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Chapter 1,281: Catch someone by surprise

Chapter 1152: Catch someone by surprise

Crack, crackle——

Bang bang bang——

As the second chair flew out again, it was immediately set on fire by the gunmen outside.

However, after seeing another chair, the gunman at the door was of high quality and stopped shooting in the next second.

Just as they stopped shooting, Zhang Pin's body jumped out of the door.

Just as he came out, holding a pistol in each hand, the gunman pointed it at the surprised gunmen at the door.

Most of the gunmen at the door still had their fingers on the trigger. When they saw Zhang Pin, their minds had obviously given the order to shoot.

But Sir Zhang failed to give them a chance.

Because when he jumped out of the door, Zhang Pin had already pulled the trigger simultaneously.

When his body appeared in the eyes of the gunmen ambushing him at the door, the bullets were even a little faster than his body.

Puff puff--

The minds of several gunmen had not yet transformed from the chair to Zhang Pin's body, and they immediately fell into silence.

Of course, Zhang Pin only has one person and two pistols after all, so no matter how fast he pulls the trigger, he can't kill all the gunmen at the door at once.

After all, at this moment, there were six gunmen lying in wait in the hallway and stairs.

Sir Zhang's shooting speed was very fast, but he only killed three of them, and was so frightened that the other one lowered his head and hid.

But there were two gunmen who were not within Zhang Pin's shooting range, but they had already reacted.

At the beginning, they did not expect that Zhang Pin would appear one after another with the chair. In the middle, they were startled because Zhang Pin fired the gun too fast.

After Zhang Pin stopped shooting, the two gunmen immediately chose to pull the trigger.

But they missed the best shooting time.


Zhang Pin's body has fallen from mid-air to the corridor.

Bang bang bang——

Da da da--

The two gunmen's shots were originally aimed at the chair, but as Zhang Pin's body fell to the ground, they all naturally missed.

And just when they realized that their bullets had missed the target and were about to readjust the shooting angle, Bourne just happened to lean out half of his body from the door.

Bang bang bang——

As Bourne pulled the trigger, the two gunmen failed to react and fell to the ground.

Bang bang bang——

Da da da--

Just as the two of them killed the gunman who was ambushing at the door, there was also a gunman downstairs who noticed that something was wrong here and quickly shot upward from downstairs.

However, the shooter downstairs was shooting at the wrong angle and had no field of vision. It had no impact at all on Zhang Pin and Bourne.


Faced with the shooting of the two men, Zhang Pin took out a grenade slowly, pulled out the latch, and threw it downstairs.


The explosion sounded, and the gunman downstairs was immediately struck with blood.

After Zhang Pin dropped a grenade, he did not rush to take the next step. Instead, he squatted down and picked up the weapon from the gunman he killed.

When Bourne saw Zhang Pin's actions, he naturally imitated them.

Langley is one of the most powerful departments in America, so the equipment of its action team members is of course nothing to mention.

All kinds of weapons are of top quality, and many people even wear body armor.

It's a pity that Zhang Pin and Byrne were both master shooters before. When faced with enemies at such close range, they all shot in the head, and their body armor was basically useless.

After Zhang Pin discovered that these action team members were wearing body armor, he didn't mind that there was any bad luck in pulling things from dead people, so he directly got two suits for himself.

Thanks to the fact that each of these action team members are tall and tall, their body armors are made of relatively large pieces, so their clothes are relatively large. Sir Zhang put on two sets of clothes, and although they were a little bloated, they did not affect his movements.

It has to be said that Zhang Pin and Byrne's move to directly attack Langley's stronghold this time clearly made these people a little confused.

For example, now Zhang Pin and others have calmly changed into their equipment, but the action team members downstairs have no countermeasures.

Of course, it is also possible that they had received Albert's notice and knew that Zhang Pin and Byrne would come down sooner or later, so they were waiting below.

Anyway, no matter what the other party thinks, for Zhang Pin and Byrne, both of them got enough equipment.

Otherwise, at the beginning, both of them only had pistols on their bodies. If they wanted to face more than a hundred commando members, they would obviously be somewhat powerless.

Of course, this powerlessness is more for Bourne. After all, Zhang Pin has a mustard space in his body. As long as he is willing, he can continue to take out more weapons and equipment just like throwing grenades before.

But now there is a better opportunity to pick up equipment, and Zhang Pin did not miss it.

After all, this building is Langley's stronghold. When the two came up, although they had cut the wires, there might be other surveillance probes.

Although Sir Zhang is not afraid of being photographed, it is better to do less than to do more. This is also an old saying left by his ancestors, and Zhang Pin naturally agrees with it.

With the friendly sponsorship from the veterans of the action team, Zhang Pin and Byrne can be regarded as replacing a shotgun with a shotgun.

Unfortunately, I don't know if it was because they were performing tasks in a busy area like Luojishan, so these operational team members did not carry explosives with them.

This made Sir Zhang, who always liked to use explosives to open roads, a little uncomfortable, but he did not restrain himself because of this.

Although these action members did not carry explosives, they did have a lot of basic shock bombs and the like.

The reason why they didn't use it on Zhang Pin and others before was probably because the two parties came into contact too quickly and died too quickly, so they didn't have time to use it.

After Sir Zhang got it, he and Bourne looked at each other first, then they each took out two shock bombs, then pulled out the latches and threw them towards the next floor.

Boom boom——

Boom boom——

Following the explosion of the shock bomb, Zhang Pin jumped directly from the stairs and landed in the corridor on the next floor.

Da da da--

Then he fired directly, knocking down all the gunmen who were in a hurry due to the explosion of the shock bomb.

Da da da--

After Zhang Pin fired, Bourne also ran down the stairs.

Although the two of them had not communicated before, as masters, even if they didn't speak, they already had enough tacit understanding as long as they saw each other's movements.

When Bourne saw the direction of Zhang Pin's body when he jumped, he already knew which angles were Zhang Pin's shooting angles and which were the opponent's blind spots.

So when he ran down the stairs, the positions where his gun was aimed were all in the blind spot behind Zhang Pin.

The two of them cooperated tacitly and directly cleared the standing gunmen on this floor.

However, what surprised the two of them was that there were only four people on this floor. They were originally ambush at the blind corner of the stairs, but who would have thought that Sir Zhang would throw the shock bomb without saying a word, so their ambush failed.


After taking care of these people, Sir Zhang did not rush downstairs this time, but raised his head towards Bourne, and the two of them took a few steps back to the stairs on the upper floor.

When retreating, he deliberately stepped up his steps so that the people below could hear him walking.

Dong dong dong——

Just after Sir Zhang and Bourne took a few steps back, suddenly more than a dozen shock bombs whizzed up from all directions below.

Boom boom boom boom——

Boom boom boom boom——

In an instant, there were enough shock bombs that almost the entire building shook several times.

Naturally, Sir Zhang and Bourne were also affected to some extent, but because they retreated some distance above in time and were well prepared, they were not within the scope of the explosion.

Tap tap tap——

Tap tap tap——

Not long after the shock bomb exploded, a rush of footsteps came from the stairs below.

The stronghold Langley chose in Luojishan is relatively old, so the entire building only has this zigzag staircase.

Because there is only one staircase going up, it is naturally easy for the intelligence personnel inside to monitor people entering the building.

But this time their offense actually has great limitations.

After all, Zhang Pin and Byrne theoretically only need to defend this stairway, and do not need to worry about being attacked by commandos at other locations.

With the shooting skills of the two of them, it is not difficult to prevent this.

Of course, everything is relative. There is only one upward staircase. If they want to go down, they can only go down this staircase.

What's amazing is just like Zhang Pin did before, jump directly from the upper floor.

But jumping is not without risks.

Because the stairs are zigzag-shaped, in theory it is not just the lower floor, but many floors below. In fact, you can see the gap in the middle of the higher floor.

I occasionally jump once or twice, because the speed is fast enough and it is unexpected, so of course there is nothing to worry about.

But if you jump a lot, things will be different.

It is very likely that someone will specifically target you.

When the time comes, a person is in mid-air and facing bullet attacks, with no possibility of evading.

In order to avoid this situation, Sir Zhang naturally cannot use this method to continue attacking.

And another thing, an attack like this, whether it's a shock bomb or jumping off a building, is actually more about surprise.

Otherwise, as long as the other party is prepared, it will be very easy to crack it.

Especially since Langley's commando team members are large enough, it is naturally easier to target them.

For example, just now, Zhang Pin and Bourne used shock bombs once, and immediately received a counterattack from the commandos.

But in the end, Zhang Pin and others were more skilled and had the advantage.

When they were sure that the footsteps had reached the floor below, the two men once again threw the shock bombs they had prepared.

Boom boom boom——

With the sound of another explosion, the commando members who had just rushed up suddenly fell on their backs again.

However, Zhang Pin and Bourne did not rush down immediately.

Bang bang bang——

Da da da--

The two men were obviously right to be cautious.

Shock bombs, also known as sonic bombs, are non-lethal weapons that create strong flashes and loud noises, and are used to subdue the opponent without causing permanent physical damage as much as possible.

The main principle is to use flashes and sounds to instantly blind and deafen people, in order to intimidate the enemy and make them lose their ability to defend themselves.

This thing is of course very useful. For unprepared people, being hit like this is often more effective than killing them directly.

But if you are prepared, even if your eyes and ears are harassed, you are not without any ability to fight back.

Especially for Langley's commandos, the shock bomb itself is the standard equipment for their own operations, and they naturally have strong adaptability to this thing.

Therefore, when Zhang Pin and Byrne used shock bombs to attack them, these commandos did not lose their combat effectiveness. Instead, they endured the physical discomfort and raised their guns to blindly fire at several key positions.

"Alert! Alert! Follow up with follow-up support!"

After suffering a loss, these people obviously learned their lesson.

While they were shooting, they didn't give Zhang Pin and Byrne a chance at all. They closed their eyes and retreated, while at the same time they shouted for support again.

But since Sir Zhang has done this, of course he cannot return without success.

After determining that most of these people's attention was on shock bombs and preventing themselves from attacking from above.

He stepped on the fence of the stairs again, and then jumped down. This time, he did not choose to descend to the lower level, but jumped directly into the air two floors before his body landed sideways on the corridor.

Da da da--

When the gunfire rang out, the commandos who were still rushing upstairs obviously did not expect that Zhang Pin would be so courageous. Not only did they jump down from the upstairs again, but they also jumped down two floors at once.

This is no joke. Let alone being caught in the air. If you are not careful, if you fail to jump accurately into the corridor, you will probably fall directly.

And they were currently on the ninth floor. If they fell from such a height, it would be a luxury to have a whole body left behind.

However, Zhang Pin was very courageous.

More importantly, because he is brave enough, there are naturally many benefits after jumping off the building.

Zhang Pin held two guns and waited until all the drums were fired. At this time, there was no commando standing in the corridor or at the top of the stairs.

Da da da--

And the moment he jumped down two floors to attack from behind, Bourne also took advantage of the attention of the gunman below him to look down and opened fire as well.


Although Bourne's ability is not as good as Zhang Pin's, he still has no problem dealing with this group of commandos crowded at the stairs.

Especially when they were caught off guard by Zhang Pin who appeared from behind, Bourne's response was even more relaxed and comfortable.

The two of them attacked from front to back, and even though there was a floor in between, Langley's commandos still failed to organize an effective counterattack.

In fact, after jumping from the ninth floor to the seventh floor, and then clearing out the Langley commandos in the corridor and stairwell of the seventh floor, he did not pursue the victory and continue upwards. Instead, he turned his gun and killed them below.

Go down.

He suddenly appeared on the seventh floor, not only killing the commando members on the seventh and eighth floors who were caught off guard, but actually the commando members on the sixth floor and even below were also unprepared.

When Sir Zhang was sure that Bourne had taken action and was fighting fiercely with the gunman upstairs, he casually picked up several corpses from the ground and stacked them next to the corridor fence.

Then he picked out a lot of magazines and firearms from the corpse and hung them on himself, stuffing them full.

This chapter has been completed!
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