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Chapter 534: A lighter equipped with eavesdropping

And the reason for the accident was because of the female secretary of Fenghua Group.

I watched the movie for so long that I can no longer remember the details.

In addition, Wang Wanwan's murder made him realize that reality is not exactly the same as the movie plot, so he did not rely entirely on his own memory.

It just so happened that what this female secretary said was obviously cliche. Since I am also a member of the joint group, I might as well make a suggestion.

"Hey, why didn't I think of that? Sir Zhang is indeed Sir Zhang."

When Huang Wenbin heard Zhang Pin's words, he did not agree immediately. Instead, he rewound the video and confirmed it several times.

Then he also heard the female secretary's questioning, which had obvious traces of clichés.

Things took a turn for the worse, and Huang Wenbin had a smile on his face again.

Then he looked at everyone in the studio, and finally focused on Zhang Pin again.

"Sir Zhang, the tasks of the guys here are already very heavy. How about we not bother you about anything? Since you see the problem with the female secretary, I would like to trouble you to transfer someone from Tsim Sha Tsui to check on this female secretary."

After hearing Huang Wenbin's words, everyone present except Zhang Pin changed their expressions.

Although Huang Wenbin said something nice, it was because everyone had a lot of things to do that he invited Zhang Pin to send his own work at the police station to investigate.

But in fact, it is obvious that Huang Wenbin no longer trusts the eavesdropping team, or at least he has doubts about the eavesdropping team.

"We have no problem sending people, but our police station doesn't have good eavesdropping personnel.

Well, I'll send someone to help with this matter.

The means of collecting and tracking information still require professionals.

I watched Officer Liang and his team that night, and their actions were still very good."

Zhang Pin smiled and then named the trio of Liang Junyi.

After hearing his words, Huang Wenbin nodded and did not object.

In fact, even if Zhang Pin didn't say anything, he would still have some doubts. He was in the Hong Kong Island Police Force and the situation at Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. Naturally, he would not be unclear about the situation.

I even knew that a few days ago, Zhang Pincai teamed up with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and sent three problematic police officers to the other party for awards.

So if Zhang Pin really arranges for too many people to come, he may still worry about whether there is a spy among them.

Now he proposed to continue to let the eavesdropping team do their work and just sent a manager, which felt a lot more relieved.

Yes, even though Zhang Pin said that he was sending people to assist, it was obvious that he meant to let his own people take the lead in the work, and the West Kowloon eavesdropping team was just responsible for the work.

Liang Junyi and the other three looked at each other, their hearts aching.

It's not that they are unwilling to do things, but because they have something in their minds, and Zhang Pin didn't look at others after coming in, but stared at them several times, and now he directly ordered troops.

This situation inevitably made them think a little too much.

But compared to the police titles of Zhang Pin and Huang Wenbin, they have no right to refuse at all.

"This incident has a great impact. I hope everyone can cheer up. From this moment on, no matter what these people have done, who they have met, or what they have said, they must be recorded."

"The superiors are very dissatisfied with this matter because we have been eavesdropping for so long and the other party is still acting so recklessly. The most important thing is that we don't have any clues at all.

I don’t want this to happen a second time, do you understand?”

"Of course, I see everyone's hard work during this period. As long as the eucalyptus is broken, I will not forget everyone's contribution."

After discussing the matter, Huang Wenbin first reminded everyone, and then hung a carrot in front.


Everyone responded quickly.

At this moment, the people from the Supervisory Committee across the street also left.

In fact, they were just going through the motions. If Huang Wenbin hadn't insisted on it, their investigation would not even be carried out until tomorrow.

The reason why Huang Wenbin asked the China Securities Regulatory Commission to come to visit him even though he knew that the investigation by the China Securities Regulatory Commission would yield no results was actually not based on their investigation.

But I want to wait until the members of the Supervisory Committee leave to see if Fenghua Group will communicate internally about this matter and get some news.

So after the people from the China Securities Regulatory Commission left, Huang Wenbin walked to a computer and picked up a pair of headphones.

He first handed the headphones to Zhang Pin, but Zhang Pin waved his hand, indicating that he would not listen.

He is not very interested in these gossips.

Instead, he walked to Liang Junyi's side.

"Your name is Yang Zhen."

He glanced at Yang Zhen, who had an ordinary appearance. Not to mention, the vicissitudes of his face looked very much like a person whose life was unsatisfactory.

"Hello, Sir Zhang, yes, my name is Yang Zhen."

When Yang Zhen saw Zhang Pin approaching, he felt very nervous, especially when he heard him calling out his name, and he almost confessed directly.

The name Headshot Detective is an idol to many young police officers, but to Yang Zhen, he is simply a murderer.

Especially when he recently heard the news that Zhang Pin was planning to launch a bloodbath at the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, and wanted to find out all the gangsters who collected illegal money and colluded with criminals and killed them.

He had something on his mind, so he was naturally a little scared.

"And your name is Lin Yixiang, right?"

Zhang Pin didn't care about Yang Zhen's reaction, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

It's not like he doesn't know that if he messes with his own people in the police force, many people will hate him.

But there is no way. If he doesn't act ruthlessly, the entire Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station will be like a leaky sieve, making it impossible to implement all his ideas.

"Crashing - crashing -"

After the people from the Supervisory Committee left, the two shareholders of Fenghua Group actually sat in the office and conspired.

But the other party was obviously very alert, so he turned on the record player in the office and turned the volume very loud, thus covering up the conversation between the two.

Huang Wenbin glanced at Liang Junyi's group of three.

"I can't help it, it's too noisy."

Liang Junyi knew what the other party meant, but he just spread his hands helplessly, indicating that he was helpless.

The speakers in the room were too loud, and it was obviously impossible to hear the conversation between the two people clearly.

"Try to tune in as much as possible, and make sure you know what they are talking about."

Huang Wenbin didn't speak, but one of his inspectors spoke.

Liang Junyi said nothing, but lowered his head and started debugging the machine.

After Yang Zhen adjusted the machine several times without any effect, he suddenly saw one of the shareholders holding a lighter.

His heart moved, and he took out an identical one from his pocket.


He opened the lid of the lighter, and when he was about to do something, a hand from beside him reached over and took the lighter away.

"Borrow a fire!"

The person holding the lighter was Zhang Pin. After he got the lighter, he stuffed it directly into his pocket, and then walked over to Huang Wenbin without any intention of lighting up.

Yang Zhen's body couldn't help but tremble.

Because the lighter he just took out was not actually his own, but belonged to a shareholder of Fenghua Group named Luo Yaoming.

This lighter was taken out from the other party's office when he went to install surveillance equipment last time.

His original intention of taking the lighter was not because it was valuable, but because of his years of eavesdropping experience, he could see that there was also a bug inside the lighter.

His original intention was to use this lighter to find out the gang who installed the bugs, so as to make meritorious deeds.

But before he had time, he found out that he had a physical problem, and he had a quarrel with his wife, so he didn't have time to do it.

Seeing Zhang Pin take the lighter but not saying anything, Yang Zhen felt a little distracted.

In the end, Liang Junyi couldn't help it anymore and patted him on the shoulder to stop him from "surrendering" immediately.

The final monitoring failed to analyze the content of the conversation between the two. Huang Wenbin left calmly, but his inspector was so angry that he threw his glass.

"Go out and get some fresh air. Sir Liang, Sir Yang, and Sir Lin. Let's discuss the investigation of the female secretary."

After Zhang Pin watched Huang Wenbin leave, he called Liang Junyi and the others to the rooftop.

The three of them looked at each other and then followed them silently.



Walking up to the balcony, Zhang Pin first glanced at the building opposite Fenghua International, and then turned to look at the three people following him.

But although he was asking a few people if they smoked, he actually didn't take out the cigarettes. Instead, he kept playing with the lighter he took from Yang Zhen.

“I took this lighter from the office of Luo Yaoming, chairman of Fenghua Group, and it had been tampered with and installed with eavesdropping equipment.

I took it out to find out who was behind it."

The three of them were silent for a moment, and Yang Zhen finally couldn't help it, and then began to explain why he owned such a high-end lighter.

"Oh, so the other party can hear our current words and previous actions through this lighter?"

Zhang Pin raised his head, glanced at the three of them curiously, and then put the lighter to his mouth.

"Hey, hey, can you hear me? I am Superintendent Zhang Pin of the Tsim Sha Tsui Operations Department. You are required to go to Tsim Sha Tsui and surrender within 24 hours, otherwise we will dispatch a large number of people to find your home and arrest you all.

If you dare to resist then, we will not show mercy and will shoot you to death on the spot.

Do you know? If you know, remember to call 1 and show me, if it’s not right, listen to it!”

Zhang Pin looked at the lighter with a serious face.

"Sir Zhang, I have removed the bug, so they can't hear it now."

Yang Zhen was a little embarrassed, because Zhang Pin was like this and he couldn't understand the other party's intentions for a while.

But seeing Zhang Pin's embarrassing performance, he could only tell the truth.

"Oh, I can't hear you. Then I said it for nothing. Hey, there's nothing we can do about it. This is a procedure we must follow as police officers.

Regardless of whether the other party knows that he or she is committing a crime, or whether he or she is willing to repent, we must complete the process first.

As for whether the other party will surrender after the procedure is completed.

Hey, what do you think?"

Zhang Pin heard what he said, then pressed the lighter and talked a lot.

At this time, when the three of them heard Zhang Pin's words, their bodies that had been standing calmly began to tremble.

Yang Zhen was the most stressed. Big beads of sweat were appearing on his body. The sweat beads began to wet his hair. He was biting his lips tightly, but his body couldn't help but tremble.

"I'm sorry, Sir Zhang. I overheard Luo Yaoming and his secretary talking about the price of Fenghua Group's stock price to three yuan a share the night before yesterday, so I wanted to take the opportunity to buy some shares.

My physical examination revealed cancer some time ago, and I have given up treatment.

But I still have three children. My youngest son has leukemia, and treatment will cost a lot of money.

I blame myself for being obsessed with making money, so I went to extremes.

Sir Zhang, this matter is all my fault...

I have no choice. If I don’t do this, my family will be ruined.”

In the end, Yang Zhen took the initiative and knelt down in front of Zhang Pin, begging him for mercy, and at the same time told the story incoherently.

It can be seen that he is very loyal, so he directly took the blame for everything on himself and did not involve Liang Junyi and Lin Yixiang.

"No, Sir Zhang, this matter is my fault. Brother Yang just prepared 200,000 yuan to make a little money. It was because I bought too much money, which caused everyone to follow in the investment, which caused the stock price of Fenghua Group to change.

This is all my fault..."

But before Yang Zhen could finish speaking, Lin Yixiang also took the initiative to speak.

But he was not as excited as Yang Zhen, but pretended to be calm and looked at Zhang Pin.

"I'm getting married next month, and my father-in-law is the MP for West Kowloon."

Unlike Yang Zhen who plays the emotional card, he seems to want to take advantage of his father-in-law's influence.

"What about you, do you have anything to say?"

Zhang Pin didn't pay attention to what the two said, but looked at Liang Junyi who was silent at the side.

"Failure to report what was known, destroying evidence presented in court, and obstructing justice, we will probably go to jail."

Hearing Zhang Pin's inquiry, Liang Junyi smiled bitterly. He had already thought about the consequences of this matter.

Zhang Pin smiled.

"You seem to be the most down-to-earth person. Now the stock is in your hands?"

Hearing him asking about stocks, several people were stunned.

Because of Zhang Pin's intention, they were not held accountable at all for not reporting what they knew and for using the inside information to make profits.

"Sir Zhang, we will listen to you from now on."

In the end, Liang Junyi reacted and was the first to bow his head to him.

"Don't talk nonsense. You are in the West Kowloon Police Station and I am in Tsim Sha Tsui. We are all just serving Mr. Gui."

Zhang Pin shook his head, and then said again: "But I need your help to check on the female secretary later."

"Okay, Sir Zhang, I promise to complete the task."

It was Liang Junyi who spoke first again.

It seems that although he is indecisive about relationships and timid in front of brotherhood, his mind is still very flexible at critical moments.

"I confiscated this lighter."

Zhang Pin put away the lighter, then walked to the stairs and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he stopped again.

"By the way, the stock code is 8822, right? It will definitely rise when the market opens next Monday, but the money is not so easy to get."

This chapter has been completed!
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