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Chapter 639: Finally Seeing the Black Hand

Chapter 639 Finally Seeing the Black Hand

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 639 Finally Seeing the Black Hand

"Oh? From Bracada? Those master mages also drink this stuff?"

Qige pretended to be surprised and stared at the [Buwei Wine] in front of her, feeling inexplicable.

"Yes. Only a mage with a high status can afford to drink this.

This is the last bottle we have here. My brother is so lucky.

My sister, I can never drink something so precious."

Nuan Nuan said softly, put her legs on Qi Ge's waist, and placed [Buwei Wine] in front of Qi Ge.

"If the brother is willing, the sister can feed him with her mouth.

Sister, I promise not to drink a drop, just to taste it."

"Then this wine will be tainted with the taste of my sister.

Haha, definitely next time.

This is my first time, so I still plan to do it by myself.

After drinking this wine, I can become a master mage again."

"Well~ listen to brother, do whatever he likes."

Qi Ge took a sip of [Buwei Wine] and then leaned on the sofa, pretending to enjoy it while his heart was in turmoil.

"Fuck! What a sin! I wanted to trick Brakada, but I accidentally tricked Crowlod.

What kind of bastard brought [Buwei Wine] here?

Fortunately, I came and found out in advance.

Otherwise, as the only producer of [Buwei Wine], who can believe that this matter has nothing to do with me?

Grandma, I almost took a big blame.

What if Kenlo Hager discovers this and traces it to me.

I'm afraid he will chase me to God's Chosen City, pick me up like a duck and beat me into a beer duck.

Fortunately, this wine is sold at such an expensive price, so it is obviously not a rip-off for the poor, but I am keeping my bottom line, so I probably won’t be beaten like a roast duck.”

While Qi Ge was lying down with his eyes closed and concentrating, the sensible Nuan Nuan had climbed onto Qi Ge's body, opening his small cherry mouth and biting Qi Ge's belt with his slightly protruding tiger teeth.

What is supposed to come will always come.

Qi Ge picked Nuan Nuan up in a hug and strode towards the bathtub in a princess-like hug.

"Go, take a shower!"

The fox people are very special.

They are divided into men and women, but they do not have clear organs like humans.

The way to distinguish between men and women, apart from the ability to breastfeed, is by body odor.

The scent of the female vixen is very fragrant, similar to the fragrance of flowers.

The smell on the male fox man's body is a slightly fragrant smell.

The reproduction of fox people depends on the entanglement of scent.

When the two parties come into contact and are enveloped by the smell, they will be pulled into an illusion. If the illusion seems real, it is faintly outstanding, just like seeing flowers in the mist.

But in the illusion, the feelings produced by both parties are the same as reality, and not a drop of energy should be deducted.

The wine is intoxicating and the smoke is tantalizing.

Under the purple light, Nuan Nuan's body emitted a sultry and fragrant smoke, surrounding Qi Ge.

Every pore of Nuannuan stretched out, and its huge and fluffy tail kept sweeping around Qi Ge's body. The blue smoke entangled with Qi Ge's body, entering Qi Ge's body in a strange way, stimulating

With the consciousness and skin of Qige.

Qi Ge also became trance-like at this time. He seemed to be hugging something, and seemed to be hugged by something.

But as soon as he exerted force, the opponent turned into smoke and dispersed, leaving Qi Ge in a dilemma.

This is the innate illusion of the fox people. If you fall into it, you will never be able to extricate yourself.

But Qi Ge is not an ordinary person. With the bonus of the God's Chosen City [Beautiful Heaven], he has long been immune to any mind control magic.

Unfortunately, the psychedelic smoke of the fox tribe is also a type of mind control magic.

But this is not the first time Qi Ge has tasted psychedelic smoke. He can perfectly portray any reaction.

Slowly, Qi Ge's movements became louder and louder, his eyes became more and more blurred, and he even roared in an attempt to knock Nuan Nuan down.

Nuan Nuan pushed Qi Ge away with a sudden force.

The originally powerful Qi Ge was now like a child, being easily pushed aside.

Nuan Nuan turned over and sat up from the bed, casually grabbed a piece of clothing, put it on in twos and twos, and quickly walked to the door while Qi Ge was still awake.

"Dong dong dong dong."

Four rapid knocks on the door rang out in succession, not too much but not too little.

After a while, three doors opened one after another, and a male fox man wearing a robe squeezed in.

As soon as he came in, he sniffed and asked Nuannuan:

"You didn't drink blood?"

Nuannuan nodded quickly and said:

"He didn't let me drink it. He drank the whole bottle by himself."

The male fox man laughed evilly:

"Hey, I'm still an old customer who has been waiting for a long time.

Lord West likes to be easy to control like this.

Go and wake him up quickly."

Nuannuan hesitated for a moment and asked:

"Sir, my..."


The male fox man slapped Nuannuan's stomach hard with his tail.

"Do you have the right to speak?"

Nuan Nuan took two steps back, filled with resentment, but still had to bow down to the fox-man in front of Gar, who was far weaker than herself.

She said humiliatingly: "Sir, I'll go right away."

Nuan Nuan walked to Qi Ge, but hesitated.

The male fox man frowned and slapped his tail on Nuan Nuan's back again, this time fast and urgent, making Nuan Nuan tremble twice.

"What are you doing? Too comfortable? Are you attracted to him? Are you reluctant to let go?

Sassy fox, remember your identity, you are Lord West’s slave.

If your Majesty gives you a sip of water, your tribe can survive for a day; if you don't, you and your tribe will starve to death."

"Yes, Nuannuan understands."

Nuan Nuan lowered her eyelids and swept Qi Ge's face with her tail.

Qi Ge's eyes suddenly opened, he bared his teeth violently, drooled, and stared at Nuan Nuan without blinking, but only one head could move.

"Give it to me, give it to me quickly. Stinky fox, sit down quickly. I'm going to explode. Sit up quickly!"

Qi Ge shook his neck violently, as if he wanted to throw his head off. He spoke incoherently, his blood vessels bulged, and drool dripped from the corners of his mouth unconsciously.


The male fox man snorted disdainfully and said:

"Hero. What's the use of a hero? In Lord West's hands, you don't have to be a dog.

Nuannuan, ask a question."


Nuan Nuan took a breath, put a hand on Qi Ge's belly, and asked softly:

"Brother, if my sister asks you something, just tell me the truth. My sister will sit up and help my brother feel comfortable.

Brother, which tribe of orcs are you from?"

"I am an orc from the War King's tribe, the flag officer under the War King. Come on, sit up, or I will chop you alive. Hack you to death, chop you to death, chop you to death!"

Faced with Qi Ge's crazy state, Nuan Nuan remained unmoved and then asked:

"How strong is my brother now?"

"Master, I am the master! I specialize in offensive techniques, and I am the confidant of the King of War.

Sit up quickly, hurry up..."

"When did my brother start drinking blood?"

"Three years ago, I was an ordinary hero. My father took me to drink. Hahaha, he refused to let me drink. I tricked me into taking a sip.

Haha, ha, hahaha, woo woo.”

Qi Ge smiled, then suddenly started crying:

"I'm sorry for my father. I didn't mean it. The effect of blood is too strong. I can't forget it. I can't forget it.

Let me forget, please, let me forget...

Quick! Make me forget it, or I will kill you."

In just a few seconds, Qi Ge's state changed one after another. He struggled more violently, and even his hands and feet began to twitch.

Nuan Nuan quickly swept Qi Ge twice with her tail, making Qi Ge's condition a little better, and then asked quickly:

"How many gold coins do you have?"

"Two hundred and sixty thousand, and there are 150,000 more resources, which are my father's pension and all my property..."

"How did you get here?"

"take a vacation……"

"What's your real name?"

"Seven Pigeons Hager."

For thirty minutes, Nuan Nuan asked very detailed questions, asking almost all of Qi Ge's background. Qi Ge's state also went from being manic at the beginning to becoming weaker and weaker. This is [Beast Blood Boiling]

A symbol of imminent failure.

Nuannuan turned to look at the male fox man, who nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Very good. Take good care of him and wait for him to wake up for a while. I will go find Lord West."

"Crack, crunch, crunch~"

As the stone door closed, Nuan Nuan sat beside Qi Ge detachedly. She stroked Qi Ge's face and lamented softly:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I can't help it, I really can't help it. You shouldn't be here."

As Nuan Nuan spoke, she took off her clothes and lay on Qi Ge's chest...

She didn't know that Qi Ge, who seemed to have lost his sight, had uncontrollable excitement hidden deep in his eyes.

"Finally passed the test..."

Like a non-picky appetite, superb acting skills are also the basic qualities of a professional gamer.

Qi Ge knew very well that just as he was sent by Kenlo Hager to be an undercover agent on West's side, West would never let go of the opportunity to place an undercover agent on Kenlo Hager's side.

A master-level orc who is obviously familiar with the process and addicted to [Beast Blood Boiling] is simply an irresistible prey for West.

As the saying goes, the real hunter always appears in the form of prey.

What Qige wants to play is a fragrant fish bait.

However, the bait has to be eaten for a while before West bites the hook.

Qige shook her head, hugged the weak girl warmly, turned her side over and laid her flat.

He sat up, breathing heavily.

"Brother, are you okay? Do you want to do it again?"

Nuan Nuan's voice sounded as ethereal as if the soul was out of body.

"Slow down, let me slow down a little."

Qige covered her face, rubbed it twice, and took a deep breath.

He stood up, wiped off the sticky sweat on his body, and wiped Nuannuan clean at the same time.

Qi Ge pinched Nuan Nuan's tail, placed 20,000 gold coins in front of her, and then said:

"Thank you for your hard work. It's not easy for you and your tribe.

Brother, there isn’t much I can do to help you. I can only help you as much as I can.”

Nuannuan was stunned for a while, and then she hugged the gold coin with a smile and a cry.

"I'm already very grateful."

She stood up and gently pushed Qi Ge twice:

"Brother, please leave quickly. I have other guests coming."

Qi Ge took a deep breath and said, "Don't be in a hurry, just let me take it slow."

"There's no time to delay, the guests are coming soon."

Nuan Nuan pushed Qi Ge's back hard, but did not push.

Qi Ge glanced at Nuan Nuan strangely and said with a smile:

"What? Just now you were lying on top of me, calling me "good brother, good brother, good brother," but now that you've received the gold coins, your face has changed?

Nuannuan, you have gone too far."

"I am an over-the-top person. In our line of work, there is no way to have true feelings.

I was just acting with my brother just now, and I'm really good at acting.

Brother, don’t you think I really like him?"

Nuan Nuan knocked Qi Ge's back hard twice and said:

"Brother, if you don't leave, I'm going to kick you out."

"Oh, my little sister is quite temperamental. Come on, let me give you a kiss."

Qi Ge hugged Nuan Nuan's neck and moved his mouth to her face.

"Don't press my head."

Nuan Nuan pushed Qi Ge's chest hard, lowered her head and pointed her hair towards Qi Ge, but refused to let Qi Ge get close.


Qi Ge smiled sarcastically, kissed Nuan Nuan's ear, and let Nuan Nuan go.

He leaned against the head of the bed and closed his eyes, seemingly lost in recollection.

Nuan Nuan had a troubled look on her face. She observed Qi Ge's condition and bit her lip.

After drinking [Beast Blood Boiling], once the orcs are absent for too long, they will soon be overwhelmed by endless illusions, and it will be difficult to wake up on their own.

As if she was afraid that Qi Ge would fall into an illusion, Nuannuan pushed Qi Ge hard several times and asked:

"Brother, why don't you leave yet?"

Qige opened her eyes drowsily and said:

"Don't worry. Brother, I have a problem. The more others urge me, the less I want to leave.

If others keep me, I don’t want to keep them.”

"Then brother, please stay with me for a while."


It's warm and atmospheric, but there's nothing you can do about Qige.

"Brother, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

"What's too late?"

Qi Ge smiled and grabbed Nuan Nuan's tail and said:

"The guests come when they come, I'll take care of them, it's none of your business.

I want to see who among the entire Crow Lord dares to drive me away.

I don’t have any bad intentions, I just want to spend more time with you.”

Nuannuan said anxiously:

"Brother, I was wrong. I'm not a guest. I lied to you. I can't explain it. Anyway, brother, hurry up..."


At this moment, the three doors suddenly moved one after another.

Hearing the sound, Nuan Nuan immediately covered her mouth and looked at Qi Ge with a very sad and helpless look, with tears almost pouring out.

Qi Ge didn't care about the movement at the door.

He held his warm face with one hand and said with a smile:

"No, I didn't want to see you cry by giving me an extra 20,000 gold coins.

I just want to make you happy. Come on, give me a smile."

"Brother, don't do this, brother."

Nuan Nuan sniffed her throat, her expression a little choked.

She was obviously about to cry, but she still managed to squeeze out a smile. This half-crying, half-laughing look completely ruined her innocent and lovely face, making it indescribably ugly.

She jumped on Qi Ge, hugged Qi Ge, kissed Qi Ge hard several times, and lay in Qi Ge's ear and said:

"Brother, I'm sorry for you, you must be careful."

Qi Ge was caught off guard. After reacting, he smiled and touched Nuan Nuan's tail to show comfort.

Da da da.

At this moment, two footsteps of varying severity sounded at the door.

Qi Ge turned his head, tilted his neck crazily and looked over, and at a glance he saw his target, West, walking over with the male fox man just now behind him.

West was holding a lion's head crutch in his hand, and he was wearing an expensive mage robe that only the top class could afford even in Brakada. From top to bottom, it was black and white, and it was indescribable.

Solemn and solemn.

He walked step by step, seemingly slowly, but full of momentum and intimidating.


Qi Ge put his tongue against the back of his lips and slid it from left to right, and said arrogantly:

"Who am I to dare to come in and disturb me when I'm doing good things?

Isn’t this the Lord of West City?

It's legendary, it's amazing, I'm so scared.

Why, the city lord wants to teach me, the master, a lesson?"

"Hahaha! Don't dare, don't dare."

West walked in while smiling. He stood politely in the living room and said to Qi Ge from a distance:

"I heard from my subordinates that a young hero from a foreign tribe has come to our small town. His figure and demeanor are extraordinary.

The subordinates were ignorant, so they went to check it out. Unexpectedly, brother, you are actually the Seven Pigeons of the War King Tribe.

I taught that ignorant subordinate a lesson at that time. Where could they find this big shot in the War King tribe?

No, I didn't bring him here to apologize to you."

West's crutch tapped the ground lightly and said quickly:

"Kneel down."


The male fox man behind West suddenly fell to his knees on the ground and kowtowed vigorously to Qige.

Bang bang bang... one after another.

Qi Ge glanced at him and did not let him get up. Instead, he looked at West and said:

"Is there still such a thing?

I'm not a stingy person either.

Wait until his head is broken, put some red potion on the ground, and the matter will be over."

"Haha, this is not enough."

As West said, he took out two bottles of [Beast Blood Boiling] from his arms.

He put [Beast Blood Boiling] on the table, pushed it forward, and said:

"This is the loot we recently seized from some criminals who are not afraid of death.

In this broad daylight, Langlang Yasha, there are still people who dare to openly violate the laws set by the War King and take [Beast Blood Boiling].

How daring and reckless, how arrogant and lawless.

Brother, tell me, should the King of War know about this?"


Qi Ge's arms around Nuan Nuan suddenly tightened, causing Nuan Nuan to cry out in pain.

He stared at the two bottles of [Beast Blood Boiling] and said nothing.

West also looked at Qi Ge, but also said nothing.

In the whole room, there was only the sound of the male fox man kowtowing loudly.

After a long time, Qi Ge closed his eyes and said to the male fox man:

"Stop knocking, it's so noisy, stand up and get out."

The male fox man ignored Qi Ge and continued to kowtow.

West smiled proudly and tapped his cane.

"My brother asks you to go out, so you go out. You are deaf, can't you hear?"


The male fox man immediately stood up, lowered his head, bent his waist, and left the room backwards.

I don't know if he had eyes behind him, but he slipped out through the crack of the door without hitting it.

Qi Ge patted Nuannuan's butt, put on her clothes with a frightened look on her face, and said softly:

"Go out and wait for me. Don't be afraid. You'll be fine soon."

Nuan Nuan glanced at Qi Ge with nostalgia, quickly got out of bed, lowered her head, and ran past West.

West smiled and stared at Nuan Nuan until Nuan Nuan ran out of the room and closed the door, then turned back and still didn't speak, waiting for Qi Ge to speak first.

Qi Ge stood up, arranged his clothes, walked to West, and held two bottles of [Beast Blood Boiling] in his hands.

He said in a deep voice:

"Don't bother the King of War with this little matter.

The King of War has many things to do every day and is very busy.

It’s just two bottles of wine, it’s not a big deal, maybe the King of War has already forgotten about [Beast Blood Boiling].”

"Hahahahaha...haha, cough cough."

West threw his head back and laughed, until the back of his laughter was so breathless that he even coughed twice.

He patted his chest, calmed down, sat down on the bench, and said to Qi Ge:

"Okay, little brother, if you don't tell me, I won't tell you.

It’s not a big deal.”

He crossed one leg, tapped the table with his crutch, and said to Qige:

"Brother, you feel really tired standing. You just finished your work, so your legs must be weak, right?

Otherwise, kneel down for a while."

Under West's sharp gaze, Qi Ge tightly clutched [Beast Blood Boiling]. He wanted to get angry several times, but he endured it.

"What, you don't want to kneel? Then you can sit down, of course, in front of the King of War."

West touched his fox tail and looked proud.

Qi Ge's body swayed, and he slowly knelt down on one knee. He held the [Beast Blood Boiling] and looked at West stubbornly for a while, then closed his eyes and slowly lowered his head.

West was still not satisfied and continued:

"Why are there only two, and there's another one?"


Qi Ge, who lowered his head, said solemnly:

"The King of War, even the gods who are more powerful than the King of War, I have never knelt before.

Ask me to kneel down for two? Have you really thought about it?"

Listening to Qi Ge's increasingly gloomy voice, West shuddered for some unknown reason.

He laughed loudly, walked over immediately, and helped Qi Ge up with both hands:

"Just a joke, just a joke.

This is just a ceremony, don’t take it too seriously, it’s just a formality.”

As he spoke, he stuffed four bottles of [Beast Blood Boiling] into Qi Ge's hands, and then said:

"Collect it, I have seized these.

If you like it, I'll give it all to you.

Now, you are one of our own."

Qi Ge very spinelessly put away [Beast Blood Boiling] and said to West:

"Master West, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Be refreshing, you green orcs are straightforward when speaking."

West patted Qi Ge's chest muscles and said softly:

"Although the current king is Lord Borag, anyone with a discerning eye knows that as long as Bi Meng cannot show up, the War King is the greatest among us.

Unlike you, little brother, I don't know anything about what's going on over there with the King of War.

How can this happen?

We, the little chiefs, have no way of helping the War King solve his problems."

Qi Ge asked directly:

"You mean, you want me to be your spy and betray the King of War?"


Qi Ge suddenly got angry and put all the six bottles of [Beast Blood Boiling] back in his hand.

"Dream! Are you worthy of letting me betray the King of War? Are you qualified?

Come on, if you have the ability, go and tell the King of War that I drank [Beast Blood Boiling].

Look who is dead!"

West frowned, obviously Qi Ge's reaction was beyond his expectation.

Soon, Qi Ge's right hand seemed to be out of control, and he insisted on grabbing [Beast Blood Boiling].

West looked at Qi Ge proudly, but Qi Ge held down his right hand with his left hand and bit his right arm so hard that he bled.

He stared at West fiercely with red eyes.

Faced with the fierce appearance of Qi Ge, West was unsure.

He immediately reassured:

"Don't be so excited.

It’s just passing some gossip, what kind of betrayal is this? It’s too serious.”

Qi Ge said angrily:

"I told you, you don't deserve it!

Who is the King of War? Our unparalleled God of War of Krolod!

Who are you? I am sending you a message. Something happened to me. Can you protect me?

Either way, I'm going to die, so I might as well die innocently, at least I won't disappoint the King of War."

West immediately understood Qi Ge’s pain points. He held Qi Ge’s hand and said:

"You're not me, how do you know I can't protect you?

I, West, have not been able to reach where I am today just by myself.

I am just a chess piece on the surface, and there are many big figures above me.

In fact, even the masters of the Bracada Grand Council are my backers.

No matter how strong the War King is, he can still show off his authority in our Crulod. Does he dare to go to Brakada and try it?

If something happens, I promise, I will definitely arrange for you to go to Bracada!"

"Hmph! We green orcs are honest and heartless, but we are not stupid.

Could it be that you want to buy my loyalty to the King of War with just one word of yours?"

"of course not."

West picked up the six bottles of [Beast Blood Boiling] and placed them in front of Qi Ge again.

He said seriously:

"Tomorrow I will go to [Xiaoyangchen] village to visit my subjects.

When the time comes, follow me quietly and I will show you our sincerity.

I see that Nuannuan seems to be serving you quite comfortably. I will call her back later and you can rest peacefully with me tonight.

If you want to be happy or to regain your strength, it's your choice."

Qi Ge looked at the [Beast Blood Boiling] on the table and did not speak for a long time. His hand kept moving closer to the [Beast Blood Boiling], then retracted it, repeated several times, and finally took hold of the [Beast Blood Boiling].

West laughed when he saw this.

"Then, I wish you a sweet dream."

West left the room, and after a while, Nuannuan came back with a worried look on his face.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Nuan Nuan threw herself into Qi Ge's arms, her voice was a little hoarse and she spoke with a cry.

"Brother, I told you to leave but you didn't leave. Now that it's over, you can't leave either.

This is a place where people can eat people. Sooner or later you will be like me and your bones will be chewed clean.

I am hopeless, and you could have been saved, but now we are all gone."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I am a member of the War King. They don't dare to do anything to me."

Qi Ge hugged Nuan Nuan and said softly:

"Tonight, feel free to accompany me and rest here.

Soon, everything will be fine."

Nuannuan cried so hard that the pear blossoms were wet with rain:

"You're so stupid, you can't get better, you can't get better.

West is really powerful, brother, you can't beat him."

Qi Ge didn't explain anymore. He held Nuan Nuan in his arms with a distressed expression on his face.

Until...the lights on the three doors became a little darker.

the next day.

The [Xiaoyangchen] tribe is located around [Benshan City]. It is a mixed tribe of orcs and half-orcs.

Their main means of livelihood is to collect some edible grasses in the difficult Gobi area to use for grazing livestock, and sell the adult livestock to the army of [Benshan City] as military rations.

Due to traffic congestion and almost no means of external communication, the [Xiaoyangchen] tribe has been suffering from long-term losses in trade.

Those troops from [Benshan City] who came to collect livestock could even use herbs worth only one gold coin in exchange for Gobi cattle worth thirty gold coins. This was exploitative to the extreme, but the orcs in [Xiaoyangchen] were not interested in this. Nothing.

[Little Sunset] The orcs in the tribe have lived a poor and difficult life for a long time, and there are few smiles on the faces of the people.

But today, their tribe was particularly lively.

"Dong dong ha, dong dong ha!"

A group of orcs beat the drums made of animal skins and twisted their bodies to make a very rhythmic sound.

Another large group of male orcs in grass skirts twisted their waists as hard as they could and hit each other with their huge fronts.

There were also a group of female orcs who were naked and shaking their breasts. The huge fruits were being thrown up and down and left and right like bags filled with rice.

The entire performance is full of the most primitive wildness and fertility worship. It is bold, wild, and has no sense of beauty at all, but it is a little bit interesting.

Such a magical performance made Qi Ge unable to bear to look directly at it.

It’s almost uncomfortable to watch it for a whole day, and it’s uncomfortable to watch it for a day without watching it.

The orcs next to them beat the gongs and drums hard, causing the male orc's front and the female orc's chest to move even more violently.

Many of the onlookers, including male orcs and female orcs, were gulping down saliva.

Some male orcs even drooled at the male orcs banging each other in front of each other during the performance.

To be honest, Qi Ge didn't quite understand what the action of swallowing saliva meant.

These orcs are celebrating the arrival of their king.

They shouted loudly: "Long live the king, long live Visvis!"

The chaotic scene was filled with many naked, ignorant and crazy orc children running around.

This is the entire stronghold force, the most barren and backward primitive tribe of the [Xiaoyangchen] tribe, and their king [Vest] once again visited this small village.

[West] In the past 16 years, he has ruled a total of more than 1 million orc subjects, all distributed in these remote areas.

Because of his gentle ruling methods that never killed indiscriminately, these orc subjects supported him very much, which also made [Vest] the most powerful orc in the stronghold.

If you really think about it, the kingdom of [Vest] is not just a [Mountain City].

His kingdom spans all the orc tribes around the three main cities of [Benshan City], [Zambila], and [Tanzania Bore], and the total area is almost as large as [Australia].


The Jackal Guards fired their guns, and after a gunshot, the celebration officially began.

[Vest] was neatly dressed, wearing a gorgeous white cloth, and sat on a high chair. He was lifted up by a group of orcs and carried in the procession.

However, the orcs who carried the chair were not the villagers of [Xiaoyang Shen], they were all West's own cronies.

This is because once in the past, the villagers were so crazy that West was thrown off the seat and almost trampled by the orcs.

The orcs shouted, danced, cheered and jumped wildly.

This is one of the few entertainment programs in their entire lives.

(End of chapter)

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