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Chapter 1,285 Claires Plan

Chapter 1156 Claire’s Plan

"Computer technology, does being able to turn on and off a computer proficiently count?"

Of course, Sir Zhang doesn’t know anything about computers, but he really doesn’t know much about the computer equipment of the 1990s.

What’s great is that he understands information office processes, but Ethan obviously didn’t ask him these things.

Naturally, Sir Zhang can only tell the truth.

"But I have some strength."

Then he didn't wait for Ethan to say anything more, walked directly to an iron door nearby, held the iron door with both hands, and pulled hard.


He directly tore down the iron door with his bare hands.

iron gate:???

Ethan and Claire:!!!

As Zhang Pin showed off his skills, the scene became very quiet for a while.


"Yes, please be sure to join our team. I am preparing to go to Langley headquarters to steal their undercover list in Europe. I believe this is definitely an important enough bargaining chip for you."

In fact, Ethan can probably guess the purpose of Zhang Pin and Bourne's desire to find some information about Langley.

After all, Langley is the world's largest intelligence agency, and behind Langley is the world's only overlord, America.

They were now on the opposite side of Langley, and it was certainly impossible to win.

In this case, there is only one choice left, and that is to bow to Langley.

But there are naturally particularities to how to lower one's head.

In fact, the path Ethan is currently taking is quite different from that of Zhang Pin and others.

He was mistakenly thought to be an undercover agent by Langley. Kittredge had only prepared to arrest him, and the reason why he chose to escape was not because of guilt.

Ethan was born in Langley himself, and of course he knew that even if he did not escape, Langley would not really regard him as a mole in the end with Langley's powerful intelligence investigation capabilities.

And the reason why he chose to run away in this situation naturally had his own ideas.

First, if he does nothing, then the initiative will fall into the hands of Kittredge and others in Langley.

Even if he is innocent by then, he will have to rely on Kittredge and others to prove his innocence.

If Kittredge and the others were serious about business or seeking justice, things would have been fine, and Ethan would have been doubted for a moment and eventually proven innocent.

But what if Kittredge or others in Langley have other ideas.

Even just in case, whether Ethan can prove his innocence or not is a matter of opinion.

To put it simply, these two actions are just active and passive ways for Ethan to prove himself.

And if it gets more complex, there are too many things to say.

And the more important point is that.

If something like this happened, if Ethan couldn't find a way to make some remedial measures, even if he was proven innocent afterwards, his future and career in Langley would be over.

The reason why Ethan was working so hard to find the mole now was not only to prove his innocence, but also to demonstrate his ability.

As long as an intelligence officer like him is strong enough, Langley will definitely not give up on him easily.

When Langley is invincible, it is obviously the best way to show off his abilities and then wait to be recruited.

So is Ethan.

Zhang Pin and Byrne obviously can only do this.

For Langley, whether it is to destroy the target or to recruit security targets is of course evaluated based on the price that needs to be paid for both.

If the target has no value and can be destroyed easily, then there is no need to talk nonsense.

But when the target cannot be destroyed easily, as long as the other party is willing, it is not a bad idea to recruit him.

So Ethan knew in his heart that after he put forward this condition, Zhang Pin would definitely not refuse his invitation to form a team.

As for Zhang Pin joining, and then after getting the undercover list, whether he should use the list as a bargaining chip, that is another matter.

"By the way, where is Bourne? Will he join in?"

Although Ethan was a little surprised at Zhang Pin's huge strength at first.

But after being surprised, he quickly adjusted his mentality.

In fact, this is not the first time that Ethan has seen a guy with natural powers like Zhang Pin.

In fact, there are many strong guys in Langley Action Team.

But such a guy is just a little stronger. In this era, no matter how strong you are, as long as you can't block bullets, it's all in vain.

Compared to Zhang Pin's natural strength, Ethan actually valued Bourne more.

The opponent was an ace action team member trained by Langley himself.

If Byrne joins, I believe this operation will become smoother.

"No, I am the only one participating in this operation. Bourne will not participate. In fact, he is probably about to leave Luoji Mountain at this moment."

Zhang Pin naturally saw Ethan's expectations, but he shook his head and directly interrupted the other party's fantasy.

"It doesn't matter."

When Ethan heard the rejection in Zhang Pin's words, he felt regretful and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ethan didn't know much about Zhang Pin and Langley's feud, but he did understand Bourne's basic situation.

So compared to Zhang Pin's joining, although he liked Ethan's ability, he also understood that Bourne's identity was very troublesome.

After all, Bourne actually betrayed Langley.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to say that someone is planning to kill Bourne just to save Langley's face.

"In this case, we still need to find a computer expert."

After agreeing to Zhang Pin's participation, Ethan thought about the additional personnel needed for this operation.

"Ethan, isn't he a former agent who was expelled from Langley? Moreover, he is Asian. If a person like this joins, what if something goes wrong? I have found a suitable action team member and a computer expert.


But the moment Ethan agreed to join Zhang Pin, Claire suddenly stood up and questioned the matter, and she also provided Ethan with another seemingly better choice.

"Claire, don't worry, I trust Mr. Zhang."

Hearing Claire's worry, Ethan immediately turned around to comfort her.

He really thought that the other party was worried about Zhang Pin's identity. Ethan naturally knew that Zhang Pin's identity was not suitable for getting Langley's undercover list.

But in fact, he was never prepared to give this information to Zhang Pin from the beginning to the end, so naturally he had no worries in this regard.

He just wanted to use Zhang Pin to help him achieve his goals.

But of course he couldn't say this in front of Zhang Pin.

Zhang Pin didn't know about Ethan's plan, but he also knew that with the friendship between the two parties, even if it was cooperation, the relationship was not that strong.

But just as Ethan has his own little thoughts, Sir Zhang also has his own purpose.

So after Ethan agreed to let him join, he did not discuss the details of the cooperation with the other party in detail.

As for Claire's sudden questioning of herself, Zhang Pin was not only not worried or scared, but instead became even happier.

Because unlike Ethan who mistakenly thought that Claire was worried about information leakage, Zhang Pin knew very well that the reason why the other party disagreed was probably because he was worried about something unexpected happening to the plan.

Now he is sure that Claire's husband Jim is Langley's mole.

As a mole, the reason why the other party arranged his wife to be with Ethan again must be because he wanted to achieve something.

Zhang Pin remembered that Ethan had said before that their team's action this time was a fake news deliberately arranged by Langley to find out the insider.

The information the mole wanted to betray was Langley's undercover information in Europe.

Now that the other party has arranged for his wife to come here, his purpose is obviously to get this information from Ethan.

So the other party doesn't agree to Zhang Pin's joining now, obviously because they are worried that his presence will affect their plan.

And since they want Ethan, Sir Zhang doesn't need to do anything else. As long as he stays with Ethan, I believe that when Ethan gets Langley's undercover information in Europe, the mole will definitely appear, at least.

There will also be other actions.

As long as the other party makes a move or appears, Sir Zhang can complete the task previously requested by Albert.

"Don't worry, I don't know any intelligence brokers, and I'm not interested in intelligence. I just want to take the opportunity to meet Director Langley and negotiate some terms with him."

Zhang Pin took the initiative to explain himself, showing that he was not interested in information.

"Okay, Claire, Mr. Zhang's joining is a good thing for us, please don't say any more."

Ethan was originally more inclined to let Zhang Pin join.

After all, putting aside the matter of Zhang Pin's natural supernatural power, his existence alone is a boost to Ethan now.

Apart from anything else, Zhang Pin and Langley are enemies.

What if Ethan fails to obtain the information and reaches a deal with the intelligence broker Max to find out the insider and prove his innocence.

At least he could take the opportunity to hand over Zhang Ping and use a trick from another direction to make meritorious deeds.

Yes, this guy Ethan is not only prepared to treat Zhang Pin as a labor force, but he is also prepared to directly treat the other party as a reward if necessary.

He is now almost cornered, and has even taken the initiative to go to Langley headquarters to steal information, so he can do anything, including betraying Zhang Pin.

Because of this, he didn't care about Claire's doubts and stubbornly chose to make Zhang Pin a member of the team.

"I just think there are more suitable action team members and there is no need to invite an unknown person."

Claire obviously didn't expect Ethan to be so determined to keep Zhang Pin.

Precisely because Ethan was so determined, Claire's sense of crisis naturally became stronger.

But she also knew that if she persisted now, not only would she not be able to achieve her goal of driving Zhang Pin away, but it would actually make her relationship with Ethan even worse.

So she could only find an excuse for herself first to explain her reasons for targeting Zhang Pin.

At the same time, she also began to plan in her mind what method she should think of to drive Zhang Pin away.

Then she turned around and saw that Zhang Pin was staring directly at her.

Claire's heart suddenly moved, and she thought of an excellent way to drive away Zhang Pin.

"But since you think he is trustworthy and can be a partner, then I have no objection."

Claire suddenly changed her mind.

Then she turned and walked towards the room where Zhang Pin had removed the door.

"By the way, my name is Claire. How do I call you? Come and do me a favor. I want to go to the room to get something."

As Claire walked, she twisted her waist coquettishly. When talking to Zhang Pin, her eyes were full of affection.

"Just call me Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Pin smiled and nodded, and did not refuse Claire's request for help. Instead, he followed the other party directly, introducing himself while admiring the beauty displayed by the other party.

"Hello, it's our first time meeting you. Please take good care of me. Oops."

Claire didn't know if she heard Zhang Pin's introduction clearly, but when Zhang Pin spoke, she suddenly stopped.

Claire stopped very suddenly. If it were an ordinary person, like Zhang Pin, who was following so close, he would definitely not be able to react at this moment.

But Sir Zhang is obviously not an ordinary person. If he wants, he can actually stop immediately.

But he didn't stop, but bumped into it directly.

I have to say that although this old man Jim is not very good at things, he has really good vision.

At least the one chosen by this little sweet wife is, well, full of warmth and fragrance, with a curvy front and back.

In short, after Sir Zhang experienced it himself, he roughly guessed an important reason why Jim became a mole.

For ordinary people, such a cute little wife can easily lose her life.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to stop suddenly."

Zhang Pin felt the feel of the hand and pretended to apologize.

"Where are you putting your hands?"

Claire seemed to be surprised or frightened, and spoke very loudly, but Zhang Pin clearly did not grab her legs or hands, but she did not avoid Zhang Sir's touch and big hands.


"What's wrong?"

Ethan on the side was looking at the list of two team members that Claire had provided for him to invite. When he heard Claire's surprised voice, he raised his head in confusion.

However, because Sir Zhang's tall figure blocked his sight, he only saw Zhang Pin's back and not the whole picture. Naturally, he could only ask aloud at this moment.


Claire felt Zhang Pin's hand on her chest and was about to speak, but Zhang Pin interrupted her directly.

"Oh, I accidentally bumped into Ms. Claire just now. Are you okay? I didn't use any force. Why can't you move your body?"

As Sir Zhang asked, he clenched his fingers toward the center and once again felt the smoothness that could not be fully grasped in his palms.

"What did I think it was, Claire? I remember that room was empty. What do you want to take?"

When Ethan heard what Zhang Pin said, he had no doubts. After all, it was Claire who called Zhang Pin to help just now.

Instead, he suddenly remembered that according to the layout of the safe house, there should be nothing in that room.

This chapter has been completed!
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