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Chapter 12 Zhu Tao

"On my way to the headquarters by bus today, I read the latest police alert. Currently, all the police officers in the 18 districts on Hong Kong Island total 36,876."

The policewoman who originally thought she had a chance to win heard his sudden change of words and instinctively wanted to interrupt him, but Zhang Pin did not give her a chance and continued talking without even taking a breath.

"In the second quarter of this year, there were 168 robberies and 97 shootings on Hong Kong Island. I can't remember all kinds of fights or other incidents. I just remember that in order to deal with these cases, a total of 103

Three colleagues died and 648 police officers were injured."

"That is to say, on average, there are two robberies, one shooting, and many other smaller crimes every day."

"Every day at least one colleague dies and seven colleagues are injured."

"Among them, all the colleagues who died were from the front-line operations department. I see that the injured ones are not mentioned in the information, but they are certainly not from your Complaints Department."

"If you don't do anything, nothing will happen."

"Sir, if I hadn't fired, I would have never had the chance to sit here and be interrogated by you."

"Also, regarding my parents, sir, if I hadn't been sensible enough, you might have been slapped if you said that in front of colleagues whose relatives were killed by criminals."

"I suggest that in the future, sir, when questioning colleagues, it is best to wrap the table with barbed wire in the middle. This can ensure your personal safety."

When he finished speaking, all the policemen on the opposite side stopped their original movements, and the policemen who originally wanted to ask questions also chose not to speak.

The policewoman's face turned pale, and she obviously knew that she had said the wrong thing.

"Thank you for coming to our Complaints Department."

After a while, another superintendent with half-white hair stood up, spoke to him, and then began to sort out the information in his hand.

This sentence naturally means that the subpoena conversation has ended.

Zhang Pin stood up and saluted, then turned and left.

But when he reached the door, the white-haired superintendent called him again.

"By the way, the data you just mentioned are not from the second quarter of this year, but from ten years ago."

Zhang Pin stumbled, almost fell, and began to complain about the lard guy in his heart.

"No wonder the newsstand's business is so poor. It turns out that all it sells are old newspapers."

The data he just mentioned was indeed seen on the police alert, but not on the way to the General Administration today, but at the newsstand when he was fishing at work.

Ah cut!

At this time, the owner of the newsstand on the street he was patrolling, the lard guy, suddenly sneezed loudly.

"Lard Man, today's new newspapers, fifty copies of each, are here."

A newspaper delivery staff member rode an electric bicycle, placed the new newspaper on the kiosk, and then prepared to leave.

"Hey, wait, wait, do you have any extra old newspapers here? Leave a few copies for me."

The lard guy quickly called out to the other party, and the confused staff member picked up a few earthquake-proof newspapers from under his buttocks and handed them to him.

"Why do you need old newspapers these days?"

"Someone always comes to my place for free prostitution. After the new newspaper has been turned over, it is difficult to sell it. I simply use the old newspaper to fool him."

The lard guy looked shrewd and sneezed several times in succession.

"It's good that young people have the habit of reading warning signs."

Fortunately, the other party was just teasing him and had no other intentions.

Zhang Pin, who just thought he had won, could only walk out of the room with his head down.

When Zhang Pin came out of the headquarters, he realized that his back was soaked through the short exchange just now.

"If I wasn't sure and didn't become a police officer, the system would be ineffective. I don't want to be restricted like this."

Ever since he wanted to embezzle the 70,000 yuan and get the title of a criminal police officer, he had vaguely guessed that the system was biased towards the justice camp.

The world is so dangerous. Without a system, he doesn't know if he can survive. So now it seems that the police still have to continue to work.

"I rushed to the general administration and didn't even get a cup of tea. It's amazing to work in the general administration."

He complained, then walked towards a convenience store nearby, ready to buy a bottle of water to quench his thirst.

"Trouble you"

At a nearby supermarket checkout counter, a young man wearing an old plaid shirt whispered to the cashier.

"I'm very busy!" The cashier woman continued to count the next person's things without raising her head.

"The number seems wrong."

The young man did not give up and handed over the receipt and two boxes of lunch meat.

"Luncheon meat is on sale for two yuan and fifty cents, and you charged five yuan more."

The aunt glanced at the label, then looked at the special offer sign hanging above, with an impatient look on her face.

"Oh, it's all been accounted for. You can just pick up anything worth less than five yuan."

The young man had a serious expression on his face and was not shaken by the other person's words.

"I've bought everything I want to buy."

The aunt became even more impatient, and the people in line behind her also had expressions of disdain on their faces.

Zhang Pin, who was passing by, felt that this young man was quite conscious of saving money, so his walking pace also slowed down.

However, at the young man's insistence, the aunt took out a five-yuan coin and slapped it heavily on the table.

"Uncle Tao, it's this guy. I heard from other places that when our goods were hacked by a few Chaozhou guys, it was this guy who caught the Chaozhou guy."

Zhang Pin didn't know that when he was standing in front of the supermarket watching the show, a group of people were staring at him in the restaurant opposite.

"I heard the police didn't find the rest of the money?"

Zhu Tao, whose temples had turned white, was wearing a pair of glasses and had a gentle expression, looked at Zhang Pin who was standing at the door watching the excitement, and was slowly drinking a cup of tea in his hand.

"Yes, except for the more than one million at the scene, not a cent of the more than three million that was stolen by the Chaozhou guys has been found."

"This guy was the only one who entered the room at the scene. Now that the money is gone, he probably took it."

Several of the men looked angry. They were busy working and were taken advantage of by this stinky policeman.

"One of the four Teochew guys died, and the other three will definitely enter Stanley. When the time comes, we will arrange for people to go in and take our money. We really have enough to live on."

Zhu Tao drank all the tea in the teacup and then slammed the teacup on the table.

"Run him to death for me. Next time I do business, I will do the transaction myself."

Then he walked towards the stairs, obviously preparing to avoid suspicion.

Zhu Tao's men opened their mouths. They originally wanted to say that this was the entrance of the Police Headquarters. Killing the police here was a bit too arrogant.

But obviously Zhu Tao also knew about this, so he left early.

"What are you afraid of? There is no death penalty on Hong Kong Island anyway. If you drink a bottle of wine and bump into someone, you will be squatting in Stanley for five years at most. Uncle Tao can provide enough housing allowance anyway."

This chapter has been completed!
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