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Chapter 521: Isnt Brother Zhas name useful?

Liu Piaopiao's words really attracted Chen Jin. When he heard what the other party said, he didn't ask to leave. "Stop a moment, boss, how do you sell jewelry?"

As a result, after the other party told the news, he lay on his back again and looked at the dazzling array of jewelry.

"You are a pretty girl with good taste. This is Swarovski's flagship model this year. It is made of pure silver and diamonds..."

The owner of the stall was a woman. The other person came over and didn't care at all about Liu Piaopiao's strange behavior of lying on the person's back to look at the jewelry. She enthusiastically helped the other person introduce her.

"Does it look good?"

In order to make it easier to try on the jewelry, Liu Piaopiao got off Chen Jin's back. With the help of the stall owner, she put on the jewelry and looked at Chen Jin who was looking bored.

"Okay, okay."

When Chen Jin heard Liu Piaopiao's words, he turned his head and took a look. He originally just wanted to say something to deal with the other person.

But when the sun shone down, the decorative crystals on the jewelry reflected the sunlight, and coupled with Liu Piaopiao's beautiful face, he almost couldn't maintain his perfunctory attitude.

Chen Jin's gaffe was obviously not concealed from Liu Piaopiao's observation.

So she happily turned around and bargained with the stall owner.

The two sides had several exchanges, and after Liu Piaopiao took Chen Jin's hand and threatened to leave with a killing move, the stall owner finally agreed to Liu Piaopiao's offer.

The two parties reached a deal, and Chen Jin had one more thing in his hand.

"Isn't there anyone who will take care of such blatant sales of fake goods?"

The more Chen Jin observed the surrounding environment, the more strange he felt that the business here was so good, and according to Liu Piaopiao, many people in Hong Kong Island knew about this place.

If that's the case, doesn't the government supervise it?

But he obviously asked the wrong person.

Liu Piaopian looked at him with a strange look on her face: "Hey, you are the police, okay? You don't even know, how could I possibly know."

Chen Jin's face froze, and he knew he had asked the wrong person.

But at this time, Liu Piaopiao smiled slyly.

"I heard, I just heard from some of the guests who came here to play, what happened in A Cargo Street."

"I heard that in the beginning, there were just a few fishermen here doing some work secretly. Unexpectedly, the business became very popular, and the first people who started doing business made a lot of money."

"You know, as long as any industry makes money, there will definitely be jealous people and people who want to get rich involved."

“As a result, more and more people joined, and there were so many world-famous brands. Everyone showed their own talents, and even one street could not accommodate so many shops.

And as the number of vendors increases, many citizens, such as me, find after coming here that they can buy anything they want here, and the prices are very cheap.

So more and more guests came."

"Boss, how do you sell suits here?"

Halfway through her words, Liu Piaopiao grabbed Chen Jin, who was still about to move forward, and looked at the suits on the stall.

"This is men's clothing, who are you selling it to?"

Chen Jin, who was half-hearing, still didn't know what to say, and then found that the other party was actually standing at the men's clothing stall.

He didn't know what was going on, but he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Men are like this. Even if they don't have any thoughts about the woman in front of them, they will feel uncomfortable when they know that the woman may have entanglements with other men.

Liu Piaopiao rolled her eyes at him.

"Of course it's for you to see, do you still want me to pay?"

Chen Jin was stunned for a moment, and then he forgot to debate whether he wanted to buy it or not, and instead quickly denied the latter incident.

"I, I don't want you to pay."

After he finished speaking, he reacted again and took Liu Piaopiao's hand, which still wanted to continue reading.

"I don't want to buy clothes here either."

Liu Piaopiao was relatively happy when he held her hand, but when she heard his words, her whole body couldn't help but froze in place.

Chen Jin pulled her body, but found that she stood still and didn't move.

"You're gone, you...why are you crying?"

"You, do you look down on me in your heart? You think I'm not only vain but also very shameless when I buy fakes."

Liu Piaopiaodou's big tears ran down her face, and her whole body looked pitiful.

"No, absolutely not. I didn't mean to look down on you."

Chen Jin's heart was touched, and he realized that he had just said the wrong thing.

He hurriedly explained, but he didn't know how to talk to girls in the first place, so he could only say a few words over and over again.

"Well, then you can help me choose a set."

In the end, he could only think of buying a set of clothes for himself to prove that he didn't look down on the other person.

"Forget it, you won't be able to wear it if you buy it, so why waste your money."

As a result, Liu Piaopiao wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with emotion.

Chen Jin did not answer. He is not a person who likes to lie.

As Liu Piaopiao said, he bought clothes just to prove that he did not look down on Liu Piaopiao for buying fakes, but it was obviously impossible for him to wear fakes on a daily basis.

Because of this incident, there were suddenly some inexplicable emotions between the two of them during the next shopping trip.

"Because it developed very quickly, and there was no supervision in the early stage. There were even businessmen from abroad coming to buy goods in large quantities. I heard that the taxes paid were not low. So, as the place grew bigger and bigger, it became what it is now.


Liu Piaopiao explained to Chen Jin again.

Chen Jin's mind was no longer on this matter.

He looked at the hand held by Liu Piaopiao, and then at the girl who was walking a little ahead of him, walking like flying through the crowd.

Finally, I couldn't help but ask the doubts in my heart.

"You didn't twist your feet before, did you?"

Liu Piaopiao, who was walking in front, was stunned for a moment.

Too bad, because of the joy of shopping, I forgot about this incident.

However, her mind was spinning very quickly, and she continued to speak without answering Chen Jin's question.

"Did you know that in addition to regular tax returns, businesses here also have another fee that they must pay? Do you know who pays it?"

Sure enough, Chen Jin was immediately attracted by her words.

"Could it be that the money was given to the society?"

Although it is a bit unbelievable, as long as women are not involved, Chen Jin's little mind is still pretty good.

Liu Piaopian glanced at the other party appreciatively.

"Bingo, you guessed it right, if you want to do business here, protection fees are essential, because in addition to ensuring that they ship safely, many genuine samples are actually smuggled in by the society and then copied by the factory. "

He guessed that the A-goods market was related to the community, but Chen Jin was not happy.

Because this kind of fake goods is rampant, not only has it become large-scale, but it is also sold openly. Isn’t this a direct slap in the face of the police?

"Didn't anyone report it?"

Chen Jin didn't believe it. Although some people like Liu Piaopiao, who were short of money but needed something to decorate their appearance, would buy A goods, more wealthy people would definitely hate those selling A goods.

After all, they spend so much money to buy such luxury goods just to distinguish themselves from other people who have no money.

But if A goods are everywhere on the street, if you carry a luxury product on the street, it will probably be regarded as fake.

Therefore, many times, if there are counterfeit prices somewhere, luxury brands often do not need to take action themselves. Those who rely on luxury goods to decorate their reputations have already acted as vanguards and reported them directly.

"Why do you think the owners of these shops are willing to pay a protection fee to the association instead of paying taxes? If someone reports this, the association people will tell them what is reasonable."

Liu Piaopiao smiled like a thief. As a queen who was half a wanderer in the Taoist community, she knew all about these things, or at least she had heard about them.

Chen Jin didn't know what to say for a while.

These people are also talented people. Not only have they sold A-grade products on a large scale, but they also know how to find associations to protect their industries. However, their results are very good. How can you reason with them?

"With such a large scale, the benefits must be high. Do you know which society's territory this is?"

After being speechless, Chen Jin came to his senses again. The reason why he came here to check out the location was to find out the detailed distribution of power in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Because there are four large forces in a district that are restraining each other, not to mention the number of small and medium-sized forces within them.

Because several large forces are not sure how to deal with the cooperation of the other three, they are also trying their best to restrain themselves, try their best to not see the king, and not to manage the handover positions with other forces.

To put it simply, their respective spheres of influence try to avoid direct contact.

In this way, even if there are any misunderstandings and conflicts, large-scale conflicts can be restrained from breaking out.

And the territory they vacated was naturally taken over by some small forces or medium-sized forces.

After all, these small territories are looked down upon by the four major interests, but to small societies, they are a piece of fat.

But Chen Jin didn't believe that the four major associations would look down on A Cargo Street's huge benefits.

"I heard it was a short mule named Brother Chen who did it."

Liu Piaopiao thought for a while and remembered what some guests who came to the bathhouse said.

"Is your name Han Chen?"

When Chen Jin heard about Brother Chen, he naturally thought of Han Chen, one of the four major forces.

But then he thought, it had only been a little over a year since Ni Yongxiao set up the five big bosses, but A Street had already existed for two or three years, so the timing seemed a bit wrong.

Unless Han Chen has not fallen out with Ni Yongxiao, he is already engaged in this matter.

"Yes, yes, his name is Han Chen. I met him once. Although he is shorter than you and has a slimmer appearance, his wife is very beautiful."

Chen Jin's face darkened. His height did not have much advantage over Liu Piaopiao.

So I wanted to refute but couldn't find it easy to say it.

Boom - clatter!

"Damn it, doesn't Brother Zha's name work well? What's wrong with Brother Chen and Brother Chen? What's wrong with me holding a lighter? If you have the ability, let him chop me down!"

At this moment, something unexpected happened to a stall in front.

A man who didn't look like a good guy, with a short haircut and a beard, overturned the stall, picked up a lighter with the Gucci logo in his hand, and lit the cigarette in his mouth.

"What kind of bullshit is that? I've never heard of it. Are you Vietnamese? Please pay me quickly, or I won't let you out of A Street."

The stall owner was not afraid when his stall was overturned. He recognized the guy in front of him as a Vietnamese monkey at a glance.

This kind of outsider is the most ignorant, but it doesn't matter. The big brother responsible for public security in this street has already brought someone over, and he will give him a good look later.


Sure enough, Brother Zha, who was lighting up a cigarette proudly, was slapped before he could react, and the cigarette in his mouth and the Gucci lighter in his hand fell to the ground.

"You have such a crazy tone. Even Brother Chen doesn't know about it, yet you still dare to come to Tsim Sha Tsui."

Brother Zha received a slap, but he didn't rush to retaliate. He took out a handkerchief from his suit pocket, wiped his hands first, and then wiped the corners of his mouth.


Then without waiting for the other party to continue chattering, he kicked him out and knocked down another stall.


At this time, both the stall owners and the people shopping suddenly let out bursts of exclamations.

"Hit someone!"

This is a sentiment that ordinary citizens fear.

"Let's do it!"

This is the tone of the stall owner watching the excitement.

A Cargo Street has been in existence for two or three years, and it is becoming more and more prosperous. Of course, there are many jealous people. The four major forces have all come here to cause trouble.

But even Zhongyixin, who was the most capable of fighting, failed to snatch the business away from Han Chen in the end.

And this so-called Brother Zha is not only an old Vietnamese guy, but also a name they have never heard of. He is obviously a nobody.

This kind of person still wants to cause trouble in Brother Chen's place.

Will it end well?

Everyone temporarily put aside their thoughts about doing business and concentrated on watching the show.

As a result, after looking at it, I realized that this guy named Brother Zha is really good at it.

Not only was the eldest brother who was watching the scene kicked and fell to the ground unable to get up, but at this moment, three more younger brothers were knocked to the ground.

But Brother Zha only received a kick in the back and a punch in the stomach.

But these two blows had no impact on him at all.

Bangdang—— Bangdang——

But as the four accomplices fell to the ground, eight more gangsters holding steel pipes stood out on the street, some of whom were stall owners here.

Since Han Chen owns Street A, which is making a lot of money every day, of course he will arrange for some young people to set up stalls here.

Not only can you make more money this way, but you can also stand up and act as a thug when guys like Brother Zha who don't understand the rules or have ulterior motives cause trouble.


But before the eight thugs could surround Brother Zha, a folding bench suddenly flew over not far away and knocked down one of the thugs.


Then, before the other seven people could recover, a figure rose into the air and kicked another thug.


At the same time, a stall nearby was suddenly overturned, and another figure mixed with bags flying in the air directly knocked down two thugs standing together.

Four of the eight thugs were knocked down immediately before they even took action.

At this time, Brother Zha seized the opportunity and took the lead. He grabbed the steel pipe of one of the thugs, then elbowed him with his backhand and hit the opponent hard in the face.

This chapter has been completed!
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