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Chapter 701 The professor is arrested

I have seen and dealt with many such ruthless professors.

This kind of person is exactly what he expected.

He is ruthless enough, able to fight tooth and nail, dares to fight and kill, and more importantly, because those who engage in robbery, even if they are robbing a cash transport truck, are all brainless people who are easy to control.

No, after hearing his deception in a few words, plus his status as a fellow countryman.

Wang Li and Li Qiang really believed what he said, and then they unabashedly told them about their plan and the reasons for its failure.

Since both companions were captured, it seemed that the first guy was still alive.

In order not to be betrayed by the other party, they could only lose all their money this time and go back to avoid the limelight.

"It's not easy for some good guys. I have one hundred thousand yuan here. I just want to go home this time for a vacation, so I don't have much money with me. Let's go back and stay for a while. I will come to Hong Kong Island in a few days."


If you believe me, come with me when the time comes, and there will definitely be a mission to make everyone rich.

I am dissatisfied with the two brothers. I have made a big deal in Hong Kong Island this time, and each of the brothers who work with me can get at least one million."

After hearing the deeds of the two men, the professor felt even more satisfied with recruiting them.

So he didn't hide anything, he just took out the money and wanted to take over the two of them.

"One hundred thousand dollars!"

When Wang Li saw the money on the table, his eyes suddenly turned red.

He is no longer a fledgling robber.

The lowest-level robbers from there are like the three robbers who ruined their good deeds today. They are often hot-headed. They have heard others say that this business is profitable, and they have even been deceived into owing a lot of debt.

Came running over.

This kind of people often rely on luck in doing things. If they are lucky, they will grab something. If they are not lucky, they will naturally be like the three guys today, who cannot even escape and will be caught.

Among such novices, even those who are lucky will often encounter the problem of not knowing how to sell the stolen goods after grabbing the goods.

Among this kind of robbers, it is considered good to survive one out of ten waves.

And after they have robbed a few times, gained some reputation, or gained experience, they will start to evolve.

These evolved robbers will know where to check out, gather information, and even look for buyers to sell the stolen goods long before the robbery.

The two parties have reached an acquisition agreement, and some robbers will even ask buyers of stolen goods to provide weapons, equipment and even information.

At this point, if there are no reasons such as uneven distribution of the stolen goods, or the buyer of the stolen goods taking advantage of others, the survival rate will often be reduced to half.

A robber who has reached this stage, after several consecutive successes, will begin to have enough small money but not enough big money.

So they will choose to evolve again.

Because they find that although they take the most risks, their profits are often not as much as those of buyers who sit back and sell their stolen goods.

And this time they evolve, they will choose to skip buyers and grab things that can be used directly.

Of course, there is only one thing like this in Hong Kong Island, and that is banknotes.

Robbers who have reached this level can begin to make a name for themselves.

As long as they can ensure that they succeed several times without dying, they will become powerful bandits.

As for Wang Li's gang, they were just promoted from intermediate gangsters who robbed gold shops to high-level gangsters who robbed cash.

But their evolutionary path had just begun and was suddenly interrupted.

"Brother Wang Li, I think this is probably not a coincidence, but your channel for selling stolen goods is deliberately targeting you.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that three novices would rob the gold shop near your target.

And how could it be such a coincidence that a note would be waiting for you where you are eating?

It is even more impossible for the newbie to have nowhere to escape and finally run into your hiding place.

Didn't you say before that when you were about to snatch your brother back, the policeman behind suddenly spoke and exposed your identities.

The other party obviously came prepared."

Wang Li and Li Qiang were shocked by the professor's words.

"I also have a basic understanding of the stolen goods sales model in Hong Kong. Generally speaking, you and the buyers open at 28 or 37, right?

Think about it, you risked your lives to grab something and come back, they passed it on your finger and you can make 70 to 80% of it by flipping it. Now you want to start your own business and don't make money for them, they won't order whoever you order."

The professor was very serious about what he said, but in fact, he was just talking nonsense.

The reason for this is precisely to cut off the connection between the two people on Hong Kong Island.

Once they have lost contact with the original buyer of the stolen goods, if they still want to make a living on Hong Kong Island, they will have no choice but to follow him wholeheartedly.

Moreover, it is difficult to tell whether what he said is true or false.

After all, if you think about it carefully, it is possible that they were ordered over there.

Even if not, he believed that after he said this, Wang Li and others would definitely not dare to confront each other again.

After all, the main reason why he can evolve into a cash-grabbing gangster is that he cannot stand being exploited by buyers of stolen goods.

If you can accept this model of robber, then you will definitely not go it alone.

The main reason why these thugs are said to be brainless is that the professor knows that it is unreasonable for the robbers to risk their lives to steal things, but only get 20% or 30% of the profit.

But in fact, those who sell stolen goods are often hired by these gangsters to get information and even smoothen relationships.

It’s not that they invested a lot, but that they were powerful and powerful.

The professor himself is willing to work for the CIA in the United States. It is obviously a job that earns 80 million, but he only takes 3 million in commission, and the professor is still happy with it.

Doesn't he know that what he got is too little compared to the income?

After all, compared to robbing a gold shop, he would not even get 10% of the profit from a task.

But the professor is very satisfied, because he knows that he can only be safer if he relies on a backer.

Of course, the premise is that the backer must be reliable.

If you want to rely on someone to support you and not give up on yourself, of course you cannot rely on the other person to make a decision, but you must try your best to show your own strength.

The professor knows what abilities the other party needs from him.

As long as he has enough strength, the opponent will be reluctant to part with him and will not regard him as an abandoned son.

In addition, these two robbers have evolved to the highest level and have been trained in the hell difficulty dungeon of Hong Kong Island.

Although the team was almost wiped out just after entering the den, the ability is still there.

The most important thing is that this kind of person is very safe to use.

When the two robbers saw the money the professor took out, their eyes suddenly turned green like hungry wolves.

One hundred thousand yuan is actually not a large amount of money for two long-time robbers.

After all, every time they successfully rob, they will gain more than this.

But this time and that time.

Those who do their business work every second day by day.

If the robbery is successful, you will naturally make a lot of money, but if the robbery fails, not only will you lose all your money, but you may also lose your life.

This time they were unlucky. They were discovered before they could take action, and they lost two companions.

In order to avoid being caught by the police in Hong Kong Island, they had no choice but to flee back to their hometown to avoid the limelight, while also hoping to recruit more people.

But it was great when I came, but it was completely different when I went back.

If you want to recruit companions in a business like theirs, the most important thing is to have money.

If you don't have money, you can't even get weapons. You can't just use a hammer to knock on the glass like the three stupid thieves today.

They could clearly see that the weapons used by the three guys to threaten the store clerk turned out to be old shotguns.

With a gun that can't match the power of the Hong Kong Island Patrol's .38, even if you grab something, escaping is a big problem.

But they failed. After buying weapons and a boat ticket home, the money they originally brought was gone.

Therefore, it is already difficult to determine whether we can bring a few more people over after we return.

At this time, they met the professor, a guy who looked like a thigh, and the two robbers looked at each other.


They acted decisively.

Today's events have shown them that a simple robbery career is too dangerous.

Not only are there threats from the police, but even some rash novices can easily sabotage their plans.

However, Hong Kong Island lacks everything except guys who are eager to rob.

They always feel that with so many gold shops on Hong Kong Island, they have great hope of grabbing one and making a fortune.

It is because of these reckless novices that the jobs of experienced professionals are in danger.

Robbery is not a good business.

When their careers suffered setbacks and they encountered an economic crisis, they decisively chose to work for professors.

"Hahaha, good brother!"

The professor was also very happy. He just went back to avoid the limelight, but he was able to gain two younger brothers who seemed to be quite capable of fighting. There was no reason for him to be unhappy.

After taking the money to take over the two younger brothers, the professor was ready to build a relationship with them, so he laughed and discussed some robbery techniques with them.

"Let me tell you, the first time you commit a robbery, shoot the guys escorting the boxes, because they often have stronger weapons and are more vigilant."


The professor also started his career by robbing banks in his early years. In recent years, he has had financial backers, so he no longer does such low-tech things.

When talking about these techniques at this time, they are still clear and logical.

The main reason for this is that their current mission is actually to rob things, but they do it more covertly, and they have the support of intelligence, so it is easier.

If only robbers had levels.

Robbery of a bank, robbery of a cash truck, and robbery of a betting station are considered high-level robbers.

Then the professor team can definitely be regarded as master level.

Because they have broken away from the low-level category.

As he was talking, the professor suddenly stopped talking because he vaguely heard something coming from outside the house.

Seeing his actions, the two robbers reacted instantly.

The three of them didn't speak anymore, they just communicated with their eyes, and then quietly reached out and touched the side.

Bang bang bang bang——

As a result, before they were ready, gunfire shot from behind the door and shot into the house one after another.

This is the house used by the smuggler Ming to stow away. Apart from a gate and four wooden walls, there is not even a table or stool in the room.

Therefore, facing the dense bullets, the three of them had no time to react, and the professor was shot in the arm first.

After being shot, the professor fell to the ground decisively.

The leader of the robbers, Wang Li, was obviously not willing to be attacked without any reason. He took out a submachine gun from his bag and fired randomly at the door.

As a result, not only did his bullets not hit Zhang Pin and the other three who fired, but his position was exposed by the sound of the gunshots.

Zhang Pin focused the fire alone, and he was shot in the chest with an unknown number of bullets in an instant.

He was even shot in the forehead because he was sitting on the ground and fighting back.

Wang Li shook his body and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something else, but his body had long been damaged by bullets. In the end, he could only fall to the ground with his eyes blank and lost his life.

The other robber was even worse. After the professor fell to the ground and Wang Li died, he actually stood up and wanted to avenge his buddy.

As a result, Zhang Pin and Chen Jin happened to still have bullets.

After Chen Jin ran out of bullets and Zhang Pin stopped shooting, one can imagine what happened to this guy.

"Sir, did you call Bai Qi? He was shot in the arm and butt."

After confirming that the person who came in was a policeman, the professor put down his worries.

Compared to his fear of being killed and silenced by the people behind him, being caught by a police officer was much easier.

After all, there is no death penalty in Hong Kong Island.

"Huhuhu - how are you? Are you dead?"

Richard was too fat, and even if the hillside wasn't that steep, he would already be exhausted by the time he walked up.

"You can still speak, but you probably won't die for the time being."

Zhang Pin took a few steps forward and looked at the two robbers who were still turning their eyes when he came in. At this time, they could no longer close their eyes. He suddenly knew that the two of them were just reflecting on the past.

In other words, they were unwilling to give up before they died and wanted to see who killed them.

So when I saw Zhang Pin and others coming in, my body seemed to be able to move, but when I saw them, the breath in my heart was released, and I couldn't breathe anymore.

"You can let the white car go back."

Zhang Pin smiled and joked with Asen, and then looked at the professor lying on the ground.


He stretched out his foot and stepped heavily on the opponent's wound.


The professor shouted without any backbone.

"Sir, are you violating police regulations?"

After shouting, the professor did not forget to threaten Zhang Pin.


But if he threatens him at this time, he will obviously only make himself suffer more.

"What are you talking about? I saw that your wound was too serious, so I wanted to stop your bleeding. Why, aren't you willing?"

Zhang Pin didn't pay attention to the threat at all. On the contrary, he increased the strength under his feet and crushed the opponent's wounds.

"Ah, ah, easy to say, easy to say, thank you sir for your help, but I don't need it anymore."

After hearing Zhang Pin's shameless words, the professor immediately knew that he had met his opponent, so he immediately chose to beg for mercy.

"How can that be done? If you die before the ambulance arrives because I don't stop the bleeding, the Internal Affairs Department will definitely cause trouble for me."

This chapter has been completed!
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