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Chapter 235: You must wear a helmet when fishing

But when it came to this, he quickly refuted Zhang Pin, saying that the female singer was still somewhat interesting to him.

The other party's name was Jenny, and the two even drank together.

The reason why Li Xiuxian didn't want Zhang Pin to go was that he had seen with his own eyes his head's ability to attract girls.

In order for the woman he loved not to be attracted by Zhang Pin, he certainly didn't want her to go.

"Just don't be fooled."

Zhang Pin didn't have much objection to this. Lee Soo-hyun was already in his thirties and was about to leave the country. It was because he found a girlfriend that he had settled down.

It's just that he doesn't really think much of the other person because he likes a singer.

After all, it is conceivable that the other party would choose to work as a singer in a bar. She must be someone who wants to make quick money. And for someone like Lee Xiuxian who is a moonlighter and an older single, whether he can catch the eye of the other party is a matter of two opinions.

After giving the money, the two of them went out, Zhang Pin holding his own thermos cup in his hand.

"This time the drug traffickers used very special methods. They chose to separate the vehicles and goods, and then directed them through their brains."

"Although the brain is most important, he has no goods on him, so even if he is arrested, there will definitely be no evidence for prosecution. This time we are mainly focusing on the car and the buyer."

"So the most important task is to monitor the vehicles, guard several intersections, and at the same time stop the other party at the moment of delivery."

"Ah B, you lead the team to block a few intersections. Zhou Xingxing, you lead the guys from the serious crime team to follow them. Remember not to lose them. If the goods and cars are lost, you will be the only one to ask questions this time."

Zhang Pin glared at the other party. He already knew that it was Zhou Xingxing who gave Li Xiuxian the evil idea to borrow money from the boss to pick up girls.

It's really embarrassing for me. No one in the entire Wan Chai Police Station knows that Sir Zhang can not only pick up girls, but also make a living with his handsome face.

As his subordinate, Li Xiuxian really failed and embarrassed himself so much that he even had to spend money to pick up girls.

Because I had already received information about Lin Kun's team's transaction from the plane, even though I was following the car, in fact I was just stuck at a few intersections, watching them go back and forth.

To be honest, this group of drug traffickers was able to lurk in Hong Kong Island for seven or eight years without being known to outsiders, and even within the circle they only heard about their names but never saw them. This delivery method is indeed elusive.

They divide a simple transaction directly into the driver who drives the car, the person who leads the buyer, and the guy who carries the goods.

In addition to these three important people, there are two other groups with the same thing to attract possible dangers.

If there is no definite information, this kind of confusion method is really impossible to guard against.

After all, both buyers and sellers are now separated. If you really rush forward, you will catch the guy carrying the goods, but even if you catch the other people, you can't sue the other party. After all, they don't have the goods.


Even because Lin Kun's gang has been doing business for a long time, and the people doing the transactions are all acquaintances, their payment for the goods was already traded, and now the people who come to pick up the goods are just the buyers' younger brothers.

So it stands to reason that even if this group of people is caught with all the stolen goods this time, it will not be a big deal for Lin Kun's team or the buyer.

But knowing all this, Zhang Pin still mobilized all his troops to carry out such a thing. His intention was of course not just to attack Lin Kun's gang.

Yes, this drug arrest is not so much targeting Lin Kun's gang, but actually targeting Dongxing.

After all, Luo Tuo was interested in Causeway Bay, which was occupied by planes, and wanted to use it to smuggle white marijuana, etc., but of course Zhang Pin could not let the other party succeed. If this happened, his purpose of fighting criminals would become a joke.

And if the plane and the camel are directly at odds, then with the current strength of the plane, it is impossible to occupy Causeway Bay alone. Yes, there is no large-scale community to support behind, even if Zhang Pin secretly cares about it.

Unless he openly announces it in his official capacity, of course, if he really dares to say so, then what awaits him will definitely be coffee from the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

As I have said before, given the current social environment in Hong Kong Island, it is impossible for associations to be eliminated. After all, there is an objective market here, especially for viewing venues and valet parking.

So at least for now, airplanes cannot openly turn against camels.

Since we can't turn heads, we can only think of other methods. This method is also very simple and has the basis for implementation.

With the advantage of foresight and recent investigations, Zhang Pin determined that there was a gap between the camel, the crow, and the smiling tiger within the Eastern Star.

So Zhang Pin used the information obtained from the plane to carry out this operation.

"Brother B, the gray van got on the elevated road. This is the third time it has passed by. The white car in the opposite lane has also gone back and forth twice. I suspect they are about to make a deal. Be prepared to arrest them.


With the advantage of intelligence, everyone soon figured out the drug dealer's trading pattern. No, when the two parties got closer, the colleagues in charge of tracking reminded the action team led by Li Xiuxian.

"Got it, thank you for your hard work. I'll treat, um, Ah Tou to treat everyone to a late-night snack after we finish work."

Li Xiuxian was sitting in a park not far away at this time. When he heard the reminder, he immediately led the team to get on the bus. Suddenly five or six cars roared towards the two elevated highways traveling in the opposite direction.

This guy was used to asking for late-night snacks, but in the end he realized that he had no money, so he thought Zhang Pin was the one who was taken advantage of.

At this time, Zhang Pin ignored the message coming from the intercom. He was standing by a river fishing. Well, to be precise, he was watching other people fishing.

I have to say that the environment of Hong Kong Island is now managed quite well. No, there are quite a lot of fish in this big river.

If it weren't for not wearing a helmet, he would have wanted to throw two shots and have a great time.

Well, you must wear a helmet when fishing. This is blood experience.

When the drug dealer was being arrested, why did Zhang Pin come to the river to watch others fishing?

Because at this time there was a handsome guy on the phone by the river.

"Hey, the fish is hooked, why don't you pull it quickly!"

No, while he was chewing on the pineapple bun, he specifically reminded this handsome guy who kept making fishing calls.

The sun was not shining brightly at this time, but the handsome boy's entire back, forehead and face were covered with sweat, and his hands holding the fishing rod were shaking.

Ali couldn't help but sweat. From Zhang Pin's unusual stance, he recognized the identity of the other man.

It was precisely because he knew the identity of the other party that he was so nervous, and it was normal for him to sweat when he was nervous.

However, after trembling, he did not look back at the other party's face. Instead, he stuck the fishing rod on the railing by the river, and then took off the school bag from behind.

This chapter has been completed!
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