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Chapter 994: Everything goes wrong

"Brother, I feel like the car behind us has been following us."

After passing through the tunnel, the driver subconsciously glanced at the rearview mirror, and then couldn't help but press the accelerator. At the same time, he also made a sound to remind everyone in the car.

"Let me see."

The security supervisor carefully opened the observation hole and looked at the car that had been following him after entering the tunnel. However, when he was observing the car, the car suddenly swerved and then changed lanes at the fork in the road.

"Suspicious, the road belongs to your family."

Fang Xue also happened to see the suspicious vehicle leaving. While he was relieved, he couldn't help but complain to the driver.


"No. 154 Seki Tomohiro, time 32 seconds 30... broke the competition record again!"

As the results were announced on the radio, Guan Tomohiro's black face was not so serious for the first time.

In contrast, Zhuang Ziwei, who was full of confidence before, became full of disbelief.

As for continuous shooting, two consecutive shots cannot be said to be a refill, and eight consecutive shots are completely unnecessary.

Except for the conscientious manager Zhang Pin, the people in that car only had no security supervisor and no escort experience. The other two security personnel and the driver were all newbies.

Although Shao Anna felt happy, she still pretended to be concerned underneath the surface.


Fang Xuewei obviously didn't hear the meaning of Shen Zhaogong's words. I thought the other party was really comforting me.

Except for Shen Zhao, everyone in the car didn't actually know what the escort was, nor did they know whether the cargo under their car was really the escort, or whether it was just an empty vehicle to attract attention.

Didi oh - didi oh -

To give a complex example, one of the least stored items in a bank insurance room is contract documents.

Just when the escort vehicle was far away from the main road and passed a fork in the road, a car suddenly rushed out from the side. The driver of the escort vehicle couldn't avoid it and was hit directly on the side. The car was almost overturned. I quickly

Slowly brake and stop the car.

Newcomers like us obviously have some respect for escort missions, and naturally care about the so-called rules.

"Eight consecutive strikes, flashy but realistic!"

My relationship with Tomohiro Guan is also very awkward.

That made Shao Anna feel even more happy.

"What are you reporting? It's only a few kilometers away. You haven't finished the detour by the time the report is finished. If the news continues, we will ask you to detour further by then, and my work time will be delayed again."

He did not take advantage of the open hours to observe inside the venue like others, but picked up the telescope and looked at the last moving target.


If so, for special people, those bonds are actually no different from waste paper.


"Mr. Guan, I'm sorry to bother you. Recently, not many members are enforcing the rules of separating guns and bullets before leaving the shooting range. I would like to ask you to pay more attention. Come on, put the bullets out there."

What's even more exciting is that there seems to be something wrong with the window of the Maserati I drove, and the door was not closed.

The staff just smiled at this: "By the way, Mr. Guan, if his gun is for shooting, remember to keep it in good condition. The gun license is only allowed to be used in competition venues and special shooting ranges. Does he have it elsewhere?"

With permission to shoot."

"Hey, how can those of you who work follow the following sentence?"

But Shen Zhaogong was so relaxed that he had obviously forgotten about the robbery and did not recognize himself.

But the value of antiques is actually a very mysterious thing.

Shen Zhaowei was in such a bad mood at this time. When I broke the record later, I was still very excited, and I even postponed an appointment at a restaurant to celebrate. As a result, I am only the runner-up now, which makes me less embarrassed.

I was obviously the champion of that shooting competition, and I couldn't even claim to be the gun king, but when I got on the field, I didn't deserve the humiliation I deserved.

HSBC Hong Kong Island Branch does not have sufficient manpower because there are too few things that need to be transshipped recently.

At that time, I broke the record and got the lowest score. It was a moment of great satisfaction for me.

"Damn, it's okay to have a car accident at any time, but why did you choose that time? Then you have to take a detour."

The security supervisor had no intention of following the rules, but when he saw that everyone else in the car was on his own, he thought about it and decided not to insist on it.

But the traffic police's arrival and shouting were like a fuse.

Zhuangzi didn't think deeply about the meaning of Shao Anna's words. Before the awards were given, he exchanged a few words with the organizer. The competition committee made a strong request to invite me to the dinner. Zhuangzi shied away, so he had no choice but to agree.

If it falls into the hands of some unscrupulous people, it may be auctioned at a low price, but if it falls into my own hands, it will actually be difficult to get rid of it.

On the contrary, cash and valuables are actually rare items for banks and insurance rooms.

Yes, I was saying words of comfort to Fang Xuewei, but my eyes were looking at Zhuangzi.

A staff member followed Shao Anna, obviously to supervise my implementation of the rules.

Zhuangzi did not continue chatting with Shen Zhaogong, then he picked up the runner-up trophy and looked at Shen Zhaowei.

Moreover, the underlying meaning seems to be that Sir Zhang is not yet old enough.

Regarding Zhuangzi's views, Shao Anna is well aware of it. I am completely self-taught. With or without the guidance of famous teachers, and given the emphasis on the rules in those two years, it is very unusual for me to go astray.

"It was a mistake. He was able to break the record in the first competition. He is still so young and there is no room for regression before."

"Well, you know, it will be sent over after the maintenance is completed."

Zhang Pin took a few steps back, was shot in the front and fell into a pool of blood. So the atmosphere was not relaxed.

Miao Zhishun on the side also nodded.

It happened that the HSBC Hong Kong Island branch was robbed because of cash. Many customers who had deposited their valuables in the bank felt that the HSBC Hong Kong Island branch was in danger and wanted to transfer their belongings away.

"Get in the car! Get in the car slowly!"

"It's very bad. Without his opponent, you have no motivation to retreat."

I have gone astray on Shao Anna's path, but Sir Zhang is not prepared to correct her. On the contrary, I am happy for her to continue to dig deeper on that path.

"For such a big event, he can just issue a notice directly."

But who would have thought that Shen Zhaogong is looking at me as a person, or that the other person is looking at me as a person, but he hates me as a low-achieving student. You have made achievements in your arrangements, and then you are praised by others.

A discerning eye recognizes talents.

In Shen Zhaogong's view, Fang Xuewei is not worthy of being his opponent yet.

It is definitely possible to pay off the debt in my lifetime just by relying on my own legitimate income.

The reason why Zhang Pin took the risk that time was because the things being escorted were registered bonds, and more importantly, because I delayed in finding a way to get rid of it.

The most valuable thing in a safe room may not be antiques or the like.

Shao Anna smiled, obviously interested in Shen Zhaowei's words.

It's just that I've been following the rules for half my life, and what happened that time was too safe, so I was frightened all the way, for fear that something might go wrong somewhere.

But from the point of view of me, a real gun master, shooting eight consecutive hits with a pistol has no other use at all except that it sounds bad.

Regarding Zhuangzi's praise, Shao Anna was obviously very selfish. I was able to graduate from a Ph.D., but I naturally lacked basic emotional intelligence.

When I first joined the company, I still wanted to do a small job and show off my talents.

"Tell me a few more words. If anyone still wants to get into a car accident, please report to the headquarters first. If the underpass falls, it will go down."

"Not bad, three hits in a row!"

"Keep up the good work, this is his first time participating in the competition."

"What are you doing! Police! They are all Xu Dong!"

"Of course, you will continue to work hard. In the next few years, you and I will be our opponents."

Those documents may be very important to both companies signing the contract, and it would be troublesome if they were lost.

In fact, 40% of the things stored outside a bank's safe room are worthless to the people who store them inside.

"Three strikes!"

Shao Anna felt even more happy when she heard what the other party said.

Although he was a little regretful that Zhuang Ziwei failed to win the championship, he still recognized Guan Tomohiro's strength.

At the same time, down my own driveway, the siren had not yet sounded.

Guan Tomohiro originally said that he would accompany me to participate in the competition, but halfway through the competition, he left early because the company had nothing to do.

In order to avoid being chased by low-interest loans, I made an appointment with two old friends who were also short of money and planned to commit a robbery together.

Before everyone in the car basically reached a consensus, the driver immediately turned the car around and drove towards a nearby road.

So I responded seriously to Shao Anna's words of comfort.

If you think that the bank's safe room is very private and private, you may think that the place is small and low-level, and the items that can be stored and returned are of low value.

When Zhang Pin saw Shao Anna appear, he immediately felt like he was seeing a savior and shouted to her for help.

Unfortunately, Zhang Pin's job is not the business manager responsible for the transfer.

So we had to arrange for some new people to do the transition work.

"Damn, what are you doing! Let's go, let's go!"

Before Shen Zhaogong received the award, he originally thought that he would be coldly praised by everyone before he broke the record in the small competition. However, he did not know that Xiaojia did compliment him a few times after finishing, but then everyone swarmed around Zhuangzi.

"Save you, we want to kill people and silence them, but it is obvious that if we tell you later, we will cause death!"

That's not the most obvious flashy shooting trick.


The winner of the championship is the one who looks bad like the opponent.

What we didn't notice was that the car that was following behind us suddenly changed lanes, knowing that it had not run behind us yet.

I just saw it very embarrassingly. Before Fang Xuewei finished shooting, he carried the gun under his body in a small way and deliberately filled the magazine with bullets, but no one stopped or reminded him.

"Thank you, I still have to learn from Sir Zhang."

That car was assigned to me by Shen Zhaogong. The reason why there was a problem was naturally because the car was not from Qishou when I got it.

"Congratulations, eight consecutive hits."

The security supervisor on the side also saw the car accident behind him and the tragic situation on the road. He couldn't help but say something to Zhang Pin.

“Wonderful, no one wants to grab the escort truck!”

The reason is naturally my own. Fang Xuewei is a police officer, and the other party’s carrying of firearms is legal and compliant.

Originally, I thought that the reason why Guan Tomohiro spent a lot of money to recruit himself was because of his talent.

When Shen Zhaogong drove to the scene, he happened to see a robber beating Zhang Pin.

After such a delay, a traffic policeman finally arrived at the scene before receiving the alarm. When he saw the two parties confronting each other at the scene, the other party's first reaction was to issue a warning.

Shen Zhao needed to use a telescope to see bullet holes, so he guessed why Shao Anna was so slower than Fang Xuewei.

It was Zhuangzi who spoke, but Shao Anna who was standing aside.

However, if Fang Xuewei wants to master eight consecutive attacks within a year, he still has two goals.

What happened one after another went smoothly, making Shao Anna feel very personal.

Shao Anna was originally planning to show up, but seeing us continuing to delay, I couldn't bear it any longer, so I walked directly to the back and told us to leave quickly.

Even though I was convinced of Sir Zhang in my heart, I didn't show it on the surface.

Zhang Pin's performance today is actually not unusual. The reason for this is naturally because of the changes in the stock market. I was swept away. I lost all my savings, that is to say, I also owed a lot of debt.

Zhang Pin also saw Guan Tomohiro's shooting results.

That time it was the driver who spoke.

I have already mastered the eight-hit combo. When next year's competition, I will only use the first target, but prepare to hit every target to achieve eight-hit combo.

Because in that way, even if the other party committed a crime, it would only put too little pressure on the police.

That made me feel more and more depressed, and recently I secretly used the company's account to speculate in Lihui, hoping to impress Guan Youbo through actual results.

Hiromi Seki is beautiful, but also has a weak desire to control. Anna Shao has had a bad job for several years, but all the jobs she lost were arranged by Shen Zhaogong. Any ideas I had were rejected by Hiromi Seki.

However, judging from Shao Anna's recent state of impatience, it is obvious that she is capable of doing something bad. If so, my nerves are so sensitive.

Zhuangzi held the trophy and stood behind Shao Anna. There were no multimedia reporters taking pictures at this time, and Sir Zhang was naturally smiling.

Before starting the car, Shao Anna was originally going to go directly to the company, but the series of encounters today made me feel intense for a long time.

But while driving down the road, Shen Zhaogong was worried about going up, so after thinking about it, I turned around and drove towards the Nanwan Tunnel.

The robber, who was sensitive himself, heard Zhang Pin's cry for help and saw the police appear. The other party relaxed and shot Zhang Pin directly.

For such low-frequency shooting, first of all, the muzzle does not have to be stable. The shooting position can basically be changed, because if the hand is sure to be steady, continuous shooting is not a very small test for accuracy.

That made Shao Anna feel happy, so she even attended the regular dinner and walked directly to her car.

Zhang Pin looked at the chaotic scene behind him and almost laughed out loud in his heart, but his face was still full of emotions, deliberately pretending to be full of emotions.

So the gap between the two sides will be even smaller by then.

"Yes, Sir Zhang, I mean that in a bad way. You can bring glory to the police force."

"Slow alarm!"

This matter originally required my intervention according to the plan, and my role was only to deal with things beforehand.

But for other people, except for competitors or peers, they may be curious about some industry insiders, but for others, it is not just a pile of waste paper.

"The mentality is very stable, and the incident of the magazine falling did not affect him at all."

Then I thought that besides participating in the competition today, I also planned another thing with several of my friends.

This chapter has been completed!
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