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Chapter 431: Fierce Fighting in the Shopping Mall

It turned out that after the pistol in his hand disappeared, it turned into a palm touching the mountain. In addition, Yang Leer's clothes were 1/4 of the size, which meant that there was no barrier in the middle of the palm. Zhang Pin shrank his neck and retracted his hand like lightning.


Fortunately, Yang Leer probably knew that the situation was urgent, so she just glared at him, then walked into the dressing room nearby and put on her coat.

Knowing that the situation was urgent, the two girls got dressed very quickly.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that they are wearing skirts. After all, they only need to put them on.

When she came outside and saw the body lying on the ground, Yang Leer was about to scream, but Zhang Pin stopped her in advance.

"Have you informed Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun?"

After Zhang Pin covered Yang Leer's mouth, he was still in the mood to ask Li Zhengyang.

"Already notified."

Li Zhengyang glanced at Zhang Pin strangely. Of course he had heard Yang Leer's scream in the locker room just now. It was precisely because of this that he was able to find the killer hiding in the locker room.

Originally, he was worried that Yang Leer would scream because he found the shooter, but when he entered the locker room, he took a special look at the locker room where Yang Leer was originally staying and found that there was no one inside.

At the same time, he also discovered that there were small doors inside the locker room that could communicate with each other.

So he already knew that Yang Leer went to He Min's locker room before, but you must know that Zhang Pin also entered He Min's locker room before.

A man and two women entered a dressing room, and suddenly a woman called out. What would happen? Even if Li Zhengyang was not a gossip, he couldn't help but be curious.

However, after looking at it, he found that Zhang Pin had a serious face, as if nothing had happened, while Yang Leer looked pale, but was obviously frightened by the killer's body.

As for Teacher He, he found that apart from He Min being a little nervous and Zhang Pin, there was nothing different about him.

Well, since becoming Zhang Ping's girlfriend and experiencing the kidnapping case, He Min has already had a certain ability to adapt to this kind of thing.

She felt that as long as her boyfriend was here, she didn't need to worry too much. Instead, she was more worried that Zhang Pin was too dangerous.

Otherwise, the IQ of women in love will decrease. In this case, Teacher He did not worry about himself, but actually worried about Zhang Pin.

"Ah Tou!"

"Sir Zhang!"

The four of them waited there for a while, then Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing ran over, but Wu Junjun disappeared.

"I asked Junjun Wu to take Billy to drive."

When Zhou Xingxing arrived, he spoke first.

As long as this guy is not ridiculous, he usually performs very well. At least he is much smarter than a reckless man like Ma Jun.

"Well, let's go out first!"

After hearing Zhou Xingxing's arrangement, Zhang Pin nodded, then he hugged a girl with one hand and held both guns in his hands, and led them to the moving escalator not far away.

The clothing area where a few of them were located was located on the fourth floor of the shopping mall. Since the vertical elevators in the shopping mall were all transparent, it was certainly impossible for Zhang Pin to take everyone in and become a living target.

At the same time, because the shopping mall is too big and it is a newly built place, Zhang Pin doesn't know what the fire escapes are like here.

And since the killer is here to attack, in case the opponent has already ambushed you at the fire escape, the fastest way to get out of here is to take the moving escalator in the middle of the mall.

Although you may get targeted while riding the escalator, in an open space, with Sir Zhang's shooting skills, he is obviously not afraid of shooting at each other, well, shooting at each other.

In addition to He Min and Yang Leer, three policemen and a bodyguard were all elites present.

Zhang Pin didn't need to say anything, they knew what to do.

Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing quickened their pace, and their men stepped on the escalator and took the initiative to clear the way in front. Li Zhengyang also followed Zhang Pin and the others to guard them against possible enemies.

When Zhang Pin stepped onto the elevator, there was no one else among them.

The escalator slowly slid down towards the third floor. Zhang Pin saw the three people performing their duties, so he focused on the other person on the opposite escalator from the third floor to the fourth floor.

There were many people on the escalator. Because Li Zhengyang deliberately covered the muzzle of the gun with his clothes when he fired, the sound was not loud.

In order to make it easier for everyone to evacuate, Zhang Pin deliberately hid the body in the dressing room without alerting other killers in advance.

Therefore, when they evacuated, other citizens in the mall were not affected, and the order of the mall was naturally calm.

Suddenly, Zhang Pin's attention was attracted by a man in a suit on the escalator.

There didn't seem to be anything unusual about the other party, but there was a tricolor pen cap pinned to his shirt pocket.

So he moved his hand on Yang Leer's waist, and the muzzle of the gun was slightly too high.


The man in the suit opposite was shot directly into the forehead by a bullet. The man's body, which was leaning slightly forward, suddenly fell down, and he fell off the moving escalator.


This shot instantly seemed like a signal. First of all, the uninformed citizens panicked instantly after hearing the gunshot.

At the same time, the killers also seemed to have received the signal, and one by one suddenly appeared from upstairs and downstairs.

Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun in front were also reminded by the sound of shooting and raised their concealed pistols. After seeing several killers raising their guns, they hesitated for a moment.

Because apart from a few sporadic gunmen on the third floor, there are more ordinary citizens running around. They don't have Zhang Pin's shooting skills, and they are afraid that if the killer misses, he will hit the citizens instead.

However, although he did not dare to shoot, Ma Jun directly used the gun in his hand as a concealed weapon to hit the farthest gunman. He even jumped from the escalator that had only moved halfway down and hit one of the killers directly.

On the body.

When Zhou Xingxing saw how brave Ma Jun was, he naturally did not want to lose to the opponent. He happened to not dare to shoot, but after looking at the height of the escalator, he resisted the urge to jump directly.

However, he didn't take any action at all. He reached into his pocket and instantly took out a handful of game coins.

It turns out that this guy received a call from Li Zhengyang when he was halfway playing games in the arcade.

He couldn't bear to give up so many game coins, so he thought about holding them until he could play next time.

When he saw that the killer below was about to shoot, he just threw away the game coins in his hand as a hidden weapon, and at the same time shouted: "Look at the hidden weapon!"

Not to mention, this guy spoke with great momentum and really frightened several other killers on the third floor.

While the killer was stunned, Zhang Pin had already turned the gun. Unlike Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun, who had poor shooting skills, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Several killers on the third floor instantly fell to the ground and died, including the one that Ma Jun had just hit.

Compared with Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun, Li Zhengyang's shooting skills were obviously better. The moment he heard the sound of gunshots, he was already on guard. He also raised the muzzle of his gun and aimed it at the entrance of the mobile escalator on the fourth floor.

Bang bang bang bang——

The two killers who had just reached the escalator were shot into pieces by him.

The moving escalator reached the third floor smoothly. Zhang Pin continued to hug the two of them and walked forward.

Bang bang——


But at this moment, gunmen from other directions on the fourth floor suddenly opened fire downstairs. Due to the chaos of the crowd, although the other party's bullets did not hit Zhang Pin and others, two innocent citizens were shot.

Zhang Pin raised his head, just turned his head, and shot in different directions with his left and right hands. The two gunmen who were closer to the fence didn't even have time to react, and they were shot and fell from the top.

"Ah! Be careful!"

However, the sound of bodies falling and the sound of gunshots made the crowd on the third floor even more panicked. Yang Leer, who was being held by Zhang Pin, even saw a pregnant woman who seemed to have been pushed and was about to fall.

So she immediately ignored Zhang Pin's safety, forcefully broke away from Zhang Pin's arm, squatted on the ground, and used herself as a cushion to block the falling pregnant woman.

"Everyone squat down!"

Zhang Pin had already noticed Yang Leer's hand the moment he took it off, but instead of pulling her away, he made a sound to remind the people walking around on the third floor.

Then he raised his gun and pointed it at the net ropes of several large piles of balloons that had fallen in the middle of the mall shortly after the opening.

Bang bang bang bang——

Several shots hit the net bag, and the sky filled with balloons flying down in the middle of the mall. Now it was difficult for anyone to see clearly what was going on on the third floor from top to bottom.

He is still a policeman after all. If the killer is allowed to kill innocent citizens, even if he protects Yang Leer, he will never get any benefits at that time.

So he took advantage of the gap where the killers upstairs could not see the situation below, raised his gun and killed all the killers who appeared on the fourth and third floors one by one.

As for Yang Leer, he was not worried because besides himself, there was also a Zhongnanhai bodyguard.

After he killed all the gunmen and almost all the balloons landed, he hugged He Min and looked forward. Li Zhengyang had just killed the killer who was pretending to be a pregnant woman and helped Yang Leer up.

"Do not move!"

At this moment, Zhang Pin suddenly saw a guy wearing a shopping mall security uniform on the second floor of the escalator going up to the third floor, who was about to turn around and leave.

He instinctively felt that the other party was pretending to be a killer. He had killed all the gunmen because of the emergency situation. Now that the situation was basically under control, he naturally needed to arrest the killer so that he could investigate the instigators behind them.

However, upon hearing his call, the killer pretending to be a security guard not only did not stop, but walked faster.

"Ma Jun, Zhou Xingxing, catch that guy, he will live."

Zhang Pin did not shoot, but instead shot at the two people who also walked to the moving escalator from the third floor to the second floor to be on guard, asking them to catch them.

After hearing his order, Zhou Xingxing reacted faster because he was close. He walked over in a few steps and put his hand on the other person's shoulder.

Because of Zhang Pin's display of power just now and the fact that the other party was aiming a gun at him, he thought that the scene was safe and the other party would not dare to resist anymore, so he started to talk nonsense again.

"You have been arrested. The person who arrested you is Zhou Xingxing, the leader of the Wan Chai Crime Unit. You have the right to keep... Oops, I'm sorry!"

Unexpectedly, before he could finish his words, the other party grabbed his hand that was on his shoulder and threw him over his shoulder.

In fact, with his skills, if he was prepared, it would be absolutely impossible for him to make such a low-level mistake, but who made him use the empty city strategy in the battle just now.

He thought these killers were stupid people, but he didn't expect that this security guard was quite skilled.

When Zhou Xingxing was thrown to the ground over his shoulder, Ma Jun had already stepped over.

After Zhou Xingxing's lesson, Ma Jun did not underestimate his opponent. He punched directly and hit the opponent's right shoulder, knocking the opponent forward for a distance and interrupting the opponent's attempt to continue attacking Zhou Xingxing.

Then he immediately stepped forward, raised his foot and stepped on the opponent's back, trying to restrain the opponent.

However, the reaction of the security killer who was punched open unexpectedly followed Ma Jun's movements.

The opponent just rolled around on the ground for half a circle, then turned his back to Ma Jun to his side, and avoided his stepping foot.

Then he hugged Ma Jun's little feet fiercely, rolled his whole body on the ground, and made Ma Jun do a split.

However, Ma Jun is indeed a fierce general. He pulled the opponent down completely. Instead of using his hands to support the ground, he hit the opponent's head at the same time.

The killer obviously didn't expect the other party to be so aggressive, so when Ma Jun was sitting on the ground, he was punched twice in the head.

Fortunately, Ma Jun's body was not fully exerted due to the one-character horse. Otherwise, with Ma Jun's strength, the opponent's head would definitely lose combat effectiveness if he received these two blows.

However, the killer was not having a hard time at the moment, but this guy had a very good willpower. After being punched in the head, he decisively released his hold on Ma Jun's calf, then continued to roll forward and punched twice until he reached the escalator.


When Ma Jun saw that the other party was about to go up the escalator, he suddenly became anxious.

After all, Zhang Pin asked him to catch the person just now, so he did not get up, but followed the killer's example, rolled forward in the same way, and bumped directly into the killer's body from the ground.

The killer came to the escalator and just stood up. When he was about to evacuate from the escalator, the horse army rolled over from the ground.

Because his body was anxious, he rolled with great force, and he suddenly hit the killer's foot.

The killer who had just stood up was not completely firm, and he did not expect Ma Jun to roll over so desperately.

As a result, after the collision, the person did not step onto the escalator, but fell straight from the side of the escalator to the second floor.

This guy's reaction was also good. At the moment when he was about to fall, he helped Ma Jun's waist lying on the ground.

As a result, he did not expect that when Ma Jun bumped into him, his strength was not exhausted yet, and his body was actually still rolling forward.

So under this hug, not only did he not stop falling down, but he was bumped by Ma Jun. He completely lost the chance to hold the fence. He hugged Ma Jun and fell from the third floor to the second floor.


This chapter has been completed!
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