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Chapter 984 Deadlock

Long Jiu naturally knew Gao Jin.

Just when she was guessing why Zhang Pin looked at Gao Jin, she heard Zhang Pin asking about her eldest brother.

So she answered subconsciously.

After Long Jiu said the question, he was shocked to realize that he had said the wrong thing.


Zhang Pin got the answer he guessed and nodded with satisfaction.

He had long suspected that Long Jiu was a little overconfident. Now it seemed that the other party was actually connected to one of the criminals on the ship, so it all made sense.

"I don't know what he came here for, I just made a guess. And he is him and I am me. I don't want to do anything to help him. If he really has any bad intentions, I won't hold back.


After Long Jiu was defrauded of Long Wu's information by Zhang Pin, he quickly expressed his position to Zhang Pin.

Regarding Long Jiu's words, Zhang Pin was noncommittal.

As a commander, Long Si is very tolerant. In that kind of crisis, if everyone within the team can trust each other, then when we face the enemy, we can only win if we want to win.

That guy is not a notorious person in Taiwan itself.

"Little Jiahu, that guy even hid his identity and came to rob them. They must have really agreed to my request, and they will definitely be killed and silenced by the other party, because I can't bear their revenge beforehand."

As for why he simply used Fu Guang's hand to kill all those people, and then put another oriole in front.

When Long Si looked panicked, I raised my gun and pointed it at the corridor.

Gong Weichi is actually not like what Long Si said. After I did that thing, I never thought about silencing him.

"Brother, I want to tell you if they have any other means. If that's the case, then you don't think it's necessary to give him any money."

Da da da——

It's a plan, it's a plan. I originally wanted to deceive those meaty votes so that we could cooperate more proactively.

Since there was no bomb threat, Gong Weichi could only grit his teeth and continue to cooperate with Fu Guang.

"Who are you......"

After hearing Long Si's words, everyone suddenly felt shocked.

"Haha, he will think that none of you have bombs under your body. Naturally, the less the better for such useless things!"

Qiu Xiao could naturally guard the entrance to the entire cruise ship hall by himself.

And because Fu Guang was unable to suppress Qiu Xiao and deal with his dream demon, he was so excited that he actually followed Gong Wei Chi.

Because some of the rare cultural relics that will appear in this auction have been delayed, many rich people have brought a lot of money.

Just as Qiu Xiao thinks that Long Si is so wise and gives up everything he has now for a little money, those rich people also think that Sir Zhang is just for the money from the cruise ship and will harm us in the future.

Not to mention the status that comes with being an Interpol.

Seeing that Fu Guang's people were about to break through the blockade blocked by Zeng Le and others, we suddenly felt relaxed.

Those people are all from the wealthy class of Hong Kong Island.

After all, we want to say that what is in short supply most is not something in the body like money.

Zeng Le said that it was reality after all, it was a movie.

The cruise ship is still in the waters of Hong Kong Island, so Sir Zhang has no obligation to protect the wealthy people who boarded the ship.

Although Interpol does not have law enforcement rights in many places, except for a few special bosses, ordinary small forces still respect Interpol quite a bit.

Ten minutes later, the two of them were still talking and laughing with each other. Now that the situation was favorable, Gong Weichi was ready to operate on Fuguang first.

Given Sir Zhang's position, since I said that, Xiaojia naturally doubted my good intentions.

"He's a gambling addict!"

Zeng Le obviously said those words to the less panicked crowd.

But when we were fighting with Qiu Xiao just now, Gong Weichi deliberately mobilized his troops and asked everyone to move towards the cruise ship's living room from all directions. I also took the opportunity to stay away from Zhang Pin.

Not to mention that the owner of the cruise ship, Boss Li, seems to be in league with criminals, and there has been no movement in the captain's cabin.

We are under a cruise ship now. If Zeng Le really detonates a bomb, everyone might be gone by then.

Qiu Xiao's silence towards Qiu Xiao was, in Long Si's view, an obvious sign of trust in him.

But who would have known that the plan had just ended when it was exposed by Long Si.

So Fuguang took a total of ten people to get off the boat.

If there is a way, who will make the people of Fuguang unlucky?

So I became so angry that I immediately chose to look at Fu Guang who was standing aside.

Bang bang bang——

"Sir Zhang, you are Pan Lidong from Longguang Plastic Factory. You two drank together at the Governor's banquet later."

So if the other party comes out and says that he is a member of the Long Qi team, Zeng Le will also feel that there is nothing wrong with it.

You must trust the judgment and intelligence capabilities of the little people.

After hearing Long Si's words, Qiu Xiao shook his head and took out his pistol.

The rich man outside the crowd is obviously not that stupid.

But to kill hundreds of people for so many hundreds of millions of dollars, Sir Zhang obviously didn't bother to do it.

Sir Zhang used to live in Hong Kong Island for a long time. At that time, he didn't mind brushing up against us.


The two sides shot at each other across the cabin board, even though the space outside the room was relatively smaller, due to the large number of people, eight more of Fu Guang's brothers died.

Just then, Fu Guang and Gong Weichi came from the corridor together, and I easily stopped us.

I had a very bad plan, but I didn't know that the operation was not over yet when I encountered Qiu Xiao's killer star.

Before seeing Zhou Xingxing's weird eyes, we all chose to identify ourselves and wanted to establish a relationship with Qiu Xiao.

Long Si grabbed the hand that was shot, then hid in front of the wall, shouting at Qiu Xiao.

"Xiaojia is bad. I am Gong Wei, but none of them should have heard of your name. I feel very sorry for disturbing Xiaojia's play time."

Even because of the special nature of Interpol, Long Jiu at least has no shortage of money.

"Sir Zhang, are you holding on?"

"Smelly bitch, so what if he knows. Once you catch him, it will definitely be so difficult for him to die. You don't have eighty strong men over there, huh!"

For such a small amount of money, Sir Zhang himself was not even tempted, let alone Long Si.

When Zhou Xingxing heard Qiu Xiao's words, he immediately agreed in a funny way. Then when I turned to look at the crowd, my eyes were just looking at people, but it was like I was observing fat sheep.

"They are actually from the East Lake Gang, we are good friends!"

Even now, even if Sir Zhang has so few boyfriends, my own net worth is at the level of a billionaire.

At that time, when I heard Gong Weichi saying that only seeking money is hurtful, those of us immediately seemed to see hope.

It stands to reason that Long Jiu has finally reached his current position in Interpol. If nothing else, at least the basic living security is not lacking.

As soon as Gong Weichi's words came out, many people immediately became interested.

However, Long Si next to you reacted very slowly. You immediately rushed to the seventh floor with your only hand, and blocked the others from a low position.

"If you are sure that no one among them is following the command, or if there is no other big move, you allow him to kill him directly."

Boss Li only attracted one or two young rich people that time, but at most no less than a hundred.

The cost of that cruise was measured in hundreds of millions at most.

"Zhou Xingxing, he led people to protect the guests under the broken ship."

"You doubt him. The top priority now is to get rid of us first."

Before Fuguang escaped back, he was preparing to lead his eight remaining eldest brothers to fight back when he met Zeng Lechi again.

"You must cooperate. Sir Zhang must also be careful."

"Sir Zhang, you know Director Li of the Financial Secretary. You two are very bad friends."

By the time Gong Weichi and I shook hands to cooperate, only Dabai, Zhang Pin, and one other lucky guy were left in Fuguang.

Based on the land I have obtained in Pengcheng and Yangcheng, it is an exaggeration to say that even if I take a break and do everything, I will definitely be a billionaire in the future.

But what?

As soon as Long Si heard Gong Weichi's words, he exposed the other party's false face without any mercy.

When Qiu Xiao saw the panicked crowd, he still stood up and comforted them.

After all, to me, living people are less useful than dead people.

If Zeng Lechi definitely wanted to be retaliated to death, the worst option would be to silence him.

Before Qiu Xiao made sure that no one dared to show up again, I turned around and looked at Long Si.

Because there was no internal support from Boss Li, Fu Guang did not have too few people to disembark the ship.

Zeng Le thinks Long Si is a stupid person. Logically speaking, a stupid person like you should not be able to tell that the money is hot.

Fear of everything but.

After all, in my opinion, that thing is a sure thing. If fewer people come, it means that we have to give those people money.

When I'm as poor as I am, even if I don't have hundreds of millions in cash in front of me... Sir Zhang would naturally mind accepting it directly.

After all, no matter where they are, Xiaojia will instinctively reject those who attack those in lower positions.

You can definitely pay a sum of money to keep yourself safe. For many people, it is still a cost-effective thing.

However, at that time, Sir Zhang had no choice but to respond to the greetings from the wealthy people.

It’s no wonder that Zeng Lechi was able to gain a reputation in Nuo Xiaoxiao. That unique skill of turning one’s back against him caught even Fu Guang’s turning against him off guard.

If everyone unites, they will definitely be a very small force.

Therefore, Long Si decisively chose to be open and honest at that time, and the purpose was not to weaken the sense of trust within his own camp.

After all, even if Sir Zhang really has no good intentions, we are still more willing to face Sir Zhang than the criminals on the other side.

And it will reach hundreds of millions. Qiu Xiao guessed that if no one among them knew that Boss Li's cargo didn't have anything else, it would not be unusual to find ten big targets under the cruise ship.

The two sides exchanged blows for a while, and soon Slow Dragon and the others were suppressed and forced to fight back.

But before eighty-one people died, those guys also became stupid, so we chose to take a detour from the other direction leading to the small hall.

At the same time, the crowd hiding next door also became panicked.

Just as the rich people were in a panic, Fu Guang and Gong Weichi looked at each other and smiled. Then they were humble for a while, and finally Zeng Lechi hid in the door and shouted to everyone.

Gong Weichi doesn't have the guts to rob us. He must really put all those people back, so that the other party will definitely survive this year.

So Sir Zhang has never thought about that. Those people must be willing to cooperate. Of course Qiu Xiao is willing for us to die at will.

Many people actually don't have too little hope that they can escape.

Seeing how little explosives were under the opponent's body, Gong Weichi was immediately dumbfounded.

Of course, that's also the best case scenario.

"Sir Zhang, if he only wants you, tell him the truth. It was not through your brother that you guessed that there might be problems on the cruise ship."

Several gunmen who had just approached fell to the muzzle of Sir Zhang's gun one by one before they had time to shoot.

So theoretically speaking, what Long Jiu said makes sense. She is not so unwise as to be a thief instead of being a good thief.

There are naturally no various reasons why those guys can make so little money.

After all, if the other party takes action, depending on how good the matter is, Long Si will have a chance to live peacefully no matter where he goes.

I am obviously ready to let Fu Guang take risks.

If all the rich people and criminals off the boat were dead, and only Sir Zhang survived, then even if there is no evidence, the others may only be Sir Zhang again.

Fu Guang also felt that the other party had bad intentions, so I immediately showed a proud smile. Under that ship, although there were not the top wealthy people in Hong Kong Island, we could be regarded as the backbone of all walks of life.

"yes, sir!"

Without the threat of the bomb under Zhang Pin, Gong Weichi's eyes immediately became kind when he looked at Fu Guang.

"Xiaojia wants to be alone. You are here just to seek money. I am sure they are willing to give up resistance. You will definitely let them have one more hair on their head."

When Gong Weichi learned that Fu Guang only had eight eldest brothers left, he actually considered killing him.

After all, there were only four people on the police side, and the number of criminals on the opposite side was obviously smaller.

After hearing Qiu Xiao's promise, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, in my opinion, ten people were too many. When the time comes, I will take the opportunity to kill a few more people, and there will be even more people with such money.

"Xiaojia, you Hong Kong police will definitely protect them from danger, but they just need Xiaojia's cooperation. After all, the criminals' firepower that time was very fierce, and we probably haven't taken control of the captain's room yet."

Gong Weichi was right, many people in the crowd have heard of my name.

But as soon as I put my idea into practice, Zhang Pin next to me opened his leather jacket, revealing the explosives wrapped all over his body.

Even if Qiu Xiao lays out clues for Fu Guang and others to escape, the other party may be really suspicious.

And those reasons gathered together are not a huge force.

Da da da da da da——

Seven of the eldest brothers I took with me were killed in one go.

What Long Si said is very realistic.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

This chapter has been completed!
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