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Chapter 624: King Tiger Beetle Fly

Chapter 624 King Tiger Beetle Fly

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 624 King Tiger Beetle Fly

[Harpy God Envoy] stood beside Qi Dove and said in a heavy voice:

"On one occasion before, the defense lines under the sea and in the sky were breached at the same time.

The tree spirit consumed almost all the energy of the Immortal Wood, allowing all our troops to gain almost immortal power.

After that, the tree spirit fell into a deep sleep. Before the tree spirit fell asleep, she told us that she might sleep for decades, and then she would leave everything to us.

So far, three years have passed.”

[Harpy Goddess]'s voice dropped, she wiped her tears and said with a tearful voice:

"In the past three years, our harpies have suffered more than a million casualties, but we still can only persevere.

The queen's body gradually weakened due to long-term persistence, and the food transformed by the elves could not effectively recover the queen's body.

In the past few days, I don’t know why Chaos’ offensive has become more and more fierce. Those [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Flies] are attacking us almost regardless of the cost. Even [Tiger Beetle Maggots] have been eaten by [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Flies]

There are tens of thousands of them.

The harpy was sacrificed so quickly that the queen's nutrition could no longer keep up, and the production rate gradually slowed down.

If you hadn't appeared in time, hero, we might have failed the tree spirit today."

Qige nodded quietly and said:

“It’s putting the cart before the horse.

If it weren't for your heroic sacrifice, you wouldn't have been able to insist on my arrival.

My ability to arrive in time is the result of your efforts."

[Harpy God]'s eyes became more misty: "Hero..."

Qi Ge gently touched [Harpy God's] hair and said:

"Let's go, the battle is not over yet, let's go and deal with the underwater attack first."


The Immortal Tree is even higher than the sacred mountain and Tianfeng which exceeds 10,000 meters.

In Chinese mythology, there are building trees that stand tall against the sky and the earth, and this is the case with the immortal tree.

From the roots of the immortal tree to the top of the crown of the immortal tree, it is a full 37 kilometers, even higher than the flight height of many super large aircraft.

Immortal wood is a genuine pillar of heaven.

To get from the Immortal Wood to the Sea of ​​Immortal Wood, even if you fly into the sea, it will take a lot of time.

However, there is a magical pool in the crown of the immortal tree.

Escorted by a group of harpies, the seven pigeons entered the pool, then turned into water in an instant, sank to the bottom at an extremely fast speed, and emerged from another pool at the bottom of the immortal tree.

"Huh?! It's not time to deliver food yet, right? Why so soon...

Huh?!! Who are you?!”

Qi Ge raised his head and raised his eyebrows in surprise:


In front of Qige's eyes was a young man with salamander gills on his neck.

He stared at Qi Ge in surprise and asked in shock:

"Who are you? How did you come down from the sacred tree?

Wait a minute, could it be said that you are the savior that Lord Dryad mentioned?

Could it be that you were the one who just beat away the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly]?"

Qi Ge climbed out of the pool with a soft smile and said:

"I don't want to be the savior. It's true that I was the one who defeated the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly].

How are you doing? Do you need help?"

The young man nodded like a fool:

"Need! Need! Brother Pig can no longer hold on."

"Take me there quickly."

Qi Ge followed the young man and hurried to the battlefield. Within two steps, Qi Ge saw the battle situation in front of him.

Underneath the immortal tree, a large number of immortal tree roots and a large expanse of sea water formed a circle, protecting a small underground space.

On the periphery of the transparent sea water, the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects] and the distinct sea water are wrestling with each other.

The [Evil Sea of ​​Insects] desperately wants to swallow up the sea water, and the sea water is constantly transforming the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects] into ordinary sea water.

The phagocytosis and transformation speeds between the two are almost equal, forming a dynamic balance.

And in the purple [Evil Sea of ​​Insect Swarms], there are a large number of [Tiger Beetle Maggots] swimming around.

Without the protection of water bubbles, [Tiger Beetle Maggots] cannot enter the invincible state, but they can still move very quickly in the purple sea water.

Qi Ge saw that those [tiger beetle maggots] would deliberately swim far away, then charge up and sprint a very long distance, and then hit the ice wall at the edge of the sea.

In the sea water, a large group of blue-skinned wild boars are constantly releasing magic to strengthen the ice wall.

There is also a group of humans who are carefully guarding the sea water with spears and shields made of wood.

While Qige was observing, a [tiger beetle maggot] bit through the ice wall with its sharp mouthparts and got into the sea water.

In an instant, both the blue-skinned wild boar and humans panicked.

Blue boars and humans are gathering towards the breach.

[Tiger Beetle Maggot] rushed to a wild boar and bit the wild boar. In an instant, a large group of evil insects rushed out of [Tiger Beetle Maggot]'s mouth, dyeing the wild boar purple in the blink of an eye.

The wild boar turned into the same slime as the previous [Crazy Shark Guard] in the sea water.

[Tiger beetle maggot] sucked up the mucus in one gulp, and then pounced on another human.

Qi Ge immediately understood that [Tiger Armored Maggots] would die if they left [Insect Swarm Evil Sea], but [Tiger Armored Maggots] could carry [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] into the sea.

"The big battlefield mode is outrageous, it can do this kind of thing."

It is obvious that [tiger beetle maggots] are running wild among humans and wild boars, but humans and wild boars have no time to take care of [tiger beetle maggots].

Several humans used their bodies to block the hole in the ice wall, blocking out a few [tiger beetle maggots] that were about to get in through the hole.

The wild boars released their magic and mercilessly froze humans and the influx of [Insect Sea].

At this time, the wild boars and humans were free to deal with the [tiger beetle maggot] that rushed in.

A human female warrior riding a three-headed serpent broke through the current and stabbed the [Tiger Armored Maggot] with a spear!

[Tiger beetle maggots] It hurts and immediately spurts out a swarm of purple bugs from its mouth.

As soon as the evil insect appeared, a blue-skinned wild boar not far away cast ice magic to freeze the evil insect in the ice.

At this time, the female warrior dared to let go of her hands and feet to output.

She opened the jaw of the [Tiger Armored Maggot] with one shot, and cooperated with the three-headed snake to attack in several rounds, and finally beat the [Tiger Armored Maggot] until it vomited all the evil bugs out of its mouth.

All the evil insects were frozen, and the [tiger beetle maggots] were also killed.

With the cooperation of two powerful units, they were able to barely kill the [Tiger Armored Maggots].

But in the time it took the blue-skinned pigs and amphibian humans to deal with the freezing, [tiger beetle maggots] had already caused huge damage.

Just one [tiger beetle maggot] killed thirteen wild boars and thirty-six humans, and the battle damage was completely disproportionate.

With great difficulty, the seven pigeons finally arrived near the sea.

At this time, another ice wall was also breached by [Tiger Armored Maggots].

The situation was critical, Qi Ge did not hesitate to summon 20 mermaid sea herders, 20 mermaid tide warlocks and 400 wave witches.

【Mermaid Tide Warlock

Power: Neutral

Level:Level 4

Level: Level 4

Quality: Miracle


Maritime arms, spell-casting arms

Beloved of the Sea: The Mermaid Tide Warlock sings the song of the mermaid and randomly summons a group of sea beasts equal to the number of the Mermaid Tide Warlock. The level of the sea beasts is equal to the level of the Mermaid Tide Warlock.

Water Mastery: All water magic of Mermaid Tide Warlock are advanced effects.


Level 1 magic: healing, exorcism, magic arrows

Level 2 Magic: Tidal Wave

Level 3 magic: Furious sea waves, ice magic ring

Level 4 Magic: Tidal Pool]

【Water Witch

Neutral level 4 level 4 hidden


Maritime arms, spell-casting arms

Ocean Darling:...(omitted)

Wave collection: Consumes one block of sea and water within the casting range to restore 30 magic points for all spellcasting units within 6 blocks around you.


【Mermaid Sea Shepherd

Neutral level 4 level 4 miracle


Marine troops, spell-casting troops, ocean darlings

Sea Grazing: When the mermaid sea herder survives, each round she can convert one block of land around the sea terrain into a sea area.

It costs 5 magic points of the Mermaid Sea Shepherd to convert each grid, and a maximum of 10 grids can be transformed at the same time each round.


Level 5: Heavenly Sea]

The combination of these three arms can create a large amount of sea areas, and it is a powerful arm specially carried by Qi Ge for naval battles.

As soon as the three teams of mermaids appeared, they blew their horns at the same time, and a large amount of seawater condensed into sea monsters, rushing towards the [Tiger Armored Maggots].

The tentacles of more than a dozen colorful starfish broke through the sea water, forming an interception net to intercept the [tiger beetle maggot]. A large number of poisonous stingers protruded from the tentacles and pierced into the body of the [tiger beetle maggot].

[Tiger beetle maggot] struggled and resisted, spitting out purple evil insects from its mouthparts.

"The tide is rising."

Qi Ge, who had already predicted it, immediately commanded the [Mermaid Tide Warlock] to use the magic tide surge, and the surging seawater rushed out all the evil insects in an instant.

The powerful seawater spurted out, forming a vortex, and rushed out of the hole in the ice wall, knocking away all the [Tiger Armored Maggots] around the hole.

Without the protection of the evil insects, the [tiger beetle maggot] died in just ten seconds.

"Hurry, it's my turn, I'll block the entrance to the cave.

Help me take good care of my wife and children."

Uh? Huh? Ah, here, is this still blocked?"

The few amphibious humans who were just about to use their lives to delay the attack of the [Tiger Beetle Maggots] were suddenly stunned on the spot.

Qi Ge told them with actions, block it, but don’t block it with ice cubes!

A huge eel with electric current all over its body emerged from the sea monster.

It inserted its body into the hole in the ice wall, and then released strong electric current from both sides of its cheeks.

"Pika Eel, use one hundred thousand volts now!"

Qi Ge gave an order, and blue-white electric light shone, penetrating the sea water and bombarding the [Evil Sea of ​​Insect Swarms]!

[Insect Swarm Evil Sea] The seawater composed of dense insect eggs and larvae seems to have become a superconductor of electric current, with no resistance at all.

Therefore, the powerful current spread instantly in the [Evil Sea of ​​Insect Swarms] and accurately entangled the [Tiger Armored Maggots] who were preparing to charge.

The crackling sound was accompanied by the shining electric light, roaring wildly in the sea water, even the bones of the [Tiger Armored Maggot] were shocked.

The special skill of Level 4 and Level 4 [Thunder Moray Eel] is very special. It is truly using its life to discharge electricity.

Each [Thunder Moray Eel] can emit lightning of terrifying duration and power, but the [Thunder Moray Eel] will die immediately after being emitted, just like a bee after being attacked with a stinger.

These [Thunder Moray Eels] are all summoned by the mermaid. If they die, they will die. Qi Ge doesn’t feel sorry for them at all.

A [Thunder Eel] blasted away dozens of [Tiger Beetle Maggots] before dying, and then turned into bubbles and disappeared.

Seeing this, the other [Tiger Beetle Maggots] finally found an opportunity and began to charge towards the hole.

Just when the [Tiger Armored Maggots] were gathering, Qi Ge smiled sinisterly, and another [Thunder Moray Eel] emerged from under a big octopus near the hole.

The flash of lightning surged again, electrifying a large number of [tiger beetle maggots] that had no time to dodge until they ascended to the sky!

[Tiger beetle maggot] If he could talk, he would definitely curse at Qige:

"Despicable! You are so despicable!"

The two waves of lightning had an extremely large range and ignored the amount of lightning, almost clearing away the [Tiger Armored Maggots] around the ice wall.

The remaining [tiger beetle maggots] stared greedily at the holes in the ice wall, but did not dare to get any closer.

"You won't come over? Is it up to you to decide whether to come over?"

Qi Ge laughed sadistically, and with a thought, he controlled three pink octopuses to move to the entrance of the cave.

【Fishing for octopus

Neutral level 4 level 4 miracle



Maritime arms, giant arms

Lure fishing: Summon bait fish within 50 blocks of yourself.

Enemy units within 6 blocks of the bait fish will attack the bait fish uncontrollably.

After the bait fish is attacked, the enemy troops will move uncontrollably towards the fishing octopus with all their strength, and their size will be reduced by 20% each time they move.

If the size of the enemy unit is smaller than or equal to that of the small unit when it arrives in front of the fishing octopus, it will be devoured immediately regardless of the number.】

Miracle units with only one special skill are all monsters, and so is the fishing octopus.

Its special skill is the extremely rare ability to reduce its size, and it can also cause a one-hit kill to small creatures dragged in front of it.

[Tiger beetle maggots] are medium-sized, and after moving for two rounds, they will become small. Now [tiger beetle maggots] are hiding far away, and the effect is just right.

One after another, pink stamen-shaped small fish were spit out by the [Fishing Octopus]. The small fish swam their tails and quickly fled around the [Tiger Armor Maggots], shaking their bodies crazily around the [Tiger Armor Maggots].

[Tiger Maggot], who had never experienced such a scene, could not resist the temptation and was easily attracted.

[Tiger Maggot] bites the small pink fish in one bite, and then starts to dance crazily on the spot.

Even their eyes have turned into the shape of small pink fish.

The [Fishing Octopus] located at the entrance of the cave suddenly waved its tentacles and dragged the [Tiger Armored Maggot] towards itself.

[Tiger beetle maggot] was swaying around while quickly rushing towards [Fishing Octopus].

Their bodies shrank smaller and smaller as they were dragged by [Fishing Octopus], until finally they were so small that some pests were squeezed out of their bodies.

The tentacles of [Fishing Octopus] stretch out of the ice hole, wrap up the [Tiger Beetle Maggot] and the evil insects in its belly, and suffocate it!

The other [tiger beetle maggots] were even more frightened when they saw their companions dying in such a strange way, and became even more afraid to approach the ice wall.

Without the harassment of [Tiger Armor Maggots], Qi Ge immediately let the Wave Witch, Mermaid Tide Warlock and Mermaid Sea Shepherd cooperate with each other to create sea areas.

[Insect Swarm Evil Sea] can be attacked and has terrain attributes, so it will be restrained by the terraforming abilities of the three mermaids.

Large areas of the [Evil Sea of ​​Insect Swarms] have been transformed into pure sea areas, and the space for [Tiger Beetle Maggots] to move is getting smaller and smaller.

The situation gradually stabilized, Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief and turned to his side.

The surrounding amphibious humans have gathered around him, and they all look at him with admiring eyes.

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said to them:

"We have fulfilled our mission and defended it."


"Hero! Hero!!"

"It's too strong! It's too strong! We have been suppressed for so long, and we have never been so free."

The amphibian humans cheered and burst into tears.

Soon, a huge blue-skinned wild boar emerged from the sea. Next to the blue-skinned wild boar, there was an extremely tall female human warrior holding a wooden gun and riding a three-headed snake.


Accompanied by the roar of the big snake, the female warrior jumped down from the big snake and walked to Qi Ge with the big blue-skinned wild boar.

"Hero, thank you for your support."

The female warrior half-knelt in front of Qi Ge, bowing her head slightly.

"Hmph. That's awesome, big brother! Your army is so strong."

The wild boar grunted and scratched the floor excitedly.

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"Warriors, I am here to support your reinforcements, and there are more powerful reinforcements on the way.

The crisis in the sky has been resolved, the attack in the sea has been resolved, and we are safe."

We are safe...

For the Immortal Wood defenders who have been under high pressure, nothing is more lethal than these words.

The surrounding amphibious humans, even the female warrior, had expressions of emotion on their faces.

The female warrior held the spear tightly and said with a trembling voice:

"Ever since our ancestors first hid in the underground sea, we have been fighting Chaos.

For us, safety is a luxury among luxury hopes.

Sorry heroes, we are so small that we can't even adapt to this fact.

If we are safe, what do we do?"

At this moment, the big blue wild boar nudged the female warrior with its head:

"Xiao Nizi, you are stupid. When it is safe, of course you should adjust and prepare for war as soon as possible.

It's just safe for now, chaos will come again soon."

Qi Ge:……

Seeing the look of enlightenment on the female warrior's face, Qi Ge seemed to have understood what kind of life these underwater warriors lived before.

Qi Ge wanted to tell them that there was no need to prepare for war, you were completely safe, but Qi Ge also knew that now was not the time.

He could only smile and say:

"Before preparations begin, can you send a tribesman to show me around?

I really want to know what kind of civilization was born among you under the Immortal Tree."


The female warrior stood up and untied her hair.

She shook slightly, and the seawater splashed along her hair.

"Hero, please come with me, I will take you to visit personally.

We, the sea people, have a special place to record history.”

The wild boar arched its nose and said:

"Humph, they also recorded our history for us."

Qige's eyes lit up: "That's the best."

Qi Ge followed the female warrior and looked around curiously.

He saw that in many places in the sea, there was a man and a woman from the sea people holding hands and dancing ingeniously and beautifully in the sea water.

The movements of these dances are very gentle, like wandering water snakes.

It was hard for Qige to imagine that such a beautiful dance could be seen on such a fierce battlefield.

In reality, there are generally two theories about the origin of dance.

The labor theory believes that the origin of dance is related to human labor.

In primitive societies, people needed to coordinate with music and dance to unify their steps and enhance team cohesion and collaboration capabilities during production work.

With the continuous development of labor skills and the emergence of social division of labor, dance has gradually evolved into an art form that expresses emotions and transmits information.

Totem theory believes that the origin of dance is related to the totem worship of primitive people.

In totem belief, people regard certain animals or natural objects as their ancestors or protectors, and express their faith and worship by imitating their movements and shapes.

For example, there is an outstanding people's artist who is world-famous for imitating a chicken playing basketball.

So, what is the origin of these dances of the Hai people?

Qige asked curiously:

"What kind of dance are you doing? Are you celebrating victory?"


The female warrior glanced at Qige in confusion, then looked at the sea, and suddenly realized:

"Oh, this is not a dance.

They are breeding our next generation of warriors."

Seven pigeons:???

Just when Qi Ge was confused, some round white spheres fell from the female sea people in the sea, and then the male sea people also sprayed a lot of liquid on these spheres.

Seven pigeons:???

There is a problem! There is indeed a problem!

"Hiss~~ Is this how your sea people reproduce? You are really unique."

The female warrior nodded and responded with a smile:

"It is said that our ancestors did not reproduce like this.

When our ancestors reproduced on land, they also needed to go through a sacred ceremony that required the full devotion of both men and women.

After that, the women will lose their fighting ability and reproduce the next generation.

This method of reproduction can fully ensure the survival rate of the cubs, but the efficiency is too low and cannot adapt to our current high-intensity battles.

After our sea people arrived in this sea area, we gradually changed our reproductive process over a long period of time.

Both men and women will excrete parts of their bodies and build nests in seawater to ensure the safety of their offspring.

In this way, our sea people can produce dozens of cubs in one reproduction ceremony, and the women will not lose their fighting ability.

It not only saves time but also improves efficiency.”

Qi Ge’s eyes focused:

"I have a question, what if after the man completes the ceremony and leaves, another man sneaks over and sprays him?"

The female warrior's eyes were very strange:

“Why do men sneak over here?

There are a hundred times more women than men, and every male warrior has to help more than a hundred women in reproductive rituals from the time they reach adulthood.

How strong does a man have to be so that he can still take care of other women after more than a hundred rituals?

If there is such a man, he doesn't need to be sneaky, there will be a large group of women surrounding him."

Qi Ge:……

The men of the Sea Tribe don't have an easy life either.

Although this method of reproduction seems outrageous, there is actually no solution.

Just like the harpy, a large number of sacrifices and deaths forced the sea people to pay attention to quantity.

Without this special ability to reproduce, the sea people would have become extinct long ago.

Qi Ge followed the female warrior to the place where the Sea People recorded their history.

This is a huge aerial root of the immortal tree.

The sea people recorded their entire history using coral paint that will never fade.

At the beginning, the human ancestors of the Sea People fled from Enroth to the Ancient Islands and settled in the Ancient Islands.

The humans who had just arrived in the ancient archipelago were a fully organized army.

Heroes, cavalry, swordsmen, marksmen, farmers, you name it.

Human beings have opened up wasteland and expanded the land on the ancient archipelago, established villages, and made great progress.

The survivable land is limited, and humans will inevitably conflict with the local races on the ancient archipelago.

After several attacks on the Harpy's caves failed miserably, the number of human combat arms became fewer and fewer, and they were eventually reduced to vassals of the Harpy clan.

Later, due to the appearance of the colorful giant snake, the harpy gave up its cave on the ground and hid deep underground.

Humanity has also gained rare freedom.

But the good times did not last long, and chaos soon broke out.

Human villages without any fighting troops are constantly being swallowed up by Chaos, and the remaining humans can only gather towards the Immortal Forest.

Lana, the tree spirit of the Immortal Tree, protected mankind at its most dangerous moment.

Also protected by Lana was the harpy who once enslaved humans.

But there is good news, even the Harpy's mortal enemy, the Colorful Serpent, has been adopted by Lana.

On the underage Immortal Tree, a romance of three clans was abruptly written.

Humans quickly became allies with the colorful snakes.

However, under the threat of Chaos, the former mortal enemies had to shake hands and make peace, relying on the protection of the Immortal Tree to fight against Chaos.

However, humans do not have the ability to fly, and most of them are logistics units with basically no combat capabilities.

The airspace of the Immortal Wood was breached several times, and humans could only hide in the underground space.

In the underground space, humans on the ancient archipelago discovered the statue of Poseidon.

They soon realized that not only the immortal tree but also the sea god was protecting them.

Because of their belief in Poseidon, human bodies began to slowly change, growing gills that could survive in the water, gaining amphibious special skills, and allowing them to move freely in seawater.

They have also transformed from ordinary humans into an extremely special branch of humanity - the Sea People.

During the period of change, the most confused human children at that time.

When I was young I was still human, but when I grew up, the species changed.

At the same time, humans and the colorful giant snake also encountered another race here that also believed in Poseidon - [Sea Boar].

Because of their superior spellcasting ability, the swamp boars have a strong fighting capacity both on land and in the sea.

Therefore, when the Chaos broke out, the Mire Boar was divided into two tribes, the upper and lower tribes. One tribe was on the Immortal Wood, obeying Lana's deployment, and still continued the advancement route of the Giant Tusker Boar.

The other branch came to the underground space after the dwarves left and Poseidon awakened. While guarding the statue of Poseidon, he gained new powers with the blessing of Poseidon - the sea boar with amphibious special skills and water-based ice magic.


Like the sea people, the sea boars also changed their reproduction methods in the subsequent evolution.

The original sea boar continued the evolutionary tradition of the swamp boar - fight, and whoever loses becomes a gilt.

But now, all sea boars are no longer sows.

An adult sea boar can use water magic to create a clone, and then consume its original essence and blood to directly transform the clone into a new sea boar - more powerful than cell mitosis.

If it weren't for the two-week training period required for each sacrifice of blood and essence, the geometric doubling of the sea boar's reproduction speed could even catch up with the [tiger beetle maggot].

After the Sea People and Sea Boar met, they quickly formed an alliance.

At that time, Chaos' offensive was not strong yet, and they joined forces and even occupied the entire underground space.

The colorful sea snakes also mutated because they liked to devour the fossils of the six-headed Hydra clan.

From a snake with one head, they grew multiple heads and legs, and changed from snakes to lizards.

[Subterranean Hydra] is their new name.

In the process of fighting Chaos, three completely different races supported and helped each other.

The sea people are the most flexible, the hydra is huge and has terrifying physical combat power, and the sea boar has magic.

They joined forces and displayed extremely strong fighting power. With their fearless spirit and tenacious willpower, they fought back and forth against the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly] and [Tiger Beetle Maggot].

After reading the history of the Sea People, Sea Boars and Hydras, Qi Ge was very emotional.

Although the speed of biological evolution in the Yasha world is not as fast as that of ever-changing chaos, it is not inferior at all.

It's all about survival.

While chaos poses a huge threat to the creatures in the Yasha world, it also promotes the rapid evolution of the creatures in the Yasha world.

In the spiral arms race, no one dares to fall behind.

If you fall behind a little, you will easily get beaten or even killed directly.

Among these murals, there is another mural that attracted Qige's attention.

It was a group of giant dragons covered with gorgeous feathers. They besieged a [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly] on the sea of ​​insects.

Qi Ge is very familiar with the appearance of this giant dragon.

"This is?"

But in order to prevent himself from making a mistake, Qige still touched the mural and asked the female warrior beside him.

"Hero, this is the Emerald Dragon.

Sixty years ago, the Emerald Islands where the Emerald Dragon lived was about to be completely swallowed by Chaos.

They set off from the Emerald Islands and fled all the way to the Immortal Tree,

But they were eventually intercepted at sea and finally defeated by the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly].

We and the harpies organized rescue teams and made a lot of sacrifices, but we still couldn't save them."

Emerald Dragon...

【Emerald Dragon

Neutral level 6 level 2 hidden troops







Flying units, giant units

Emerald Dragon's Breath: When attacking, it will attack all units in the 2*4 squares in front (regardless of friend or foe)

Jade Dragon Scale: Immune to level 1~4 magic

Emerald Dream:

The Emerald Dragon cannot fight back when attacked.

When the Emerald Dragon is damaged, if it is not dead, an Emerald Dream will be triggered, and one of the following three effects will be randomly selected to trigger.

1. Summon level 4 and level 3 small green dragons equal to 5 times the number of yourself as guards.

2 The Emerald Dragon gets an extra chance to take action.

3 The emerald dragon entered the magic channel and disappeared from the battlefield.

After two rounds, select an enemy unit, the Emerald Dragon will appear anywhere around it, and attack it three times in a row. The enemy cannot counterattack after these three attacks.]

Qige once got an emerald dragon.

This is a natural level 6 dragon troop.

It's a pity that he couldn't be saved.

The fight against Chaos is so cruel, and if you are not careful, your race will be wiped out.

After reading the history recorded by the Sea People, Qi Ge came to the statue of Poseidon again.

The moment the Seven Doves approached the Poseidon Statue, the Poseidon Scales on the Poseidon Statue emitted an extremely bright blue light.

The blue light shone on the seven pigeons, causing the surrounding sea people and sea boars to be shocked.

"The gods have arrived!"

"God's blessing! It's God's blessing!"

A large group of sea people and sea boars gathered around, excited.

But at this time, Qige's eyes saw the distant chaotic sea through Poseidon's scales.

The Silver Spirit and the Sky Whale are surrounded by a large group of [Tiger Beetle Maggots] and [Tiger Beetle Nymphs].

The [Tiger Armor Nymphs] are constantly devouring the Netherworld Flame with their huge mouthparts, and are gradually letting the [Tiger Armor Maggots] approach the fleet.

In addition to [Tiger Beetle Maggot] and [Tiger Beetle Nymph], Qige also saw another big BOSS.

Its appearance is very similar to [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly], but its body color is mainly red, its abdomen is blue, its back has white, green and yellow patterns, its whole body is metallic, and its mouth has a pair of large jaws, and its color is silver


It has unique white hair, which not only allows it to swim in the ghostly fire, but also slides away attacks and magic that fall on it.

Qi Ge's heart skipped a beat.

In addition to the 8 [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Flies], there is also a more powerful [Tiger Beetle Fly]!

The light of Poseidon told the seven pigeons its name - [King Tiger Fly]


Compared with the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly], which is mainly used to create the [Insect Swarm Evil Sea], the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] is the ultimate trump card of Chaos.

"A plan to surround Wei and save Zhao, and to divert the tiger away from the mountain!!!"

Qi Ge was startled and immediately realized that he seemed to have been fooled.

"No, no, this is Chaos' conspiracy!

If I guard the Immortal Wood, the Silver Spirit will be attacked by another BOSS.

If I don't come, the Immortal Tree will not be able to hold on.

Chaos also prepared two paths for me.

One is a dead end, and the other is a dead end.”

"Damn!! What to do now?"


The Sky Whale drew a huge arc in the Insect Sea and crashed into it fiercely.

But the [King Tiger Fly] walked as fast as flying and easily dodged the powerful attack of the Sky Whale.

It quickly turned around and bit the Sky Whale with its jaws!

With a click and sparks flying, the Sky Whale accelerated and rushed out of the mouth of the [King Tiger Fly], but a huge scratch was left on the Sky Whale's hull.


The Fairy Heavy Cannon was fired, and although it was dodged by the [King Tiger Fly], it also prevented the pursuit of the [King Tiger Fly].

Zhang Fu gritted his teeth and looked gloomy:

"Damn, how can this guy run so fast?"

Sylvia was also very angry:

"This is the first time in so many years that I have encountered a troop that can compete with the Sky Whale on the sea.

The strongest point of the Sky Whale is its terrifying speed, but the weakness of the Sky Whale is also its terrifying speed.

Because the speed is too fast, the Sky Whale cannot lock on to the attack. In the big battlefield mode, the opponent can dodge it."

Yinghe looked at the huge [King Tiger Beetle Fly], hugged his body and shook, and said shiveringly:

"The damage of that strange thing is too high, and the Silver Spirit's shield can't stop it for a few times. If the Sky Whale is defeated, it will soon be Galaxy's turn.

Wuwuwu, no, Yinhe hasn’t even given birth to little Yinhe with his brother Admiral yet.”

Zhang Fu stamped his feet angrily, blaming himself:

"Damn it, I'm useless.

If the boss is here, he will definitely be able to come up with a solution."

Ren Shiba's eyes were burning with fire:

"Don't be discouraged, the Lion-Hearted Monk is still persevering, and I am still here.

With such a fast speed and such high damage, the defense of that unit must not be very good.

As long as we find the opportunity, we can hit it hard.

Now it’s not just it that’s causing trouble, but also the densely packed [tiger beetle maggots] on the sea.”

Just as Ren Shiba was talking, a huge [Tiger Armored Maggot] suddenly rushed out of the water bubbles near the Silver Spirit and rushed toward the Silver Spirit.

Fortunately, there is still the [Coral Miko] left by Qi Ge on the Silver Spirit.

[The Great Miko] and [Succubus] took action together and killed the [Tiger Armored Maggot] in the air.


[Tiger Beetle Maggot] screamed before dying, which immediately attracted the attention of [King Tiger Beetle Fly].

[King Tiger Beetle Fly] stepped quickly on the [Insect Swarm Sea] with both feet, and rushed in front of the Silver Spirit in almost the blink of an eye.

It opened its huge silver jaws and was about to bite it in one bite.

"Beast, don't touch my daughter!"

At this moment, Lionheart drove the Sky Whale and rushed over, slamming into the [King Tiger Fly] with a sudden thrust.

But the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] only shook slightly in place, and even its body was only slightly dented.

"Damn, the defense is so high?!"

Lionheart was extremely surprised.

"This is a desperate attack with full power!

Is it physical immunity?”

At this moment, the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] desperately bit the Silver Spirit's protective shield, causing flames to fly again.

The Yinling suddenly trembled and almost capsized.


Yinhe screamed, and the fairy heavy cannon fired again, blasting into the mouth of the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] and flipping it out.

This cannon consumed a large amount of magic power in the Silver Spirit's magic pool, causing the Silver Spirit's magic shield to collapse.

"Beast, come after me!"

At this moment, Lionheart roared loudly and activated his taunting stunt, forcibly attracting the attention of [King Tiger Fly].

At this time, the Silver Spirit has reached its most dangerous time.

Fortunately, [King Tiger Fly]'s attention has been attracted by the Sky Whale, and it is continuing to pursue the Sky Whale at a very fast pace.

Everyone on the Silver Spirit had just breathed a sigh of relief, but deep under the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects], another huge [King Tiger Fly] was rushing towards the bottom of the Silver Spirit at an extremely fast speed.


Those silver giant jaws seemed to be about to completely smash the Silver Spirit, which was also silver, and turn it into food for countless evil insects in the evil sea of ​​insects.

(End of chapter)

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