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Chapter 690: The Beginning of The True Colors of a Hero II

Hu Hai wiped the non-existent sweat on his face, and then looked at Song Zijie.

After hearing Hu Hai's words, Song Zijie was not too excited.

"We couldn't find Song Zihao. Sir Song happened to be in some trouble, so we wanted to see if he could help us."

"Then what's the reason for looking for me?"

Zhang Pin glanced at Song Zijie curiously. He knew that Song Zihao was on Hong Kong Island. Apparently, it was Song Zijie who stopped the other party's investigation.

Otherwise, Interpol would not have been able to find Song Zihao.

At the same time, he was also more curious about the reason why Interpol was looking for him. He couldn't be the one to persuade Song Zijie to help.

"Well, I don't know if Sir Zhang still remembers it. More than a year ago, he helped us recover a sum of US$80 million in stolen money in Japan."

Hearing Hu Hai's words, Zhang Pin didn't say anything and nodded directly.

Speaking of this incident, he couldn't help but think back to that night in Japan.

That night, Instructor Hu and Li Xin'er were very happy.

At the same time, I couldn't help but miss Imamura Kiyoko. The girl had said this several times that she would go to Japan to see her, but she never went because she was too busy recently.

I didn't know it when I was busy before, but now when I think about it, I realize that so much time has passed in the blink of an eye.

Speaking of this matter, Hu Hai was a little embarrassed.

"We managed to transfer the stolen money to Hong Kong some time ago, but due to an accident, the money is no longer in our hands."

After hearing Hu Hai's words, Zhang Pin's eyes were opened.

Good guy, can you still say this?

"The stolen money was robbed?"

So he asked directly.

Hu Hai's face became even more embarrassed, but he still nodded.

"Because I was thinking that Sir Zhang helped me find him last time. This time we need to conduct an internal self-examination. It just so happened that the accident happened again on Hong Kong Island, so we may have to ask Sir Zhang for help."

"Is there any connection between this currency and counterfeit banknotes?"

Zhang Pin couldn't help but feel curious when he heard that the other party mentioned another eucalyptus.

"Based on the evidence we have obtained, the two crimes are not closely related, but there is some unconfirmed information that proves that the two are probably the work of the same criminal gang."

Hu Hai shook his head and nodded again.

"I've been quite busy recently, so Ajie won't have time."

Zhang Pin did not refuse directly, but he refused in disguise.

Just kidding, I still have a lot of things to do, so why should I help Interpol?

"Ahem, that's it. There's another officer coming later."

Hu Hai was not surprised when he heard Zhang Pin's rejection.

But this time it was not him who called them over, so he was not worried that they would refuse.

"Sir Zeng!"

The person who came was unexpected. It was Sir Zeng, the first brother in the police force.

"Sit, sit, sit!"

Sir Zeng is very kind on the surface.

"I believe you all know what happened last night. This incident is a major blow to Hong Kong Island's efforts to build the safest city in Asia..."

As expected of a brother, he naturally speaks at a very high level.

Zhang Pin lowered his head and curled his lips in disdain, not only laughing at the other party's delusional idea of ​​building the safest city in Asia, but also his definition of what happened last night.

Because what happened last night was actually not complicated, it was just a fight between Hong Xing and Dong Xing over their territory.

The trouble with this incident is that there were too many people involved in the fight, and the casualties seemed a bit high.

As far as he knew, in the clearing after the battle last night, there were nine people who were judged to have no vital signs. It is estimated that the number of people who died in the end must reach double digits.

But this is actually not a big deal, because the dead are all bad guys. Even if they are not dead, these guys are still causing social security problems. If we are not particular about humanitarianism, we can say that death is beneficial to public security.

When Lei Yaoyang's people were vandalizing and looting last night, they thoughtfully gave each guest who was accidentally injured a towel to cover their wounds.

So even though what happened yesterday was a big deal and a lot of people died, it had no impact on most ordinary people.

Of course, Zhang Pin did not directly contradict Zeng Xiangrong stupidly, but nodded solemnly to express his understanding.

Anyway, the matter has nothing to do with him. As for Ajie, it is impossible for the other party to handle such a big thing.

The unlucky one was also the Commissioner of Wan Chai Police Station, Ip Tak-han.

After all, when Fatty Huang was the director, nothing happened.

If we really want to pursue it, it might be beneficial to Zhang Pin.

You must know that when he was on duty in Wan Chai, the security in the area was better than that in key areas such as Central District.

He has only been away for less than a year, and as a result, such a large-scale armed fight has occurred in Wan Chai. Doesn't this just highlight Sir Zhang's ability?

As Zeng Xiangrong was talking, he suddenly realized that something seemed a little wrong, but he still looked at Song Zijie with an unchanged expression.

"Sir Song, what happened last night needs to be reviewed by the Wan Chai Anti-Gangster Group."

"Sorry, sir!"

Song Zijie's face was a little ugly, but he didn't argue because this matter was indeed the incompetence of the anti-gangster group and they failed to get the news before it happened.

After all, it stands to reason that they should get the news about this large-scale young and Dangerous fight.

"Well, but I also know that you can't all be blamed for this matter."

Zeng Xiangrong first knocked it down with a stick, and then threw out the sweet dates.

"This counterfeit banknote is not only being investigated by Interpol, because the source is in Hong Kong Island, our Hong Kong Island Police Force is also obliged to kill this group of guys. I heard that the suspect is your eldest brother's former boss. In this case, you

I took the opportunity to go undercover next to Long Si.

Don’t worry, this is actually a good thing, Long Si has a daughter who is very beautiful.”

After hearing Zeng Xiangrong's words, Zhang Pin immediately looked at Zeng Xiangrong in astonishment.

Good guy, as the top brother of the police force, the other party actually wants his men to use a beauty trick to go undercover.

Zhang Pin immediately knew that this Zeng Xiangrong was definitely a ruthless character, and he was also a guy who would do anything for his own benefit.

When he met such an unruly guy, he could only lower his head and say nothing, not wanting to face him face to face.

Although he can't stand this kind of guy, but the other party's bottomless method of doing things, coupled with his location, if the two sides are on opposite sides, it will be really troublesome.

Because if there is a conflict between the two parties, you have no idea what he will do.

As the top brother of the police force, Zeng Xiangrong obviously has a lot of resources under his control. If such a person is shameless and does not follow the rules, the danger will be too great.

Although he was somewhat reluctant to help the other party, Zhang Pin, who was originally prepared to reject the other party directly, chose to remain silent for the time being.

"Sir Zhang, according to our information, the stolen money from Interpol this time was robbed by a gang whose leader is called Professor. They are an international criminal gang and may have the support of the mafia behind them.

After getting the money and being robbed, we have immediately blocked some smuggling channels and at the same time stepped up inspections of ports and terminals. So far, we believe that the professor's criminal gang is definitely still on Hong Kong Island.

You are the police superintendent with the highest efficiency in detecting cases, so this matter is yours to handle. Is there any problem?"

After Zhang Pin made his decision, Zeng Xiangrong looked at Zhang Pin and gave him the task.

"No problem, sir!"

Zhang Pin shook his head and agreed, then he looked at Zeng Xiangrong again.

"Sir, if we catch the professor's gang and seize the stolen money, will we notify you first?"

The meaning of Zhang Pin's words was obviously to ask the other party whether he wanted to get the 80 million US dollars in stolen money.

Based on Zhang Pin's understanding of Zeng Xiangrong's character, he could really do such a thing.

But after hearing his inquiry, Zeng Xiangrong shook his head and expressed his refusal.

"No, Interpol will arrange for someone to follow you during the mission. If the stolen money is seized, the funds will be handled directly by them, but the professor will be prosecuted by our police force."

Hearing Zeng Xiangrong's words, Zhang Pin was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party could still hold back his greed for eighty million stolen money.

As for prosecuting professors, this is what it should be. If the Hong Kong Island Police Force can deal with some international criminal gangs, it will also be a good thing for building an international reputation.

"yes, sir!"

Although Zhang Pin had some objections in his heart, the expression on his face did not change at all and he directly agreed to the other party's request.

"That's it, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Zeng Xiangrong finished giving instructions to the two of them, and then stood up to leave.

However, Zhang Pin saw that the other party did not leave the Interpol Hong Kong Island headquarters directly, but continued to walk to the opposite office area.

It seems that he came to give instructions to the two of them just in passing, and he should also meet other more important people.

"Hello, Sir Zhang, I am Richard from the Interpol Hong Kong Branch. For this mission, I will study with you."

Richard is a big fat guy, but luckily, from what the other person said, it can be seen that he is a sensible guy.

"Hello, let's learn from each other."

Zhang Pin smiled and shook hands with the other party, then looked at Song Zijie.

"Ajie, let's go for a walk together."

"Okay, Tou."

Song Zijie nodded, he had not yet recovered from the task Zeng Xiangrong had given him.

"What's wrong? I don't know how to explain it to your girlfriend?"

As soon as Zhang Pin saw the other person's face, he knew what the other person was worried about.

"Yes, such a mission came suddenly... Ah Tou, I'm sorry, I couldn't handle what happened last night."

Facing Zhang Pin, Song Zijie did not hide it, and then he apologized to Zhang Pin.

After all, when Zhang Pin left Wan Chai, the reason why Song Zijie was asked to take the position of head of the anti-gang group was because he needed him to keep an eye on the Wan Chai Police Station.

What happened last night clearly means that the Wan Chai Police Station has lost control of the management of associations within its jurisdiction.

Zhang Pin smiled and said nothing.

Speaking of which, the reason why the accident happened last night was closely related to his instigation. It could even be said that he arranged the plane to do this.

Now that Song Zijie is apologizing to him, he felt that the matter was quite funny for a while.

So he could only pat the other party on the shoulder.

"What are you talking about? Everything can't be smooth sailing. Just look forward and be careful to avoid it in the future. You are not to blame for what happened this time. But after you go back, you can directly interview the speakers from the two societies and ask them to blame them."

Seeing that Song Zijie was cheated by him, Zhang Pin could only teach him how to make up for it.

"Okay, what should we do if there are so many young and Dangerous people in the police station?"

Song Zijie suddenly became happy when he heard that Zhang Pin was willing to teach him.

He was having a headache. Last night, because he was angry and didn't know how to deal with the group fight, he locked everyone up first.

It's not that this step was wrong, but there were so many young and Dangerous boys fighting last night that the police station's detention room couldn't fit in them, and the food, drink, and urination of so many people was also a big problem.

Ye Dexian had been urging him to deal with it early in the morning, and he was in a dilemma about this matter.

"This issue needs to be considered. All the gangsters and above will continue to be detained. They will be interrogated at the same time and asked to give evidence of each other's crimes. As for the gangsters, let their association's lawyers immediately release them on bail."


"Well, I'm not going to confess yet. What happened last night was so big and you are the leader of the gang. Please tell me the truth and think about any meritorious performance that can reduce the punishment."

Li Xiuxian knocked on the table, and sitting opposite him was Big D, who was captured last night.

Although he was detained all night, I don’t know if he came in because he had a midnight snack, but Big D is in pretty good condition.

Hearing Li Xiuxian's question, he tilted his head disdainfully, stretched out his fingers to press his nose, and flicked a piece of booger away before speaking.

"Sir, I don't even know what happened last night. Please tell me."

Not only was this guy not afraid of Li Xiuxian's threat, but he also asked about what happened last night. He was really arrogant.

"Be honest with me and talk nicely, but you won't listen, right?"

Li Xiuxian slammed the table, and everyone was very angry.

"Tch, sir, let me tell you what you are doing when you are angry. You should stop wasting your time on me.

I just came to Wan Chai for a late-night snack last night on a whim.

I already told you last night.

On the contrary, I heard that Dong Xing and Hong Xing fought so hard that their brains were knocked out.

How about it, have the people involved in the two clubs been killed?"

As Big D talked, the whole person became gossipy.

"Eating late-night snacks! You took more than 300 people from Tsuen Wan to Wan Chai by boat in the middle of the night, just to eat a few pineapple buns?

What? Only Wan Chai on Hong Kong Island sells pineapple buns!

I tell you, don’t treat Sir as an idiot, otherwise I will let you know the consequences of playing Sir.”

When Li Xiuxian saw Big D's lack of oil and salt, he suddenly became angry.

"Hey, sir, I remember that you said last night that there is no law in Hong Kong that prohibits ordinary citizens from taking a boat from Tsuen Wan to Wan Chai for late-night snacks.

Of course there are many pineapple buns sold on Hong Kong Island, but I just prefer the taste of that shop in Wan Chai.

As for taking care of younger brothers, sir, you also know that what we rely on for running a boat is having many brothers and being loyal.

I found that there are delicious restaurants in Wan Chai, so I brought them with me to take care of the boss's business. What, is this illegal?"

Big D answered Lee Soo Hyun's questions easily.

This chapter has been completed!
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