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Chapter 1,156 Patient Sir Zhang

"I want to avenge Xiao Song!"

Lao Wang turned a deaf ear to Max's actions, but wanted to continue to fight the police to the end.

"Just a few of you want to take revenge. Do you think you can beat the 30,000 policemen on Hong Kong Island?"

Max was not polite at all to Lao Wang's idea of ​​going crazy.

"Do you think you guys are great? Now those cops haven't caught up. Do you know what they are doing? They are also taking the big guys. Only a few of you can fight for a few cops, but they don't do anything.

If it's a little later, a sniper rifle will take care of you all."

After Max said this, he walked out without looking back, leaving Lao Wang and others looking at each other.

"Boss, what he said makes sense. This is the home ground of the police. We can't fight against it."

Ah Hai saw Max leaving, thought for a moment, and then immediately persuaded Lao Wang.

Although he was also very angry about Xiao Song's death.

But as mercenaries, they still have a very open mind about things like life and death.

What's more important is that Xiao Song is already dead. If they don't leave, they will not be able to do anything except stay with Xiao Song.

In this case, naturally the most appropriate solution is to save one's own life first.

"Yes, our mission has been completed, but the money has not been received yet. Brothers are not afraid of death, but it is not okay if we have not received the money!"

Another mercenary on the side also spoke.

They themselves are a small mercenary group.

This time Lao Wang felt that he had received a very good deal, so he brought them all over.

If everyone stays here now, there will be no one to collect money. In this case, isn't it the same as being used as a whore by Jiang Tian?

After hearing what Ah Hai and the other mercenary said, Lao Wang did not reply. His eyes were still fixed on the doorway from the detention room to the police station hall, and his hands holding the gun did not move at all.

"Let's help the boss and go first!"

When Ah Hai saw that Lao Wang was silent, it seemed that the two had a tacit understanding after getting along for many years, so he waved his hand, and directly held one of Lao Wang's hands with another accomplice, and then retreated towards the entrance of the cave.

"Let me go, I will avenge my brothers!"

After being supported by Ah Hai and another person, Lao Wang used his feet to keep up with the pace of the two, but he kept mumbling something.

"Boss, you can keep the green hills without worrying about having firewood!"

A Hai continued to accelerate on his feet, and while persuading Lao Wang, he got out of the hole.

Da da da da da da——

Just as they were evacuating, the police finally made some noise.

The first thing that appeared were two huge bulletproof shields.

Seeing the shield appear, the last free mercenary immediately raised his gun and fired a hail of bullets.


Lao Wang also took this opportunity to pull out two grenades and threw them over.

"Be careful with grenades!"

Song Zijie, who had already put on a bulletproof vest, became alert when he heard the sound of the bracelet ringing.

Boom boom——

Following the sound of an explosion, Lao Wang and others quickly evacuated from the Wan Chai Police Station.


"Get in the car quickly!"

At the same time that Lao Wang and others exited the police station, Max happened to drive over.

He said before that it didn't matter whether Lao Wang and others left, but now with his actions, he clearly wanted to take them away together.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill them again sooner or later!"

Lao Wang cursed and then climbed into the car unwillingly.

"Stop! Stop!"

Da da da da da da——

When Song Zijie and his men chased him out, they only saw the exhaust fumes emitted by the car.


Song Zijie obviously didn't want the other party to escape, but was preparing to chase him out.

Didi oh - didi oh -

"Don't panic, everyone. This is the police station. We have enough police force to protect everyone, especially we have three super police officers who are wise, brave and beautiful!"

However, before Song Zijie could lead the others away, Ye Dexian stood up first, especially when she directly named Song Zijie.

It turned out that Ah Hai had just blown open the wall of the police station's detention room, and a series of gunshots in the middle instantly caused the citizens who came to protest and the reporters who came to interview to panic.

As a result, the press conference obviously could not go on. In order not to cause panic among the people and cause a more serious incident, Dexian Ye was the first to stand up and comfort everyone, and even directly pulled out several well-known policemen from the Wan Chai Police Station.


Upon hearing the presence of these police officers, many citizens gradually calmed down.

But as a result, there will naturally not be enough police force to hunt down the escaped Max and Lao Wang.

"Husband, there is no water in the car. Go buy some."

The co-pilot, He Min, searched around but found no water on the car.

She happened to see an 811 nearby, so she asked Zhang Pin, who was driving, to buy some water.

"Okay, just wait."

Zhang Pin nodded, then parked the car aside, and after making sure that the area was safe and no one was around, he walked into the convenience store.

"Take out all the money!"

As a result, when he walked into the convenience store, Zhang Pin discovered that three gangsters who looked like they were underage were standing in front of the cashier of the convenience store. They were holding dicks in their hands, threatening the clerk wearing glasses at the cashier, and making compulsory charges.


Seeing Zhang Pin come in, the three gangsters didn't panic at all.

"What are you looking at? We and Brother Dong have nothing to do with you, so don't meddle in your own business!"

The gangsters were really arrogant, and they obviously didn't know Sir Zhang.

"Oh, I just came in to buy two bottles of water."

Sir Zhang took a look at the situation at the scene and had no intention of getting involved.

The three gangsters looked underage at first glance, and he didn't know what their psychological quality was like. If his identity was revealed directly, he was not worried about his own safety, but he was worried about what would happen to the optical shop assistant.

So he took a few bottles of water while talking, and then walked to the cashier.

However, when Zhang Pin took out his wallet, he realized that he rarely bought things by himself, so he had no change at all.

There was nothing he could do, so he simply took out a thousand Hong Kong dollar, placed it at the cashier, and signaled the optical shop assistant to give him change.

"There is no money, they took away all the change."

When the optical shop clerk saw Zhang Pin giving money, he immediately picked up Sir Zhang's money and put it directly into the cash register. Then he spread his hands and said that he had no money to change.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Zhang Pin provocatively.

Zhang Pin didn't understand the purpose of this clerk's behavior for a while.

If you don't have any change, just say so. What does it mean to charge yourself money like this?

"Take out the fucking money you just collected and think we are blind!"

As a result, before Zhang Pin could say anything, the three gangsters who had finished robbing and were about to leave suddenly turned back and then raised their knives to threaten the clerk.

Apparently they also saw Zhang Pin give the other party a one thousand Hong Kong dollar note.

When the glasses store clerk heard what the gangster said, his face suddenly fell. However, due to the dagger in the gangster's hand, he could only honestly take out the money he just put into the cash register again.

After the three gangsters got the money, they turned around again and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, he hasn't asked me for change yet!"

Sir Zhang has not yet decided how to deal with the fact that the three gangsters stole the money from the convenience store, but he feels very sad about the fact that his money was taken away by the convenience store but he was not given change.

It needs to be resolved immediately.

So he called the three gangsters to stop, walked up to the guy who had taken the money before, reached directly into the other person's pocket, and took out a large amount of cash.

He clicked, counted out a total of 980 yuan in change, and put it directly into his own pocket. Then he put the remaining money back into the other person's pocket, and kindly folded it for the other person to avoid it.

When the money falls out.

"What do you mean?"

When the three gangsters were called out by Zhang Pin, they still didn't react. Then Zhang Pin just took out his pocket, counted the money and put the remaining money back again. He also sorted the banknotes in the middle. His movements were so natural and smooth.

They felt puzzled for a moment, so they stood still and didn't move, and naturally they didn't speak.

Now seeing Zhang Pin walking to the door of the convenience store with water and preparing to leave, one of the gangsters finally realized what he was doing.

Judging from his words, it was obvious that he originally wanted to use swear words, but maybe Zhang Pin's actions were too natural.

It actually frightened him, so he just asked his doubts.

"Don't you understand? I gave him a thousand yuan, but the water was sold for twenty yuan, so you have to give me nine hundred and eighty yuan in change?"

Hearing the gangster's question, Sir Zhang kindly explained to him.

While he was speaking, he kept walking and stood at the exit first.

"Oh, I understand. In fact, today is Thursday, and the convenience store is holding an event. If you are a member, you can get a 20% discount on shopping. In fact, it only costs sixteen yuan."

When another gangster who was robbing Zhang Pin heard Zhang Pin say that he couldn't understand, he was immediately unconvinced and started arguing about the amount of money Zhang Pin said.

"I didn't know today was membership day."

Zhang Pin didn't care much after hearing what the other party said.

It's only four yuan, so given his worth, he doesn't care whether it's a discount or not.

"Why the hell are you telling him this? Am I asking about discounts? Am I asking why you took money from me?"

When the gangster who had Zhang Pin take money from him heard the conversation between Zhang Pin and his companion, he couldn't help but cursed. However, judging from the change in his tone, the first curse was obviously directed at him.

Little friend.

"Yeah, why do you want to steal our money?"

The friend on the side obviously also heard that he was the target of being scolded. At the same time, he also realized that he seemed to be paying attention to the wrong point, so he quickly followed the friend and asked.

"Because you guys took all the money from the convenience store. How can I get my money back if I don't ask you to get it?"

Zhang Pin seemed to take the two people's problems very naturally.

"Yes, we took away all the money from the cashier. If he wants change, he really can only ask us to get the money."

The little gangster who had just been scolded nodded again when he heard Zhang Pin's words, and then spoke in agreement.

The little gangster who had been taken away by Zhang Pin with 980 yuan in change heard Zhang Pin's words. He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he also felt that what Zhang Pin said made sense, so although he felt that there was something wrong in it.

Something was wrong, but he didn't know how to refute Zhang Pin's words.

"Do you still have any questions? No problem, I'll go out first."

Sir Zhang seemed to be very patient with the little gangster when it came to a few questions.

Before he even left, he asked several people again if they had any questions.

"No problem."

The little gangster who was scolded was the first to shake his head. He was obviously very proud that he could understand Zhang Pin's explanation so quickly. While speaking, he looked unconvinced at the little friend who had scolded him before.

"No problem."

The little gangster who had his change taken away from him by Zhang Pin touched his head in confusion. In fact, he still had some problems.

But because the friend from before said that he was fine.

He couldn't figure out what the problem was, so he thought about it and shook his head.

Zhang Pin saw that both of them had no questions, so he turned around and prepared to go out first.

"No, we are robbing a convenience store. How can you take the money we robbed!"

But at this moment, the guy among the three gangsters who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

"Yes, we are robbing, how can you take our money!"

The gangster who had the money taken from him by Zhang Pin immediately reacted and was obviously a little excited.

"Yes, you are robbing the convenience store's money, not my money, so it is reasonable for me to take my money."

But Zhang Pin was much calmer about the excitement of the two gangsters.

"What he said makes sense."

When the scolded gangster heard Zhang Pin's words, he nodded in agreement.

He obviously recognized Zhang Pin's clear logic.

When the other two gangsters heard Zhang Pin's words, they opened their mouths to refute, but for a moment they were unable to formulate any words to refute due to lack of knowledge and experience.

When Zhang Pin saw the appearance of the three of them, he just shook his head helplessly, then turned around and left the convenience store.

Underage gangsters like this don't read many books, so they naturally don't have much brains. Their personalities tend to be one-dimensional, so they're easy to fool.

"wait for me a while!"

Zhang Pin left the convenience store and came to the car. He handed the water to He Min and asked him to lock the door.

The main reason why he didn't kill the three robberies at the convenience store just now was because he was worried about He Min outside.

After coming out now, he was sure that He Min's safety was not a problem, so he did not leave in a hurry. Instead, after warning the other party, he turned around and walked to a place not far from the convenience store entrance to wait for the three of them to come out.

"No, what we just robbed was a convenience store. He took the money from us. Doesn't that mean he robbed us?"

After Zhang Pin left, the three gangsters were still arguing about Zhang Pin's behavior of taking money from himself and others.

The first one to speak was obviously the last one among the three. He looked a bit like one of the three who had more knowledge, but it was obvious that the knowledge in his head was limited.

"He just took the change that was given to him. The money was originally his. The teacher said before that taking back something that belongs to you cannot be regarded as robbery."

This time the person speaking was the gangster who had been scolded by his friends before.

He obviously approved of Zhang Pin's behavior.

"What the hell is the use of talking about this now? Let's leave quickly and wait for the note to come later." ()

This chapter has been completed!
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