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Chapter 527 Lin Dayue who blew himself up

He probably also figured out the identities of the others.

According to normal theory, Lin Dayue, as a partner, must not be suspicious.

But it can't be shielded from Zhang Pin's plot, even though when he first watched it, he thought it was ridiculous.

But the fact that Lin Dayue is the murderer behind the scenes cannot be ignored.

Of course, this is reality after all, and we can’t trust the movie entirely.

But Lin Dayue was still highly suspected by him.

"Is that land of yours very valuable?"

Of course it was impossible for Zhang Pin to believe whatever Tang Zhudi said. On the contrary, he had considerable doubts about Tang Zhudi.

After all, their relationship had broken down a long time ago, and she would be the one to benefit the most from Wang Wanwan's death.

"Of course. Have you ever heard of the Small House Ordinance?"

Judy Tang is a woman who changes her face faster than turning the pages of a book. Just now she looked like a woman, but now she looks like a strong woman again.

"I've heard of the small house regulations."

Zhang Pin nodded. This regulation is well-known in Hong Kong Island. He is a policeman, so he is naturally familiar with it.

In order to get this benefit, many people try every means to register as registered residents in the New Territories, trying to disguise themselves as New Territories aborigines.

The reason why the New Territories can develop the so-called century-old Lu family from the original rural areas of Hong Kong Island is also due to the Small House Ordinance, which tightly binds everyone together.

Moreover, with the passage of time, especially as the economic development of Hong Kong Island is getting better and better, the land in places like Central District is becoming less and less, and the New Territories are gradually being targeted by more and more people.

"I forgot that you are a police officer. I guess even if you haven't dealt with it, you have probably heard about it."

Judy Tang also reacted, so she didn't start from the beginning.

"Nowadays, there are more and more developments in the New Territories, and many industries have begun to move there. Not only the aborigines of the New Territories, but others also want to get a share of the pie. After all, housing prices on Hong Kong Island are not low."

The profits from real estate naturally need no introduction.

But as a policeman, Zhang Pin knew a problem even more clearly.

That is, the small house regulations have long been a big problem for the government.

Because the most essential thing about Ding Quan is that it allows every New Territories male to build a three-story building after reaching adulthood without paying land premium.

The reason why this condition was proposed before was mainly to appease the aboriginal people in the New Territories.

But today is different from the past. In 1972, the total number of aborigines in the New Territories was only a few hundred thousand.

Not to mention that those who can survive must be adult males.

At that time, for the British Hong Kong government, the land they paid was only a drop in the bucket.

But it's different now.

After more than ten years of development, more and more men in the New Territories have grown up, and the economy has developed faster and faster.

The New Territories is only so big, and land that meets the conditions for living has become even more scarce.

But now there are hundreds of thousands of adult men in the New Territories who hold Ding power.

This means that as long as they think about it, they can build hundreds of thousands of three-story single-family buildings in accordance with the regulations.

If so many small single-family buildings are really built in the New Territories, apart from other things, locations that are convenient for commercial development will definitely become extremely rare.

As a last resort, the British Hong Kong government had no choice but to communicate with the New Territories aborigines again and prepare to abolish this regulation in the near future.

However, this Ordinance is a great wealth for the aborigines of the New Territories.

After all, even if the aborigines in the New Territories do not live here and do not even need this house, as long as they hold the rights, they can repair the house and rent it out, or even sell the rights to others.

In order to once again appease the aborigines of the New Territories, the British Hong Kong government finally proposed another benefit.

That is to allow men with rights in the New Territories to pool their last few hundred thousand rights in the form of cooperatives to build multiple thirty-story buildings.

Each Dingquan can build a unit of 1,600 square feet.

In other words, as long as you have money, what was originally a three-story residential building can now be turned into a commercial building.

Although the area is four to five hundred feet smaller than that of a three-story building, as long as you have some brains you will know that there is no comparability between the value of a residential building and the value of a commercial building.

However, if we are talking about building a single-family house, the New Territories aborigines can raise enough money on their own, but if they want to build a building, they are obviously unable to do so.

In this way, if you want to develop high-rise buildings, the most convenient and simple way is to unite with real estate companies, or directly sell the rights.

If what Judy Tang said is true, then in addition to Lin Dayue, the other three families are also suspected of murdering Wang Wanwan.

After all, hundreds of thousands of rights represent a business worth tens of billions.

In such a big business, no matter which company is causing trouble, it is possible

Rather than relying on genuine money to bid, it is the easiest and simplest way to directly use off-site means to kill competitors.

Otherwise, everyone will have about the same amount of money, and even if they win the competition and win the business, the profits will be gone.

You know, capital is king here, which is different from the situation in previous lives.

Otherwise, I really think that foreign capitalists travel with so many bodyguards just to look good.

The cost of hiring a bodyguard is not cheap, and with the bodyguard following you, it is inconvenient to do some shameful things.

You must know that the richer you are, the more freedom you like.

"Wow, my good brother, we have worked together for so many years, why did you just leave like this?"

The car stopped at the door of a building. Before Zhang Pin got out of the car, he saw people gathering outside.

A fake foreign devil was wearing a white coat and a furry leather hat on his head. He looked like a man in mourning clothes and was crying loudly at the door.

People around who wanted to enter or exit had no place to move because the wreaths, mourning halls, paper money, offerings and other items around the building filled all the space.

"Lin Dayue, what are you doing! This is our company!"

Tang Zhudi got out of the car angrily and looked at Lin Dayue who had turned his company into a mourning hall. He couldn't hide the anger in his heart.

"My best friend, hair boy, and business partner who was so close to me that I wore the same pants is dead. Now I'm going to pay homage to him. What's wrong? Shouldn't I?"

Lin Dayue did not get up, but sat on the ground and continued to burn paper money.

This guy is too insincere. After all, you need to kneel down to burn money.

Zhang Pin was thinking these things in his mind with amusement.

Lin Dayue's behavior made him even more suspicious that the other party was responsible for Wang Wanwan's death.

Otherwise, it is completely impossible to explain why he led people to block the door and set up a mourning hall in someone else's company.

This seems to be to pay tribute to Wang Baibai, but in fact, it is disgusting and adds trouble to Judy Tang.

Judy Tang obviously knew this too.

She did not continue talking to Lin Dayue, but first looked at Zhang Pin who was standing aside watching the show.

"Sir Zhang, if I call the police on him for disturbing the order of our company, will your police accept the case?"

Zhang Pin was stunned, he didn't expect Tang Zhudi to be so quick-witted.

Since Lin Dayue dared to hold a mourning hall here, he obviously didn't take Tang Zhudi seriously.

So at this time, if Judy Tang makes noise or does other things with the other party, she will obviously fall into the trap of confrontation.

On the contrary, if you call the police directly, if the police are willing to deal with it, you can turn passive into active and let yourself, who is originally at a disadvantage, get some support.

At least someone like Lin Dayue, whose husband immediately stood up and added insult to injury after her death, would definitely not gain much support.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Wang. I will arrange for people to come over and take the people back immediately. They have already been deemed to have disturbed public order. I won't let them go on bail at that time. They can be detained for at least a week."

Zhang Pin spoke so seriously that Lin Dayue was so frightened that he immediately got up from the ground.

"You, you, you, what do you mean!"

He was obviously dumbfounded. How could Judy Tang have a policeman next to her?

"Millions of people died inexplicably. I ask the police to send a police officer for personal protection, so as not to be plotted by people with ulterior motives, resulting in the huge family property being used in vain for others."

As if he had guessed what Wang Baiwan was thinking, Tang Zhudi first told the reason why he had police around him.

Lin Dayue was stunned for a moment, and then he started to stutter when he spoke, as if he had a guilty conscience.

"Why, how could it be, how could I do this to you? No, I mean how could those people do something to you. By the way, sister-in-law, if you are worried, why not sell the company's shares to me? That way there will be no danger.


Judy Tang: “…”

Zhang Pin: "..."

"You just said, why did you do this to me? Are you planning to plot against me later?"

The atmosphere was silent for a moment. Tang Zhudi glanced at Zhang Pin beside him, and seemed to have the courage to directly question Lin Dayue.

"No, don't talk nonsense, or I will sue you for slander! She slandered me!"

When Lin Dayue heard Tang Zhudi's words, he jumped up and reacted very fiercely.

"Sir Zhang!"

Tang Zhudi didn't say anything more, but looked at Zhang Pin again.

"We can ask him to go back and cooperate with the investigation, but we can only hold him for a maximum of forty-eight hours."

Faced with the accusation of murder, Zhang Pin was not as sure as before.

The laws of Hong Kong Island have always been biased towards the wealthy.

Especially regarding human rights, if there is no evidence, even the interrogation of the suspect requires the presence of a lawyer.

If the lawyer feels that the question is irrelevant to the case, the client can even refuse to answer.

Even if Lin Dayue did participate in the murder and was even the mastermind, without evidence, even if he was imprisoned, it would be of no avail.

It can even be said that speaking out directly like Judy Tang did is to alert the enemy.

After all, it can be known from the murder scene of Wang Wanwan that the person who directly committed the crime was not Lin Dayue.

It can be seen from the wife Wang Wanwan married that his aesthetic taste is still online. He must not like a fake foreign devil like Lin Dayue.

Thinking about the stubble-faced Lin Dayue holding something in his hand and handcuffing Wang Wanwan to the bedside, Zhang Pin felt a little nervous.

But since Lin Dayue had already self-destructed, Zhang Pin did not coddle him.

Soon Chen Jin led the team over.

"Bring them all back, and according to the regulations, lock them up to the maximum term, especially Lin Dayue. He just revealed some information about himself. I don't agree with him seeing anyone within 48 hours."

"yes, sir!"

Chen Jin had a look on his face, and at the same time he was a little curious.

He also just found out that Zhang Pin was going to be Tang Zhudi's personal bodyguard for half a month.

However, seeing that he had so quickly identified the suspect who killed Wang Wanwan, what he originally thought was a flirtatious gossip quickly calmed down.

Judy Tang has long been famous. After all, she is a billionaire's wife, she is beautiful herself, and she doesn't like to wear underwear.

When everyone is fine, they are very interested in this kind of gossip.

Especially Zhang Pin, as their boss, now has to have personal contact with such a woman.

And Zhang Pin's own reputation is also related to romance, so what may happen in it is naturally enough to attract people's attention.

Lin Dayue also did not expect that Judy Tang would not follow the routine and did not prepare for the funeral or be sad as soon as her husband died.

He actually comes to the company to handle things normally.

So I blocked him, a guy with ulterior motives.

In fact, it's nothing to be bumped into by Judy Tang. He did these things deliberately, and he didn't really want to show Wang Wanwan.

That guy has turned into a dead person, and it is impossible to see him.

On the contrary, the biggest reason why he did this was because he wanted to gain fire.

Judy Tang, who was immersed in the sadness of her husband's death, was hit hard again.

As long as Tang Zhudi collapses, the family property of the couple will naturally fall into his hands.

The reason why Lin Dayue roped in Wang Wanwan to participate in the bidding for New Territories Ding Quan this time was not because he wanted to deal with the newly wealthy Li Chaoren, the century-old Lu family, a local snake in the New Territories, and the mainland tycoons with more mysterious origins.

On the contrary, his target is Wang Wanwan, with whom he has a good relationship.

Compared with the other three guys who were very difficult to deal with at first glance, Wang Baiwan was a stupid guy who was a bit luckier, but he had long been unable to see through it.

The other party started from scratch, but his wealth has been growing faster and faster recently.

Especially after it was confirmed that Hong Kong was to return to Hong Kong a few years ago, Hong Kong's real estate business was instantly hit hard, with countless people trying to convert real estate into cash.

At this juncture of uncertainty, Wang Wanwan plunged into real estate.

As a result, the economy has developed better and better over the years, and Wang Wanwan has grown from a millionaire to a billionaire.

The other party was so developed that Lin Dayue, who was better than Wang Wanwan with his fake foreign blood, but now his assets could not match the other party, was already jealous.

He pretended that he and Wang Baiwan were so good that they wore the same pants, but in fact they had long been looking for an opportunity to kill each other.

So after investigating that Tang Zhudi actually gave Wang Wanwan a cuckold's hat behind his back, he took action decisively and used some special photos and some benefits to seduce Tang Zhudi's mistress Cheng Wenjing.

Take action and kill Wang Wanwan.

The reason why when Judy Tang has a concubine, we still need to discuss whether Wang Wanwan is considered a cuckold.

The main reason lies with Cheng Wenjing.

This chapter has been completed!
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