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Chapter 1,368 The Gold Robbery

Chapter 1239 Gold Robbery

"What, a batch of gold was stolen, but are you sure that my intervention in this matter will be useful?"

Zhang Pin looked at the investigation bureau commissioner coming in front of him and was speechless for a moment.

He originally just came to see off Johnson, because this guy wanted to continue hunting down Dominic and others since he woke up.

But because of the previous incident, the Brazilian authorities naturally did not want him to continue to get into trouble, so they had no choice but to ask Zhang Pin, who also belonged to the investigation bureau, to come forward to persuade him.

It’s really hard for Zhang Pin to refuse such a troublesome thing.

Sometimes the system is like this, and while enjoying the convenience, some troubles cannot be avoided.

Especially a person like Johnson's humane and sophisticated behavior.

This kind of thing is completely different from front-line actions, but it is much more important than front-line actions.

Whether to do an action or not is a matter of simply choosing to do it or not to do it.

As for how well you did it, how you achieved your goals, and how you dealt with the aftermath, that's another matter.

But in this situation, it is actually wiping the investigation bureau's butt.

Because according to formal laws, the Bureau of Investigation has no overseas law enforcement power.

Therefore, the actions of Johnson and others are 100% illegal.

Of course, since Johnson and others dared to appear in Brazil openly and sought support from the Brazilian police, it does not mean that they can ignore the law.

But their own formal establishment is not affiliated with the Bureau of Investigation.

Their documents on the surface are affiliated with Interpol.

Of course, everyone is aware of this kind of superficial business, just like some clerks in Langley who use the identity of the Bureau of Investigation when conducting domestic law enforcement.

If nothing goes wrong with this kind of operation, then everything will be fine.

But once something goes wrong, there will be a lot of trouble.

This time something happened to Johnson and others, and four elite team members died all at once, making the situation even more serious.

First of all, the aftermath of the four people is very troublesome.

Because of this, if something like this happened, Zhang Pin, as a member of the Investigation Bureau, would not be able to refuse at all.

At this critical moment when the aftermath should have been dealt with, Johnson not only refused to cooperate, but also wanted to continue causing trouble, which was obviously irrational.

Zhang Pin is not worried about how to solve Johnson's problem.

He directly asked the doctor to inject him with a quieter drug, and then easily waited until additional personnel from the Investigation Bureau were sent to deal with the aftermath.

Originally, he thought that after the other party arrived, he would have nothing to worry about.

To his surprise, the Bureau of Investigation mentioned another matter.

"Hans' brother robbed a batch of gold from the Federal Reserve Bank. How did it end up like this?"

Zhang Pin felt a little embarrassed after hearing the investigation bureau employee tell the whole story.

He had some doubts about whether the accident happened because of his involvement in it.

Because it stands to reason that this crisis incident should be solved perfectly by McClane.

When he heard about the New York gold robbery, Sir Zhang would naturally not forget McClane. Logically speaking, with this lone hero here, Hans's brother Simon should not be allowed to succeed.

But based on the intelligence from the Investigation Bureau, Zhang Pin discovered that something seemed a little wrong.

When Simon used bombs to threaten McClain and the entire Luojishan Police Station, because McClain was seriously injured, Simon almost led him around.

If a foul-mouthed black man named Zeus hadn't helped McClane, his life would have been lost by now.

But even so, McClain was injured and is still hospitalized.

It was precisely because McClain was injured and hospitalized that the New York police initially did not take Simon's threat of planting bombs in public places seriously.

The result was after the bomb exploded.

New York, which had no dealing experience, panicked and finally allowed Simon to achieve his goal.

Now this matter is getting bigger and bigger, and it is heard that this group of people has fled to Europe and is preparing to trade with buyers, so the Bureau of Investigation officially took over the case.

But after taking over the case, things were not over yet.

Because the criminals have fled, the Bureau of Investigation theoretically has no law enforcement power outside.

But the case occurred within China.

So the Bureau of Investigation naturally thought of inviting foreign aid.

The Bureau of Investigation naturally has a lot of foreign aid, but recently, the one who has been the smoothest to cooperate with and has the highest success rate is definitely Zhang Pin.

So this time people from the Investigation Bureau came to find him again.

"I need to think about leading the team this time."

"We can provide you with an Interpol employment certificate, with a lifetime tenure, and three exoneration agreements personally signed by Justice America."

It seemed that Zhang Pin would refuse, so the investigator spoke first and revealed the reward for this mission.

The other party did not give any benefits such as money, but a lifetime employment certificate from Interpol and three immunity agreements from America.

These two things are of high value, but they do not have a market price.

The first is the Interpol employment letter, which is actually just an identity.

Not to mention the immunity agreement. As long as ordinary people don't break the law or even live in America, they will never be able to use it.

But to say that this thing is worthless is not entirely true.

If Zhang Pin really wanted to sell this thing, many people would definitely be willing to spend millions or even tens of millions of dollars.

After all, having an Interpol employment certificate means that you have law enforcement rights in countries and regions that recognize Interpol, and you can also carry weapons with you.

This is not simply a symbol of status, but also includes safety.

As for the exoneration agreement, naturally there is no need to explain too much.

"It's best if you use these things for yourself. No matter if they change hands, you need to inform us in advance."

The investigators are obviously very confident in the promises they made.

Zhang Pin couldn't stand the other party's confident face, but he couldn't help it. The benefits offered by the other party were indeed very tempting to Sir Zhang.

"Ahem, cough, cough, I'll do my best."

Sir Zhang is a pragmatist. This kind of thing is free for him and there is no difficulty in agreeing to it, so after hesitating for a moment, he agreed.

There is no way, this benefit is too great, Sir Zhang simply cannot refuse it.

"About the funding and manpower for this operation."

After agreeing to his benefits, Sir Zhang asked about this operation and the arrangements of the Investigation Bureau.

Simon is able to play around with the police departments of two major cities in New York City and Luojishan River. It is conceivable that his energy is not small.

Although Sir Zhang is confident that he can defeat the opponent by himself.

But the investigation bureau will definitely not believe it.

So of course he will not let go of the benefits that should be striven for.

"Don't worry about this. We have a special office in London. I will apply for a work visa for you when the time comes. All your expenses during your stay in London can be reimbursed or paid for by the office. However, in terms of manpower, you can only

I invited myself."

The Bureau of Investigation heard Zhang Pin's inquiry and quickly introduced him to him.

Except for being a little embarrassed when talking about manpower, I feel very confident at other times.

"By the way, according to the rules of our office over there, Consultant Zhang, you have a personal consumption limit of 10 million pounds, and the entire team also has a consumption limit of 10 million pounds. This includes various weapons and intelligence information. You can use this

An expense expenditure.”

After hearing what the Investigation Bureau said, Zhang Pin nodded, having a new understanding of the Bureau's wealth.

The two then confirmed some details. The Bureau of Investigation had a special informant following this line. They were sure that Simon had arrived in London and the buyers of the gold were also there.

But where Simon settled in London requires Zhang Pin to investigate on his own.

The only thing they can be sure of now is that Simon and others have not left yet, but now that the news has come back, Simon and others will not stay there for a long time, so now the two sides are scrambling for time.

"Are you interested in taking a trip to London with me?"

Now that he has decided to go to London, Sir Zhang naturally needs to talk to Elena.

After he agreed to help the Bureau of Investigation go to London to hunt for gold, the Bureau of Investigation helped him process the Interpol employment certificate, and even prepared the Interpol certificate for him.

As for the fact that the Investigation Bureau cannot continue to provide him with support manpower, Sir Zhang can understand it.

In fact, the other party specially created this kind of consultant position because it was inconvenient to send people there.

This is to make it easier for both parties to argue when a dispute arises.

Zhang Pin is not worried that the case will be too difficult. This time the investigation bureau's request for him is not to capture Simon, but only to ensure that the gold can be recovered.

Because it was the New York and Luojishan police who were tricked by Simon this time, the Bureau of Investigation had no obligation to arrest Simon, especially after he had already fled to London.

There is no need to arrest people, so the way to complete the task will be more flexible.

First of all, the gold lost by the Federal Reserve this time is a ton. It is impossible for at least one or two people to move such heavy gold.

For an experienced person like Sir Zhang, he would naturally not be afraid of such a small case.

That's why he had the confidence to invite Elena to play.

"Forget it, I won't delay your business."

Elena was obviously a little surprised and excited about Zhang Pin's invitation.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally shook her head and rejected Zhang Pin's invitation.

Although Zhang Pin found this matter very easy, Elena was not a little girl who didn't understand anything after all.

She has been a police officer for several years. Although she is a clerk, she also knows that there must be great risks in this matter.

Moreover, Zhang Pin was favored by the Investigation Bureau and arranged to go to London to do work. From Elena's point of view, this was related to Zhang Pin's future, and she did not want to affect Zhang Pin.

"That's a pity. When I finish my work, I will travel to Brazil. Then you can receive me well."

Zhang Pin was not clear about some of Elena's thoughts, and thought that she was just doing it for safety reasons.

After thinking about it, Simon and others were indeed in danger, so he did not continue to persuade them.

The two of them had not been together for long, and they were getting tired of each other, so the night they left, Sir Zhang had another night of fun. In the end, Elena almost fainted from exhaustion, and Sir Zhang gave up.

Early the next morning, before Elena woke up to see him off, Sir Zhang left a bank card for her and then left.

"Hey, isn't this Captain Johnson?"

Unexpectedly, when Zhang Pin arrived at the airport, he met an acquaintance. Johnson, who he had arranged to stay in the hospital for the past few days, was not only discharged from the hospital, but actually got on the same flight as him.

"Hello, Consultant Zhang."

Facing Zhang Pin's greeting, Johnson politely returned the greeting, but he had no intention of talking more.

The two of them had the same destination. Given Johnson's attitude, Sir Zhang guessed it without thinking too much. The other party must also be looking for gold.

Sir Zhang doesn't have any objections to the investigation bureau's attitude of casting a wide net.

In fact, the investigator who came to negotiate with him actually recommended Johnson to him as a team member.

After all, before this incident, Johnson had never failed in any of the past operations of the Bureau of Investigation.

However, Zhang Pin directly rejected the other party's recommendation. The reason was of course that he looked down on Johnson.

Although the Investigation Bureau is optimistic about him as a consultant, with the benefits of a ton of gold, they naturally don't mind casting a few more nets.

Especially behind this gold is the Federal Reserve, which is in charge of the U.S. dollar, the world's currency.

The Federal Reserve relies on the world's largest gold reserves and America's strong national power to ensure its reputation as a US dollar.

Naturally, they cannot allow the gold to be stolen openly.

In order to get back this gold, the other party was naturally very determined.

Not only did they plan the plan of Zhang Pin and other action teams, they even made a decision. If they couldn't get the gold back through action, they wouldn't even mind intercepting the buyer and spending money to buy the gold.

Although the Federal Reserve secretly squandered the gold stored by countless people and institutions, it was only secretly.

On the surface, in order to maintain monetary hegemony, it is certainly impossible for them to allow gold to flow out, especially in this way.

Sir Zhang doesn’t know the Fed’s determination. He is currently enjoying the food on the plane.

But Sir Zhang has a good appetite, but Johnson can't eat anything at the moment.

Unlike Zhang Pin who treated him like air, Johnson was under so much pressure that his heartbeat could not help but accelerate a little.

In fact, the reason why he didn't dare to say anything more to Sir Zhang just now was because he was worried that he would be unable to help but ask Zhang Pin for help.

Unlike Zhang Pin, who can negotiate terms with the Bureau of Investigation at will, Johnson belongs to the Bureau of Investigation and enjoys more conveniences on weekdays, but accordingly, he must also bear corresponding responsibilities.

This time four commandos died. As the captain, Johnson should be interrogated to confirm his innocence.

But this time when he learned about the gold case, Johnson wanted to take the opportunity to make amends.

Regarding his request, some leaders within the Investigation Bureau agreed, but this also put him under greater pressure.

If he performs well in this operation, he will naturally make up for his fault, but if he performs too poorly, it will naturally become two things to be settled together, and even the leader who nodded this time will be implicated.

Johnson originally wanted to cooperate with Zhang Pin. This time in Brazil, he personally witnessed Zhang Pin's strength.

But who knew that Zhang Pin didn't want him at all.

When Johnson learned about this situation, he was originally very angry, but he was also flexible and knew that this was a critical moment, so he endured the anger.

Moreover, he was on the same flight as Zhang Pin on purpose.

The purpose is to see if there will be any changes in the period.

This chapter has been completed!
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