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Chapter 1,388 Brothers in Distress

Chapter 1259 Brothers in Distress

Dominic was initially confused about whether Johnson was looking for the right target.

But when the buildings exploded one after another, he immediately believed it.

Because according to the information they heard, the guy who committed the gold robbery was a bomb expert.

The current explosion naturally proves the authenticity of the other party's identity.

If Ethan knew this scene, he would probably laugh until his stomach hurts.

In fact, Dominic's guess was correct. The reason why Ethan deliberately gave Johnson the information about Sean was to trick him into doing things for him.

Ethan is an expert in intelligence, so he naturally knows that Johnson has been distrusted by the Bureau of Investigation because of his last mission.

This is the case with agents. Their bosses will always treat them as a tool. When there is a problem with the tool, no matter how good the performance was before, they will be abandoned if their boss says to abandon it.

Whether it was Bourne at the beginning, or when Ethan was misunderstood before, or Johnson now.

However, Johnson obviously hasn't seen his position clearly yet, or perhaps he knows this and wants to show his value again.

In short, when Johnson asked him for help, Ethan played a clever trick.

He was a bit vague about Johnson's words, saying that Sean was related to the gold case, but he didn't say it explicitly.

As a result, Johnson misunderstood and thought that Sean was the guy who caused trouble in Luojishanhe, New York.

Of course, what Ethan said was not a lie. Sean did have something to do with the gold case, because his virus buyer and Simon's gold buyer were the same person.

What's even more confusing is that Sean agreed to Irving's deal of exchanging gold for viruses.

"Buzz buzz-"

When Owen Xiao's car was in mid-air, there was suddenly a downward impact force. The car was buffered by this force and offset most of the falling force.

So after the car landed, it was not affected and drove directly towards the road in front.

Boom boom boom——

At this moment, a violent explosion occurred inside the building.

"Damn, are these guys crazy!"

Although Owen Xiao acts very arrogantly on weekdays, these arrogances are directed at his enemies, and he values ​​his own safety very much.

This is why even his car is a modified armored vehicle.

When he saw the explosion happening, Owen Xiao couldn't help but curse. After all, in an explosion of this scale, if someone was not careful, he would be blown to pieces.

"Isn't your attitude towards him just now a bit arrogant?"

Owen Xiao even secretly regretted whether his attitude towards Sean just now was a bit too arrogant.

Then while he was thinking, he kicked the accelerator and knocked away the police car blocking the road, and then rushed onto the road.


But in the next second, Owen Shaw's armored vehicle, which had just started driving on the road, was hit from the side by a car.


Owen Shaw's cars have been professionally modified and are not only superior in bulletproof performance, but also top-notch in impact resistance.

Therefore, even if it was hit from the side by a speeding car, it only swayed in place twice and was not greatly affected.

Instead, it was the car that hit his armored vehicle. By now, the entire front of the car had been scrapped.


Then the next second, Chen Jiaju kicked the front windshield of the car that was almost knocked away, and then jumped up and jumped on the roof of Owen Xiao's armored vehicle.

The reason why Chen Jiaju appears here is of course because he followed Zhang Pin's arrangement and stayed at the London Police Station, always paying attention to the police's actions.

When Bislin mobilized his men to arrest the target of the report, he and Partridge followed the police.

As a professional policeman, Chen Jiaju's ambush position was also more professional. In his opinion, if these people escaped, they would either come from the front by surprise or come from the back door.

So he stayed at the front door and let Partridge go to the back door.

But what Chen Jiaju didn't expect was that the guy inside actually drove an armored vehicle out. As a last resort, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and hit it.

But unfortunately, the car he drove was just an ordinary car, and it really wasn't very effective in front of the armored vehicle at the moment.

However, although the car failed to knock over the other party's car, Chen Jiaju was filled with excitement.

Because you can tell from the armored vehicle the other party drives, it must be a big fish.

Chen Jiaju has always been a desperate man. Now that the enemies have arrived at the door, of course he is not willing to let them go, so he directly chooses to mount the armored vehicle.

Buzz buzz——

Owen Xiao never thought that someone would dare to hang it directly on his car like this.

However, he didn't care and simply stepped on the accelerator to increase the speed of the armored vehicle.

The design of the armored vehicle itself was for war, but this vehicle was specially modified by Owen Shaw. The streamlined model on the outside had no place for people to hang. So as the vehicle moved forward, Chen Jiaju suddenly began to stand unsteadily.


Even the next second, as Owen Xiao turned on a switch, the armored vehicle tilted forward, and a steel plate was erected diagonally above the front of the vehicle.

Chen Jiaju tried his best to grab a bulge on the armored vehicle with his hands, regardless of the possibility of scratches on his hands, and then prepared to interfere with Owen Xiao.

But after he finished observing the entire armored vehicle, he suddenly felt a headache.

Because this armored vehicle was no different from a turtle shell, he felt like he had no idea where to start.

Buzz buzz——

At this moment, a Dodge muscle car roared over not far away.

Seeing the Dodge car rushing towards him, Chen Jiaju was immediately overjoyed.

Although he didn't know who was driving the car, he instinctively sensed that the car was heading towards Owen Shaw's armored vehicle.

Buzz buzz——

Owen Xiao, who was driving the car, also noticed the car rushing out, but he did not choose to escape. Instead, he kept turning the steering wheel to turn the car around and face the Dodge car.

Then he also accelerated and rushed towards Dodge.


The Dodge car saw the approaching armored vehicle and hesitated for a second, but ultimately chose not to dodge.

But the next second, the driver probably regretted it.

Because when the two cars came into contact, they did not collide as he imagined.

On the contrary, the Dodge drove directly along the raised iron plate of the armored vehicle and into the air.

Then, when the armored vehicle rushed forward, it knocked over the Dodge vehicle.

Bang bang bang——

The car rolled on the spot several times and finally hit a fence before stopping.

And because of the choice of Dodge, Chen Jiaju, who was originally lying on the roof of the armored vehicle, also suffered.

When the armored car hit the Dodge, Chen Jiaju saw that he was about to be crushed by the two cars, so he could only take the risk and jump to the ground.

Fortunately, when the two vehicles came into contact, the speed of the armored vehicle also slowed down, so when Chen Jiaju jumped down, the acceleration he suffered was not too great.

But even so, it was impossible for him to continue to get into the car and pursue the armored car.

The other side.

After Sean detonated the bomb, he did not stop. He directly hung up a rope and then slid directly to the ground along the slide rail that he had assumed.


But just as he slid to the first floor, a car repair wrench suddenly appeared from the side and hit him hard on the head.

Then Sean turned around and saw a chubby, honest-looking Asian man holding a wrench in his hand and holding it high in the air.


The last thing that came to Sean's mind was a curse word, and then the next second, another wrench hit his head, and then he fell into a coma.

"Hehehehe, Menqing, it's done."

The person who took action was naturally a partridge.

After this guy separated from Chen Jiaju, he came to the back, and he quickly saw the two pillars here.

If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely ignore these two bare pillars, but Partridge Cai and Chen Jiaju are brothers. Chen Jiaju has a parkour nose. Partridge Cai also worked as a flying robber for a while, so he recognized these pillars at a glance.

Help people slide down from upstairs.

So he chose to stay here directly.

Now I have really gained something.

Dong dong dong——

But just when Partridge was about to take Sean away, there was a sound of tactical boots hitting the ground.

"Don't move, police!"

Partridge reacted quickly. The next second he heard the sound, he turned around and shouted.

"Don't shoot, I'm one of our own, I'm from Interpol."

The next second, Johnson walked out from around the corner.

He originally wanted to go to the back to block Sean, but who knew he was a step too late. When he arrived, the police were ambushing him behind.

But the next second, he hesitated.

Because unlike the scene he imagined where a large number of police officers were ambushing behind him, there was only a chubby Asian man in uniform with a wrench in his hand, and an unlucky guy lying on the ground.

"You're not a police officer!"

Johnson immediately realized that he had been deceived, and at the same time he became confident again.

Because there is only one person on the other side, and he doesn’t even have a gun.

So Johnson swaggered towards Partridge at this time without even pulling out his gun.

"I don't care who you are, give me to...well."

Johnson originally wanted Partridge to hand the person over to him, and then he graciously let him go.

But before he could finish his words, when Partridge saw Johnson approaching him, he immediately raised his vaginal leg and kicked Johnson, and then gave the opponent a wrench in the head.


I have to say that Johnson's body is solid enough, so his ability to withstand blows is also very strong.

After receiving two consecutive blows from Partridge, he did not faint, but his body's instinct made him forget to fight back for a moment.

In this way, Johnson took advantage of his strong body and received a few more vaginal kicks and spanner hits on the head.

It wasn't until he lost consciousness in his lower body and a series of big bumps bulged on his head that he finally fainted when he almost caught up with the image of Buddha.

At the moment when he fainted, Johnson even felt a sense of relief.

"Damn, these foreigners grew up on whatever they ate, and their ability to withstand blows is so strong."

Partridge rubbed his sore hands and his legs that were tired from lifting, and he let out a sigh of relief.

If Johnson hadn't fainted yet, he would have been too tired to kick his legs or move his hands.

"Hey, now it's time for me to take all the credit."

Yes, the reason why Partridge took the opportunity to attack Johnson was because he wanted to monopolize the credit for catching Sean.

In order to prevent anyone else from coming, Partridge lifted Sean up with difficulty and left quickly.

Ten minutes later, Sir Zhang arrived by car.

"You mean, it's him who the police want to arrest."

Seeing the unconscious Sean, Zhang Pin decisively praised his behavior for not participating in the action before.

His guess was correct. Although Chen Jiaju and Partridge Cai encountered new clues, the target that the clues ultimately pointed to was not Simon, but Sean.

Although these two guys both have Western names in their names, they are still different.

"Yes, you did a good job this time, I will reward you with an additional 10,000 pounds."

Although Sean was not his target, thinking that the other party wanted to trade with Prince Ali, Sir Zhang still did not dampen Partridge's enthusiasm and directly gave the other party a reward of 10,000 pounds.

"By the way, where is Jiaju, why isn't he with you?"

After the rewards were over, Zhang Pin was originally planning to reward Chen Jiaju with another 10,000 pounds, so that he could be rewarded evenly.

But only then did he realize that apart from Partridge Cai and Sean, Chen Jiaju was not here.

"Jiaju chose to ambush in front. I don't know if he has caught up with that guy now."

Hearing Zhang Pin's inquiry, Partridge Cai shook his head and said that Chen Jiaju was not acting with him.

What he actually wanted to express was that this arrest was his alone, so the credit naturally belongs to one person.

"He is still hunting. Forget it, you have caught the leader of this operation. It doesn't matter whether the others can be caught or not."

Zhang Pin knew that Prince Ali had not come to London yet, so it stands to reason that except for Sean, the rest of the people here were probably the helpers that Sean had found.

For Zhang Pin, the only one who is useful to him is Sean, the boss. He plans to ask Sean first to see if he can learn some information about Prince Ali through him.

Then consider whether to give the person to Ethan.

As for Sean's men, they are of no benefit to him, so it doesn't matter whether they are captured or not.

So Zhang Pin took out his cell phone and prepared to call Chen Jiaju back.

An hour later, Sir Zhang stood on the hospital bed and looked at Chen Jiaju, Johnson and Dominic lying side by side on the three beds.

Tonight, due to the failure of the London police operation, all hospital beds were full at this time, and the injuries of the three people were not considered too serious, so the three of them were all placed in ordinary hospital beds.

And because of the shortage of beds, they did not get the treatment of single beds, and they happened to be placed in the same ward.

"What's wrong with you? Jiaju is injured and you don't even go to see him. You two usually have a good relationship?"

After arriving at the door of the ward, Zhang Pin suddenly found that Partridge suddenly hid behind him and seemed to have no intention of entering the ward.

So he couldn't help but curiously asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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