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Chapter 861 Purchasing Information

"Don't worry, actually speaking from my personal standpoint, I quite support your actions."

But Yang Jianhua smiled and had no intention of persuading Zhang Pin not to take action.

Zhang Pin was suddenly enlightened when he saw the other party's smile.

Yang Jianhua himself is responsible for doing some agent work.

Considering her status, it is normal for her to have friction with people there during some tasks.

Now that Zhang Pin and others are going to deal with the people there, it is reasonable for Yang Jianhua to support them.

"There is no way, the world is changing too fast, who would have thought that that behemoth would disintegrate."

Yang Jianhua was really emotional this time.

Since the disintegration of that person, her tasks and pressure have suddenly increased.

In the past, she didn't have to face the CIA at all, because the other party deliberately attracted them in order to deal with that person.

As a result, after the organization disintegrated, Yang Jianhua suddenly realized that he had become the most powerful.

South Korea is a loser there, so even though the economic exchanges between the two sides have increased in recent years, in other places, the losers are almost losing their minds.

"Now there are hundreds of millions of dollars of investment alone every year there, so many people don't want this situation to be destroyed."

Yang Jianhua’s Zhang Pin is not surprising.

In the past few years, the economy here has been developing rapidly, so naturally we don't want to cause any big troubles.

Even people from Taiwan are very welcome to come over to visit relatives or invest.

Naturally, we don’t want to lose such a big customer from South Korea.

But obviously, some things can't be achieved just by willing it or not.

Especially since Hong Kong Island is about to return, compared to the investment of several hundred million US dollars a year.

Hong Kong Island, the window to the outside world, is naturally more important.

It is probably because of this that Yang Jianhua appeared here in person.

"I'm not interested in these things. Do you have anyone you can recommend to me?"

Zhang Pin waved his hand and then yawned, blocking Yang Jianhua's possible persuasion.

"Don't be delusional. I definitely won't have any support for you, and I will also send you a formal warning to leave immediately today."

Yang Jianhua interrupted Zhang Pin's fantasy angrily.

Even the authorities in Hong Kong know how to avoid suspicion, so how can they go forward?

The reason why Yang Jianhua came here in person was firstly to take over the task of persuading Zhang Pin, and secondly to supervise Zhang Pin.

Yes, no matter what their mission is, it is definitely impossible for the other side to cause any trouble here.

"So fast? I'm actually planning to do a business with you. You probably know that I have a fund in hand, and in order to complete the mission, I need intelligence, weapons and equipment, and even manpower."

"I can buy all of these with money. Anyway, I do business with anyone, so I thought I'd just let you make a fortune."

Zhang Pin heard that Yang Jianhua wanted him to leave the country on the same day, so he shook his head and talked about another matter.

He knows about Yang Jianhua, or everyone's current weakness.

"Funds, how much budget do you have."

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Pin's words, Yang Jianhua's expression changed instantly.

"Ahem, cough, cough, I'm not greedy for money, nor am I trying to help you, it's just like you said, I do business with everyone."

Sensing the strange look on Zhang Pin's face, Yang Jianhua felt a little embarrassed.

But her job and identity determine that she is not a coy person.

"Okay, let me tell you clearly, I have a batch of fine art equipment here. If the price is right, I don't mind selling it to you, but I will never admit it afterwards, and the price is not cheap."

"I don't want the cheap stuff yet. This is work with your head in mind."

"I need to receive weapons and equipment in South Korea. In addition to these things, I also need safe houses, strongholds, etc. It is best to have documents that can provide legal identity."

Zhang Pin nodded.

"I also need logistical support, preferably the most advanced communication equipment available today, and drones would be even better."

Zhang Pin's words made Yang Jianhua's smile grow bigger and bigger.

"Anything is fine, but these things are not cheap. You might as well buy the information from me. Taken together, I'll charge you 10 million."

"You have all the information. It seems that what you said before was really not a joke."

When Zhang Pin heard that Yang Jianhua had information, he immediately understood the other party's true plan.

"I can accept the condition of 10 million Hong Kong dollars."

So he nodded.

"What Hong Kong dollars? I'm talking about US dollars."

Yang Jianhua began to bargain with Zhang Pin.

The difference between US dollars and Hong Kong dollars is more than three times.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Unless you give me two assault teams, it is absolutely impossible to take away 10 million US dollars."

Zhang Pin shook his head and directly rejected Yang Jianhua's conditions.

"If you don't agree, then I will find someone else to buy information. Although it is said to have been disbanded, the KGB is still there. I think they will be happy to accept the money."

As he spoke, he also brought up a competitor.

"Hmph, ten million Hong Kong dollars is ten million Hong Kong dollars."

Yang Jianhua didn't pay attention to Zhang Pin's words.

"But let's talk first. These things come from the north and have nothing to do with us."

“Is the quality of the stuff over there reliable?”

Hearing that it was something from the north, Zhang Pin instinctively didn't want it.

"Don't worry, it's just that the sign is over there."

When Yang Jianhua saw that Zhang Pin didn't want it, he immediately became anxious.

"Okay, then you can tell me the information first."

Zhang Pin also knew that Yang Jianhua could not cheat him on this matter.

And he cares more about intelligence than weapons or anything like that.

After all, if the weapons were really running out, the scraps he could make by himself would be enough.

"This matter is actually not complicated. Seeing that Hong Kong Island is coming back and is disintegrating, the pressure is coming to our side.

Some people want performance, and some people need to rely on a statement to gain a foothold and open up the market, so this action was taken."

When Yang Jianhua talked about this, his face looked helpless.

Hong Kong Island is about to be taken over by them. They have been a little angry about the corrupt situation there in recent years.

It turns out there are others who want to continue to cause more damage.

No wonder she hopes Zhang Pin and others teach each other a lesson.

"Zhaobao Group is the leader of the local faction in South Korea. They don't want to be controlled by the consortium on the other side, so they want to unite with some external forces.

It happened that this matter was discovered by the Golden Gate Group, the rival of Zhaobao Group.

So the opponent contacted the CIA, and after receiving support, launched the incident."

"Kinmen Group, why haven't I heard of it?"

Zhang Pin was not satisfied when he heard what Yang Jianhua said.

Because the information the other party said is of no use at all.

"Kinmen Group is a recently established consortium in South Korea.

Although they have only been established for a short time, they are very strong.

This company was formed after the merger of three societies.

The three gangs were originally the largest gangs in South Korea.

They were formed from the merger of the Tiger Faction, Diri Faction and Beidamen Faction.

The current president is Shi Dongchu, the leader of the original Tiger Faction who was the most powerful. He also proposed the establishment of the Kinmen Group and chose to transform from a society."

"With their corporate background, they are quite capable of establishing a consortium, but South Korea is so big, and all aspects have long been occupied by other consortiums."

"But these groups used to do dirty work for the CIA.

Zhaobao Group happened to be dissatisfied with being squeezed, so they seized this opportunity.

After cleaning up Zhaobao Group, Kinmen Group is ready to take over Zhaobao Group in its entirety. As long as they are given time to digest and settle, the other party will definitely become a large chaebol comparable to Seven Star Group."

Yang Jianhua smiled and told the information in his mind.

"No, I remember that the people involved in this operation were not from the Kinmen Group. Doesn't the CIA have its own special dirty work team?"

Zhang Pin did not directly believe what the other party said. He also had his own information channels.

Since Hong Kong Island wants to show off its muscles through counter-attacks, it is naturally impossible for them to just force their way in without giving them any information.

On the contrary, the intentions of Hong Kong Island cannot be exposed except on the bright side.

We will spare no effort to support you as much as we can.

It can be said that when you need money, you give money, and when you need people, you give people information. Naturally, you are not stingy with intelligence information.

"You got the information from Hong Kong Island, right? This information cannot be wrong, but some of the inside information would not be known to anyone else unless the person involved. I also got it by accident."

Yang Jianhua seemed very confident in Zhang Pin's rebuttal.

"Inside story? Are your people involved in this operation this time?"

Zhang Pin still couldn't hear the most important information in Yang Jianhua's words.

"Don't talk nonsense. If I knew about this, how could I not have communicated with you in advance? I am not involved in this operation."

Yang Jianhua was shocked by Zhang Pin's words. She quickly shook her head and denied Zhang Pin's speculation.

Faced with Zhang Pin's suspicious look, Yang Jianhua could only selectively reveal part of the information.

"I have an informant who participated in the planning of part of this operation, but he didn't know the reason at the time. After the incident happened, I reviewed all the information and guessed the connection."

Zhang Pin thought for a while and temporarily believed Yang Jianhua's plan.

Just as Yang Jianhua thought, if the other party really knew about this plan, he would not not disclose the information in advance.

After all, the whole world knows why this attack happened, and it also happened on Hong Kong Island.

The main reason is to attack the apparently largest socialist country in the East after the disintegration of that country.

As Yang Jianhua, faced with such a slap in the face, if she really knew about it in advance and did not explain it, she would have been transferred from her position long ago.

After all, this incident is naturally very embarrassing for Hong Kong Island.

But after all, it is just a colony, and it is a colony that is about to change its ownership.

But what is even more embarrassing is the motherland that is about to take over Hong Kong Island.

"You should know that it's time for a change of leadership in South Korea.

The two members of the New Party who are calling for the loudest right now are two members of the New Party (not a typo, but to avoid that). Although they are from the same faction, they have different supporters.

The reason why the Kinmen Group is helping the CIA this time is because it has something to do with one of its members."

"Are you saying that the cause of this attack was done by someone in order to be elected president?"

Zhang Pin understood now, but he was also more confused.

This kind of thing certainly sounds cool, but there's something you need to know.

The impact of current public opinion is not only positive, but also negative.

This kind of thing is immoral no matter how you say it.

It is true that some fanatics will be excited after the incident occurs, but when public opinion is exposed, it will definitely arouse more condemnation.

So to put it simply, this matter is actually a thankless task, or even a sinkhole.

Zhang Pin completely does not believe that a person who is qualified and has the hope to be elected as the president of South Korea can think of such a thing.

Seemingly sensing Zhang Pin's suspicion, Yang Jianhua said nothing more this time.

"That's all I can tell you. As for whether you believe it or not, you need to judge for yourself."

The two then exchanged some information.

Then Zhang Pin said goodbye to Yang Jianhua, then returned to the room that the other party had opened for him, took a hot bath, and then lay on the bed to rest.

While he was drifting off to sleep, Zhang Pin suddenly heard the sound of the door opening.

His vigilant hand flickered, and a pistol appeared in his hand.

But after thinking about Yang Jianhua's previous inquiry, he shook his hand again, and the original pistol turned into a fire axe.

Since having the Mustard Seed Space, Zhang Pin has habitually put things in it for later use.

He has now forgotten when the fire ax was inserted.

When he placed things like this, the reason why the mustard space was not full was mainly because Zhang Pin discovered later that the size of the mustard space was closely related to his mental power.

With the ax in his hand, Zhang Pin rolled down from the bed calmly.

When he got out of bed, he didn't forget to stuff a pillow and hide it under the quilt.

In this way, if you look at it from the side, it looks like there is a person stuffed under the quilt.

All this happened very quickly. After Zhang Pin rolled out of bed, the footsteps rushed to the bedside almost at the same time.

Zhang Pin said nothing this time, raised his ax and struck in the direction of the footsteps.

He wasn't worried about accidentally hurting anyone.

After all, if Yang Jianhua came to find him, it would be impossible for him to remain silent.

Except for Yang Jianhua, Ma Jun who came with him was even more unlikely to do such a thing without his consent.

Excluding these two people, if other people intruded inexplicably, there must be nothing good going on.


A scream came, and then another steel pipe appeared in Zhang Pin's hand.

He waited for a moment, but did not wait for the second sound of footsteps, then slowly stood up, and then turned on the light in the room.

Knock knock knock——

"Sir Zhang? What's going on?"

The screams seemed to alert Yang Jianhua next door, and she knocked on the door.

"Come in and take a look."

Zhang Pin stood by the door and opened the door that had been opened.

"Who is this?"

After Yang Jianhua entered the door, he immediately saw the stranger whose head was shot by Zhang Pinyi's fire axe.

"You ask me, do I still want to ask you?"

Zhang Pin was also a little curious. He stepped forward and turned the other person over, and found that it was an unfamiliar face, but the other person was holding a short knife in his hand.

Yang Jianhua was silent for a moment, then stepped forward and looked at the opponent up and down, especially paying attention to the weapon in the opponent's hand.

"It looks like a gangster from Yanji. He should be a petty thief. Why would he target you?"

"Could it be that you're showing off your wealth?"

Hearing that the other party might be a petty thief, Zhang Pin touched his chin and immediately made a guess.

This chapter has been completed!
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