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Chapter 705 Song Zijie asks for help

But now that I think about it, the bigger reason is the attitude of Asen and Zhong Xiong towards me.

Asen took him all the way to find the professor.

When the professor was arrested, Zhong Xiong, who was usually easy to talk to, suddenly turned against him and made him feel unhappy.

Then Ah Sen came out to be a good old man and persuaded me.

After the other party landed such a combination of punches, Zhang Pin unknowingly relaxed and actually handed the professor over to them.

Although he had already guessed that the other party might escape when he handed it over to the professor.

So in fact, he agreed to transfer the professor to the Kwun Tong police mainly because he wanted the other party to step on his own.

"How is it possible, Sir Zhang? You also doubt me, right?"

When Asen heard Zhang Pin's inquiry, he immediately felt aggrieved for himself.

"I don't doubt you, but this is a matter of the Kwun Tong Police Station. If I intervene in the matter, it will not be without reason, and it will not be in compliance with the rules."

Although Zhang Pin couldn't remember which movie Ah Sen was the protagonist of, he also knew that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes rarely played villains, so the professor's affairs probably had little to do with him.

And the more important thing is that he now roughly understands the professor's background.

There is no big surprise that the other party will be rescued.

"Sir Zhang, actually you don't need to help me with this matter. As long as you catch the professor, everything will be revealed."

When Asen heard that Zhang Pin seemed to be refusing, he immediately hurriedly asked for help.

"The professor's matter has been settled with me, but if you still have evidence about the other party, you can confess to the Internal Affairs Department. I really can't help you with this matter, I'm sorry.

But don’t worry too much, as long as the matter really has nothing to do with you, I believe the Internal Affairs Department will not do anything to you."

But Zhang Pin had no intention of getting involved again.

Again, he has a lot of things going on recently, and he is not willing to get involved in other people's affairs at will.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Pin was about to call Chen Jin and Ma Jun in. After the Ni family fell, he was going to take care of the other three families.

In fact, it is better to say that there are three forces than two forces.

Because Han Chen was willing to testify against Ni Yongxiao, even though Ni Yongxiao was said to be dead, the crimes committed by the Ni family were not over. Just because Mary died, out of humanitarianism, the prosecutor's office agreed to the other party's bail.

After all, Han Chen and Mary had obtained the certificates, and they were in the name of husband and wife.

As for Han Chen's men, due to several turmoils, there were only three or two kittens left at this time.

In addition, the fact that he testified against Ni Yongxiao and even colluded with the police to kill Ni Yongxiao has been widely known, so his reputation has become bad.

For now, he doesn't pose any danger.

Therefore, the two largest forces in Tsim Sha Tsui are currently Wang Bao's Zhongyixin and Hua Fu, who is supported by Lian Sheng.

Of course, there is actually another Eastern Star that occupies East Tsim Sha Tsui.

It's just that Dongxing's leading aircraft was recently targeted by the police after following Zhang Pin's plan.

Although he was not really arrested due to evidence issues, he had already compromised with Zhang Pin, and the problems in East Tsim Sha Tsui were no longer a concern.

Now that there is no need to worry about the problems in East Tsim Sha Tsui, the two problems that Zhang Pin needs to solve urgently are of course Wang Bao and Hua Fu.

As for these two guys, Zhang Pin is not ready to rank them in any order.

He was prepared to deal with both of them at once.

Jingle bell——

It's just that his call hasn't been dialed yet, but someone has already called his own number.

"Hey, Tou, please help us!"

The person who called was Song Zijie.

"What's going on?"

Zhang Pin was a little confused.

"I can't say it right now. I need you to help me protect someone, a woman."

On the other end of the phone, Song Zijie seemed a little embarrassed when he made his request.

"Then I'll ask Jinzi to pick him up. You can tell me what's going on."

Zhang Pin did not refuse to help Song Zijie. He knew that the other party had lurked into a shipyard suspected of being used by a counterfeiting group to hide his identity.

If this was really the plot of A Better Tomorrow Part 2, Song Zijie would have been shot to death this time.

So when the other party asked him for help, he agreed without hesitation.

"Here's the thing..."

Song Zijie breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Zhang Pin agreed to help him, and then told him about the general situation of the past few days.

After accepting the undercover mission arranged by Zeng Xiangrong, Song Zijie quickly got close to Long Si with his handsome appearance.

However, there are some deviations in this.

That was when he was undercover, Long Si's only daughter Long Xiao fell in love with Song Zijie.

In order to be able to perform the task perfectly and wash away the stain of the communal fights in the past few days, Song Zijie did not choose to shirk.

Just yesterday, he and Long Xiao had sex and confirmed their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Long Xiao proposed that he should pay a formal visit to his father.

Of course Song Zijie did not refuse this.

After all, he wanted to get close to Long Si, and his relationship with Long Xiao served this purpose.

So he and Long Xiaoyue spent some time, took another wooden ship model, and rushed towards Long Sikai's shipyard.

Staying with Long Xiao these days.

Song Zijie also learned about the details of the shipyard opened in Long Siming from the side.

He had already known Long Si's identity from the information. After the other party made enough money more than ten years ago, plus the birth of his daughter, he chose to wash his hands in a golden basin and withdraw from the world.

At that time, in order to be able to exit safely, he chose to support Song Zijie's brother Song Zihao to take over.

And Song Zihao is a loyal guy and respects him very much as a leader.

So during the years when Song Zihao was prosperous, the business of Longsi Shipyard was very prosperous, and it was well-known in Hong Kong, Macao and other places.

Longsi has continued to expand because of its good business. Now, in addition to producing some fishing boats and private yachts, their shipyard even has its own fleet for rental.

The annual profit is not low, and even reached hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars at its peak.

However, after Song Zihao was arrested in Taiwan a few years ago, without such a big boss to protect him, the business of Longsi Shipyard was also targeted by others.

Especially since Long Si himself still had a bad temper. When Song Zihao was around, some people who were offended by him did not dare to retaliate.

But now that they learned that Long Si had no backer, many people immediately began to add insult to injury.

As a result, Longsi's business has been deteriorating in recent years.

In order to maintain the business, Long Si could only choose to reinvest the money he had earned in the past, hoping to maintain the shipyard's business.

However, these are only treating the symptoms but not the root cause, or they are simply drinking poison to quench thirst.

In short, it has been maintained until now. Although it still has some glory on the surface, the capital chain has long been broken.

Song Zijie didn't know such detailed problems at the shipyard.

But as Long Xiao's daughter, even though the other party has nothing to do with her father's business, she still knows some key information.

Song Zijie became suspicious after hearing that there was a problem with Long Si's shipyard's capital chain.

Because Longsi's shipyard has several fleets specially used for chartering on long voyages.

The main reason why the police suspected the other party before was because of the other party's fleet.

Long Si is a man who made his fortune by fishing for side jobs, but now his business is facing difficulties, and the other party is an old guy who is several dozen years old.

If this was normal, the shipyard would have been sold off, and the cash would have been enough for the rest of his life.

But Long Si didn't do this at all, and even tried to cobble together things to keep the shipyard afloat.

Song Zijie also asked Long Xiao these days and found out that he had no intention of inheriting his father's shipyard.

So Song Zijie also began to wonder whether the reason why Long Si still maintained the shipyard was to take advantage of the situation as a cover.

In other words, the other party may continue to resume its old business in order to save the shipyard.

So when he visited Long Si yesterday, he sent a wooden ship model and secretly placed a bug in Long Si's office.

And on the day he placed the bug, he heard some inside stories about the other party's crimes.

Because Long Xiao was with him, he didn't fully hear the chat.

But he knew that the person chatting with Long Si was a relatively famous smuggler on the road.

According to what Song Zijie learned, the guy surnamed Huang was secretly in the business of white noodles and counterfeit banknotes.

Listening to the chat between Long Si and the other party, it seems that the other party holds a lot of shares in the shipyard, and Long Si's leader Gao Yingpei also has a close relationship with the other party.

Although in the end it was Long Si who rejected the guy named Huang’s purchase of the shipyard.

But precisely because of this, Song Zijie became even more suspicious of Long Si.

Because based on what he knows about the current situation of the shipyard, it is clear that selling the shipyard shares and exiting the ship is the best choice.

Now that Longsi continues to suffer losses and refuses to cash out and leave the factory, Song Zijie has only two doubts.

One is that Longsi Shipyard's losses are only superficial, and the other party is actually just using the shipyard to cover up other business intentions.

For example, he learned that Boss Huang, who wanted to acquire Longsi Shipyard, wanted to use the other party's on-site fleet to transport drugs and smuggle drugs.

The second possibility is that Longsi's shipyard is indeed currently losing money, but the other party has other sources of funds and is confident that it can tide over the current difficulties.

No matter which possibility it is, the speculation that Long Si fished for a side door is getting closer and closer.

Otherwise, it is completely unexplainable why Longsi maintains a shipyard that has been losing money for several years and is losing more and more every year.

From the perspective of a bystander, Song Zijie's guess is reasonable.

At the beginning, Song Zijie was actually just guessing and did not doubt Long Si.

After all, he had been in contact with Long Si several times in the past few days and learned a lot of information about him from Long Xiao.

In his opinion, Long Si is a principled and loyal man, and even though the shipyard has been losing money for several years, the other party has never owed employees wages.

If he hadn't already had Long Si's previous information, he would have known the other party's details.

He couldn't even believe that the other party was a gangster who started his business in counterfeit banknotes, and he was also the eldest brother among them.

Because the other party's current performance is simply more decent than decent.

But because of his status in the police force and knowing the details of the other party, Long Si's performance raised a question mark in his mind.

If the information he knew so far was all based on speculation, then there was another thing that raised his suspicion to the limit.

That was when he went to the shipyard to visit Long Si yesterday.

I deliberately proposed to visit the shipyard.

As a result, at the entrance of the dock, he and Long Xiao were blocked by someone.

He remembered the situation clearly.

There were several idle men standing at the door of the dock.

At first, Song Zijie thought that these people had nothing to do because the shipyard was losing money. He also thought that Long Si was such a good boss that he would not fire so many people even if they had nothing to do.

But unexpectedly, when the two of them were about to enter the dock, five or six people standing idle next to them stopped in front of them.

The other party said that no one could enter the dock because it was undergoing maintenance.

Long Xiao lost his temper because of this, but the crew members had no intention of giving the eldest lady Long Xiao face.

This made Song Zijie have to guess whether there was something shameful going on inside.

After all, if it was really maintenance, how could these workers stop the young lady?

At that time, Song Zijie became suspicious, but on the surface, he deliberately persuaded Long Xiao, who was about to lose his temper, and took the initiative to take Long Xiao to the side in a reasonable and reasonable manner.

Because of this incident, Song Zijie had another suspicion.

While wandering around other parts of the shipyard, he discovered another surprising thing.

Those are the workers left behind in the shipyard.

Because the capital chain is broken, the shipyard has completely stopped work.

But even though work stopped for a long time, the number of workers he saw that day exceeded a hundred.

Song Zijie deliberately asked Long Xiao, but the other party had never participated in the management of the shipyard, so he couldn't tell me anything. He just guessed that his father was afraid that he would not be able to find experienced people in the future, so he spent money to raise these people.

In the shipyard.

Song Zijie was obviously not very convinced about this reason.

On the contrary, when he saw that most of the shipyard workers were so angry, he had another guess.

That means these people are likely to be big moneymakers.

Especially the few people guarding the door of the dock. Song Zijie saw that they had bulging bags on their waists, as if they had hidden weapons.

So Song Zijie had another guess.

Factories are needed to produce counterfeit banknotes.

He speculated whether Long Si had placed the counterfeit banknote factory inside the shipyard. It was precisely because of this that the other party was so nervous about their visit.

So Song Zijie originally planned to find an opportunity to go to the dock to investigate in a few days.

If the counterfeit banknote factory can really be found, then this undercover case will be over.

But before he could make a plan, something unexpected happened.

Just today, Long Si attended a banquet in order to raise funds for the development of the shipyard.

As Long Si's prospective son-in-law and daughter, Song Zijie and Long Xiao would of course accompany each other.

This chapter has been completed!
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