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Chapter 1,254 The destruction of the human-snake group

Chapter 1125 The destruction of the human-snake group

"Get down!"

Zhang Pin didn't expect that Shu Lai would have the courage to shoot his father.

The reason why he came here without a magazine just now was to create an opportunity to kill the opponent.

But who knew that before he could take action, Shulai shot first.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

Da da da--


As soon as Zhang Pin's reminder was shouted out, gunshots suddenly erupted at the door of the dispatch room, and the entire dispatch room fell into a hail of bullets.

"Damn it, you guys are so messy, aren't you afraid of killing your own people?"

Faced with such a dense bullet attack, Zhang Pin slid towards Shu Lai on the ground, and then pushed his body to the ground.

Then he didn't forget to complain about the other party.

But thinking about the scene where the bodyguard was beaten up just now, there is a high probability that the other party really does not care about the safety of his partner.

After all, for local cowards like them, there are not too many people from all over the world who want to come to America, so there is no need to worry about the supply of goods.

As long as they continue to control the supply of goods, without Shu Lai as a partner, it will be a matter of minutes to find a new one.

"You had so much fun playing, then I'll let you experience it too!"

Since all the enemies in the room were dead, Zhang Pin was sure that Shu Lai, who was lying on the ground, could not see the next scene, so he raised his hand, and several grenades appeared in his hand.

Then he unplugged the grenade and threw it outside.

"Be careful, it's a grenade!"

Boom boom boom——

When the grenade was thrown, the people outside were obviously frightened.

But before they had any time to react, with several violent explosions, the originally dense bullets disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Let's go, wait here for the people from the Investigation Bureau to clean up the mess."

Zhang Pin heard that there was no movement outside, so he pulled Shu Lai to his feet. He did not go out from the front, but walked out from the opposite position.

The port's dispatch room is all a metal room. Just now, following a violent burst of bullet fire, numerous holes were opened on the site, and the house became leaky.

Sir Zhang just kicked and opened an opening that could allow him to enter and exit.

After the two came out, Zhang Pin did not rush to find the people transported by the container, but rushed outside the port.

Just as he said, it is best to leave the next matter to the Investigation Bureau.

Because such a large shooting case occurred, people from the Bureau of Investigation naturally had enough reasons to take over the scene.

The reason why we didn't do this before is of course because if we do this, it will be a big challenge to the safety of the operators.

Secondly, there is the clichéd issue of America’s attitude towards stowaways.

At least for the people in the Bureau of Investigation and the police in America, these human traffickers who sell people from other countries to America are not something they can kill immediately when they encounter them.

This is also the reason why the Bureau of Investigation clearly knew that this guy Karpos was engaged in human trafficking, but had not touched him before.

But now that Sir Zhang has helped them bring the matter to light, everything has naturally become different.

In this situation, even if they don't want to take care of it, they still have to take care of it.


"Asshole, who did this?"

It was already two hours after Kapos got the news of the accident at the port.

At this time, there were many people standing in front of him.

A Bao and A Qiang stood behind him.

"Find them for me, and then I will kill them!"

Kaposi was really going to explode.

Because Carter Veron's flour business has been closely watched by America's law enforcement agencies, their lives have not been easy recently.

Otherwise, he would not have made such a fuss with Zhang Pin before for a reward of tens of thousands of dollars.

The business of human trafficking is one of the few projects that they can continue to operate in the near future.

But now, a group of unknown people have caused trouble. The group of human smugglers they managed to get over were also taken away by people from the Investigation Bureau.

Moreover, a group of men he arranged at the port also suffered heavy casualties. All of this naturally made Kaposz very anxious.

"Someone must be targeting us. We can't stay in Luojishan anymore. Let's go to Miami together."

Monica on the side was overjoyed when she heard that Kaposi's human smuggling business had been hit.

She was actually an informant planted by the Miami police into Carter Veron's gang.

In order to catch Carter Wellon's criminal evidence, Monica also chose to become the other person's woman and live together with him.

Recently, due to the increasingly strict targeted investigations of Carter Veron by the Bureau of Investigation and other agencies, many of Carter Veron's businesses have had problems, and the other party was about to be unable to handle it, so the other party decided to evacuate from America.


However, most of Carter Wellon's wealth is still in America. Since he has chosen to leave, he naturally will not leave his money here.

So he sent Monica out to find some drivers for himself, and then wanted to use the drivers to help him take away the money and some unsold goods.

Seeing that the operation is about to close the net, Monica naturally hopes that the Carter Veron gang will be hit as hard as possible.

Only when they've been hit hard enough will they make mistakes, allowing Monica to seize the opportunity.

The reason why Monica is eager to encourage Karposh to go back is naturally because Natasha recommended a driver to her not long ago.

Monica's identity is actually similar to Natasha's, and they are not official members of the police or the Bureau of Investigation.

Generally, they will be dispatched only for major tasks or some special cases.

Although such tasks are very rewarding, they are also very risky.

The two happened to meet during a joint investigation between Langley and Miami police.

This time when Natasha introduced Zhang Pin to Monica, she did not conceal Zhang Pin's identity, but she did not inform her of the specific mission.

Monica mistakenly thought that Zhang Pin was arranged by Langley to share the benefits.

This is not surprising. As a major drug lord, the reason why Carter Veron was targeted by so many departments in America was actually the news from Langley in the first place.

There is a piece of hot knowledge that is not too cold. If one were to select the largest white noodle seller in the world, it is estimated that more than half of the people would vote for Langley.

In fact, the news about Langley using fighter planes to transport flour was not once or twice.

Many big sellers of white flour in the world are inextricably linked to Langley.

Due to his own responsibilities, many of Langley's actions cannot be made public.

Some black operations are not even documented in theory, and naturally cannot receive funding support from Congress.

In order to maintain these tasks, a large amount of funds are required.

Therefore, drug money is a very important source of funds.

The original purpose of Monica recommending Zhang Pin was to muddy the situation and find a helper for herself.

Now that Zhang Pindu has set off for Miami, Monica naturally hopes to go there as soon as possible.

"We can't leave. Someone must be targeting us this time. If we just leave like this, how can we do business in Luoji Mountain in the future?"

Kaposi waved his hand and directly interrupted Monica's thoughts.

"This is what brother means. He has already flown here."

Before Monica could say anything else, Kapos explained another reason why he was angry.

Carter Veron is a very cautious person. For his own safety, he has only lived in Miami before.

The purpose is to leave America as soon as possible if any danger occurs.

But now the other party has chosen to come to Luoji Mountain.

It was nominally for the human-snake group, but what exactly it was about made Kaposi a little confused.

He glanced at Monica suspiciously.

First this woman came to Luoji Mountain, and then Carter Wellon also came. Kaposi was worried that the other party was interested in his business.

Although Kaposi and Carter Wellon are brothers, brothers also need to settle their accounts.

Especially in their line of work, trust is a very difficult thing.

In fact, Kaposi's guess was correct. The reason why Carter Veron came to Luoji Mountain was to transform his business.

His flour business has been shut down for almost a year. During this period, he was caught every time he shipped goods. Although Carter Veron and the people who shipped goods cut them to ensure his own safety, the losses were real.

More importantly, under the joint attack of multiple departments in America, his flour business has been suspended for a long time, and it will be difficult to pick up again in the future.

The reason why Carter Veron asked Monica to find a driver was because he wanted to find someone to help him transport the wealth he had accumulated before out of America.

He has now said hello to some gangsters in Mexico, and will go there to enclose land and engage in farming.

However, the planting industry is different from the sales business, which requires enough manpower.

Kaweilong fell in love with the human snake in the hands of his younger brother Kapos.

His original intention was to establish a relationship with his partner through Kaposi's relationship.

But who knew that before the human snake was sent to him, there would be a problem on Kaposi's side.

So Carter Wellon simply took action himself.


Kaposi was shot in the forehead and fell to the ground.

"Are you all drivers recruited by my brother?"

The first thing Carter Wellon did when he came to Luoji Mountain was to kill Kaposi.

Then he took the towel from Monica's hand, and while wiping his hands, he looked at Brian and others standing in front of him.


The scene was silent. Brian and the others just nodded subconsciously, not daring to make a sound for a while.

Carter Wellon looked at the few guys in front of him, including whites, blacks and Asians. Kaposi found them all.

Being looked at by Carter Wellon like this, everyone felt embarrassed for a moment.

Especially A Bao and A Qiang, two bodyguards who had just been promoted for less than a day, now lowered their heads and pretended to be quail.

When they heard Carter Veron's arrival, they thought the two brothers would have a touching scene of brotherhood and brotherhood.

In the end, who knew that Carter Veron didn't even hug his brother, but sent him directly to hell.

Especially the accustomed state of Monica on the side almost scared the five new members of Kaposi's team to a heart attack.

Carter Veron obviously didn't care about the psychological activities of several newcomers.

He first ordered Monica to summon all Kaposi's men in the manor in front of him.

Kaposi was in the human smuggling business, but he actually didn't have many subordinates, especially his confidant who was sent to escort the human smugglers, but ended up being scrapped at the port.

Now, including Brian's five people, there are less than thirty people in the manor in total.

He clapped his hands, and the two bodyguards who came with him immediately came over carrying a box, then opened the box and placed it on the table.

"There is one million here. If anyone wants to stay and work for me, come and get twenty thousand dollars. This is my gift to everyone.

If you don't want to stay, you can leave now, but you should know the rules!"

Carter Wellon simply and crudely began to integrate the team left by Kaposi.

"Sorry, sir, our family is still in Luoji Mountain. We cannot work for you, but we will keep your coming to Luoji Mountain a secret and will not tell anyone."

After hearing Carter Veron's words, two of the bodyguards stood up and politely refused to work for him.

After the two of them finished speaking, they turned around and walked outside.

Bang bang——

As a result, before they could get far, Carter Veron suddenly raised his gun again and killed the two of them from behind.

The scene suddenly came to a standstill.

Obviously, everyone didn't expect Carter Veron to be so domineering. As long as they didn't do things for him, they would be dead.

One of the bodyguards was obviously frightened. He stood up tremblingly, and without saying a word, he took out two bundles of U.S. dollars from the money box.


The frightened young man was shot in the forehead and fell to the ground.

"Really fucking take it!"

Carter Wellon looked at the body lying on the ground in surprise.

Everyone else felt tense, obviously not sure what the other party meant.

"When you work with me, you must abide by the rules. You can only take what I give you. Do you understand?"

Carter Wellon raised his head at this time and looked at the remaining people at the scene.

But at this time, no one dared to speak up to agree with him, because no one was sure if this lunatic would shoot him.

"Boss, there are patrol police coming outside. Maybe someone nearby heard gunshots and called the police."

At this moment, one of Carter Veron's men brought from Miami came over.

The manor in Kaposi is located in a wealthy area, so the public security is not bad.

Carter Wellon was shooting randomly here, and soon the police came to the door.

"Which of you has the ability to send the patrolman away?"

Carter Wellon was not in a hurry, but looked at the remaining bodyguards.

"Boss, send me there, I can handle it."

At this moment, Carter took the initiative to stand up.

The reason why Carter took the initiative to stand up was naturally because he saw Carter Wellon's moody character.

But the other party still had a gun in his hand, and there were many gunmen around him. If he didn't seize this opportunity to notify the police and then take the opportunity to escape, Carter was very worried that he would die at the hands of this guy with the same name as himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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