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Chapter 291 Flowers and cow dung

However, the other party is a teacher, or a teacher from an aristocratic school. He is very busy with work on weekdays, so there is not much time for dating on weekdays. Just when Zhang Pin went to find Teacher He and was about to go to the hospital, Gao was lying on the hospital bed.

The phone suddenly rang.

"Janet, I have something to do. Didn't Dayue ask me to help him tonight? After all, the villa we live in was arranged by him. Yes, yes, I really can't turn it down. Ah, let's go shopping tomorrow.

, I also introduced your cousin and her boyfriend, it’s not that I don’t want to, okay, okay, I’ll try to come back as early as possible tomorrow.”

Putting down the phone, Gao Jin, who was swollen into a pig's head, once again had a grimace on his face, his expression a bit ugly.

"Brother Jin, are you still going to help Dayue gamble tonight?"

Gao Yi on the side heard Gao Jin's words and smiled on his face.

"What a gamble. How can I go out like this? You go find a doctor and ask him if there is any way for me to reduce the swelling in one day. On Dayue's side, inform him that the card game will be rescheduled to next week. Anyway, Mr. Ueyama's game is still there.

For two months, we will not leave Hong Kong Island anytime soon."

As a con man with no fixed address, Gao Jin spent most of his time in Las Vegas, so after coming to Hong Kong Island, in order to save money, he stayed at a friend's house.

As a condition, of course, it is to help the other party win money by gambling.

The next day, Zhang Pin got up unusually late.

You must know that because he knew he had many girlfriends, he not only added all the attribute points he earned from tasks to his physique. Now his physique is over 80 points, and he also pays great attention to health preservation and exercise.

But lying on He Min's bed, he still didn't want to get up.

"Okay, brother Pin, get up quickly. My cousin asked me to go shopping today, and I just happened to introduce you to her."

It was almost ten o'clock, and He Min, who had already dressed up beautifully, came to wake him up.

He didn't tell He Min about meeting the other person's cousin last night because he didn't know how to say it. He couldn't directly say that he thought the other person was you. Not only did he hug the other person, but he also touched the place he shouldn't have touched.

And just in case He Min digs deeper, what did he do in the villa area yesterday?

As a man who is not yet very proficient in time management, he adheres to the principle of doing things if you talk too much and make mistakes, so if you can do it without using your mouth, don't use your mouth.

And when he went out with He Min and saw Janet, who looked very similar to the other person, and a big pig head, all he could think of was "f*ck" in his heart, and he couldn't believe that the other person's vision was so unique.

"Brother Jin was beaten yesterday. He doesn't look like this."

Seeing the strange looks in He Min and Zhang Pin's eyes, Janet could only make a weak defense.

She saw the strange looks in Zhang Pin and He Min's eyes. After all, Janet's appearance was needless to say, and her figure was amazing. But this boyfriend, besides being taller, his face and head were really pig-headed.


"Hello, my name is Zhang Pin, Brother Jin, right? You can just call me A Pin."

Zhang Pin looked vaguely at the pig head, but he couldn't help it. The other person's face was so deformed that he really couldn't recognize it. Just looking at the other person's appearance, he couldn't help but think, this guy must be very rich.

Otherwise, with such a pig-headed appearance, it would be impossible to catch up with Janet.

"What's your expression? By the way, I heard Amin say that you are a policeman, and the security on Hong Kong Island is too bad."

Zhang Pin's strange expression could not escape Janet's sight, so the other party couldn't help but look at him coquettishly.

"Cousin, Ah Pin is from the Crime Squad. How can he take care of things like Brother Jin being beaten? What's more, he is only from Wan Chai District. Brother Jin may not have been beaten in his jurisdiction."

Gao Jin's pig-headed appearance naturally made people unhappy, so when Janet complained, He Min was the first to use words to block the other party's way of getting Zhang Pin to help.

Gao Jin on the side heard He Min say that Zhang Pin was a police officer from the serious crime team, and he couldn't help but look at him. After all, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. If his girlfriend knows a police friend, then he

You don’t need to worry too much on Hong Kong Island.

Thinking of this, Gao Jin's face became enthusiastic. He took the initiative to step forward and wanted to shake hands with Zhang Pin.

Although the other party looked a little disgusted, Zhang Pin's good demeanor still made him endure it, gave the other party face, and did not refuse the other party's handshake.

Because of Gao Jin's pig-headed face, neither Zhang Pin nor He Min asked the other party for specific information, not even the other party's full name.

After all, if Janet still falls in love with the other party under such conditions, it can only be because the other party is too rich.

The news was confirmed by seeing each other at the villa yesterday and Janet's lavish spending while shopping today.

This meeting between the two sisters was not too happy, of course, for Janet and Gao Jin.

Originally, Janet had always heard her cousin talking about how handsome and brave she found a boyfriend. Although she was happy for her cousin, she didn't take it personally. After all, her brother Jin was also very handsome and had a high income.

Apart from liking the cards more than myself, it can be said that there are no shortcomings at all.

In fact, Janet is not too dissatisfied with Gao Jin's love of cards more than her. After all, this is Gao Jin's ability to make a living. As a man, at least he must have the ability to make money.

So at the beginning of this meeting, she originally thought that she could show off in front of her cousin.

The result is now better. Gao Jin was beaten into a pig's head for some unknown reason. His face, let alone handsome, was simply scary. Of course, he lost all face.

When it comes to shopping, my cousin has never cared about material conditions since she was a child. What's more, Gao Jin stares at this pig-headed face. It's okay if he doesn't act lavishly. If he really behaves inhumanely, he will appear too inhumane.

over matter.

In addition, my cousin’s boyfriend is so good-looking and he talks very nicely while shopping.

Janet felt completely outclassed.

So the gathering ended quickly, and the two parties parted politely.

"My cousin used to be someone who disliked the poor and loved the rich. Don't underestimate her."

Lying in bed at night, after finishing exercising, He Min went out of her way to defend her cousin.

"Yeah, I know, but are you really just cousins? Why do you look so similar?"

Zhang Pin kept moving his hands. As he passed by two good points, he recalled that he accidentally touched the other person's good point. Well, A Min's seemed bigger in this regard.

"Yes, but many people say that we are very similar, but there are still some differences between us."

He Min did not resist his big hand, but when he mentioned something different, her face couldn't help but blush.

"Really? Then I have to check it carefully to see what's different." (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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