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Chapter 1,242 Looking for Someone

Chapter 1113 Looking for someone

Po was very cheerful when collecting money, but in fact he couldn't even speak English, let alone find someone in America.

However, the other party gave him a deposit of 10,000 U.S. dollars and stated that if he found it, he would give another 100,000 U.S. dollars. So A Bao thought about it and quickly came to A Qiang for help.

"Looking for people, I'm not good at finding people. Just like you, I've only been here in America for a few months and I don't know a few people in total."

After listening to A Bao's description, A Qiang immediately shook his head in embarrassment.

America is so big, it's not easy to find someone.

"And have you ever thought about it, since they are willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to hire a fake detective like you, why not use the money to publish a missing person notice? Is there any fraud in this?"

Aqiang doesn't believe that there is any pie-in-the-sky thing in this world.

"Oh, I know this is a bit difficult, so I came to you. Isn't your uncle very close in Chinatown? I remember you said that he has a martial arts brother, Uncle Mo, who runs a martial arts gym in Chinatown.

Maybe they have clues."

Abao heard Aqiang's reminder but didn't take it seriously. He naturally thought that there must be something fishy in it.

But for A Bao, as long as he has money to collect, it doesn’t matter whether he is naughty or not.

"You need to ask Uncle Mo for help. He has some brain problems."

A Qiang was relieved when he heard that A Bao wanted to find other people for help.

But when he heard who the other party was looking for, his expression turned strange.

The Uncle Mo they were talking about was the contemporary descendant of the famous Mojia Quan in the Southern School, and they had studied with each other for a while in the past.

But because the other party is old and has some brain problems, he often mistakes men for women.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a lunatic. It's like no one has it."

When Abao talked about this, he looked very proud.

A fact that has to be admitted is that unlike America, which has entered modernization and has begun to pay attention to spiritual comfort, in the East, even the basic food and clothing problems can only be said to be barely solved, so spiritual problems are naturally not very good.

Pay attention to.

Even if many people have obvious mental disorders, they are just weird tempers in the eyes of others. Except for some extremely stupid cases, others will not think about the disease at all.

Especially after coming to America, Bao heard about depression, mania, road rage, etc. In order to be lazy, he always used the excuse that he was ill and was unwilling to do hard work.

For A Bao, the reason why he chose to cross the border illegally was because he did not want to endure hardship and wanted to live a good life here.

But if you come to America, you still have to do hard work.

Then he didn't walk the line in vain.


Hearing A Bao's words and expressions about being proud of his illness, Nancy, who was looking at Zhang Pin with affection, finally couldn't help but laugh.

Hearing Nancy's laughter, Po turned his head and saw Nancy in a red dress, and his eyes almost went straight.

"Hey, hey, hey, please keep your image. By the way, these two are my new friends. We are all fellow villagers. Let's get to know each other later. Let's leave quickly."

Ah Qiang immediately felt very embarrassed when he saw Ah Bao acting like a pig.

Then he just gave a brief introduction and took Abao outside.

"Hey, hello, beauty, my name is A Bao, and I am a private detective."

"Pfft, this guy is really interesting."

Nancy really thinks Po is a living treasure.

"It's indeed interesting."

Zhang Pin also nodded. He didn't expect that he would bump into these two brothers after they came to America.

As a result, he needs to pay more attention to what he does recently.

After all, the appearance of the two brothers at the same time definitely meant that something was going to happen.

Of course, Sir Zhang doesn't care about this. After all, this is America. If there is really something difficult to deal with, he can still choose to just pat his ass and leave.

"Let's go back and sleep again."

Zhang Pin patted Nancy's butt, and then the two returned to the room.

Since it was not suitable to go to bed immediately after eating, Zhang Pin pulled Nancy's hair again, half-knelt behind her, and helped her exercise her body's flexibility.

"Damn it, you are such a beautiful beauty and you don't want to introduce her to me."

After leaving the hotel, Po was still struggling with the fact that he didn't behave well in front of Nancy just now.

"You're such a jerk. You don't have any good sense. You didn't see that the two of them are a couple."

When Ah Qiang talked about this, he felt a little envious.

"What's wrong with a couple? If we can't keep things together, they'll break up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Bao heard that Nancy had a girlfriend, but he still didn't give up.

This guy has been poor for half his life, and finally has a huge sum of US$10,000 in his hands. His whole body is inflated.

"Stop fucking daydreaming and come help me push the cart."

Aqiang is obviously not in the mood to talk about other people's women. He is more concerned about his own food truck.

"Why are you pushing the car? When did you drive the car to fight?"

When Abao heard Aqiang's shouting, he turned around and was shocked by the current state of the car.

At this time, the compartment of the car was full of bullet holes. People who didn't know better would think that Aqiang drove the car to fight.

"Why don't we take a taxi? I'll pay for the fare."

Po obviously didn't observe A Qiang's car carefully before, but now that the tires of the car are broken, he obviously doesn't want to help push the car.

"If you want to go, you can go by yourself. I need to repair the car first."

Aqiang is unwilling to put his car here.

"You are stupid, change the spare tire first, and then drive to the repair shop."

A Bao likes to be lazy, so his mind works very quickly.

After hearing what he said, Aqiang didn't say anything this time.

The two of them were busy working for a while and quickly changed the spare tire.

"Tighten the screws a little for me, and I'll find a way to cover the bullet holes in the car."

After changing the spare tire, Ah Qiang handed over the screw-tightening work to Ah Bao while he looked for some stickers. After all, if he drove out with a car full of bullet holes, he might be questioned by the police.

"Oh, the screws are already tightened, what more needs to be tightened?"

Po had been trying his best to be lazy when changing the spare tire. Now he just twisted it twice casually and put away the tool.

"Are you sure you want to talk to Uncle Biao? He's already in a mental hospital."

The two got into the car and drove towards a psychiatric hospital.

Aqiang originally came to America to seek refuge with his uncle, but who knew that his uncle was mentally ill and had to take care of him on his own.

"Let's go and have a look. It just so happens that we can take him out to play. How can he get better if he stays in the hospital every day?"

In order to make money, Abao is quite motivated right now.

"I need to go back to the house first. Nancy's brother is home alone. I'm going to bring him some food."

Ah Qiang is a very trustworthy person.

Although because of Abao's interruption, he has not forgotten his promise to Zhang Pin.

"Okay, okay, you have the final say on how to arrange it."

As soon as he got into the car, A Bao didn't want to move. He had traveled a lot in order to find A Bao today.

So even if Aqiang doesn't go to help him right now, he would rather follow him.

A Qiang obviously understood A Bao's character, and he started the car directly after speaking.

The food truck soon arrived at the place where Aqiang lived.

"Wait, there is murderous intent!"

Just when Ah Qiang parked the car and was about to get out, Ah Bao on the side suddenly pulled him back.

When Aqiang heard what he said, he immediately looked around cautiously.

He was quite convinced by A Bao's words.

In fact, Po was able to travel to America through wires in this era, and he was able to live a respectable life without working, so he was certainly capable.

The reason why Ah Qiang was able to defeat several speedster gangs was naturally because he and Ah Bao had learned some boxing and kicking skills from their master since they were young.

"Back there, those guys on motorcycles."

Before A Qiang could finish his observation, A Bao pointed towards the back. At this time, a group of motorcycle gang members were surrounding the food truck.

"No, they are here to take revenge on me, we have to drive away quickly!"

Seeing the group of motorcycles behind him, Aqiang immediately understood that the motorcycle gang he beat up last night was here to take revenge.

He didn't expect that this group of people would squat where he lived.

"You're driving a crappy car. Your crappy car can outrun the opponent's motorcycle. Get out of the car and call the police first. Let's go into the building opposite and wait for the police to arrive."

But Abao clearly disagrees with Aqiang's handling method.

He is obviously better at things like fighting.

Opposite is a shopping mall and a parking lot. The terrain is complicated, so it shouldn't be too easy to hide two people.

As he spoke, he opened the car door and held a large bucket of salad oil in his hand.

"Let's go!"

Abao did not ask Aqiang why he wanted to conflict with these speedsters, nor did he choose to distance himself from Aqiang. Instead, he directly chose to strike first.

He unscrewed the cap of the oil drum and threw it towards the motorcycle coming from behind.

Dong dong dong——

As the oil drum rolled, oil continued to flow onto the road.


Seeing this scene, the speedsters who were originally driving their motorcycles were so frightened that they immediately stopped their cars.

As a result, Aqiang and Abao naturally had time to escape, and they quickly jumped into the nearby shopping mall.

"Chai, it was this kid who beat us last night."

This group of speedsters are indeed here to guard Aqiang.

Seeing the two people running into the mall, a dozen speedsters followed immediately.



But the guy who was at the front just walked to the door and saw A Bao holding a glass door with both hands. After seeing him coming, the other guy immediately pushed hard and pushed the door out.

This guy didn't have time to react, and his whole body came into close contact with the door.

The huge impact directly shattered the glass, and he flew out, knocking down his two accomplices behind him.

"Fuck you, copycat."

Seeing a bad start, this group of motorcycle gangs did not give up.

They knew last night that Aqiang was very good at fighting, but in America, being able to fight was of no use. After all, guns were not allowed here.

No matter how high your martial arts skills are, you can't stop bullets.

"Damn, they are serious, run!"

Abao originally had a bucket of water filled with a lot of washing powder and soap, but when he saw the guys outside pulling out pistols, he immediately put down the bucket, turned around and ran away.

Aqiang naturally followed him with a straight step.

The two went to the second floor. This was an entertainment city with many kinds of things.

Aqiang suddenly felt a sense of intimacy.

"Why don't we ambush here?"

He immediately proposed to Abao.

"Can you stop a bullet?"

But Abao's next words made him shut up immediately.

Although Aqiang feels that the entertainment city belongs to his home court, this is the free America, and the American-style Iai is not something that his Furniture City God of War can resist.

So the two of them could only continue running upstairs.

But running like this was obviously not a good idea. Chased by the speedsters, they retreated all the way to the seventh floor, and beyond that was the roof.

Originally, Abao wanted to take the opportunity to delay the attack, but this group of speedsters had no martial ethics and would draw guns whenever they met. How could they dare to show their prowess in front of each other?

"Find a place to hide. I hope the police will arrive soon."

As Po said, he got into a car filled with bobo balls.

Although the two called the police, it was still unknown how long it would take for the police in America to arrive, and whether they could arrive before the speedsters found them.

"You hide well, I'll lure them away."

A Qiang didn't say anything when he saw A Bao hiding. He also knew that it was useless for the two of them to hide like this. After all, the mall was so big.

There wasn't much time to delay it now. Since he was the one responsible for the matter, he was ready to help A Bao continue to delay it.

"Hey, be careful, why don't you go downstairs and go around in circles with them."

A Bao saw A Qiang voluntarily delaying time and quickly gave him suggestions.

Aqiang thought it made sense when he heard it, so he immediately ran to the stairwell opposite, but just as he was about to run down, footsteps came from downstairs.

"Everyone, don't rush to shoot when you see that Asian kid. I want to play with him."

Just by listening to the sound, you can tell that this group of speedsters actually know how to outflank them.

"Damn, your grandpa is here, come and catch me!"

When Aqiang heard someone below, he knew that the circle method would definitely not work.

His original intention was to be a bait, so instead of hiding, he pushed a large number of carts from the nearby shopping mall, and then pushed them down the stairwell.



The few speedsters who came around didn't expect that Aqiang would ambush here.

Caught off guard, two more people were directly crushed to the ground by the rolling cart.

Bang bang bang——

This group of speedster gang members are really a bit lawless.

Not only did they pull out their pistols in the mall, but now they actually dared to shoot.

Of course, Aqiang couldn't block the bullet with his body, so he could only run to the top balcony.

Originally, he wanted to delay for a while on the balcony, but when he ran up, he realized that the roof of the building was completely bare. Not to mention delaying, there was not even a hiding place.

"Hahaha! Asian boy, let me see where you hide now!"

"Kneel down, get under me, and then bark like a dog, and I will just break your legs!"

"Don't kill him yet, I want him to give me a mouth!"

"Let me fuck his ass!"

As the group said this, they surrounded Aqiang.

Aqiang could only choose to keep retreating towards the edge of the balcony, but soon, he retreated to the very edge.

Aqiang first glanced down. The shopping mall was four stories high. Unlike the apartments, which were only about three meters high, the shopping malls were all four meters high.

Looking down from the balcony, it is almost thirty meters above the ground.

From such a high position, Aqiang immediately gave up the idea of ​​jumping down.

"Jump down. If you jump down, we'll let you go!"

Seeing Aqiang looking downstairs, someone in the speeding gang had obviously guessed his intention.

Aqiang's face turned a little pale, but he did not give up.

He looked at a building next to him, but after looking at it, he was immediately disappointed.

Because America is vast and sparsely populated, even in a prosperous city like Luojishan, the distance between two buildings is seven or eight meters.

It's not easy to jump over such a long distance.

Especially opposite is a ten-story apartment building, which is higher than the mall.

Opposite the location he faced were all closed apartments. Only one family opened a door in the wall and built a small balcony.

The balcony is too small, and because the distance is so close, if these speedsters really shoot, Aqiang will have no place to hide.

Therefore, if he wanted to avoid the pursuit of these people, he had to land on a door that was less than one meter wide and jump into the opposite room.

In such a small location and such a long distance, one can imagine how difficult it is.

But at present, if Aqiang does not want to fall into the hands of this group of speedsters, this is the only solution that is not a solution.

"Dance, if you have the ability, dance. Everyone, step aside. I want to see if this Asian guy dares to jump!"

Aqiang's hesitation and observation did not escape the eyes of this group of speedsters.

They are a bunch of guys who like to have fun.

At this moment, seeing that Chen Jiaju seemed to have the idea of ​​jumping to the other side, he was not in a hurry to do anything, but started to cheer.

This chapter has been completed!
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