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Chapter 1,352 Escape

Chapter 1223 Escape

In fact, Zhang Pin's plan to ask everyone to rush into the security team at this time is relatively radical.

But in this tense moment, everyone's nerves are very tense and there is not much time to think.

Upon hearing his arrangement, both Ethan and Sean did not hesitate and chose to follow his orders.

The two men removed the drum that was almost empty, and then ran to install the new drum.

Da da da--

Under the cover of Naiya, Zhang Pin, and Nissen, they quickly ran through the space between the two, and then ran straight towards the opposite side.

The hotel security obviously did not expect that this group of troublemakers would not only choose to escape at this time, but would also attack themselves, so they did not expect that Ethan and others would rush over.

And because their chaos has not stopped, even if they know that Ethan and Sean are rushing towards them, there is no unified command, and there is a precedent of accidentally hurting their own people before, so these people's subconscious reaction is not to shoot

To prevent them from approaching, hide yourself first.

Da da da--

Da da da--

Their choice just gave Ethan and Sean the opportunity to get closer.

But after they broke through the gap between the two sides and rushed into the hotel security team, it became more difficult for the other party to shoot.

"Run quickly!"

I don’t know who was the first to turn around and run outside. The hotel security guard who was not shot for a moment immediately seemed to have an infectious disease. No one had the intention to stop Ethan and Sean. Instead, he ran away.

Faster than one, they all ran towards the door.

"Stop killing people, let them run over, and we will follow."

Zhang Pin was not surprised that security collapsed so quickly.

After all, no matter how well-trained these people are on weekdays, in fact, when they work at Grandma Xiang, they rarely experience real gunfights.

After the explosion, the first reaction of these security personnel was not to attack, but to prevent them from leaving, and then seek support and evacuate the hotel guests. It can be seen that they can only say that they are well trained and have no intention of confronting the enemy head-on.


Especially this time they were facing Langley's well-trained elite agents, so it was not too surprising that they were dispersed directly after the confrontation.

After seeing all these people choose to flee, Zhang Pin stopped Sean, who was about to shoot him from behind, and then pulled Kemi and ran behind the security gunman.

It is impossible to say how innocent these security personnel are. In fact, handling some VIP guests' playthings or escorting certain things must have been done by these security personnel.

But to say that they all deserve to die is a bit biased. These guys just get a salary and help others do evil.

When the other party wants to stop you from leaving, it is of course natural to shoot them.

But now that these people have escaped, Sir Zhang has no obsession with killing them.

Not to mention that their ultimate goal is to leave the hotel. If they attack the security gunman too harshly, it will arouse resistance from the other party.

And letting these security gunmen leave has another benefit.

First, they belong to their own people. Now that they are running outside, if there are any arrangements in front of them that originally blocked them, they will definitely be exposed in advance.

Second, with their example, the security at the door will definitely be affected, and it will become easier for both parties to fight.

"Amy! Why did you run out!"

"Alex, what's going on? How many people are there and who are they?"

Zhang Pin's arrangement was very effective. In fact, it was not beyond his expectation. Apart from the ambush at the beginning, hotel security personnel were more or less ambushed at several key intersections from the hotel to the outside.


However, as the group of people who had been beaten timidly by Zhang Pin and others ran outside, these people immediately forgot about their mission and took the initiative to stand up and question them. Naturally, they did not stop their people from running towards them.

come over.

Bang bang bang——

As a result, Zhang Pin, who was not far behind these people, quickly raised his gun and killed these guys who stood up.

"Run! These guys are too scary!"

"I don't want to die. I won't do it anymore. I won't do bad things anymore. Rambo is coming to kill me."

As Zhang Pin and others followed behind, the gunmen who were already frightened were about to have a nervous breakdown.

Everyone ran to the door smoothly without encountering any further obstacles.

Zhang Pin and others had been delayed in the auction house for a while, and the people inside the hotel had almost been evacuated. Except for some security personnel at the door, there were only a few guests who had not had time to leave.

"be careful."

After approaching the door, Zhang Pin grabbed Kemi, who was running a little too excitedly, and then slowed down.

However, unlike Zhang Pin who slowed down, Ethan and Sean not only did not slow down, they even sped up and directly mixed with the gunmen running behind.

In this tense moment of escape, the gunman in the hotel had no time to tell whether the person running with him was one of his own.

Thanks to Zhang Pin who asked everyone to pick up the weapons and equipment in the hotel, after putting on the body armor, he glanced over and saw that Ethan and Sean were blended in the crowd and were not conspicuous.

"Don't run to the front, run to both sides!"

Not only do the security personnel inside the hotel have no actual combat experience, but the gunmen who are responsible for escorting guests out at the door also do not have much actual combat experience as the last line of protection.

When the gunmen in the hotel were driven out by Zhang Pin and others, although they saw it, because they were their own, they allowed them to attack their defense line.

Even if there were sensible people in the crowd, the most they would do was ask the gunmen to run aside.

But when a person is scared out of his wits, it is obvious that he cannot listen to any orders.

But none of the gunmen outside had the decisiveness to shoot and kill their own people.

So Ethan and Sean successfully rushed into the security team.

Da da da--

Da da da--

At this critical moment, Ethan and Sean did not hesitate at all. They stood directly in the middle of the crowd and pulled the triggers.


At this time, the entire security team was in a mess. After being attacked from the middle, the gunman team, which was already panicking because of the gunman running out, was instantly overwhelmed.

So more people rushed towards the police team that received the call at the outermost edge.

The reason why Ethan, Sean, and Naiya were so frightened by the hotel gunmen that they fled back from the door was because they discovered that the hotel entrance was blocked by police forces.

But what they don't know is that as a major taxpayer in Paris, Grandma Xiang has an unusual relationship with the Paris police.

For such a gathering with many big shots, the Paris police specially arranged some personnel to patrol the outside of the hotel for safety reasons.

Their purpose is to prevent some people with ulterior motives from approaching the hotel, or some people passing information from inside the hotel.

After hearing the explosion, Grandma Xiang's people naturally contacted the police immediately.

However, because there were too many shady things inside the hotel, the police were arranged outside the hotel to block the escape route.

Originally, these police officers thought that maybe some people within Xiang Nai Nai might have done something because they couldn't stand the oppression.

In fact, this is not the first time this has happened.

Many of the people who were able to be won over by Grandma Xiang and come to this hotel to attend the party had a lot of fun. Their hobbies were naturally prohibited by law.

In order to satisfy them, Grandma Xiang naturally forced others.

Since they were forced, it naturally shows that they are not voluntary, so it is not strange to resist.

In fact, the reason why Grandma Xiang put the party in a relatively remote location was to prevent anyone from escaping.

The reason why the police arranged for officers to patrol nearby was of course not to rescue them, but to help catch them after they escaped from the hotel.

When they first heard the explosion this time, the police outside thought it was the guy who was being treated as a plaything inside who was trying to escape.

As for why there was a bomb inside the hotel, it is not surprising.

After all, these guys already regard other people as toys, and it is completely normal for them to play with guns and the like.

Precisely because we know that the hotel's security force is very strong, the police patrolling the perimeter is actually just a gesture, and the identity of the police can give some ordinary people a sense of trust.

So the police didn't actually show up at first, but waited some distance from the hotel.

According to their usual experience, most people who run out of the hotel will come here.

At that time, they can pretend to patrol nearby, happen to meet the other party, and then use the opportunity of the other party to call the police, arrest the person directly, and send them back to the hotel.

But they didn't expect that they didn't wait long here before someone from the hotel contacted them and asked them for more support.

Only then did the policemen realize that something big had happened this time, so after reporting to their leaders, they rushed to the hotel and put a vigil on the hotel.

They have done a lot of unscrupulous things for Grandma Xiang over the years, so they know very well that if things are exposed, let alone what will happen to Grandma Xiang, they and others will never have an easy time.

Because of this, they could only bite the bullet and hope to stop the incident inside the hotel.

These guys had good ideas, but reality soon gave them a heavy blow. The hotel security force, which they had high hopes for, was defeated so easily.

The key is that even though these people have been beaten to pieces, they don't even know who the enemy is or how many there are.

Just because they didn't know what the enemy was like, they gave Zhang Pin and others a chance.

Grandma Xiang specially recruited a security team of hundreds of people for the safety of her guests and herself.

In the eyes of the police and the security guards guarding the perimeter, if a team of forty or fifty people inside can be defeated in a short period of time, the number of enemies inside must be at least hundreds or even more.

They had never thought that there would be less than ten enemies this time, or to put it bluntly, there were only five people.

Therefore, when the security personnel fled, even if the police wanted to stop them, they could not accurately find Zhang Pin and other five people among so many people.

"It's a pity that I didn't meet those guys in the hotel this time."

When Zhang Pin successfully got into a police car and drove away from the hotel, he still felt a little regretful.

"It's a pity that Sean escaped. We don't have time to find him for the time being."

Ethan also felt a little pity.

After they defeated the hotel security, Zhang Pin immediately reminded them to grab the car first.

At that time, the police witnessed the hotel security personnel being sneaked into the crowd by enemies, so when the security personnel fled, they immediately gathered together to prevent others from having a chance to attack.

But in this way, Zhang Pin successfully got into an empty police car and left the hotel with Ethan, Naiya, and Nissen's father and daughter.

As they drove away while taking advantage of the chaos, Sean also took the opportunity to drive away in a car alone.

At this moment, everyone finally escaped. In order to avoid further trouble from the Paris police and Grandma Xiang's people, it was not suitable for them to stay in Paris.

"Everyone, let's go separately."

After the car drove into the city, Zhang Pin stopped the car and said that it would be safer for everyone to go separately.

Ethan and Nissen both understood Zhang Pin's arrangements.

If the five of them are together, the goal is still too big.

On the contrary, if everyone leaves separately, with their respective identities and abilities, it will be easier to avoid possible searches.

"Damn it! What do you guys do for food?"

Raphael rarely wore sunglasses or a high-collar bottoming shirt at this time, so he exposed his deep-set wrinkled eye sockets and skin full of wrinkles and even age spots.

His old body and his angry expression at this time were completely different from the graceful and great artist he usually was.

Of course, for the current Rafi, art and style can no longer be taken into consideration.

Not to mention that something happened to the hotel, dozens of guests who went to the hotel died at the scene, and even police officers died at the scene. The key is that the troublemakers escaped, and they can't even grasp the identity of the other party.

At this moment, Lafayette couldn't even imagine what his situation would be like if the incident in the hotel was reported.

Over the years, he has done things to win over more allies, and he knows exactly how hateful they are.

Especially things in the hotel involve the privacy of many distinguished guests.

If anyone wants to hold him accountable, although Lafayette is old, he obviously doesn't want to die.

"I must, I must find the person, and then tell them to shut up. At the same time, I will contact the Security Bureau and ask them to block the news. Other countries will also contact me immediately to ensure that no news will appear on the Internet."


This chapter has been completed!
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