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Chapter 795: Attack of Marydonna

"Pushing on the street, why did he kill the other party in one fell swoop? I haven't even asked his sister if she knows about us."

Brother Qiang didn't expect that his younger brother's execution ability was so strong.

But since everyone was dead, he naturally had no choice but to forget it.

When Ma Jun received the clues and rushed to the scene, he saw the tragically dead body of Viper Bing.

But naturally he didn't recognize the other party.

Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun also received the news soon.

The two arrived and finally determined the identity of Viper Bing.

The reason for this is naturally because the pants the other party is wearing belong to Yuan Haoyun.

"Sir Ma, this guy was greeted by Sir Zhang before. He is a drug dealer from the previous guy. Let us take over here."

When Yuan Haoyun saw the tragic state of the corpse, he couldn't help but feel scared for a long time. Then he smiled and prepared to take over the scene to Ma Jun.

Originally, he was just planning to capture Viper Bing, and he could use this achievement to return to the heavy eucalyptus group.

But now seeing Viper Bing die so miserably, Yuan Haoyun realized that this eucalyptus might be bigger than he thought.

He suddenly became excited.

"Before was before, and now is now. I gave it to you before, but not only did you fail to handle it well, but one more person died. Now it is taken over by our Tsim Sha Tsui heavy duty team."

Ma Jun waved his hand grandly. Although when we first met, he was just a police officer on the verge of being fired from the police station, and Yuan Haoyun was already an inspector.

But now two years have passed, and their status has been reversed.

Besides, Ma Jun himself is a policeman who likes to investigate, so naturally he is not willing to give up the money he has.

After Chen Jiaju saw Ma Jun, he didn't want to reason with him, but called Zhang Pin.

"No, Marydonna has big breasts and I like them very much."

As a result, Zhang Pin rejected his request without hesitation this time.

Chen Jiaju opened his mouth, wanting to say that Zhang Pin's reason was too excessive, but after thinking about it carefully, it was very reasonable. He also liked women with big breasts.

In fact, the reason why Zhang Pin refused Chen Jiaju's request was because Marydonna called before him.

"Sir Zhang, can I trust you?"

Marydonna's tone on the phone could be described as very weak, and any man who had met her would probably not be able to bear it.

"It depends on the situation. Most of the time, I should still be trustworthy."

Before Zhang Pin could finish his sentence, Marydonna was immediately stunned.

However, hearing that Zhang Pin's tone was not a blanket one, Marydonna felt even more relieved.

Both men and women have a bit mean character.

If you show too much enthusiasm, the other party will be suspicious and show a sense of distance, and the other party will be eager to stick to you.

"Sir Zhang, if our brother and sister surrender and provide you with the transaction information of the white-faced boss, can you obtain conditions for pardon for us?"

After Maridonna discovered that she could not save her brother through a deal with Qiang, she...

Zhang Pin immediately came to mind.

Now that his brother is in the hands of Brother Qiang, if he wastes one more minute on his side, Viper Bing will be one step closer to danger.

It's a pity that she still doesn't know that Viper Bing has already set off fireworks with Danger.

"If you are caught by me without evidence, I can guarantee you a pardon and provide you with informant fees. As for your brother, I can only say that I will let him run away by himself, provided that he can run away by himself.


Zhang Pin sounded sincere when he spoke.

When Maridonna heard this, she really felt that Zhang Pin's promise was sincere.

"Okay, Superintendent Zhang, you are a big shot and you must keep your word."

Marydonna immediately agreed.

"On the 29th of this month, Brother Qiang and his gang will trade with foreigners at Huangshi Pier. This time, the value of the money will be at least 100 million..."

Maridonna told all the information she knew.

Brother Qiang's worry was not wrong. Viper Bing really told his sister all the information.

"Brother Qiang and the others have officially opened a trading company. The address is..."

"Sir Zhang, please go and check quickly. They have already captured my brother..."

Maridonna was quite trustworthy. She first told the news she knew about the Bai Mian Lao family, and then asked Zhang Pin to rescue her brother.

But even if she talks about her brother first, it's already too late.

"I just got a clue about your brother. I heard he is in Chungking Mansions..."

After Zhang Pin recorded the clues given by Maridonna, he also gave the clues given by Viper Bing to the other party.

When Mariedonna heard the news, she immediately stopped a taxi and rushed to Chungking Mansions.

Zhang Pin thought for a while and felt that he should go to the scene, otherwise if Marydonna saw the scene, something would happen.

After all, the other party is a woman, and he doesn't mind comforting the sad one.

When he rushed to Chungking Mansion, before he could go upstairs, he heard Marydonna's heartbreaking cries.

Then he saw the embarrassed Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun walking out of it.

"Pinzi, are you really ready to take over this guy?"

Chen Jiaju was a little embarrassed.

His and Yuan Haoyun's clothes were in tatters and there were many red marks on their faces and necks. It was obvious that they were caught by Marydonna.

This time, because of the death of Viper Bing, the two of them did not fight back.

Although in the eyes of Yuan Haoyun and Chen Jiaju, Viper Bing was a drug dealer, and he deserved to die.

But when Marydonna saw her brother's lost state, they still felt a little guilty.

"If you two don't mind, you can help me."

Zhang Pin looked at the two men and felt that they were still suitable as strong generals, rather than acting alone.

"Thank you, thank you, we will definitely perform well."

Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun originally thought that there was no chance of this embarrassment with them, but they didn't know that things would turn out differently now.

They have despaired of solving this crime on their own.

When I heard that Zhang Pin took over, I felt surprisingly relieved.

Unknowingly, the gap between the partners who were still competing with each other has appeared.


A western restaurant.

Armin and Janet looked at Marydonna warily.

There was no way, since the four of them came in, 90% of the diners in the restaurant, regardless of gender, all had their eyes on each other.

Amin's performance was similar to Janet's last time.

It was like looking at Marydonna's bulging chest, and then looking at his own.

Hers is no longer small, but the other person's is bigger.

What's more important is that when he goes out, Amin wraps up everything in his shirt.

In order to allow Zhang Pin to avenge her brother, Maridonna specially wore a suspender skirt.

How wide can the fabric strap of the sling be? Now it looks like it is several sizes too big.

"It's so shameless."

Janet didn't know what was going on, and she was also a little sour.

Originally, the two sisters wanted to talk to Zhang Pin today about decorating the gym and inviting members.

Unexpectedly, Marydonna came to the door.

"It's useless for you to come to me now. They won't trade until the 29th. And now that your brother is dead, it's not sure whether they will trade on time."

Zhang Pin shook his head, he actually understood what Marydonna was thinking.

There is no death penalty in Hong Kong Island. Even if Brother Qiang is caught, he will only be sent to jail for a few years.

Especially if the other party still has money, and when the time comes to spend a lot of money, it is a matter of two minds whether to go in or not.

Maridonna had a grudge against the other party for killing her brother, so how could she want the final result to be like this.

Especially after deciding to cooperate with Zhang Pin, Marydonna deliberately learned about Zhang Pin's information.

Then Marydonna learned that besides being the youngest police superintendent in Hong Kong Island, Zhang Pin also has the title of "Crime Buster".

There is also a famous title of [Headshot Detective].

This was the reason why she entangled Zhang Pin. She wanted Zhang Pin to personally take action and blow off Brother Qiang's head.

For this reason, Maridonna worked very hard these days, trying very hard to climb into Zhang Pin's bed.

"Let's go back and talk. I have something to discuss with you."

Marydonna spoke in a delicate and delicate voice, with a gentleness unique to Jiangnan women.

"Just keep talking. Can you please stop dangling around? If you have anything to say, just say it here."

Zhang Pin was a little dizzy and refused without hesitation Marydonna's idea of ​​being alone in a room with him.


Marydonna Zhang Pin refused her, and after thinking about it, she directly put the bag in her hand on the table in the restaurant.

"Here are three million..."

Zhang Pin pushed the money back, then took Amin and Janet's hands and walked out of the restaurant.

"Let's go back and say..."

Just kidding, of course you can't talk about such a big thing outside.

Amin's house, on the sofa in the living room.

Zhang Pin stood alone at a distance, and three women crowded on the sofa, looking at the three million in cash on the coffee table in a daze.

"Do you really want to spend all three million?"

Zhang Pin did not expect that Marydonna would be very courageous in seeking revenge.

Not only did he regard himself as a bargaining chip, but now he was even willing to give up the three million that his brother had exchanged for his life.

"My brother paid for this with his life. Of course I am willing to use it to avenge my brother."

Marydonna's eyes were red.

She is actually very smart, and the source of her money itself is unknown.

And he has already been targeted by the police.

The reason why the other party has not done anything to her now is just because she is still valuable.

When this matter is over, if someone wants to make a fuss about this money, Marydonna, a weak woman, may not be able to protect this money.

So instead of taking the money and being frightened, it is better to give it to Zhang Pin as a certificate of investment or protection fee for someone to rely on.

"As long as you are willing to help my brother avenge, I will give you this money..."

Marydonna spoke decisively.

Zhang Pin directly waved his hand to stop her.

"I don't want this money, but you can use this money to do business. I just invited Janet and Amin to become shareholders."

Just kidding, what if he agrees and the system treats him as receiving black money?

Rather than that, it would be better for him to refuse and then try to get the other party to give it to Janet and Amin.

Of course, this won't work if you send money directly.

Zhang Pin has had the system for several years and has naturally tried it.

But Zhang Pin wanted to try this method of using money to do business and then holding shares among each other.

"Ah, this money is used to open a store..."

Janet was originally very hostile to Marydonna.

But after hearing that the other party was willing to spend three million to start her own business, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Only if you have done business yourself will you know how difficult it is to make money.

Janet has been looking at shops suitable for opening a yoga store these days.

I have taken a fancy to a lot of them, but the prices of shops on Hong Kong Island, especially those in prosperous areas, even the rents are very scary.

With her millions in savings, and even Amin's millions in savings, it would be okay to rent a shop.

It is simply unrealistic to listen to Zhang Pin and buy a shop.

Especially since she is also planning to find a shop suitable for living.

After all, Janet still felt a little awkward living in Amin's house for a long time.

Now if Marydonna invests three million, everything will become simpler.

Especially since Maridonna also worked as a yoga and aerobics instructor before.

When Amin heard Zhang Pin's words, he frowned worriedly.

She personally has no idea about money, she just thinks it's enough.

With her income as a teacher, her daily food and clothing are enough.

In addition, she knew that Marydonna wanted Zhang Pin to help her deal with the problem.

Naturally, she was more worried about whether Zhang Pin was accepting bribes.

"We'll talk about business later..."

Amin stopped the discussion among several people, pulled Zhang Pin into the bedroom, and then raised his concerns with him.

When Zhang Pin heard Amin's concern, his heart suddenly warmed up and he couldn't help but hold the other person in his arms.

"Don't worry, I know what's appropriate.

This time Viper Bing was killed in Chungking Mansions, and many envious media are already smearing our Tsim Sha Tsui Police Department..."

Of course Zhang Pin was not really fascinated by Marydonna.

Although it was undeniable that the other person's frequently shaking chest made him dizzy, it was not like he had never seen women before.

The reason why I took advantage of the situation and agreed was mainly because Chungking Mansions, the scene of Viper Bing's death, happened to be within the jurisdiction of Tsim Sha Tsui.

Since Zhang Pin took charge of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, he has dealt with a lot of cases and made many people jealous.

Now that such a vicious murder suddenly appeared, many people suddenly seemed to have a climax and began to collectively attack the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

Well, although they did not directly accuse Zhang Pin, Zhang Pin is the Chief of Operations of Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

Accusing Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station is actually accusing Zhang Pin.

This is the main reason why Zhang Ping let Ma Jun take over this project.

As for the transaction with Marydonna, it was just incidental.

Maridonna thought that she had traded white noodles and was carrying stolen money, so it was a crime and she had to be pardoned by the police.

In fact, this is because she does not understand the laws of Hong Kong Island.

First of all, no one discovered Marydonna's transaction.

It is unlikely that the people she dealt with would come forward to accuse her.

As for her carrying three million in cash, that's too much to think about.

Except that it may arouse the covetousness of some young and Dangerous people or interested people, this is not considered stolen money at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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