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Chapter 196: Cao Dahua, who only lasted for three seconds

With such a good opportunity, of course he would not be timid or inaccurate.

I saw him pull the trigger, one shot at a time. In an instant, more than five terrorists were shot to the ground by him.


He shot all the bullets in the pistol in one breath, and then suddenly found Sparta. Because he came in too hastily, he only took this pistol and did not take the spare magazine.

In other words, after the bullets in the pistol are used up, the gun in his hand is worse than a fire stick, and now, there are nearly ten terrorists standing in the cafeteria.

And just after he finished shooting a magazine, these ten people gave up chasing the teachers, students, staff, and members of the Political Department who had escaped from various exits. Instead, they turned around and turned their guns.



Zhou Xingxing was so frightened that he immediately dropped his pistol on the ground and raised his hands high.

But he wanted to surrender now, but these terrorists looked at their companions lying on the ground and probably wouldn't agree.

No, one of the terrorists who was closest to Zhou Xingxing and was not shot by him with his pistol angrily stepped forward, raised his submachine gun and was about to shoot Zhou Xingxing in the head.


There was a flash of fire and white smoke, and the skull cover was blown away. At the same time, other dense bullets also instantly smashed his face to pieces.

Zhou Xingxing's face was covered with blood. He stood motionless. His right hand seemed to want to slowly lower it, but he didn't have any strength.


When another terrorist saw his companion being beaten to death, he immediately shifted the muzzle of his gun that was originally aimed at Zhou Xingxing, but before he could complete the muzzle shift action.


Another burst of fire and white smoke rose up, and a third of the terrorist's abdomen was directly knocked off. The whole person instantly fell to the ground as if falling apart, and it seemed that he could not survive.


Then, there were rhythmic footsteps and two gunshots at the door of the cafeteria, which finally brought Zhou Xingxing back to his senses. He put down his right hand and touched his face hard because his skull cap was lifted.

The terrorist was stained with blood when he was too close to him when he was shot, and then turned his head and looked behind him.

Not only Zhou Xingxing, but the other eight terrorists were also startled by the other party's sudden appearance.

The man who walked in was wearing a leather coat, a pair of sunglasses on his nose, and the smoke had not yet dissipated from the shotgun in his hand.

"Cao Dahua!"

Because it was daytime and the light in the cafeteria was very bright, Zhou Xingxing recognized who came in at a glance.

But it was precisely because he recognized the other person that he felt so incredible at this moment.

Cao Dahua chuckled, flicked the shotgun with one hand to reload the barrel with a bullet, and pulled down his sunglasses with the other hand to reveal his two eyes.

Then he suddenly turned around and pulled the trigger.

Bang - ah -

Fire and white smoke filled the air again, and a terrorist who recovered early was shot backwards by a shotgun.

"Axing, I'm here!"

Cao Dahua spoke every word and seemed very aura, but at this time, Zhou Xingxing just wanted to hit people.

As soon as he flew up, he threw Cao Dahua to the ground, and then pulled him to roll to the side.

Ta da da, da da da——

Then, the place where the two people were standing was instantly covered by bullets, and the solid wood floor originally laid in the canteen was also hit with sawdust flying everywhere.

This guy Cao Dahua pretends to be cool and doesn't care about the occasion. The cafeteria is such an empty place. There are some tables, chairs and benches blocking the ground. It can be said that there is nothing in the air.

At this time, there are seven terrorists, but they only have one shotgun. Cao Dahua's movements are still slow. If Zhou Xing hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, they would have gone to see God just now. Well, it's not necessarily that these two

Guys, whether you can go to heaven or not is a matter of two opinions.

However, Cao Dahua's pretentiousness just now still frightened Ericsson, so when this guy heard the police outside the school gate preparing for a general attack, he could only tell his companions to delay for time.

"Sir, the Flying Tigers are here!"

At the gate of Smith School, the mustache of the political department was very ugly at this time. The broadcast from Acrylic just now was not only transmitted to the teaching building, but the entire school, including those standing at the school gate, heard it with their own ears.

At this time, when he heard that the Flying Tigers had arrived, Mustache immediately waved his hand.

"Be prepared for a strong attack, but remember to protect the safety of the hostages."

As the elite of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, the Flying Tigers carried out Mustache's words very thoroughly. They raised their submachine guns and first suppressed the front of the truck and the school's security room. Then four of them took this opportunity to quickly approach the small door.

A member of the Flying Tigers who was walking at the front saw that no one came forward at the two attack points, so he quickly stretched out a hand and put it on the door, preparing to push it open and attack inside.

As soon as the door was opened, a beeping sound came from under his feet.

Even with the mask on, this member of the Flying Tigers turned pale with fright. He retracted his hand, dropped his submachine gun with the other hand, stretched out to block his companions who wanted to get closer, and shouted loudly at the same time.


"Careful! There's a bomb!"


But this sentence was obviously shouted too late. The four members of the Flying Tigers who were very close to each other and leaning on each other were instantly blown away by the bomb.

"Damn! Help! Why didn't you tell me there was a bomb!"

The gunfire from the Flying Tigers at the scene suddenly became sparse. Several people jumped out, trying to pull back their comrades who had been hit by the bomb. The commander of the Flying Tigers at the scene even approached members of the Political Department.

"We didn't arrive much earlier than you, and we also didn't know they had planted a bomb at the door."

Mustache was already a little guilty when facing the terrorists, so he didn't participate in the attack just now, but he was confident enough to deal with the Tigers, and his voice was even higher than the opponent's.

Bang bang bang——

Da da da--


The members of the Flying Tigers were worried about their injured companions and wanted to rush out to rescue the four people lying on the ground, but the terrorists also seized the opportunity.

They showed their fighting power and defeated the Political Department. Taking advantage of the sparse gunfire, they bravely stood up and fired at the Flying Tigers who had exposed themselves.

"Quick, quick, cover! Cover! You damn ones should shoot too!"

Faced with a sudden attack by terrorists, the on-site commander of the Flying Tigers suddenly had no time to argue with the agents of the Political Department. He reorganized his members to fight back with firepower, trying to buy opportunities for his companions, and at the same time looked away angrily as if watching a show.

members of the political department.

This chapter has been completed!
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