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Chapter 1,192 Killing people and dancing

"What are you doing! Didn't you see the closure?"

There were two young and Dangerous guys guarding the door of the nightclub. They didn't look like they were adults. When they saw the bullet coming, they didn't give him a good look.

Faced with the doubts of the two brats, Bullet said nothing and just held up the lunch box on his hand for them to see.

"The delivery guy, why are you so late? You've been waiting for most of the day!"

The two little guys were already in a daze from taking drugs, but after seeing the lunch box, they sobered up a bit.

So they let the bullet go.

"They are on the rooftop, remember not to enter the nightclub."

One of the kid seemed to have some conscience and reminded Bullet specifically.

However, Bullet did not respond to the kid's reminder. He had already stepped into the elevator.

The elevator went all the way to the top floor, which was already occupied by Tu Dinghua and his younger brother.

The empty attic was filled with scattered wine bottles and other miscellaneous garbage.

Twenty or thirty men and women were scattered around, sitting or lying everywhere. At this time, everyone was indifferent to the appearance of bullets, and no one paid him any attention.

Bullet didn't pay attention to this scene. He turned around first, pulled up an iron door in front of the elevator entrance, and then locked the door lock.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Bullet's behavior immediately attracted the attention of others. One of the young and Dangerous boys who was near the elevator stood up and asked about Bullet while revealing the pistol on his body.

"Someone is paying for your lives, and they are willing to spend the money. All the men here today, except myself, must die!"

When Bullet heard the gangster's question, he told the gangster seriously with a smile on his face.


The scene suddenly fell silent.


After a while, the young and Dangerous guy who asked the question before started laughing.

"Hahahaha, whatever he said, we will all die! Hahahaha!"

The first person to laugh was followed by others laughing one after another.

"I didn't quite hear what you just said! Please say it again!"

The other two young and Dangerous guys walked towards the bullet with a smile. As they talked, they took out the pistols they had prepared.

After Tudinghua killed Yaodong, he naturally asked why Yaodong, who had obviously run away, suddenly returned to Hong Kong Island.

Soon he knew that Yaodong's return to Hong Kong was Wei Jixiang's handiwork.

It was precisely because he was worried that Wei Jixiang would cause trouble for him that Tudinghua deliberately stopped the nightclub and gathered people on the top floor. The purpose was to prevent Wei Jixiang from bringing people to cause trouble for him.

Because he knew in his heart that he could not be Hong Tai's opponent in terms of strength, Tu Dinghua found connections and equipped all his men with pistols.

There is a tacit understanding among the Hong Kong community that they will not use firearms easily even if they are violent.

Because if it is just a simple steel pipe and a machete, it can only be regarded as a fight with weapons, but if a firearm is used, it can easily be regarded as a terrorist incident by the police.

But Tu Dinghua is obviously not a man of rules.

Young people like him never think that the rules left by the older generation are of any use.

At this time, there were more than twenty of them, and each one of them had a gun, but only one person had bullets. At this moment, they were brazenly saying that they would kill them all.

These people obviously think Bullet is a lunatic.

After all, if he wasn't a madman, how could he say such a thing?

Bullet heard the threat from the young and Dangerous guy in front of him, but he didn't care much.

Instead of listening to what the other party said and repeating what he just said, he picked up a bottle of wine from the table, poured a glass into the glass, drank it all in one breath, and then smashed the glass to the ground with a bang.

Seeing Bullet's provocative behavior, the young and Dangerous boys who were still watching the show quickly gathered together.

The girls who were drinking with them on the roof suddenly woke up and stood up from their seats. However, the door to the roof was locked and they could only gather in a corner.


"Okay! Let's fight again!"

There were also young girls who had taken too many drugs or drank too much alcohol and were still not clear-headed. They raised their hands and clapped.

Except for a small number of girls in mixed clubs like this who are forced to do so, most of them like this kind of exciting life.

So, while talking, someone turned on a speaker on the rooftop, and suddenly a burst of disco music sounded from the rooftop.

As the music played, Bullet stood on the spot, started to wave his hands, and even danced on the spot.

This incident made the young and Dangerous boys who were already surrounding Bullet look at each other in confusion, and for a moment they didn't know what to do.

Such a big movement naturally attracted Tu Dinghua's attention.

He stood up from the recliner at this time, and first took a look at the dancing bullets.

After confirming that he didn't recognize the other party, he casually picked up a shotgun from the side and walked over unsteadily.

"You're the one who rides on the horse"

After walking to Bullet, Thu Dinghua raised the muzzle of the gun and was about to say something. Unexpectedly, Bullet, who was still dancing, suddenly reached out and grabbed the barrel of the shotgun, and then pointed it at the young and Dangerous guys opposite.

When Tu Dinghua was caught at gunpoint, he subconsciously pulled the trigger.


The hot gunpowder carried countless steel balls, and instantly blew away the young and Dangerous boys opposite Thu Ding Hua.

Such a sudden change was obviously not within the expectations of the young and Dangerous boys who were watching.

They were standing there one by one, as if they were frightened. Several of the young and Dangerous guys who were holding guns even dropped their pistols on the ground in fright.


Bullet seized the opportunity, kicked the thumbtack Hua away, and at the same time took the shotgun in his hand.



Boom boom——

He fired four shots in a row, killing all the people surrounding him.

After the shot was fired, the bullet collided again, knocking Thuttie Hua away who had just stood up, and he also left the place with the other person.

His quick action made the young and Dangerous boys around who had not been shot yet and were about to shoot back became timid and did not dare to act rashly for a while.

The reason why Bullet's tone is so strong is that he has already known the real abilities of this group of people.

After all, Tu Dinghua is just a little gangster, and his subordinates are also a group of low-class guys.

On weekdays, relying on the large number of people, standing around waving flags and shouting is somewhat useful, but in a real life-or-death situation, none of them will have any effect at all.

So the next scene was simply a show by Bullet alone.

He first used Thumbtack as a cover and killed several guys who were still holding pistols and preparing to shoot.

Then after killing these guys, the remaining people collapsed immediately, dropping their weapons one by one and squatting on the spot with their heads in their hands, wanting to beg for mercy.

But as a killer, Bullet's heart has already become cold.

He was always trustworthy in his words and deeds, so he did not hesitate to kill all the young and Dangerous men on the rooftop.

Then he opened the iron door, let go of the group of frightened women, and then left the scene in a swaggering manner.

With such a big incident happening, the case was quickly placed on Zhang Pin's desk.

"It can't be such a coincidence!"

Zhang Pin's first reaction after seeing the report was the radio station he listened to last night.

The guy named Adan who called at the beginning said that he had taken an order and was going to do some work.

Although Sir Zhang didn't have any evidence, he instinctively suspected that the professional killer today was 100% A Dan who called the radio station.

Yes, regarding Tu Dinghua's murder, Sir Zhang just took one look at the scene and knew that it was definitely done by a professional killer, and the person who did it was definitely a master.

"This case is led by Ma Jun. Be careful, this killer is not simple."

Sir Zhang thought for a while and decided to hand over the case to Ma Jun, who was the most powerful person in the police station besides himself.

"Don't worry, Ah Tou, don't let me meet him, otherwise I will definitely make him look good."

Ma Jun is very confident in this. Since Sir Zhang seized the batch of top-notch equipment from the CIA's secret location, Ma Jun and his crime team have solved many serious cases.

Even though Jiang Tianyang summoned so many desperadoes last time, they were still able to kill them all with one charge.

Now that he was dealing with a single-handed killer, Ma Jun was obviously very confident.

"Uncle Zhong!"

"Uncle Wei!"

The plane stood at the door and greeted the last two uncles of the club with a smile.

Although Dongxing has a long history, there are not many bosses who can sit firmly in the position of their uncles.

In addition, before this, Dongxing’s talkers had always been those who had the ability to be the talkers. Therefore, it was generally difficult for those who were capable and capable to be tolerated by the talkers.

As a result, when this election began, there were actually not many uncles who had the right to vote.

Originally, Airplane thought it was bound to win, so it naturally had no intention of supporting more people to have the right to vote.

But who knew that God would tell us that so many people from the association would come forward to stand for election.

Once there are more people, the initial votes will naturally not be enough.

Originally, it was considered a plane and the new East Star Five Tigers, with a total of only nine tickets.

But now there are five people who want to participate in the speaker election.

If the election is based on nine votes, and each of the five candidates casts his own vote, then there will only be four votes left. Let alone the issue of individual distribution, it will not look good just in terms of appearance.

As one of the largest clubs in Hong Kong, East Star would not be a good thing for all East Star members if word spread that choosing who to talk to was like a child playing house.

And with only nine votes, it will be very difficult to win votes.

Because of this, Dongxing finally made a temporary decision to expand voting rights and find ten more senior or capable people to let them participate in voting.

The ten new people who had the right to vote had never thought that they would still be able to participate in the election, but now they suddenly found that they had become the key to the conversation. Naturally, they were all very excited.

No, not long after they had the right to vote, they were personally invited on a plane.

Seeing that there were only four people arriving, the plane was actually not very satisfied.

However, his face did not show any strangeness, and he warmly entertained them.

"Uncle Zhong, I heard that you are developing real estate in the New Territories, which is Lu's territory. Things are not going well, right?"

The New Territories was originally the headquarters of Eastern Star, but those areas were reserved areas for locals from Hong Kong Island, and the clan power was very strong.

When the authorities wanted to develop the New Territories, they were blocked by the locals. They finally signed the small house agreement and finally got the locals to compromise.

A small person like Uncle Zhong would naturally not be able to enjoy himself there.

"Hey, don't talk about it. I spent money to buy some Ding rights. The agreement was signed and the money was given. It was written in black and white. They turned around and refused to acknowledge it. I invested all my pension money.

Now it’s all in vain to draw water from a bamboo basket.”

When Uncle Zhong heard the plane's inquiry, he immediately complained with an ugly face.

"The Lu Group has the support of the authorities, so we can't take action, but I will definitely help you get the money you paid back. I also have a nightclub in Wan Chai. When the time comes, you will be the boss after all your hard work. What do you think?"


The plane had already done its homework before inviting these people. Not only did he agree to help them get back the money they invested, but he also gave up the profits of a bar. This was definitely a big deal.

Uncle Chung used to be just a washed-up little boss who had already gone into hiding in the New Territories. However, his pension money was still defrauded by the locals, and he was already on the verge of going to the rooftops.

Now things have taken a turn for the worse. The plane not only offered to help him get back the money he was defrauded, but also gave him a bar. What is there to be dissatisfied about now?

He quickly picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank it all in one gulp: "Thank you, Brother Aircraft. Don't worry, I will definitely vote for you this time as the speaker. You are the speaker and you act well. In fact, I want to see

There is no need for reform at all, if you just continue to sit down, the people under you will definitely be convinced."

Hearing Uncle Zhong's statement, Qian Qian was obviously very satisfied, but he did not continue to say anything more, but looked aside.

"Uncle Wei, I heard that the last time you did business, you were unlucky and encountered a gangster, causing the company to lose a lot of money?"

When Uncle Wei heard what the plane said, his face suddenly turned bitter.

Dongxing started his career in the flour business under the leadership of Luotuo.

After the aircraft was taken over, cuts were made in this area due to Zhang Pin's reasons.

However, because the profits of white noodles are there, naturally they cannot be completely cut.

Uncle Wei used to be a big boss of the same generation as Luo Tuo. After the plane came on stage, he was naturally ignored.

This old man used to be sensible, but when he realized that he was getting old, he took the initiative to take a back seat.

Due to his seniority and the fact that he had just taken up the position in the aircraft, his position was not that stable yet. For such a sensible old guy, he mainly focused on maintaining stability, and naturally it was not easy to do anything to kill everyone.

But old guys like Uncle Wei have no abilities themselves. He has been relegated to the second line and has lost even his final prestige.

In order to make a living, he took advantage of previous channels and secretly started a flour business.

At the beginning, because he didn't have enough capital, he always made small troubles. Who knows that because of this, he actually escaped many attacks from the police.

After working for so many years, Uncle Wei had gained experience and developed a group of customers, so he was ready to make a big business and retire after making a lot of money.

Who would have known that he was unlucky. He had just purchased a large amount of goods from the Dutch some time ago, but during the transaction, he encountered someone who was cheating on him. Not only did he not get the goods, but the money for the goods was also robbed.

It was originally a robbery, but the money Uncle Wei bought was not his own at all, but was taken from the club's account.

If the goods were not robbed, based on the current price of white noodles in Hong Kong, he could easily replenish his account after selling the noodles.

But now, it is obviously impossible. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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