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Chapter 711 Confrontation and Discovery

But their hands didn't lift up, but touched their waists.

"Be honest! Be honest!"

Just when everyone thought a battle was about to break out, Wenle and Acan, who had often followed Chen Jin in the past, caught up with him.

Seeing that the two of them seemed to want to do other little tricks.

They immediately raised their firearms and pressed them directly against their backs.

Feeling the cold muzzle of the gun, the two running guys immediately raised their hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Sir, don't shoot. I just want to help call the people at the dock to come and gather."

"Yes, yes, I also want to call someone, just to help!"

The two guys reacted very quickly.

But the next moment more police officers came over and found pistols from their arms in front of the cameras. Their expressions suddenly changed.

"Put them aside and lock them up first, and we'll talk about it later when the matter is settled!"

Seeing the harvest, Chen Jin became excited.

"Let's go, Ma Jun, take your guys and be careful!"

Now that Gao Peiying's gunman has been arrested, more gunmen will definitely choose to resist.

The guys from the anti-gangster group are responsible for gathering and guarding the crowds, and it is the task of the heavy-duty group to attack tough targets.

Therefore, Zhang Pin did not wait any longer and directly asked Ma Jun to lead the troops forward.

It's not that he was afraid of death, so he didn't dare to rush to the front.

But with his current status, it was enough to appear at the first scene of the crime.

If he still led the charge with his men, he would probably be blamed by the other guys.

They will feel that this is because A Tou does not give them the opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

Normally, you won't find one of this kind of large eucalyptus all year round.

Even if it happens, the operation will not involve a large-scale police dispatch, with various departments or police stations cooperating with each other, or even people coming from the headquarters to direct, the Flying Tigers are the main force.

The only members of this operation were the Tsim Sha Tsui Heavy Duty Group and the Anti-Gangster Group.

The two large groups together have more than 70 workers.

It's not easy to get such an opportunity.

What guy doesn't want to achieve success and rise to the top.

If you want to be promoted, the most important thing is of course to have merit that can be promoted.

This operation is a good opportunity to gain credit.

Therefore, by not going to the front, Zhang Pin was actually giving the guys the chance to make meritorious deeds.

Just like the reason why he didn't let Chen Jin take the lead, but let the Ma Army charge.

The main reason is that Chen Jin was responsible for the early stage of this project.

If he continues to take the lead, then one person will have already taken all the credit.

Instead, as now, the anti-gangster group is responsible for custody and blockade.

Because of the previous events, their merits are already there, and the remaining opportunities for meritorious deeds are to be reorganized.

Of course, some people may feel that they have worked so hard to achieve this step, but in the end the benefits were given to the heavyweight group.

But the heavy eucalyptus group did not get the credit for nothing.

The final battle is also the most risky.

The police want to take down their home base, and there is a high probability of encountering resistance.

The danger of entering the opponent's lair is self-evident.

If you use the greatest risk to offset the suspicion of grabbing credit, the anti-gangsters will have nothing to say.

After all, they have already received the credit they deserve. Now they just need to wait for the project to be completed and then share the fruits of victory with each other.

If they really want to take the risk and make the final attack, some people may think it's not worth it.

Although Zhang Pin himself is somewhat indifferent to these things.

But when he is in his position, he naturally still has to consider these things.

Precisely because everyone knew this, Chen Jin did not argue when he heard that he was asked to take charge of guarding ordinary workers and blocking intersections.

When Ma Jun heard that he was asked to take charge of the attack, he also did not refuse.

"Stop, police!"

Following the previous examples of the two workers who wanted to escape, Gao Peiying, who was mixed among the remaining ordinary workers, became more cautious.

A commotion suddenly broke out among several workers, and two policemen nearby quickly stepped forward to separate them.

As a result, on the other side, three workers suddenly jumped out of the crowd and ran towards the dock.

Because several rioting workers were blocking the way, the two nearest policemen couldn't get away for a while and could only warn other workers by shouting.

Just at this time, the team led by Ma Jun had almost reached the door of the dock.

Before he could make a decision, the three workers who ran over had already taken out pistols from their arms and pointed them at them.

Bang bang bang bang——

The shooter was a member of the Heavy Eucalyptus Group.

They had already raised their vigilance to the highest level at the beginning of the operation.

After hearing the warning from the clerk, I immediately spotted three guys running over.

At first, because they had not yet drawn their guns, they could not make a decision whether to fire or not in order not to alert people at the dock.

But after the other party pulled out a gun, they naturally knew what to do.

After a burst of gunfire, two of the three guys running over fell directly into a pool of blood. The other guy was luckier and only had one of his arms broken.

The severed arm left the body with the pistol.

"Ah - I surrender!"

One of his arms was blown away by a bullet, but the other party became more honest.

"Quick, rush into the dock!"

Ma Jun's face didn't look good.

Because no shots were fired before, there was still no movement in the dock.

But with the sound of gunfire, their actions may no longer be concealed.

In fact, it was just as Ma Jun guessed.

Although Gao Peiying secretly arranged the production line of counterfeit banknotes in the shipyard.

But the big boss of the shipyard is Long Si after all.

So he did not install monitoring equipment inside the dock or elsewhere.

Otherwise, Long Si would definitely follow the wires and cameras and find this place.

During this time, Long Si disappeared, and he also took over the factory, but because of worries in his heart.

He has decided to make this batch of counterfeit banknotes and run away, so naturally he will not bother to build monitoring equipment.

In addition, the counterfeit banknote factory is built in a compartment inside the dock, and in order not to be exposed, the sound insulation is very good.

The advantage is of course safety.

Neither the original boss Long Si nor Ma Jun and others who came to search last time found anything strange.

The disadvantage, of course, is that as soon as you enter the counterfeit banknote factory and close the secret door, if there is no spy on the outside, no matter what happens outside, the people inside will not know what is going on outside.

This is also the reason why the two groups of spies arranged by Gao Peiying wanted to run into the dock.

Only by running inside could they notify the people inside that the police were coming.

Of course, as gunfire rang out at the dock door, Gao Peiying, who was hiding inside, also heard the sound.

"No, it can't be Long Sisha who is back!"

Even after being unable to contact Long Si and the gunmen he sent out, Gao Peiying had already guessed that the other party would definitely come back one day.

In the past two days, he has been rushing to make counterfeit banknotes, just to escape as soon as possible.

Obviously the counterfeit banknotes have been made now, and tonight we can follow the man in sunglasses to escort the counterfeit banknotes out of Hong Kong Island.

As a result, someone actually attacked the shipyard.

He walked to the side of the wall that was specially cut out and opened a small gap.

Then looked outside through the gap.

At a glance, I saw the police responsible for guarding ordinary workers.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just the police!"

"Could it be that this guy Long Si reported me?"

Gao Peiying felt relieved after seeing that it was the police.

Those who work in their profession naturally know that if they meet a colleague or a gangster, both parties will definitely fight to the death.

But as for the police, due to restrictions on police regulations and funding constraints, the police's weapons are only the same, and their firepower is generally not stronger than theirs.

So he turned around confidently and looked at the thirty or so men in the dock.

Except for the two or three skilled workers and the four men in sunglasses, the others here are all the subordinates that Gao Peiying has gathered these days.

He originally decided that after making this batch of counterfeit banknotes, he would directly go to sea with his men and the man in sunglasses.

As for those who are unfamiliar with the place there, of course they need to bring more people with them to ensure safety.

"Don't change it, everyone, it's just some notes, everyone follow me and fight out!"

"Just hold on, and when the money is printed, I will give each of you one million. This is a super-A product that can pass the money counter!"

Gao Peiying was quite willing.

Anyway, these things are just a waste of acid-free paper and discolored ink.

Once the machine starts, you can print as much as you want.

So he directly promised many shooters a number that shocked them.

You know, this kind of super-A product can be sold to men in sunglasses for 40 yuan or 100 yuan.

One million U.S. dollars worth of A grade is equivalent to 400,000 U.S. dollars.

After hearing Gao Peiying's promise, all these gunmen's eyes turned red.

They were able to agree to Gao Peiying to follow each other to Lao Mei's territory, and they themselves were carefree desperadoes.

At this time, hearing the promise of so many US dollars, infinite courage suddenly rose in everyone's heart.

Gao Peiying didn't need to say anything else. After hearing footsteps entering the dock, he immediately picked up the weapon from the shelf nearby, pointed it at the wall, and pulled the trigger directly.

Bang bang bang——

Da da da——

"Fuck! Go out and fight!"

Gao Peiying did not expect that his promise would give them all a shot of blood, and they would open fire at the counterfeit banknote factory.

“Let’s load the finished goods on the ship first!”

The man in sunglasses saw that the police had come to his door, but he was not in a hurry. He directly spoke to the people next to him and asked them to pretend to be counterfeit banknotes.

Ma Jun had just stepped into the dock again with the men of the heavy eucalyptus group.

He took his guys here to search just two days ago, but he couldn't find the entrance to the other party's factory last time.

This time when he entered the dock, he was still worried that he would not be able to find the entrance.

Little did he know that he had just walked into the dock when countless bullets suddenly appeared from behind the wall.

Looking at the bullets fired in front of him, Ma Jun led his people to find a bunker to hide, but a smile appeared on his face.

"It turns out there are compartments, Ah Tou, the factory is right here!"

All action teams carried radios.

After hearing Ma Jun's report, Zhang Pin's worries were immediately relieved.

He grabbed the photographer who wanted to get closer to take pictures of the exchange of fire between the police and criminals.

"Wait a minute, bullets don't have eyes."

After finishing speaking, he asked Ma Jun via radio.

"Would you like some support?"

"No need, we can handle it, guys, fire!"

As soon as Ma Jun heard that Zhang Pin might be arranging for support, he immediately stood up from behind the bunker. He didn't even want to hide anymore. He also raised his gun and started to fight back.

After all, if someone comes to support, then the credit should also be divided among them.

He had already performed very poorly in this position.

The last time Zhang Pin gave him a chance to search, he couldn't find the location of the counterfeit banknote factory.

All the previous work was done by Chen Jin.

He only had the credit for charging, and of course he didn't want to be taken away by others again.

The guy from the heavy duty team beside Ma Jun also heard Zhang Pin's question.

Of course, they are not willing to give up easy-to-get credit.

Moreover, this was also the first time that they wore the legendary most advanced bulletproof vests, submachine guns and other equipment from the United States.

I heard from the members of the anti-gang team who followed Chen Jin on his last mission that these weapons and equipment are very old.

When they directly attacked the three criminals just now, they had already felt some of the charm of fully automatic weapons.

At this time, after seeing the Ma army's direct counterattack, they immediately made the same choice.

Da da da——

Da da da——

Several people raised their guns and fired at the criminals who were separated by a layer of iron.

Puff puff puff——


Compared with heavily armed police officers and criminals who are hiding in a confined space and gathering together, they can't even find a place to hide when faced with bullets flying.

Soon someone was shot and fell to the ground.

Someone was injured, and the intensive gunfire suddenly decreased a lot.

In this way, Ma Jun and others' counterattack naturally became more calm.

They stood there calmly and didn't need to take aim. They just looked at the bullet casings shot out by the opponent and fired.

After fighting for a while, seeing that there was no counterattack from inside, they started shouting inside.

It seemed that without even meeting each other, four or five gunmen fell down on our side, and the firepower of the policemen was not like the small pistols of the past.

Gao Peiying immediately panicked.

"Damn it, it can't be the Flying Tigers!"

Criminals inside the factory were also frightened by the fierce police firepower.

It is human nature to fear death. Now that they can't beat the police and have heard the police's advice to surrender, many people have other thoughts.

However, everyone did not speak, but focused their attention on Gao Peiying.

After all, he is the boss of everyone.

Gao Peiying felt everyone's gaze, and suddenly she began to feel guilty.

Compared to the gunman who was dying for his own life, he was considered pampered, but he was actually more afraid of death.

Seeing that his firepower was no match for Tiaozi, he began to hesitate whether to surrender directly.

After all, there is no death penalty in Hong Kong Island. Even if you are caught, you will be stuck in Stanley for the rest of your life.

Of course, between being shot to death and squatting in Stanley, Gao Peiying did not need to hesitate.

Especially since he still has real estate, he might be able to make some money and reduce his guilt.

As a human being, as long as you survive, there is still hope.

This chapter has been completed!
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