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Chapter 1372 Battle

Chapter 1243 Battle

"No, because of my identity."

Frank's face was a bit ugly, half pleased and half frightened.

He is not Liu Xiahui. Orisa can be married by Bislin. She is very good in figure and appearance. Even if she gives birth to a child, she has more of a wife's flavor.

If it were at other times, it would be difficult for Frank to meet such a high-quality woman.

But now, as the practical bodyguard hired by Mr. Bisling, facing the temptation of the hostess, he not only feels guilty, but also worries about angering the powerful Mr. Bisling, and will be raped again when the time comes.

Forced to run away.

"Are you worried about my husband? Well, don't worry. I promise he won't pursue you."

Orisa was kissing Frank's chest and reaching down to grab it.


Frank was attacked in two consecutive places and suddenly took a breath of air.

Then he weighed the gravity of the matter and finally chose to pick up Mrs. Bisling and rush to the big bed not far away.

The battle started soon.

It was a long night, but Sir Zhang couldn't sleep because Mrs. Bisling's voice next to him was too loud.

Dong dong dong——

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Sir, do you need room service?"

And what a coincidence, someone knocked on Sir Zhang's door at night.

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhang Pin's heart suddenly moved.

He stood up and opened the door, and found that he had heard correctly, it was Claire who knocked on the door.

Zhang Pin: "How did you know I was here?"

He was actually more curious about how the other party appeared here.

It's not surprising that Claire knows that he is here, because the other person is originally from Langley, and his profession is an intelligence analyst. Although her position is most likely related to her original husband Jim, Claire can really master a lot of information.


Sir Zhang came to London this time, nominally borrowing the identity of Interpol, but the channel was actually Langley's.

Although Claire no longer works at Langley, people like them who engage in intelligence should not take it easy to know some information.

"I got a piece of news that I thought might be useful to you."

Claire's cheeks were a little hot now, because Sir Zhang was only wearing a pair of underpants, and the underpants were still pushed up.

As someone who has experienced this, Claire is certainly not a novice.

At this moment, her vision became wandering, but she did not shout, nor did she mean to leave directly.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Sir Zhang realized that he was not in a good state at the moment.

But seeing Claire's reaction, Sir Zhang's heart moved, and then he stretched out his hand and held Claire.

"Well you."

After Claire was held by his hand, her first reaction was to lower her head and not dare to look at him.

Sir Zhang probably knew what he was doing, so he made the same move as Frank, picked him up by the waist, and strode towards the sofa.

As Claire's coat was torn, the room immediately entered a state of first-level combat readiness.

Facts have proven that being young means being much more energetic.

"Huh - tell me, who asked you to come."

Sir Zhang took a deep breath, did not withdraw from Claire's body, and directly asked after he was done.

"Ethan said you were here and wanted me to find out if you came here because of Chimera."

Claire's voice was now hoarse due to shouting too many times. When she heard Zhang Pin's question, she told the truth.

To be honest, when I heard Claire talking about Ethan, Sir Zhang felt a faint sense of jealousy in his heart.

The reason is naturally that they are worried about the possibility of sparks between Claire and Ethan.

But Sir Zhang quickly adjusted his mentality and became indifferent.

He came here just for fun, how could he care so much.

Not to mention that Claire has a husband. Even though Jim was arrested, he is still the real deal.

So he simply asked Claire about the real purpose of coming here. He couldn't have come here specifically to put out the fire because he was very angry.

When he learned that Ethan was also there, and was still dealing with the problem of the Chimera virus, Zhang Pin immediately frowned.

"Is there anything important happening in London recently?"

Zhang Pin has been engaged in police work for so many years, so when he learned that Ethan appeared, he immediately thought of something.

"As an international metropolis, London holds various important meetings or gatherings almost every day. But as far as Chimera is concerned, Prince Ali from the Middle East suddenly summoned a group of top biological scientists to hold a summit.

, Ethan and I suspect that this summit is probably related to the Chimera."

Claire obviously knew what Zhang Pin was asking.

So although her words were a bit playful, she also clearly told Sir Zhang the information he wanted to know.

"A summit for biological scientists."

Hearing this, Sir Zhang subconsciously thought of Nissen's old face.

At that time, he also claimed that he was a doctor and that he was here to attend a summit.

"I encountered a strange thing today"

Sir Zhang didn't even have time to pull it out yet, so of course he couldn't just finish the job and deny the person, so after learning that Claire was now working for Ethan, he simply informed the other party of the news.

"You suspect that someone is pretending to be a scientist, and then you also want to attack Chimera."

After listening to Zhang Pin's story, Claire immediately reacted.

"To attack Chimera, shouldn't the other party conceal their identity and take advantage of the opportunity to trade Chimera?"

But after hearing Claire's words, Sir Zhang felt a little strange.

According to his law enforcement experience on Hong Kong Island, criminals like to get involved in large-scale events like this and then take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble.

"Deal. Oh, you still don't know who the Chimera buyer Sean is looking for?"

Upon hearing Zhang Pin's words, Claire was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

"With your expression, you can't believe that the buyer is the organizer of this summit."

Seeing Claire's expression, Sir Zhang suddenly had an unreliable guess.

"You guessed it right, Prince Ali is interested in Chimera, so he specially sponsored this summit."

As a result, Claire nodded, confirming his guess.

Zhang Pin:.

Although Sir Zhang has always known that compared to foreigners, he is actually more conservative.

But he never expected that he would be so conservative.

"What about you?"

When Zhang Pin heard Claire's affirmation, he thought about it and was originally going to ask the other party why they didn't do it since they already knew that Prince Ali wanted to buy Chimera.

But after thinking about it, I realized why.

Prince Ali is a wealthy man in the Middle East. As long as the other party guarantees that it will not spread on a large scale and just buys an infectious agent with an antidote, it is not a big deal.

Yes, the world is so helpless.

"Does everyone know this news?"

Zhang Pin finally understood why Sean was so bold.

The other party found a good buyer. Since it was Prince Ali who wanted the Chimera, maybe Ruihui deliberately let Sean steal it. It wouldn't be a surprise.

"But in this case, the situation is not right. Since everyone knows that Prince Ali wants to buy a Chimera, there is no need to pretend."

Although he now knew the identity of the buyer of Chimera, Zhang Pin soon frowned again.

Because now that the identity of the buyer has been confirmed, the identity of the so-called Dr. Liam is unclear.

"How is the situation in the Middle East recently?"

Sir Zhang has also seen big scenes, so he quickly thought of another thing.

"It's impossible to be peaceful over there, but let's just leave it that way. But I heard that some people are very dissatisfied with Afghanistan, and some people proposed to send troops there like the red one before."

Claire has been honest with Zhang Pin now, and they know each other well, so she really doesn't hide anything from Zhang Pin.

"Move troops."

Zhang Pin thought of the future. America finally took action, but the result was not optimistic. For twenty years, they were continuously bloodletted. The result was the same as the result of the alliance, they were unable to conquer the guerrilla forces riding on donkeys.


"It seems like someone doesn't want the prince to go back and inherit the family business."

After learning that the situation there was still very tense, Sir Zhang got a rough idea of ​​what was going on with Dr. Liam.

The other party probably wanted to disguise his identity and get close to Prince Ali to carry out an assassination operation.

"This is not impossible. In fact, according to our guess, this Prince Ali is indeed very high-profile. Not only does he want to take away the Chimera this time, he is also involved in the gold lost by the Federal Reserve."

Claire was not surprised that Prince Ali might be assassinated, and then she told another unconfirmed story.

"The gold that Simon stole will be sold to Prince Ali."

Hearing the news, Sir Zhang was immediately shocked. Didn't he come to London just for this batch of gold? Unexpectedly, he got the news in advance before he could take action.

"So fast!"

Stimulated by the news, Sir Zhang suddenly became energetic, but Claire felt that the big thing in her body had regained its strength again.

"This news is just our speculation and has not been confirmed. At least so far, we have not found that the other party has transported gold away, and there has not been a large amount of gold deposited in London recently."

Claire's face turned a little pale. She had actually been idle for a while recently.

After all, Jim is old, so even when facing a lovely wife like Claire, he is often powerless a lot of the time.

Not to mention that Jim has been arrested now, and Sir Zhang happens to be handsome, handsome, and very rich.

So when faced with Sir Zhang's handshake, she did not refuse.

But the two of them had sex several times in a row just now, and Claire felt like she was dry.

Now that she found that Sir Zhang was still active, she was naturally a little embarrassed, so she was smart and quickly tried to use information to divert Sir Zhang's attention.

"What kind of evidence is there for this kind of thing? According to the inference, since this so-called prince dares to even ask for a Chimera, he just happens to be the most suitable buyer."

Zhang Pin held down Claire who was about to retreat, then pressed into her while speaking nonchalantly.


Claire was speechless at this moment.

Liam felt like he was going crazy.

At the reminder of the taxi driver, he originally wanted to find Dr. James who invited him to attend the summit, but what happened was such a coincidence that when he found Dr. James, the fake Dr. Liam who pretended to be him was also here.


The key is that when he wanted to use the information about his previous conversation with Dr. James to expose the other party, the fake Dr. Liam answered fluently about what happened between him and Dr. James.

As a result, Liam found that he could not explain his true identity.

Just when he was racking his brains to prove himself, suddenly his head felt dizzy and he fainted again.

When he woke up again, he found that he was already in the hospital.

"Are you okay?"

The person talking to Liam was the nurse he saw when he woke up last time.


Liam originally wanted to say that he was fine, but before he could finish his words, he saw someone appear behind the nurse, and it was the man with glasses who had followed him before.


A memory appeared in Liam's mind again, it was the scene of the man with glasses killing someone.

So he subconsciously reminded the nurse and rolled directly from the bed to the ground.


Liam's reminder didn't have much effect. The man with glasses walked up behind the nurse, grabbed the nurse's head with both hands, and broke the nurse's neck.

Then he noticed that Liam had climbed to the door.

The bespectacled man immediately stopped caring about handling the nurse's body and chased after Liam.

But now, under the pressure of life crisis, Liam's small universe exploded, and he didn't give the man with glasses a chance. He rushed downstairs in one breath, shouting "kill" as he ran.

Seeing this, the man with glasses could only give up chasing Liam again and stood by the window on the second floor, watching helplessly as Liam ran into a taxi.

"The operation failed, and he even alerted the enemy. He seems to have some problems. He doesn't seem to recognize me anymore."

The bespectacled man took out his mobile phone, made a call, and then watched Liam's taxi disappear from sight.

Zhang Pin went out feeling refreshed in the morning. He originally wanted to talk to Ethan, but unexpectedly he came to the living room and saw the fake Liam at a glance.

The other party was accompanied by a group of police officers, and the entire hotel lobby was in chaos.

"What's going on?"

Zhang Pin frowned and called the waiter, then asked about the situation.

"This gentleman called the police and said that someone was assuming his identity and sent a hitman to assassinate him."

The waiter's expression wasn't very good at the moment either.

This hotel is very famous in London and its business is very good. Naturally, the treatment of its staff is not bad either.

But if the hotel's problems lead to poor management, then they may not be able to keep their jobs.


When Zhang Pin saw this scene, he suddenly felt more interesting.

However, he is not worried that the arrival of the police will affect his investigation of the case.

Because it is impossible for the police to investigate this hotel at will.

In fact, Sir Zhang's guess was correct. As a hotel manager came forward, all the police who came to the hotel quickly left politely.

"Hey, are you interested in chatting, Dr. Liam?"

At this moment, Zhang Pin took the opportunity to look at Liam, who was also planning to leave with the police.

This chapter has been completed!
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