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Chapter 759: Asias No. 1 Fast Player

But those situations are only for normal escort vehicles.

For example, cash escorts from various banks or cash escorts from horse racing newspapers or betting stations.

They all bought insurance, so even if they were robbed, they would be able to pass the loss on to the escort company.

And this time the situation is obviously very special.

Isn't it special? HSBC wants to insure 100 million US dollars in cash, but someone has to take care of it.

Last time, the professor and others transferred 80 million US dollars from the Interpol headquarters, and after Zhang Pin led the team to retrieve it, basically everyone with better information knew about it.

This $80 million is extra money for the old American CIA.

So when the people from the insurance company heard that they were going to insure this money, they immediately shook their heads.

In response to this situation, HSBC was very cautious when arranging the escort plan for this fund.

They chose to do the opposite.

There were only three escorts on the real escort vehicle, and the roads they took were all very busy streets.

Through such a disguise, people who are interested in this fund may mistakenly think that this is just a pay-off car that releases fog bombs.

"There is still one alive. He is injured. Send him to the hospital quickly!"

At this moment, when the police officers who entered the scene were inspecting the scene, they discovered He Yongqiang who was still alive.

"Sir Yuan, why don't you leave this piece to us? I owe you a favor."

When Chen Jin saw the chaos at the scene, he forced himself to calm down, and then immediately wanted to take over the disposal of Eucalyptus.

When Yuan Haoyun heard what he said, he reached out and touched his forehead.

Then he said to himself: "You don't have a fever. Did the robber just hit you in the head?"

Hearing Yuan Haoyun's words, Chen Jin suddenly blushed, because he was indeed hit on the head by Tian Yangsheng just now.

"Look at my uniform, traffic policeman, what's the use of asking me to get my license? Can I make the decision?"

Yuan Haoyun's next words slapped Chen Jin even more in the face.

It's also because Chen Jin was used to following Zhang Pin in the past, so he always felt that the power to handle cases in a jurisdiction would usually be decided by the most senior police officer.

As for the most outstanding policeman here in Central, it is natural that he is none other than Yuan Haoyun.

But despite what Yuan Haoyun and Chen Jiaju are saying, they really have no right to arrange the ownership of a son.

After figuring this out, Chen Jin did not give up. He looked at Yuan Haoyun and was about to speak.

However, Yuan Haoyun, like a prophet who predicted the unknown, answered first again:

"The current chief of our operations department in the Central District has a very bad relationship with me. It's impossible for you to ask me to help, because I can only do a disservice."

Chen Jin felt embarrassed for Yuan Haoyun this time.

Because it was only then that he remembered that the other party was not on bad terms with the current chief of the operations department, he was on bad terms with almost all the chiefs.

On this point, Chen Jiaju is much ahead.

Although Chen Jiaju is also a troublemaker, he is also very appreciated by his superiors.

If he hadn't been so good at getting into trouble, Uncle Biao would have wanted him to be the leader of the heavyweight group in the central zone.

But even now, the other party is the number one in the Central District Police Station.

Didi oh - didi oh -

While the two were discussing, a neat motorcade drove into Connaught Road.

"I am Superintendent Zhang Wenyuo of the Operations Department of the New Territories Police Station. I will take over this place!"

After the people from the convoy came down, a police officer in a white shirt shouted directly, and then others quickly took over and cleared the area.

"Isn't this the jurisdiction of the Central Police Station? How can we let people from the New Territories Police Station handle it?"

Chen Jin was a little curious and looked at Yuan Haoyun.

But Yuan Haoyun shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't know.

Zhang Wenyao got out of the car and looked at the devastation, his face became very wonderful.

He had no idea that these guys would just rob and rob, and even do demolition work part-time.

Especially when he saw a pile of corpses temporarily piled up beside the road because the ambulance could not accommodate them, he was dumbfounded.

Chen Jin thought for a while, but was still not ready to swallow his breath. He took a few steps forward and wanted to talk to Zhang Wenyao about the brutality of this group of robbers.

Mainly I want to remind the guys who are doing the job to avoid casualties.

But before he could get close, the New Territories guys stopped him outside.

"I am Inspector Chen Jin of the Anti-Gangster Division of Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. I want to speak to Superintendent Zhang."

Chen Jin took out his ID and hung it on his chest, then made a request.

He spoke loudly, and Zhang Wenyao naturally heard him.

But the other party just glanced this way, then turned his head and said nothing.

Just kidding, the entire scene is now controlled by people from the New Territories Police Department.

As a police superintendent, Zhang Wenyao had no need to talk to an inspector.

Looking at Chen Jin's look, one can guess what the other person is thinking.

It is impossible for him to give away the leadership of Eucalyptus.

In fact, there was no need for Zhang Wenyao to appear. An inspector from the New Territories Police Station stopped Chen Jin from wanting to participate in the case.

“The robbers this time were extremely vicious, their firepower was very fierce, and their methods were even more cruel.

Moreover, this robbery was very strange, and the robbers had very specific goals.

This was a premeditated crime, and I suspect there was an insider cooperating with it."

When Chen Jin saw that the clerk at the New Territories Police Department refused to let him participate, he told the other party the information he had obtained.

The inspector who was negotiating with him nodded indifferently.

They are not stupid either, especially since they know more about the Tiansheng Gang than Chen Jin and others.

Naturally, Chen Jin's information was not needed.

However, after hearing that there might be a mole cooperating, the inspector remembered that there was still a living person in the car to pay for the loan.

He turned around and called his two men over.

"You two go to the hospital to guard He Yongqiang who is sent to the hospital."

When the two New Territories guys heard the inspector's words, they immediately turned around and left.

"Hey hey hey——"

Chen Jin wanted to say something more to the other party, but Yuan Haoyun pulled the other party aside.

"Are you stupid? People made it clear that they knew some inside information, but you didn't listen to what they said. What was robbed was 100 million US dollars in cash."

Yuan Haoyun stayed at the scene and did nothing.

After the New Territories Police Department took over the scene, he secretly listened to the other party's discussion and also inquired about some situations.

The reason why Zhang Wenyao was able to lead the team to Central so quickly and apply for jurisdiction over the case was.

Naturally, we have some information about the robbers.

The police officers who followed him to handle the case also understood part of the situation.

Everyone is a buddy, and when handing over, they will naturally share some information that does not need to be kept confidential.

So Yuan Haoyun also heard part of it.

After learning that the robbers had stolen a full US$100 million in cash, Yuan Haoyun was immediately moved.

Compared with working as a sergeant in the heavy duty unit, he certainly doesn't like the identity of a traffic policeman.

If he can uncover a $100 million scam, then he can logically return to the heavy-hit group again.

With the help of his girlfriend, maybe upgrading won't be a problem.

So when he saw Chen Jin persistently trying to communicate with people from the New Territories Police Station, he was ready to find another way.

"We followed them to the hospital and met the cashier for a while. I also doubt his identity."

What Yuan Haoyun didn't say was that the reason why he took Chen Jin with him was because he was also very suspicious of Chen Jin's identity.

It's not that I doubt the identity of the other police officer.

But he was very suspicious that the other party happened to appear at the scene.

But of course he didn't say this.

When Chen Jin heard Yuan Haoyun's words, his heart suddenly moved.

He himself is not afraid of the shadow, but he still wants revenge for the crushing he suffered before.

"Wait for me. I'll arrange for Wenle to go to the hospital first, and I'll also report to Ah Tou."

Chen Jin didn't know that Yuan Haoyun suspected him. He really wanted to make trouble and regain the place he had lost before.


"It's raining, fuck!"

As a result, the two of them were about to take action, but it started to rain heavily.


It rains harder and harder.


The sky was overcast, and it was already raining heavily.

The small door at the prison door suddenly opened.

A prison guard wearing a raincoat walked out with Chen Crab, who was released from prison.

Chen Crab sorted out the denim clothes he bought three years ago.

The food in prison was obviously not as good as outside. The clothes that originally fit him were so baggy that they looked a lot bigger.

He had already stepped out of prison with one foot, but jumped back without saying a word.

"It's raining so hard, and you didn't arrange a car to take me there. If you didn't have a car, I'd better go in and stay for a few more days, and then go out again when the weather clears up."

The prison guard simply rolled his eyes.

"You thought you were staying in a hotel. There are no such rules in prison."

Upon hearing this, Chen Crab first ran his hands through his hair.

"I remember when I came here three years ago, it was brought in by a special car."

The prison guard said nothing and just looked at him straightly.

"Do you have any cigarettes? Give me one."

Chen Crab smiled and didn't care at all.

This time the prison guard did not refuse. He took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and was about to give him one. When Chen Crab waved his hand, the prison guard found that the whole pack of cigarettes had fallen into Chen Crab's hand.

"Here, I'll treat you to this one."

Chen Xiaxie took out a cigarette from the box and handed it to the prison guard.

The expression on the prison guard's face was fixed, and in the end he said nothing and reached out to take the cigarette.

"How can there be no fire when there is smoke?"

Chen Crab smiled again, and he actually had a lighter in his hand.

The prison guard was surprised when he touched his body and found that the lighter in his trouser pocket had disappeared.

The lighter in Chen Crab's hand was apparently in his pocket.

"They all say that you are the fastest player in Asia. I didn't believe it before, but now I really believe it."

The prison guard lowered his head and lit the cigarette, with some emotion in his tone.

You should know that he was also wearing a raincoat and the lighter was placed almost close to his body.

Chen Crab took away his lighter, but he didn't notice it at all.

Hearing the prison guard say that he was the fastest player in Asia, Chen Crab showed a cynical smile on his face.

However, he did not speak anymore, but also lit a cigarette, waved to the other party, and walked out of the door in the rain.

He didn't go to the bus stop, he just stood in the rain waiting to see if a bus would pass by.

Chen Crab is very lucky.

He had only waited for ten minutes when a car approached from a distance not far away.

Seeing this, Chen Crab looked towards the car to see if he could get a ride.

As a result, after seeing him, the car suddenly accelerated and drove forward.

Because his body was leaning out a lot, Chen Crab was caught off guard. In order to avoid the car, he fell directly to the ground.

The heavy rain made the ground covered with yellow mud, and his whole body was covered in yellow mud.


Chen Haixi was so angry. He lay on the ground and looked ahead, only to find that the car stopped immediately after passing him.

Then the passenger door was opened.

Chen Crab's heart tightened, and he subconsciously felt that the other party might be his enemy.

So he picked up a brick from the ground and prepared to use it for self-defense.

But the strange thing is that no one got out of the car.

Chen Crab was so brave that the other party didn't get out of the car. Instead, he lifted the brick and walked towards the car.

As he got closer, he realized that the driver was actually a pretty girl.

The other party looked at Chen Crab and then at the brick in his hand, with the same expression of no fear.

Instead, he stretched out his hand and said, "Get in the car!"

Chen Crab was stunned for a moment, then he threw away the brick in his hand, spit out the extinguished cigarette that was wet by the rain, and walked towards the car step by step.

But he did not get into the passenger seat. Instead, he closed the door, opened the back seat door, and got in.

"Why don't you sit in the front?"

The female driver spoke curiously.

"Hmph, your skills are so bad, I'll sit in the back for more stability."

Chen Crab pressed down the window glass and stuck his feet out.

"Hey, who called you here?"

"Who else can it be, Asen!"

The female driver was about to turn her head, but when she saw Chen Crab taking off his clothes in the car, she immediately turned her head and did not dare to look again.

"Shitson, damn, this guy definitely doesn't have anything good to do with me."

When Chen Crab heard Ah Sen's name, he said something disgusting, but his body's guard instantly dropped.

Because Asen and him have been golden partners for many years.


"You are so good, I received news that Taro Miyagi has been voted out.

That old man Miyaki Hiroshi ran away to Macau. You also know that I can't leave Hong Kong Island recently.

But it doesn’t matter, Ayao is keeping an eye on him in Macau, he can’t escape.”

Tong Group’s hotel presidential suite.

Zhang Pin and Tong Keren were fighting on the bed.

The battle was so fierce that both men's clothes were torn.

Especially the stockings on Tong Keren's body were extremely torn.

However, Sir Zhang felt a little guilty.

He originally promised to help Tong Keren get rid of Gong Mu and his son.

As a result, because he was busy dealing with Huo Qingsong's affairs, he accidentally let others get in first.

But the end result is good.

Because Miyagi Hiroshi loved money more than his own son, the kidnappers were angry and broke up with each other.

"Well - it doesn't matter. By the way, dear, you have to do me a favor tonight."

In the end, Tong Keren was the superior and beat Zhang Pin until Zhang Pin foamed at the mouth, ending the battle.

"You can say whatever you want, as long as I can do it."

Generally, after a fight, a man will be very generous to the woman he was fighting with.

"Last night, on one of my sister's birthdays, I met a nasty man. He was very good at gambling and won me a million. I made an appointment to continue playing today. You have to help me win back."

Tong Keren's head was pressed against Zhang Pin's chest and she spoke in a low voice, seemingly a little embarrassed.

This chapter has been completed!
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