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Chapter 891 Smile transfer

When Shi Dongchu was still there, he took care of him many times, which allowed Li Zhongjiu to accumulate a lot of prestige.

Especially the most critical fishermen and North Korean defectors in Shi Dongchu's hands were under the command of Li Zhongjiu.

There is no credibility at all, and it is really difficult to explain clearly.

Zhang Pin looked at the two of them with a smile.

When they come, the identities of Ah Xian and Shi Jiunan can provide them with cover.

However, if you continue to take them with you when leaving, it will not only hinder their actions, but also cause unnecessary risks to the two of them.

Zhang Pin doesn't think so many people in Bangzi are fools.

When the time comes, as long as Chen Jin and others take action, even if the other party cannot find out their identities, they will definitely hold on and won't let them leave easily.

Even if no one can be chased on the spot, the other party will choose to block the escape route.

At this time, it would be more convenient for Ah Xian and Shi Jiunan to leave alone.

Because for people like them who came here secretly, it doesn't have to be as difficult to leave as it was when they came.

The easiest channel is of course to surrender directly. Then because there is no visa, the other party will directly deport the person.

Of course, this method is not without its shortcomings. For repatriated personnel, if they have something with them, it is likely to be lost during the repatriation process.

Well, this is naturally easy to understand. It is impossible to let these sneaky people take away your money.

The more complicated thing is to apply for a certificate and make sure that the certificate can be used to purchase ferry tickets or air tickets.

Bangzi is not strict about checking people who go out. The trouble is that when you get there, it may be a bit troublesome.

In addition, you can naturally use the same method and sneak back.

What you need to worry about is whether the channels you are looking for are reliable, otherwise it is easy to end up with a loss of talents and the possibility of being buried in the Yellow Sea.

"This is the money I gave you for your hard work during this period. Do you have any channels? It's best to send the money back and don't take too much money with you."

Since the two of them are willing to cooperate, Zhang Pin will naturally not let them suffer.

He gave each of them 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, which if exchanged, would be hundreds of thousands.

In this era, the purchasing power of hundreds of thousands is definitely a huge sum of money for two people.

"It's best to go to a big city to buy some land or something when you go back."

Zhang Pin remembered that housing reform was also starting in the Mainland and housing prices were not too high. As long as the two of them listened to themselves, they would be able to live without worries for the rest of their lives.

"Thank you, thank you boss."

Shi Jiunan and Axian were immediately overjoyed.

"I know a person who specializes in helping us send money between two places. We only need to pay him a 10% handling fee. There is no need to worry about safety issues."

Shi Jiunan said this to Ah Xian.

"Well, then I'll send it with you."

Ah Xian glanced at Shi Jiunan shyly.

She is not very beautiful, but she is young and very gentle.

Shi Jiunan was stared at by Ah Xian, and his heart suddenly moved.

Seeing the two of them going out shyly, Zhang Pin couldn't help but smile. Unexpectedly, he actually facilitated a marriage.

Judging from the two people's intentions, it was obvious that they had met each other's eyes.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

At this moment, Li Wenbin's alert voice came from the door.

"I'm looking for Stephen Chow."

The person at the door sounded familiar.

"Who is Stephen Chow?"

Li Wenbin was a little confused.

"I, I, I. Brother Zhang Qian was invited here."

Zhou Xingxing also heard what was said outside and ran out directly.

They were leaving tomorrow anyway, so it didn't matter if this stronghold was exposed.

It happened that Zhang Qian asked Zhou Xingxing for help at this time. It seemed that something was wrong. Zhang Pin thought that maybe he could use him to divert the attention of the Bangzi police.


A police station in Seoul.

"Xi Ba, is it you, the bastard, who has been causing trouble recently?"

The magician wrapped up the injury on his arm, and then looked at the guy he had captured.

In just a few days after the Kinmen Group split, there were hundreds of fights and murders in Seoul.

In most of the struggles between societies, the winning society will end it on its own to ensure that it does not affect ordinary people.

But there are also some people who don't understand the rules and cause troubles that require the dispatch of the Seoul police to deal with them.

Among them, those who have the greatest influence and have no backers are naturally the key targets of the Seoul police.

Shenma Dongxi is the most capable guy among the Seoul police, bar none.

Recently, he happened to learn that there was unrest in several societies within his jurisdiction, and the source was a few old stickmen. After they came over and saw the prosperity here, they planned to stay.

These guys are full of passion, don't like to follow rules when doing things, and even kill people and throw them into the trash.

This made Shenma Dong very passive. Today, with the help of the informant's information, he went to surround Lao Bangzi, but because he was too careless, he only caught one of them.

Now he is naturally prepared to interrogate the other party, and it is best to take advantage of the opportunity to catch them all.

"I don't understand what you are saying."

The guy who was arrested had a ferocious face and was Cheng Le, one of Zhang Qian's younger brothers.

At this time, his expression looked very confused, as if he didn't understand Korean. As he spoke, he lay down on the chair.

Shenma Dongxi is indeed the most capable police officer. When he was arrested before, he was naturally beaten.

"You brat, sit down for me."

Naturally, the Seoul Police Department has people who know how to communicate with Cheng Le. Seeing his lazy look, they naturally had to punch him and kick him.

"Those people who are with you, tell me where they are? I can guarantee that you will go back safely."

Shenma Dongxi didn't pay attention to the small actions of other police officers, but looked at Cheng Le seriously and asked the other party again. For this reason, he did not hesitate to make a deal with the other party.

Because of the release of Zhang Shouji and Li Zhongjiu, the internal fighting in the Kinmen Group has basically been brought under control.

But guys like Zhang Qian, who are new to the scene recently, are fighting more and more fiercely with others.

Seeing that the handover of the leadership is only a few days away, the Seoul police are naturally under a lot of pressure.

"I have no idea."

After putting forward the conditions through a translator, Cheng Le naturally chose to refuse without hesitation.

Just kidding, they came out because they couldn't survive in the country. How could they go back?

I can only say that the conditions of Shenma’s stuff are too unattractive.

"Xi Ba, this kid is so ignorant."

The beast stood up expressionlessly.


Cheng Le also became angrier as he thought about it, and scolded him directly.


Unfortunately, Cheng Le soon realized what it means to be under the roof.

The godly thing grabbed the wound on Cheng Le's body and locked it up.

After suffering such torture, Cheng Le remembered that lawyers seemed to be more popular abroad, so he opened his mouth to call him a lawyer.

Unfortunately, upon hearing his request, a few tough policemen not only did not do this, but stood up and blocked the surveillance camera inside the police station, and then picked up a stun machine from the side.

"Do you want to call a lawyer over the phone? Let me connect the phone for you."

Several policemen with sticks smiled and surrounded him and activated the electric shock device.


Cheng Le suddenly screamed and quickly lost consciousness, but he still gritted his teeth and did not betray Zhang Qian and another accomplice.

"Xi Ba - I want to kill you, I must kill you."

After being tortured for a whole night, Cheng Le couldn't help but scold the police officers who tortured him in Korean.

"Hey, now I know how to speak Korean."

"Don't tell me, this guy speaks Korean very well, maybe he has our bloodline."

"Hey, you've already wasted our whole night, do you still want to hold on?"

Several hard-edged police officers were tired of torture and gathered around Cheng Le, who was beaten to a state of disgrace.

"Can you police beat people like this?"

Cheng Le's voice became weak when he spoke. He was really scared.

I thought capitalism had always talked about human rights, but then I really encountered it, and found out that it had suffered a lot.

"Of course I can deal with a smelly wild dog like you."

Shenma Dongxi obviously doesn't care too much about using the death penalty on his own.

"I want you to regret it."

Cheng Le couldn't stand the beating, and after realizing that lawyers were useless, he actually wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

Unfortunately, before he could succeed, he was pinched on both cheeks by something strange, and then a towel was stuffed into his mouth.

"Send him to prison so he doesn't die in our hands."

After this incident, Shenma Dongdong lost his mind to continue interrogating Cheng Le.


"We can't help you at the moment, but I can help you investigate the location of Zhang Yishuai, the leader of the Wild Dog Gang, and I can also support you with a sum of money. Anyway, they didn't catch the scene, so you can spend money to hire a lawyer to litigate the case.


After Zhang Pin learned that Zhang Qian was here to ask for help, he thought for a moment and decided to help the other party.

"Thank you so much. I will definitely kill Zhang Yishuai this time. It was his stupidity that betrayed us."

Zhang Qian obviously didn't understand the rules of the society, and he actually mistakenly thought that by killing the boss of the rival gang, he would be able to take complete control of the situation.

This guy has never been a boss before. After he came here, he followed a few old guys and worked for Ding Qing for a while.

Ding Qing himself used Lao Bangzi as his trump card, which happened to be the key to the internal strife of the Kinmen Group. As a result, this directly gave Zhang Qian an illusion.

I think Bangzi's club always kills the opponent's boss, and then he can take over.

So after the Kinmen Group split, he thought he had a chance to rise.

He selected a few relatively less prosperous places, where most of them were immigrants or came to work from other places.

Then they took action against the two original societies in the area.

He used ruthless means to kill another boss, and then forced the boss of the Wild Dog Gang to give up his territory.

As a result, he didn't know that the boss of the Wild Dog Gang had a very good relationship with the Bangzi police, and the other party directly came to arrest them through the police.

After encountering a dimensionality reduction attack by the Bangzi police and having one of his men taken away, Zhang Qian, who was desperate, thought of Zhang Pin and others.

Zhang Pin quickly learned through connections that Zhang Yishuai, the leader of the Wild Dog Gang, was going to hold a birthday party for his mother tomorrow.

So he informed Zhang Qian of the news.

Zhang Qian naturally thanked him profusely and left. Zhang Pin told him that as long as he got rid of the leader of the Wild Dog Gang, he would give him money to help Cheng Le fight the lawsuit.

But what Zhang Qian didn't know was that Zhou Xingxing and others all left the stronghold that night.

Several people all bought tickets to other cities, and actually got on the bus and left Seoul.

Of course, after arriving at their destination, they secretly came back.

Fortunately, the stick only has such a small area, so there is no need to worry about not getting it back.

Zhang Pin had prepared cars at everyone's destinations a few days ago, and also prepared witnesses to confirm that they were staying at their respective destinations tonight.

Zhang Pin, who returned to Seoul again, contacted Professor Kim's wife and asked her to book a room in advance so that he could stay in the hotel.

This time the location of the hotel is a bit remote. If Zhang Pin didn't have a car, he probably wouldn't be able to get there.

Because the next day was the time for the handover of power from the leader of Bangzi, no one could check in to the hotels on the streets near the Blue House except some invited members.

And this is not just one or two streets, but all the streets within a radius of ten miles are like this.

Many hotel managers and owners were in tears over this.

Because of this decision, an unknown number of hotels have been unable to open.

Although the Bangzi police officer who notified them said that they could take a copy of the loss to the police station to report it, these business people are all smart people.

Just because of the arrogant and bossy attitude of the informant, as well as the fact that he didn't leave any contact information, and didn't even say which police station to go to for reimbursement, he naturally thought he was unlucky.

The next day, before dawn, almost all the Bangzi police were dispatched to put all the streets near the Cheong Wa Dae under martial law.

Except for invited media and spectators, no one else is allowed to be around.

The high-rise buildings and key positions near Cheong Wa Dae are all occupied by guards responsible for commanding security.

The date for the inauguration of the Commander-in-Chief has been set long ago.

Secret agents, security bureau, and police station members checked for potential safety hazards over and over again.

Everyone was trembling with fear and did not dare to relax at all.

At the same time, someone was already there

Zhang Bizhou lived happily in the presidential suite of a hotel, allowing the makeup artist to apply makeup on himself while muttering the oath of office he was waiting for.

"...I will definitely lead the stick to prosperity..."


At this moment, the door was pushed open directly.

"I'm going to take over the Blue House soon. How are you? My commander-in-chief, how do you feel now?"

At this time, Li Jiangxi, editor-in-chief of Motherland Daily, opened the door and walked in with a smile on his face. Next to him was Wu Yanxiu, the president of Future Automobile.

"Commander, the situation is extraordinary. We were even searched when we came in."

Wu Yanxiu also said something jokingly.

"Haha, this is the procedure of the Security Bureau. I can only obey their orders and sit here."

Zhang Bizhou explained with a smile on his face, but his eyes involuntarily became sharper.

He was already the commander-in-chief, but these two people still regarded him as their younger brother.

But it was his inauguration ceremony soon, and he didn't want to get angry over something like this.

Moreover, his position is not that stable yet, and he still needs the help of two people for the time being.

After your identity is stable, if these two guys still don't understand, then you can let them know what authority is.

Soon, accompanied by Li Jiangxi and Oh Yanxiu, Zhang Bizhou walked towards the car heading to Qingwadae.

"Sir, please sit in the car at the back."

Just when Wu Yanxiu walked to the commander's car, the guard next to him stopped him directly.

The other party looked at Wu Yanxiu and Li Jiangxi with a serious face.

The two people who were smiling at first disappeared in an instant.

But the smile would not disappear, it quickly appeared on Zhang Bizhou's face.

This chapter has been completed!
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