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Chapter 516: Firing the first shot

"Everyone, rush in with me. If anyone resists, I'm allowed to shoot him!"

He roared in the same voice, and then ran into the factory at the top of his lungs.

Behind Chen Jin, Acan and Wenle followed closely, and a dozen other anti-gangster police officers, you looked at me, I looked at you, and then they all looked at the man lying on the ground, covering his mouth.

police officer.

After one of them stepped forward, everyone rushed in after him.

Bang bang bang——

Chen Jin was halfway through the run when the two little Luoluos who were responsible for guarding the door in the warehouse discovered the intruders.

Without saying a word, they raised their guns and fired towards the door.

Bang bang bang bang——

The three of them, Chen Jin and Hu, did not forget to raise their guns to fight back while dodging.

Puff puff puff——

The two little Luo Luo didn't even finish the bullets in their guns before they were shot and fell to the ground.

"The note is coming, run!"

"Don't run, destroy the evidence first!"

"I surrender, don't shoot!"

As the two little gatekeepers were shot and fell to the ground, the remaining people in the warehouse suddenly became confused.

Some want to run away, some want to destroy evidence, and some want to surrender directly.

As a small society, Hong Tai has enjoyed some good times during the past two years of turmoil in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Although Uncle Mei, as the leader, has made a lot of money, the strength of his subordinates is obviously not much stronger.

The reason why he sells drugs is just because Zhang Pin has shown great power in recent years and eliminated many powerful dealers. There are no tigers in the market, only monkeys make up the numbers.

These boys who are responsible for guarding the warehouse were all just gangsters on the street before.

Let them raise their machetes to kill people. It's hard to say whether they would be brave enough. Now that they see people dead, it's not surprising that their morale will collapse.

After all, if they had had the courage and guts, they would have taken advantage of the mix of forces in Tsim Sha Tsui to seize more territory.

Instead of continuing to huddle in the original two streets and live a life of survival.

This arrest operation was simpler than Chen Jin imagined.

He originally thought that entering the warehouse would be a thrilling gun battle.

It turned out that except for the two gangsters who fired three shots at the beginning, the remaining people didn't even dare to hold their guns after seeing them break in.

But being able to handle all this easily, Chen Jin was not disappointed.

He dialed Zhang Pin's number and started asking the other party to send someone for support.

The anti-gangster group is only responsible for arrests, and subsequent fixation of evidence requires the cooperation of other departments.

Zhang Pin also did not expect that the most difficult part of this mission was not to raid the warehouse and arrest him, but to capture the mole in the police station.

After receiving a report from Chen Jin that someone deliberately fired a gun before the operation and alerted the people inside, he naturally sent the person directly to Sir Li from the Internal Affairs Department.

How could the Internal Affairs Department have such good treatment in the past?

Usually when they want to organize an operation, all the police officers from top to bottom will give them resistance, intentionally or unintentionally.

And even if the evidence is solid, the superiors will often suppress the matter.

Now that there are officers like Zhang Pin who are very cooperative, they should not be too simple in handling things.

After the Internal Affairs Department took away the three people, Ma Jun also happened to capture Hong Tai's leader, Uncle Mei.

With the video and murder weapon provided by Wei Jixiang, as well as the horrific body of Sangbo found in the other party's villa, the other party will probably spend the rest of his life in Stanley.

After taking care of Uncle Mei and raiding the warehouse, Hong Tai was on the verge of falling apart.

After all, Hongtai is just a small society. The reason why it has been able to maintain it for so many years is entirely due to Uncle Mei's courage.

Now that Uncle Mei has been arrested, the evidence is conclusive, and the leader cannot come out. Even if he comes out, he will not be able to appear on Hong Kong Island openly.

The warehouse was raided, all the goods and money were lost, the source of funds was cut off, and members of the society could not benefit.

Just as Hong Tai's guys were preparing to distribute the bulk goods, Wei Jixiang, who had just taken over, stepped forward.

He first spent 500,000 Hong Kong dollars to win the support of Hong Tai's other brother Yuan Huo.

Hong Tai's sphere of influence is limited to two streets. Uncle Mei stopped taking charge of the affairs himself many years ago. One street is managed by his son, the prince, and is now in the hands of Wei Jixiang.

The other street is in the hands of Brother Hu.

Logically speaking, being in charge of a street, Brother Hu should not be short of money.

But look at Hong Tai's size. With such a small size, although Brother Hu was nominally in charge of a street, most of the street's profits were directly collected by Uncle Mei.

So after receiving 500,000 from Wei Jixiang, the other party agreed to his request without hesitation.

And this guy also gave Wei Jixiang another surprise.

It was directly exposed that Uncle Mei actually had a capable team under his command.

He suggested that Wei Jixiang take advantage of Uncle Mei's situation and before he has time to contact the team of thugs, take advantage of it and kill the team of thugs.

Of course, Wei Jixiang did not include Hu, and directly took his life and some of Hong Tai's thugs who had recently joined him.

With the cooperation of Brother Hu as an internal agent, he directly blocked Uncle Mei's hidden team of thugs in the room, hacked to death several die-hard elements loyal to Uncle Mei, and then completed the recruitment of the remaining people.

Wei Jixiang was very high-spirited during this recruitment, and Zhang Pin also relied on the outstanding performance of Chen Jin and Ma Jun to fire his first shot at Tsim Sha Tsui.

Although Uncle Hong Taimei, who was aborted, is just an extremely small club.

But Sangbo, who was killed by Uncle Mei, has actually committed many big crimes recently.

Now that the other party is dead and his body was found by the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, the relationship is naturally over.

More importantly, after catching three rogue police officers who were colluding with the society, the police discipline of the entire Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station was also reduced. Even if there were rogue police officers among the remaining people, they became cautious.

As a result, both military uniforms and traffic police officers became less perfunctory when patrolling.

At the same time, under the warning of the tragic fate of Uncle Mei, the chicken, the monkeys in other societies also became much more honest.

At least on the surface, the atmosphere and law and order in Tsim Sha Tsui have become peaceful.

So Zhang Pin's first shot in Tsim Sha Tsui was finally fired well and loudly.

However, Zhang Pin himself was not immersed in a small victory.

At this time, he was taking the information sent back by Sir Li from the Internal Affairs Department and looking at it carefully.

The three moles were all caught red-handed, and the results of the interrogation were naturally obtained without much difficulty.

What's interesting is that none of these three guys are Hong Tai's moles, but their identities were exposed because of the mission to capture Hong Tai.

The reason for this is that in addition to Chen Jin and Ma Jun deliberately misleading them, the chaotic situation in Tsim Sha Tsui is the reason why they are so bold.

Habit is really a very scary thing.

Two of the undercover agents of the anti-gangster group cooperated with the Ni family.

They had been cooperating with the Ni family as early as the Ni Kun era, and at first they only passed on the news with trepidation.

However, as the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station became chaotic, the Ni family was taken over by Ni Yongxiao.

The other party actually asked them to report every piece of information the police had, and promised to pay a fee for every piece of information.

Facing such a generous financial sponsor, how could the two men refuse.

What's even more funny is that the police officer who stood at the entrance of Hongtai's warehouse and deliberately fired and shouted was the reason why he did this.

It's not to give Hongtai's people time to react.

It's just his instinctive habit. Usually when the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station arrests criminals, in order to avoid casualties, they always call out like this in advance.

In this way, the coward will simply destroy the evidence and surrender, or else run away.

Anyway, there won't be anyone who is not afraid of death to stay and fight the police.

After all, even if the people from the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station are no longer useful, the Flying Tigers who will continue to come to support them are still very effective.

Who knew that when he did this, both Chen Jin and Zhang Pin would identify him as Hong Tai's undercover agent at the police station.

But he was really an undercover agent, just not dealing with Hong Tai.

The other undercover agent is even more interesting.

"Mary's person?"

Of course Zhang Pin knew Mary, and he was even more familiar with her man, Han Chen, the short and fat man.

These two parents-in-law are quite famous in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Although it was said that the undercover recruiter was Mary, Zhang Pin couldn't help but think of Han Chen who liked to place undercover agents in the police force.

Infernal Affairs!

The ones that impressed him most were Chen Yongren and Liu Jianming.

When he saw Liu Jianming working under Lu Minghua before, he thought that because of his intervention, Han Chen might not have placed an undercover agent in the police force.

After all, Han Chen's rise to prominence was too short, and it only took two or three years for him to join the Ni family.

But he didn't react until he saw the report.

Mary is not a small character. She used to work for Eiji Tsukamoto and had already recruited a group of thugs under her.

Now that the other party is married to Han Chen, her former subordinates will naturally become part of Han Chen's resources.

It seems that it is not just Han Chen, but the placement of undercover agents in the police force is a tacit understanding among all club members.

The reason why they are often not found out may be that these undercover agents do not have access to information, or it may be that after they entered the police force, they chose to give up their previous identities and become real police officers.

Zhang Pin had a headache. A small crackdown on the activities of a small society like Hongtai led to the discovery of three rogue police officers who had tipped off the society.

In the following actions, I don’t know how many police officers will be corrupted.

No wonder the security situation of Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station has become worse and worse in recent years, because it is already rotten at the root.


At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in."

Zhang Pin put down the information and called the other party to come in.

"Tou, why don't you attack Ni Yongxiao and Han Chen directly? With their testimonies and call records, we can just expand our results?"

Chen Jin also received the testimonies of three arrested moles from Zhang Pin.

He was shocked that the society actually reached out to the police station, and was equally angry that his colleagues within the police station were so corrupt.

"How can we possibly get rid of them by relying on testimony alone? Even if there are recordings, let alone call records, the chain of evidence is incomplete."

Zhang Pin shook his head. If the society could be suppressed so easily, then the security of Hong Kong Island would not be so terrible.

"And even if we deal with the two leaders, if there is no comprehensive plan, it will only make the entire situation in Tsim Sha Tsui even more chaotic."

You must know that the main reason why the situation in Tsim Sha Tsui has become so corrupt is precisely the death of Ni Kun.

The loss of Ni Kun, the veteran leader of the Tsim Sha Tsui community, was the source of a series of events that followed.

This situation must continue until there are no strong means to suppress the association.

So not to mention that Wei Jixiang, who he supports, has not yet established a firm foothold. Even if the other party can control the situation in Tsim Sha Tsui, he still has to find a suitable opportunity and leave a force that can contain the other party.

At present, he is most satisfied with Han Chen or Ni Yongxiao.

It's not that he doesn't know that these two people are ruthless in what they do, but there are some good people in the club.

Even if it's Wei Jixiang who he is supporting now, or it's the plane who didn't participate in the club before.

After these two people gained power, in order to consolidate their positions or compete for territory, could they really be so kind?

Of course, the club has people and sophistication, but it is more about fighting and killing.

Unless he ignores it and kills all the club members and the ghost boss, as long as there is one left, the properties of the club cannot be changed.

With his current strength, of course he cannot achieve such a result.

In this case, the most important thing is to leave someone who abides by the rules or has expectations in his heart to restrain and control and maintain the current order.

Naturally, what Han Chen cares about most is his woman and daughter. With this weakness, everything will be easier to talk about.

Similarly, Ni Yongxiao regards his family as very important, not to mention that he wants to bring his entire family to clear his name, which is also a bargaining chip.

Compared with these two people, whether it is the loyal and trustworthy Wang Bao or his opponent Hua Fu, these two people have too much charlatanism and are not the kind of characters who are willing to be controlled by others.

Of course, the two people he likes must know how to cooperate with him and be obedient.

Not like this now.

If you want to survive in Tsim Sha Tsui, at least white things should no longer be contaminated.

This is the bottom line and the area where he plans to focus his attack in the next step.

The white-faced bookmaker in Hong Kong suddenly suffered heavy losses due to his previous heavy blows.

However, in recent years, the number of white-faced customers has not only not decreased, but has actually increased.

Since the market is here, and because supply channels have been reduced, prices have increased a lot.

If there is profit, some people will naturally take risks.

The situation in Tsim Sha Tsui happened to be chaotic, and it became the hardest-hit area where Bai Mian came ashore.

Not to mention the Ni family, a well-established family, Zhongyixin is also engaged in this industry after establishing a foothold.

Although Zhang Pin has not yet obtained evidence that Han Chen and Hua Fu are also doing this business, even small groups like Hongtai are getting involved, and it is highly likely that the other party will enter the business.

"Then what are we doing during this time?"

Chen Jin was obviously much more rational than Ma Jun. When he heard that his boss vetoed his proposal, he was not upset at all, but asked about the next plan.

This chapter has been completed!
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