Seven Pigeons rushed for fifteen nautical miles on the sea of ​​fire, killing countless Chaos Abyss units along the way.

There are torture demons with six heads, violent demons with four legs and twelve pairs of wings, and even a group of abyss lords with spikes all over their bodies.

No matter what kind of chaos monster it is, it cannot survive even for a second under the terrifying damage of the Sky Whale.

Judging from the charts drawn by Qige, their fleet has carved out a large area on the Sea of ​​Fire.

However, this sea of ​​​​fire looks the same everywhere it goes, with no end in sight and no reference points.

After clearing out a wave of abyssal demons, Qige's fleet stopped briefly.

Lionheart sat on the deck of the Silver Spirit with his legs crossed and said gloomily:

“Grandma, what on earth is this weird place?

They look the same everywhere. Wherever you go, there are these bright red lava balls.

We have been sailing in a straight line for almost an hour.

With the speed of the Sky Whale, we should have crossed Over from Erathia to Bracada, but here, it's like we are spinning in circles."

Ren Shiba also had a headache:

"Since we entered here, even the anglerfish given by God has been spinning in circles, and we can't tell the direction at all.

The blazing sea of ​​fire that can continuously cause damage, the endless chaos monsters, and the weird maze terrain.

If the apostle hadn't had the hat that can create seas, I'm afraid we would all have been burned to death in this sea of ​​fire."

Ren Shiba let out a long sigh:

"The main thing is that in this place, the soldiers will be burned to death as soon as they go there.

I could hold on for a while, but I couldn't run very far.

It's useless for me to be a demigod. I have no strength and no place to use my strength.

The apostle is still wise. If it were not for his battleships, I would have organized the coalition alone and I would have been completely wiped out by now."

"Your Majesty, there is no need to belittle oneself. There are specialties in the arts and different abilities. There is no distinction between superior and inferior.

Moreover, it will soon be your time to work hard, Your Majesty."

At this moment, Qi Ge, who had been sitting nearby and immersed in calculations, raised his head and smiled at everyone.

Sylvia asked in surprise:

"Qi Ge, have you thought of a solution for this sea area?"


Qi Ge smiled and waved the manuscript paper on his hand and replied:

"The spiral of chaos, the key is the spiral.

From the beginning, the method to solve the mystery of this sea area has been told to us in the name.

All creatures in the abyss have one characteristic: only the strong are respected.

Powerful abyssal creatures will always occupy the places with the best living conditions.

For abyssal creatures, the place with the best living conditions is a place infinitely close to the will of the abyss.

This is where we just discovered the Abyss Worm.

The Abyss Worm is one of the weakest creatures in the Abyss.

After the abyss worm sounds an alarm, it will cause other abyssal creatures to gather in its direction.

If we continue to stay away from abyss worms, continue to look for abyssal creatures that are stronger than abyss worms, and adjust our course according to the direction in which they come, the abyssal troops we encounter will become more and more powerful.

But along the way, the abyss creatures we encountered were all in disarray.

This is not normal.

So, I woke up the abyss worms three times during the process and readjusted the gathering point.

I marked all the abyss creatures we encountered during the three awakenings, and drew their movement trajectories clearly.

Finally a conclusion was reached.

Qi Ge placed the three pieces of manuscript paper in his hand on the deck one by one, and held the two sheets at different heights.

"The chaotic sea we are in is not a flat surface, but a spiral that continues upward.

Go a step further and give it a twist.

Qi Ge folded three pieces of manuscript paper and twisted them into a Möbius strip.

The Möbius strip, also known as the "Möbius strip", is a topological structure.

It has only one face (surface) and one boundary, so it is also called a "single-sided ring".

This structure was first independently discovered by the German mathematicians and astronomers Möbius and Johann Listin in 1858.

It can be easily made by twisting a piece of paper tape half a turn and gluing the two ends.

Simply put, a Möbius strip is a ring composed of rings connected end to end and has only one face.

No matter which direction you look at it, this ring has only one face, its boundary.

Qi Ge pointed at the Möbius strip in his hand and said: "We are on this spiral now, and the entire sea of ​​fire forms this spiral structure.

No matter how we move on the spiral, we cannot leave the spiral."

Qi Ge pointed at the hole in the center of the spiral and said:

"And the core of this sea area, which is the will of the abyss swallowed by chaos, is located at the center of this spiral."

Lionheart frowned, looked at the piece of paper in Qi Ge's hand, and asked:

"I understand, no wonder I can't get out.

So how do we find the will of the abyss?

Towards the sky?

Or, dive into the depths of the sea of ​​fire?"

Qi Ge raised his head and said:

"Of course, God!"


On the calm sea surface, more than 4,000 [Pure River Spirits] are using their own power to lift the sea surface, and 3,000 [Shanhaihebo] are constantly gathering the surrounding seawater to supply the Pure River Spirit.

General Winter dropped ice and froze the sea surface, forming a road leading straight to the sky.

"There's not enough sea water, please give me some more, Mr. Lionheart!"

Qi Ge shouted, and Lion Heart in the distance immediately drove the Sky Whale around the surrounding sea area again.

The sea of ​​scalding lava and fire became the endless sea water leading to the sky for the Seven Doves.

Sylvia looked at the tall leaning icicles and asked worriedly:

"Seven pigeons, the higher the icicle rises, the more sea water is needed. If it has to reach the sky, I'm afraid there won't be enough sea water."

Qige shook his head with a smile and replied:

"Icicles just provide a long enough acceleration pipe.

As long as the Sky Whale is here, we can fly up directly."

Sylvia suddenly realized:

"Oh! The Sky Whale is really going to turn into a Sky Whale!"

"That is!"

Finally, after thirty-six hours of non-stop efforts by the soldiers, the icicle track reached the height calculated by Seven Pigeons.

The Sky Whale designated the Silver Spirit as its affiliated battleship, synchronized the movement speed of the Silver Spirit, and then the two battleships flew into the sky in tandem, one behind the other.

"Speed ​​up, speed up! Rush up to me, hahaha!"

The master of Lion Heart Art was bold and stood on the bow of the Sky Whale. He laughed excitedly and braved the strong wind to clear the way for the Sky Whale!

The two warships rushed into the sky, like ships sailing towards the sky, breaking through the burning clouds and continuing upward!

"Wow!!" On the Silver Spirit, Sylvia and Yinhe excitedly grabbed Qi Ge's hands.

As the Sky Whale and Silver Spirit flew higher and higher, their vision gradually broadened and they finally saw clearly the truth of the chaotic sea below.

Exactly as Qi Ge estimated, the chaotic sea was a Mobius strip with an oval edge.

If you continue to stay in that sea area, you will never find an exit even if you sail for a lifetime.

"Awesome! Qi Ge, you are so awesome!"

Sylvia hugged Qi Ge's arms in admiration, her eyes shining brightly.

Even this seemingly unsolvable sea area has been found by Qige.

"Don't get too happy yet, we still have a hurdle to pass."

Qi Ge raised his head and looked into the distance.

High in the sky, there was another small sea of ​​​​fire suspended in the sky. In the sea of ​​​​fire, Qi Ge saw the final BOSS they were going to deal with - a monster with a terrifying shape, like an abyss dragon, but with eight pairs of insect limbs.

, a terrifying monster with sixteen translucent cicada wings on its back.

"Abyss Evil Dragon."

The first time he saw it, Qi Ge understood that it was the will of the abyss that had been completely corrupted by chaos.

"Urdu, who has not yet completely merged with Yasha, possesses the power of a false god. So how strong will this abyssal will that has been completely corrupted by Chaos be?

Could it be that the Abyss Evil Dragon is also a false god?"

If it were somewhere else, Qi Ge felt that his conjecture was unfounded.

But the exception is the Sea of ​​Chaos. Everything is possible in the Sea of ​​Chaos. Even the four leaders of Chaos will not be surprised if they appear in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

This place was originally a chaotic place without any order at all.

"Lion-Hearted Monk, did you see it?"

Ren Shiba walked up to Lion Heart and asked seriously.

Lionheart's expression was also very serious.

"Yeah. I saw an opponent who was at least a demigod, and he was stronger than any of us.

Eighteen, can you feel what the other party’s strength is?”

Ren Shiba shook his head and said:

"I'm sorry, I can't feel it."

"What a coincidence, so am I."

The lion's heart was unfazed and smiled instead:

"Hahaha! I have been a strong person for so long, and it has been a long time since I stood in the position of a weak person and challenged a strong person who doesn't know the depth.

This reminds me of the scene when I escaped from Cedros and ascended to heaven.

good very good!

I'm getting hot!

In this case, let us two join forces and use our strongest attack to say hello to it!"

Blade 18 raised the sixteen long swords in his eight hands and lowered his voice:

"Then we must say hello properly."


Lionheart's eyes narrowed, he stretched out his hand suddenly, pulled out a long water and fire stick, and shouted loudly:

"King of Whales!!"


With a whale cry, the Whale King wearing a pirate goggle suddenly jumped out of the void and flew next to Lion Heart.

Compared to Sylvia, Lionheart is the orthodox master of the Whale King. Their cooperation is extremely tacit and they have defeated countless powerful enemies!

Lionheart patted the Whale King's tail lightly, turned over and jumped onto the Whale King.

"My battleship is immortal!"

Lionheart roared loudly, and a bright blue light suddenly lit up on the Sky Whale.

【The Immortal Ship

Demigod level specialties

Effect: All warships under your command can increase defense, damage and durability according to the total movement distance on the battlefield.

Each grid increases by 1% of the base, with no upper limit.】

Lionheart's specialty is an extremely terrifying growth-type specialty. When he first enters the battle, his specialty has no bonus.

But as the battle progresses, this bonus will be stacked to an extremely terrifying level.

Especially in conjunction with the Sky Whale's ultra-high movement speed!

From entering the [Chaos Spiral] to now, the Sky Whale has accumulated a terrifying bonus of 13046%, and its defense durability and damage have reached extremely terrifying levels.

The Sky Whale itself has the ability to increase damage based on the distance it moves before attacking, which makes the damage of the Sky Whale's attack extremely terrifying.

At this time, the extremely powerful Sky Whale was blasting towards the Abyss Evil Dragon with the force of a comet hitting the moon.

"So what if he is a false god?

I’ll kill you too, God!”

Lionheart smiled wildly.


With a roar, the Sky Whale continued to accelerate, and the air was burned by friction to form a short vacuum. A strong stream of light accompanied the Sky Whale, forming a long flame.

At a speed that can surpass even light, it blooms in the sky above the chaotic spiral.


The huge Abyss Evil Dragon discovered the Sky Whale, and lava meteorites as big as stars continued to form in the sky, becoming the biggest obstacle to the Sky Whale.

Boom boom boom boom!

Countless meteorites were constantly smashed into pieces by the Sky Whale in the air, but the speed of the Sky Whale did not slow down at all!

Finally, the Sky Whale rushed in front of the Abyss Evil Dragon.

"God, please protect your most devout warrior.

Unstoppable, everything is broken!

Breaking the Waves and Eighteen Slashes!!”

Ren Shiba shouted loudly and activated his special ability. The Sky Whale's movement speed, which had been sprinting, increased again.

On the top of the Sky Whale, eighteen swords of different lengths appeared.

"Well done!"

Flames ignited in Lionheart's eyes, and the water and fire sticks were turned like windmills by him.

He turned the stick with one hand, took out a bottle of magic potion with the other hand, and drank it down!

Lion Heart's magic value has been spent long ago, and it cannot be restored in Penglai Wonderland. This results in Lion Heart's strongest magic being always sealed.

And now, Lionheart is unblocked!

"Legendary level all-out bet + legendary level burning with rage!"

【put all one's eggs in one basket


Effect: The defense of your selected unit is cleared and converted into attack power at 150%.

The effect lasts for 1 round.

Can be released on war machines, units, heroes, and followers.

Mana consumption: 48MP]

【Burning with rage


Effect: The attack power of the selected unit is increased based on the defense power. The lower the defense power, the higher the bonus. When the defense is 0, the bonus is 100%.

The effect lasts for 1 round.

Can be released on war machines, units, heroes, and followers.

Mana consumption: 48MP]


The Whale King roared, and his whole body ignited with red and blue lights, which were exactly the same as the water and fire stick in Lion Heart's hand!

With powerful magic bonuses and specialty bonuses, the power of the Whale King's attack is more than ten thousand times greater!!


The Abyss Evil Dragon jumped out of the flame purgatory, roared and crashed into the Sky Whale.

The sea of ​​​​purgatory fire composed of Mobius strips was completely rioting at this moment. Countless powers of the abyss turned into streams of light and gathered towards the abyss evil dragon, forming eleven huge shields in front of the abyss evil dragon!

On each shield, there is a profound and unique scenery

The Gate of Hell, the Dragon River, the First Hell, the Second Hell, the Third Hell, the Fourth Hell, the Fifth Hell, the Sixth Hell, the Seventh Hell, the Eighth Hell and the Ice Hell of the Betrayer.


There was a loud noise like the world was shattering and the universe was opening up, and the Sky Whale crashed into the shield!

The gates of hell are shattered, the banks of the Dragon River are drying up, the first hell and the second hell are shattered one after another!

The Sky Whale had been accumulating momentum for such a long time, and coupled with Lion King's full attack, it only managed to blast away four shields!

However, there is more than one demigod on the Sky Whale!

【Breaking waves and eighteen cuts

Demigod level specialties


Causes a friendly unit to gain special effects, and can hit 18 times in a row during melee attacks. It can only be launched once per battle.】


The long sword above the Sky Whale's head suddenly fell, perfectly replicating the full force attack of the Sky Whale just now.

The fourth prison collapsed, the sea of ​​​​blood dried up, and countless souls of sinners imprisoned in it were freed from endless pain and suffering.

The third time.

The fifth hell melted and the wasteland shattered. The soul flew out and ended its endless run as the wasteland was destroyed.

The fourth time,

The sixth hell is broken, the volcano collapses, and the ever-burning evil is dimmed.

The fifth time,

The seventh hell was shattered, the River Styx dried up, and countless evil spirits hidden deep in the abyss howled in pain and turned into powder.

On the sixth stroke, the eighth hell turned into nothingness, the space was shattered, and the source of the sea of ​​blood scattered in all directions.

On the seventh blow, most of the countless glaciers in the Betrayer's Ice Hell were shattered, but they were still not completely destroyed.

So, the eighth blow, the ninth blow!

The glacier breaks open, the ice hell turns into decaying dust, and there is no longer any obstacle in front of the evil dragon of the abyss.

"In my name, in the name of Poseidon, kill!!!"

Blade 18 swung down the sword in his hand, and the remaining nine long swords fell down one after another.

one two three……

After three sword strikes, the evil dragon of the abyss struggled painfully, and the entire sea of ​​​​purgatory fire shook.

four, five, six……

Cracks appeared in the body of the Abyss Evil Dragon, and countless abyssal creatures were devoured by the abyss itself and dissolved in the sea of ​​fire.

Seven, eight, nine...

After the nine swords, the Abyss Evil Dragon shattered, and the sea of ​​​​purgatory fire suddenly expanded, as if it was about to explode!


The shattered Abyss Evil Dragon roared, absorbing the boundless purgatory beneath him in an instant, and seemed to be reincarnated in the next second.

But how could Qi Ge allow it!!!

"Galaxy!! Release!!"


Behind the Sky Whale, the Silver Spirit, which had already launched natural disaster thunderstorms and magical resonance, tried its best to blast out a cannon!!

The natural disaster heavy artillery was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, scattering the abyss evil dragon that was about to recover again.


The sea of ​​​​fire in Purgatory exploded completely, and the endless light and heat engulfed Seven Pigeons and the others!

"Ah?! Self-destructed?!"*2

Lionheart and Renshiba were shocked at the same time, and quickly used their demigod powers to protect the Silver Spirit and Sky Whale.

But this is a terrifying apocalypse when the world is completely shattered. How can the two demigods protect it?

The terrifying high temperature of more than 20 million degrees Celsius formed a heat wave and rushed towards the Silver Spirit and Sky Whale!

In the midst of this terrifying heat, Qi Ge suddenly discovered another Möbius strip consisting of an abyssal evil dragon biting its own tail.

This Möbius strip is like an all-devouring abyss, swallowing up all the light and heat in an instant.

Thick mist of chaos suddenly spewed out from the void, instantly engulfing the Sky Whale and Silver Spirit.

In the endless mist, the exhausted Ben Shiba and Lionheart lay on the deck of the Sky Whale, both looking at each other with confusion on their faces.

"What's going on? Did we win?"

"I don't know, I just remember that the sea of ​​​​fire suddenly exploded."

"Did the apostle save us?"

"Nonsense, we two demigods can't do anything, what can he, an ordinary hero, do?

I can still believe it if you say it’s the God of the Sea.”

Although Lionheart said this, he still couldn't help but turned his head at the same time as Blade Eighteen and looked in the direction of the Silver Spirit.

Qi Ge gasped and opened the system panel with lingering fear.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully conquering Chaos Sea: Chaos Spiral]

[Warning: Chaos Spiral is about to self-destruct, players please evacuate quickly]

[System prompt: Do you want to use the Grace of the Abyss to sacrifice the ??? experience you are about to gain to the Abyss?]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, the sacrifice is successful, you have obtained 96589 level 4 and 1st level succubi. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, Ur has successfully awakened.]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully obtaining the abyss core, which has been sacrificed to the Broken Abyss of the Kingdom of God. The current repair rate of the Broken Abyss is 40%]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, you have obtained the void coordinates of an abyss fragment.]

[System prompt: The chaotic sea area you are in: the chaotic spiral has completely disappeared and is entering other sea areas.]

"so close.

This Chaos Spiral is so inhumane that it will self-destruct at the slightest disagreement.

If Ur hadn't helped, the entire expeditionary force would have been killed."

Qi Ge patted his chest with lingering fear, thankful that his reaction was quick enough.

After that, with the help of the fleet's ability to sail in the fog of chaos, Qi Ge spent several hours reviewing the situation and finally figured out the situation.

Originally, when Seven Pigeons conquered the Sea of ​​Chaos, self-destruction would not occur in this area.

But Chaos was so cruel that it gave up its control over the Chaos Spiral the moment Seven Pigeons captured it.

In other words, what Lionheart and Blade Eighteen teamed up to break was the complete will of the abyss.

If the will of the abyss dies, the world of the abyss will destroy itself.

Chaos directly dropped a mine that was devoured by the fragments of the abyss world, intending to blow up Qi Ge and the others directly.

Fortunately, even Chaos didn't know that Ur had already blessed the seven pigeons. At the moment when the will of the abyss died, Ur used the seven pigeons as a channel to take over the abyss, which was about to self-destruct, and ate it.

Clean and tidy.

This allowed Ur, who was on the verge of death, to successfully revive. At the same time, most of the Shattered Abyss of the Kingdom of God was repaired.

But the abyss fragments swallowed by Chaos are only part of a complete abyss fragment, and there is another part that successfully escaped the pursuit of Chaos in the void.

And now, by recovering this part, the worlds of Ur and Yasha have sensed the coordinates of another part of the abyss fragment in the void.

"In general, although we were surprised, we were not in danger.

I got nearly 100,000 succubus souls. If my unit card hadn't reached the upper limit, I would have gotten more.

I have no way to distribute the Heroic Soul Arms to you, but I will also convert the reward part that should be given into the corresponding value, so that the hard work of the two nobles will not be in vain. Everyone takes the risk and contributes together. I cannot only take the benefits.


After Qi Ge finished speaking, he let out a sigh of relief.

After listening to Qi Ge's review, Lion Heart touched the handle in distress:

"This...this is being targeted.

Chaos paid such a high price just to trap us to death.

What a deep hatred."

Lionheart looked at Qi Ge in confusion and asked:

"I asked myself that all the way through the Sea of ​​Chaos, I almost never took advantage of Chaos.

It is absolutely impossible for Chaos to hold such a grudge.

I know very well about Ren Shiba that he cannot be of such value.

That Abyss Evil Dragon alone is more powerful than Ren Shiba and I combined.

Boy, do you have any clues as to why our fleet is so targeted by Chaos?"

"No! I don't have any idea."

The seven doves speak righteously and have a loud voice:

"Uncle Lionheart, you are overthinking. Chaos is full of strange things. Who knows what it will do?

It’s possible to do anything, let’s not guess.”

"That's right. Even Ren Shiba and I don't know. How can you, an ordinary hero, have any clues?"

Although Lionheart said this, he still stared at Qige with doubt.

At this moment, Sylvia looked at the seven pigeons thoughtfully:

"I remember that we fought all the way and captured at least a dozen chaotic areas.

Now Chaos wants to take back the Chaos area, and they don't know how much it will cost.

Could it be that Qi Ge and I are the ones Chaos holds a grudge against?"

As if it had caught something, the lion's heart burst into flames:

"Fuck! You boy, I almost forgot, if it weren't for the evil devil, you boy would be in the Penglai Wonderland full of people.

Even I had a narrow escape from death and almost lost everything before escaping to Penglai Wonderland, but you were able to fill up the number.

Who else could Chaos target but you?"

Ren Shiba frowned, looked at Lion Heart, and retorted with justice:

"Lion-Hearted Monk, you are really going too far.

Without the Apostle, we would have been burned to death when we encountered the chaos spiral. The most dangerous baldness was also survived by the Apostle.

How could you be so rude to the apostle?"

Lionheart looked at Ren Shiba with pity and asked:

"Eighteen, I mean, is there a possibility that without Seven Pigeons, we wouldn't be able to encounter the Chaos Spiral at all?"

Blade 18:?

Blade 18:!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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