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Chapter 430: The oriole is behind

Seeing how stubborn Shapqiu was, Zhuo Jingquan squatted down, stretched out his pistol, and slid it on her cheek.

"Why are you and your dad so stubborn? That old guy actually dared to blackmail me about drug trafficking.

I was selling drugs. I just had to use my method to attract buyers to trade, and then I would lead a team to catch the drugs, and then look for opportunities to transport the drugs out of the police force.

There will be no need for other drugs in the future, and drug dealers can be eliminated continuously.

Isn’t this great? Why do you all think I am committing a crime? You are criminals yourself!

I deliberately let him live in prison without killing him, just to prepare to attract you here one day and solve it together."

When Zhuo Jingquan said these words, Zhang Pin's eyes lit up.

Perfect! The evidence is conclusive!

So he pressed the headset and gave orders to everyone.

"Li Xiuxian, take Ma Jun and Chen Jin, and twenty other guys, and let me touch them through the back door!"

"Zhou Xingxing, Liu Baoqiang, you each bring ten men and press them from the front!"

"Song Zijie, He Shangsheng, you each bring five guys. I must block the intersection and don't let anyone go!"

"All of them are present. The enemy's firepower is fierce, extremely vicious, extremely sinful, and extremely dangerous!

Turn on the safety of all the guns, load the bullets, and shoot when you encounter the people inside. There is no need to deliberately leave alive.

It doesn’t matter if the body is smashed, don’t be afraid of wasting bullets, just empty the magazine if you hit someone, you know it or not!”


All the guys from the crime team and the anti-gangster team answered on the intercom at almost the same time, but Zhang Pin had already pulled out a submachine gun, took the lead, and rushed towards the unfinished building.

He was the one who caused this incident, and he was also the one who had a grudge against Zhuo Jingquan.

He is still the leader of everyone present. There will definitely be sacrifices in this battle. He is not afraid of death, but it is necessary to lead the charge.

Even if the equipment is much different, even if there is a gap in skill, even if it is very likely that one's life will be lost.

Don’t be timid! Just do it!

Fight them to the end and shoot the last bullet!

Everyone has a life! Who is afraid of whom?

This time it’s not a competition, it’s not a capture, it’s a killing! Just corpses!

See who lies down first!

Shortly after Zhang Pincai and his men rushed out of the bushes, the assistant director and the chief inspector of the Criminal Department who were sitting in the car were the first to react.

The skills of the two were a little worse than the others, but the reason why Zhuo Jingquan brought them out was because their driving skills were very good.

Members of the Flying Tigers were responsible for charging into the battle, Wang Hua was responsible for sniping, and Liu Tianbao was responsible for protecting Zhuo Jingquan at close range. The two of them were responsible for driving and guarding.

"Sir Zhuo, it's the police!"

With the help of the car lights, the two of them immediately saw clearly the clothes of everyone outside.

"Damn! What's going on!"

Zhuo Jingquan immediately lost interest in playing tricks on Shapqiu, and directly pulled the trigger, killing the other person with one shot. Then he stood up and wanted to take a look outside.

"Sir Zhuo, be careful!"

But before he could get closer, Liu Tianbao quickly grabbed him.

Bang bang bang bang bang——

Then, intensive gunfire rang out outside. When they had taken down Shapqiu's men, everyone at the Wan Chai Police Station already knew how terrifying the opponent's firepower was.

So after reaching the front of the unfinished building and already within shooting distance, they naturally seized the opportunity and fired first.

"Sir Liu, kill these guys!"

When Zhuo Jingquan heard the gunfire, he immediately stopped. Then he looked at Liu Tianbao beside him and signaled him to lead the Flying Tigers out to counterattack.


Liu Tianbao did not hesitate, he waved, and the two Flying Tigers teams were ready to walk towards the main entrance.

But before they could go far, footsteps were heard from another direction.

This time, Liu Tianbao didn't need to give an order. Three of the Flying Tigers stopped and took the initiative to intercept.

When passing the drug dealer's body, the three of them squatted down and picked up the fallen firearms on the ground.

In order to achieve tonight's plan, Zhuo Jingquan spent a lot of money on weapons and equipment.

After all, he had long known through Zhao Guomin that Shapqiu had brought more than thirty men to Hong Kong Island.

The reason why he was confident that he only needed to dispatch two groups of Flying Tigers to defeat the opponent was, of course, because the firepower here was stronger than the opponent's.

But with powerful firepower, the demand for ammunition is naturally high.

The long gun in the hands of the Flying Tigers can empty a magazine containing 150 rounds of ammunition in a few seconds.

Although the firefight just now was short, the six of them almost consumed all the bullets in their hands in order to suppress the thirty or so people on the opposite side.

Now there are enemies outside again. They don't have enough bullets of their own, so they naturally have no choice but to pick up those from drug dealers.

Bang bang bang bang——

After a while, a Flying Tigers team stood on each side. They took advantage of the cover of the unfinished building, leaned behind the wall pillars, and began to exchange fire with everyone from the Wan Chai Police Station.

"Cover me, Ah Wei, Ah Chan, suppress them!"

The Flying Tigers began to pour out firepower. For a time, everyone in the Wan Chai Police Station was suppressed by the firepower and could not even lift their heads.

Zhang Pin walked in the front, but he was not the first to shoot.

His original plan was to touch the opponent in front of him and then fire.

But he has this kind of courage that other ordinary police officers don't have. Especially with the explosion of the RPG before, not everyone can remain calm under such powerful firepower.

When the Flying Tigers began to unleash their firepower, Zhang Pin also rolled over and hid behind a pile of construction debris nearby.

After hiding behind him, he was still uneasy and lay down directly on the ground, then curled up his body to minimize the exposed area of ​​his body.

His caution was right. After a moment, the pile of construction debris was penetrated by bullets. However, because of his low body position, the opponent's shooting angle was out of reach.

Zhang Pin, who was lying on the ground, looked back and said, "Hey guys, just now I handed over my hand. Four or five of the twenty or so officers who rushed up from Wan Chai Police Station were shot and fell to the ground."

Even though Zhang Pin had applied for body armor for all of them before coming, he was not sure whether these people would survive.

But now is obviously not the time to care about casualties. Since they chose to take action tonight, both sides are in a fight to the death.

Even if you don't get beaten to death, if you can't defeat the opponent, wait until Zhuo Jingquan leaves here.

With the position of the deputy director of the other side's police force and the connections behind them, those who dare to attack them tonight will definitely lose their skin even if they don't die.

Zhang Pin knew that he must not let the Flying Tigers continue to suppress him with firepower.

If the opponent's shooting with this intensity continues for a while, these charging guys will definitely be killed here.

Even if he didn't take action, everyone in the Wan Chai Police Station might have to retreat.

So he took advantage of the gap left by the Flying Tigers' firepower, and with a move of his hand, there were ten more grenades tied together.

He pulled the rope that was also tied to the ring and pulled off the latch on the grenade. He took a deep breath and stood up suddenly. Then he flicked it hard and the grenade flew towards the unfinished building.


Before he threw the grenade, he did not forget to remind the other guys in the headset.

Of course, it was impossible for him not to apply for grenades for this operation.

The Flying Tigers, who were suppressing everyone in the Wan Chai Police Station, suddenly saw this series of grenades and were also frightened to death.

"Grenade, be careful to avoid it!"

Boom boom boom——

As soon as a series of grenades landed, there was a violent explosion.


Among them, a commercial car next to the grenade was blown up into the sky. The assistant director of the department who was sitting in the car had no time to get out of the car. His whole body was blown to pieces like the car.

The three members of the Flying Tigers team also had a hard time. They were better equipped and had experience dodging grenades, so they avoided the explosion point in advance.

But the grenade was too powerful, and they got a little too close.

The guy standing at the front was hiding behind a wall, but the wall was blown down by a grenade. He didn't react, and one of his arms was crushed by a brick.

In response to Zhang Pin's grenade attack, everyone in the Wan Chai Police Station also reacted. The people, who were suppressed miserably, threw the grenades out in a hurry.

However, unlike Zhang Pin's previous surprise, everyone in the Flying Tigers was prepared and had already hid in the bunker before the opponent threw the grenade.

Even after they hid inside, they didn't forget to throw grenades outside to fight back.

But even so, everyone in the Wan Chai Police Station has changed from their previous suppressed state and got a chance to breathe.

As they breathed a sigh of relief, they began to rescue the man who had been shot before.

In the unfinished building, Zhuo Jingquan's face turned ugly when he heard explosions and gunshots from time to time.

"I want to leave here. Since they dare to attack me, they must have some evidence. But now Shapuqiu is dead, and Zhao Guomin is also dead."

"As long as I return to the police station and there is no complete evidence, no one will dare to come to me, let alone investigate me. I am the Deputy Commissioner of Police, the next best brother!"

After a brief moment of panic, Zhuo Jingquan quickly calmed down. He took a step forward, patted Liu Tianbao on the shoulder, and then looked at the people around him.

"As long as I can return to the police station safely, I will let all the brothers who sacrificed their lives tonight be buried with splendor and live in Haoyuan. The whole family will also be sent to the UK to live without worries for the rest of their lives."

He spoke loudly and looked at the Flying Tigers and Wang Hua and Liu Tianbao one by one.

“Thank you, Sir Zhuo!”

Everyone present did not show any pretense and directly agreed.

Everyone could see clearly just now that there were at least dozens of policemen surrounding us.

Since these people dare to attack them, they must be certain to defeat them.

It is very likely that everyone here tonight will die just like the assistant director just now.

Since it is very likely to die, then it is natural to die in a worthwhile way.

So after hearing Zhuo Jingquan's promise, he naturally knew that only by sending the other party out of here safely could the other party's promise be fulfilled.

As long as they send Zhuo Jingquan out, even if they die, they can keep their family rich and prosperous for a lifetime.

And if Zhuo Jingquan dies, even if they survive, their lives will be over.

At that moment, several people looked at each other, and the two Flying Tigers at the back door took the initiative to withdraw this way, and a guy from the Flying Tiger team at the front door also broke away.

The three of them re-formed an action team, and then together with Liu Tianbao, they protected Zhuo Jingquan from getting into the car.

"Take care, Sir Wang! Take care, everyone!"

Zhuo Jingquan looked into the room and spoke in a deep voice.

"Take care, Sir Zhuo! Take care, everyone!"

As a sniper, Wang Hua did not get on the bus, but stayed in the unfinished building like the other three Flying Tigers.

Since Zhuo Jingquan wanted to rush out, he naturally needed someone to cover him in place.

Looking at the current situation, those who stayed to cover would definitely not survive, but the four of them did not hesitate at all.

Everyone got in the car, and the Chief Inspector of the Criminal Department was responsible for driving. After watching the people at the front door, they began to walk up to the unfinished building, and Liu Tianbao was responsible for giving orders.


Wang Hua pulled the bolt of the gun, loaded the bullet, and aimed in the direction of the main door.

"Collect all the grenades."

Liu Tianbao turned around and gave orders to the three Flying Tigers who were still shooting outside.

The previous battle was too fierce, and everyone didn't have many weapons in their hands, especially consumables like grenades and bullets.

Fortunately, although they no longer had weapons and ammunition in their hands, there were still many dead drug dealers brought by Shapqiu.

The few people moved very quickly. While picking up things, they did not forget to continue pouring ammunition to suppress the charging policemen on both sides.

The grenade was thrown, but it failed to achieve its goal, because the firepower from the Flying Tigers side became more intense, and for a while no one in the front side even dared to show their heads.


There was a gunshot, and Zhou Xingxing, who had just raised his buttocks and was about to sneak closer, felt his buttocks go cold and something seemed to fly out.

He reached out and touched it, only to feel that his palms were wet.

"Damn it, everyone, be careful, there are snipers!"

He hurriedly put his buttocks back, and couldn't help but feel lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't lift it too high, and the bullet just grazed his pants and caused a scratch.

If he had raised it even an inch higher just now, he couldn't even imagine the final consequences.


Zhang Pin, who was thinking about throwing another grenade, immediately fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Just kidding, he has good marksmanship and high physical fitness, but at such a close range, if he is targeted by a sniper, his mortal body cannot stop the bullet.

It can be said that after traveling for so long, this time it is really too dangerous.

Zhuo Jingquan is worthy of being the deputy director of the police department, and he even has a sniper with him.

"Be careful, these guys are definitely going to rush out."

However, even though he was lying on the ground, Zhang Pin did not forget to remind his subordinates.

So far, they still have the advantage.

Because there are still car lights shining on the unfinished building, as long as the people outside don't open fire, it will be completely dark, and Zhuo Jingquan and others can't guess where they are.

Especially after everyone lay down, the members of the Flying Tigers in the car who were originally preparing to suppress the firepower from outside had no idea where the target was.

The atmosphere on the front side gradually became tense, and everyone was waiting for an opportunity to break the situation.

Without frontal restraint, Li Xiuxian and his team would not be able to get close to the unfinished building.

This chapter has been completed!
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