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Chapter 1,277 Helpless Ethan

Chapter 1148 Helpless Ethan

"Let's go. Now it's interesting. Someone actually took action against Langley's people."

When Zhang Pin saw the man leaving, he immediately looked at Bourne with a smile, then turned and walked to the other side.

"The man with glasses who was shot just now has a problem, why didn't you tell him?"

Bourne also left with Zhang Pin at this time.

While walking on the road, he suddenly asked a question.

As a professional agent, his specialty is to kill people. Bourne is very clear about the structure of the human body. He just saw clearly that the blood stains on the abdomen of the bespectacled man who was shot were a bit exaggerated.

Especially the opponent's action of jumping off the bridge. Yes, Bourne was confident that he could see it clearly. The opponent did not fall from the bridge because he was shot, but jumped down on his own initiative.

"Do you know them?"

When Zhang Pin heard Bourne's question, he didn't answer him, but asked him a question instead.

"I don't know. They don't look like members of the action team, more like intelligence agents."

Bourne shook his head. Although everyone was an agent, it was obvious that they focused on different directions.

As an intelligence department, Langley's main business is not killing, but all kinds of intelligence information, which they are professional at.

Although he only had a face-to-face encounter with the man just now, he roughly guessed from the man's formal attire that he was an intelligence agent.

"Is it because of the rumored information before?"

Bourne reacted quickly. When he saw the intelligence agent was in trouble, he immediately remembered the news he had heard about Langley's undercover leak.

"It's almost the same. Now it looks like Langley is going to have a headache. This is a good thing for us."

Zhang Pin didn't care about what happened before, but felt that the leak of Langley's undercover information at this time would be good news for them.

After all, in any case, compared to the grievances with Bourne and Zhang Pin, the issue of the identity leakage of other agents of the Intelligence Bureau is currently a headache for Langley.

Zhang Pin even suspected that it was because of the leak of the agent's identity that Cooper was so eager to get rid of Bourne.

After all, if Byrne, a former agent, is kept alive, more information about the Intelligence Agency may be leaked.


The two of them hadn't gone far when suddenly another explosion happened next to them.

Bang bang bang——

Da da da--

This time, the bullets were aimed at the two of them.

Zhang Pin grabbed Bourne who was about to rush over, and then retreated to the corner to avoid the flying bullets.

Then he calmly took out two grenades from his body and threw them in the direction of the bullets.




Following the two explosions, several screams immediately came from the opposite side.

This time, Bourne didn't wait for Zhang Pin to speak and rushed out on his own initiative.

Bang bang bang——

As Bourne emptied the bullets, several gunmen who were minding their own business fell to the ground.

After Zhang Pin killed everyone in Bourne, he walked over calmly and looked at the dead people on the ground.

"These guys don't look like agents."

Before he could figure out the reason, Bourne spoke first.

"It seems they didn't come for us. We blocked the disaster for that guy just now."

Zhang Pin saw it more clearly than Byrne. When these people were shooting just now, there was obviously some surprise in their eyes, as if they didn't recognize them.

Judging from the location these guys chose and their actions of shooting when they saw people, it was obvious that they had a premeditated ambush here.

Unfortunately, they didn't seem to know Zhang Pin and Bourne, but they were a little surprised to see them.

Bang bang bang——

"Stop! Ethan, you can't run away!"

Just when Zhang Pin was about to find some information from these dead gunmen that could identify their identities, a burst of gunfire suddenly rang out not far away.

Then there was another burst of footsteps approaching from far away.


Soon, a panting man in a suit ran over from the corner.

"I'm not a traitor. I didn't leak the information. I didn't kill Jim and the others. Weren't you at the scene at the time? I didn't kill Jim!"

Ethan ran over and was completely unprepared. When he saw Zhang Pin and Bourne standing next to him, holding a pistol and being very alert, he quickly opened his mouth to explain.

"Are you a Langley agent?"

Zhang Pin raised his hand, stopped Bourne who was about to shoot, and then looked at Ethan with interest.

When he met on the bridge before, when he saw the familiar face of the other party, he probably guessed what plot he was going to encounter.

Now that he saw the other party being chased, he was not surprised. On the contrary, when he heard the other party take the initiative to say that he was not a traitor, he immediately made a guess about Ethan's identity.

"Aren't you from Kitteridge?"

After hearing Zhang Pin's question, Ethan looked at the fallen corpses next to the two of them. After thinking about the explosions and gunshots that came from here before, he suddenly understood a little bit, and at the same time he became even more nervous.


"Kittredge is the head of intelligence."

Bourne was worried that Zhang Pin didn't recognize the Kitteridge that Ethan was talking about, so he quietly explained to him.

Langley is an intelligence agency, but its actual authority and work are not limited to intelligence work.

For example, something like Byrne is what a proper action department should do.

But despite this, Langley's intelligence department still has the greatest authority.

After all, no matter how good Bourne is, the only thing he can do is carry out some assassination missions.

Compared with these tasks, intelligence work is Langley's mainstream.

Judging from Ethan's appearance, he is currently considered a traitor by the intelligence agency.

"Don't worry, we are not bad people. Moreover, it is thanks to us that you saved your life this time. Why don't you say thank you?"

Zhang Pin looked at Ethan with a smile. He was not in a hurry at the moment, but Ethan was very anxious.

"Thank you both. This is not the place to talk. Why don't you follow me to find a safe place and then talk."

Ethan is also very smart. Just by taking a glance at the layout in front of him, he figured out one thing.

If Zhang and Pin weren't standing here at this moment, and the others, including Ethan who just ran over in a hurry, there is a high probability that they would have been shot to death.

So from this aspect, it is absolutely reasonable for Zhang Pin to ask Ethan to say thank you to them.

"My name is Ethan, what do you call me?"

As the three of them walked, they briefly introduced themselves.

"Just call me Zhang."


Zhang and Pin also introduced their names.

"Bourne, Jason Bourne? It's really you."

When Ethan heard Bourne's introduction, he took a careful look at the other person. There was no surprise on his face, but an expression that seemed to be true.

The two of them worked for Langley, although they were in different departments, they were not the same organization, and they had not known each other before.

But because of Bourne's amnesia and the fact that he made a lot of noise in Europe, Ethan, as an elite in the intelligence department, certainly couldn't have known this.

In fact, he had already recognized Bourne when the two sides met just now.

It was precisely because he recognized Bourne that he took the two of them away now.

Speaking of which, the reason why Ethan appeared in Luoji Mountain this time has something to do with Bourne.

Some time ago, news came out on the black market that someone had a copy of the identity information of Langley's undercover agent in Eastern Europe.

As an overlord, it is certainly not unusual for Langley to deploy undercover agents in other places. Even consulates of various countries have undercover agents in plain sight.

In fact, quite a few undercover agents are known to the authorities, but due to America's dominant position, they are turned a blind eye.

But there is another realm in the world besides the authorities.

That area is beyond the reach or control of the authorities.

That place spawned a large number of arms dealers, white-faced businessmen and various other shady organizations, but they were much more interested in Langley's undercover list.

And unlike the authorities who are afraid of America behind Langley, these shady criminal organizations are not worried about Langley's accountability.

In other words, although they were also afraid of Langley's accountability, they had to take action against these undercover agents due to pressure.

Because behind most of these criminal organizations are people from the authorities.

Relying on the relationships of these criminal organizations, it is also convenient for those who want to deal with undercover agents, but it is not easy to retaliate against the authorities for what America told them.

Therefore, if the list of Langley's undercover agents is exposed, the safety of these undercover agents will also have great hidden dangers.

Naturally, Langley also launched an investigation into why the undercover information was leaked.

Because when the news spread widely, Bourne also happened to appear in Europe.

Therefore, many people within Langley suspected that it was Byrne who leaked the information.

This time, the reason why Cooper had the confidence to take action against Bourne in violation of regulations in America was because these people gave him enough support.

The most fundamental reason why Langley became famous was that during the cold war with Mao Xiong, because direct force could not be used, the intelligence station and information station were particularly important.

It is precisely with the help of this entrepreneurial spirit that Langley has grown from a simple intelligence department to the behemoth it is now.

But just a few years ago, with the sudden collapse of the plush bear, many of Langley's actions became unnecessary.

As a result, theoretically many of Langley's actions should be stopped.

But for many people in Langley who have already experienced the benefits, asking them to give up these rights and even benefits now is obviously more uncomfortable than taking their lives.

Because of this, various projects and actions like the Stepping Stone Project that have been reported to have been terminated have actually continued to operate quietly.

Now with the Stepping Stone program comes Bourne's surprise.

The Eastern European undercover list was revealed again.

Many people in Langley are very worried that more shady information will continue to be exposed.

So they all support Cooper to kill Bourne as soon as possible.

But in addition to these guys who are considered to be sick and seek medical treatment, Langley has another point of view.

These people are mainly from the intelligence services.

Because they had enough intelligence support, they didn't think this matter would have much to do with Bourne.

You must know that Bourne, as the ace spy of the front-line operations department, often does not even know the information about the missions he is conducting, let alone the more confidential undercover list.

And as the largest and definitely the most top intelligence agency in the world, Langley naturally has enough capable people.

Although they were unable to find the seller because the list of undercover agents was still just a rumor and there was no concrete evidence of the transaction.

But there is some speculation about the identity of the seller.

Among them they targeted a traitor from Langley Intelligence.

The other party happened to have contact with undercover agents in the work he was responsible for at that time, and the other party's ability happened to be able to obtain this information, and he was able to hide himself.

Moreover, as a behemoth, Langley has so many departments, and many leaders are even directly responsible to the commander-in-chief and the highest organization, so it is not uncommon for them to compete for power with each other.

Naturally, these people are eager to find the person who wants to betray the information, and then give their competitor a hard slap in the face.

It happened that the intelligence department found out that this traitor was in Luoji Mountain recently and seemed to be preparing to steal a piece of information from the consulate in Frankfurt.

After learning the news, Langley Intelligence Department immediately dispatched an elite team headed by Jim.

They have two requirements for the elite team. One is to find out whether this traitor is the guy who betrayed the undercover list. At the same time, they also take advantage of the other party's stealing information at the Frank Consulate to take a ride and also bring Frank to the rescue.

Take a copy of the information on Chicken here and see if there is anything detrimental to you in it.

Ethan also happens to be a member of this team.

At the beginning, their team progressed very smoothly.

They took advantage of their own advantages and perfect identities to sneak into the consulate's party. At the same time, they followed the traitor who stole the information and successfully obtained the information they wanted from Frankie's consulate.

But the moment after getting the information, something unexpected happened.

First, he hid in the elevator shaft. While the traitor was stealing information, his colleague who was copying the information simultaneously was stabbed to death by the elevator's defense measures that suddenly went out of control.

When an accomplice died, the team leader Jim, who was originally commanding from the center of the base camp, gave them the order to retreat and went out to prepare to meet them.

But not long after Jim ran out, he discovered that he was being followed. In the end, the other person was shot on the bridge and fell into the river, where his life or death was uncertain.

Later, a colleague who had been working with Ethan for a long time was unwilling to lose the target and tracked it on his own. However, he was accidentally ambushed and died on the way.

Then, the car of two accomplices who were responsible for responding was detonated, and naturally the accomplices died without any body parts.

Seeing that the mission failed and all his accomplices died.

Ethan naturally followed the regulations and asked for help from Langley headquarters, contacting the department's intelligence chief Kittredge.

In the end, who knew that Kittredge was also in Luoji Mountain, and more importantly, the other party also said that the reason why Team Ethan was sent to carry out this mission this time was because they suspected that the people within their team were traitors.

This operation was actually a fishing operation.

Now it seems that with all the others dead, Ethan, the only one still alive, naturally became the fish that was caught.

This chapter has been completed!
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