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Chapter 1020 Huang Wenbins Self-destruction

However, since the establishment of ICAC, there has not actually been an investigation against Mr. Gui.

Their excuse to the outside world is naturally that even if Gui Lao from Hong Kong commits a crime, he still needs to be extradited back to Gui Laoying's homeland for trial.

But the actual reason is well known to everyone.

Hong Kong Island itself is the colony of Gui Laoying. It is completely natural for Gui Laoying to come here to make money.

Now that the Z Fund has been able to gather so much money in a short period of time, and claims such a high rate of return, there is actually no need to investigate the tricks involved. As long as you are a little professional, you will know what the foundation is up to.

Hong Kong Island is known as the financial center of Asia, so don’t know too much about Z Fund.

However, all people in the financial and legal circles have remained silent about the various violations and abnormal behaviors of the Z Fund.

Now Lu Zhilian, a stupid young man, wants to stand up and launch an investigation into the Z Foundation, which makes the Director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption almost speechless.

"Sir, it's not that we don't have any evidence. First of all, we received a real-name report letter from the former partner of Yonghua Law Firm, which is the Z Fund review unit.

In addition, the wife of Superintendent Huang Wenbin of the Commercial Crime Investigation Division of the Police Force also came to the ICAC to report to the ICAC that her husband Huang Wenbin had a huge amount of unidentified property."

"After receiving the report from Superintendent Huang Wenbin's wife, we investigated and found out that the original report letter from Yonghua Lawyer's former partner was actually sent to the Commercial Crime Investigation Division, but the team that led the team to Yonghua Lawyer to investigate

That person is Superintendent Huang Wenbin."

"The other party announced at the press conference afterwards that it had not investigated any irregularities in the lawyer's review."

"But less than a week after this investigation, Huang Wenbin suddenly received tens of millions of unidentified property. These things cannot be regarded as mere speculation."

Facing his boss's doubts, Lu Zhilian calmly took out the information he had prepared long ago.

"And it is precisely because Care Basic announced that it will invest 15 billion in Z Fund that I pay special attention to this matter."

"This money belongs to all taxpayers on Hong Kong Island. With such a large sum of money, we, the ICAC, should play our due responsibilities and protect the safety of this property for all citizens of Hong Kong Island."

When Lu Zhilian said this, his heart was full of determination.

He has always been determined to fight against criminals. This time, he has already noticed the Z Fund incident.

But originally, because the fund was in the spotlight and he did not have any direct evidence, he did not conduct an investigation.

Now that the evidence has been placed in front of him, Lu Zhilian will naturally not let go of this opportunity.

"Are you sure you have complete confidence that Superintendent Huang Wenbin of the Commercial Crime Investigation Division has huge assets of unknown origin?"

After hearing what Lu Zhilian said, the Director of the ICAC did not care about other issues, but focused on Huang Wenbin.

"If a police officer at the level of superintendent can knock the other party down, not only will a spot be freed up, but the reputation of the ICAC will also increase!"

The Director of ICAC had a plan in mind, so he raised his head and looked at Lu Zhilian.

"The matter needs to be handled step by step. In this way, if you can catch evidence from Huang Wenbin that the other party has accepted bribes, then I will help you apply to the higher authorities to investigate the Z Fund."

Although the Independent Commission Against Corruption claims to be directly responsible to the Governor and seems to have great authority, in the upper circles of Hong Kong Island, it is not possible for them to investigate anyone they want.

After hearing what the Director of ICAC said, Lu Zhilian thought about it and finally agreed.

"Then please contact the court and help us issue a summons certificate. I will directly summon Superintendent Huang Wenbin unexpectedly."

"no problem!"

The Director of ICAC does not have the courage to engage in the Z Fund, the key project above, but to deal with a superintendent like Huang Wenbin, he certainly has no shortage of courage, and it is also very big.


"Has Huang Wenbin been invited to tea by the ICAC?"

When Zhang Pin woke up the next day, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

However, he was dedicated and came to work at the police station, but he didn't clock in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived, I heard some breaking news.

"Yes, I heard that it is related to the Z Fund, which has been very popular recently. The boss of the Department of Justice personally campaigned for it. Is the head of the Independent Commission Against Corruption so strong?"

Chen Jin, who came to report the news, was inevitably a little sad when talking about this incident.

He is no longer the stupid young man he was back then.

I have been practicing with Zhang Pin for several years, and I have seen big scenes.

So he has a pretty good idea of ​​what the Independent Commission Against Corruption is.

This time, Chen Jin couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied when he learned that the other party was actually attacking Huang Wenbin.

Huang Wenbin is definitely not clean, but the Independent Commission Against Corruption's position cannot be considered just.

The reason why the ICAC was established was that the Chinese were united and controlled most of the revenue, and the Chinese had the final say on dividends. Those foreigners who traveled across the ocean could only passively receive part of the money.

The other party was so angry that he came up with the killer trick of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, which finally broke the originally united Chinese people.

Of course, this does not mean that the Chinese are righteous. On the contrary, that was also the time when the entire Hong Kong Island was in the most chaos.

There is just a saying that goes well, the butt determines the head.

Chen Jin and Huang Wenbin are both police officers, and their employees are not that clean.

Because foreigners are too indulgent in Hong Kong Island, the security risk is very high. As police officers, if they don't use some means, they will not even be able to save their own lives, let alone protect the safety of citizens.

Now that the Independent Commission Against Corruption suddenly takes action against Huang Wenbin, Chen Jin can't help but feel a bit sad.

Some things are not weighed as lightly as three or two, but once they are weighed, they may be more than several tons.

Especially because Huang Wenbin and Zhang Pin were trainees in the same training class, the relationship between the two parties was considered close. There were several incidents here, and Huang Wenbin's Commercial Crime Investigation Section also contributed personnel.

Not to mention that although Huang Wenbin's personal morality is flawed, his ability to do things is not bad.

Moreover, in the position of the other party, first of all, ordinary citizens and ordinary people will not be bullied. The people Huang Wenbin is dealing with have dirty status.

What Huang Wenbin did cannot be considered just, but it is cleaner than most people.

For example, in the case of Z Foundation, the Independent Commission Against Corruption did not find the real owner, but instead attacked Huang Wenbin, which inevitably makes people suspect that the other party did not dare to confront him, so they could only exploit his soft persimmon.

"Ask your subordinates to exercise more restraint, and Sir Huang will definitely be fine."

Zhang Pin didn't care about the ICAC's actions.

Based on his understanding of Huang Wenbin, since the other party is sure to collect the money, it is impossible for others to catch him.

And if you really have any leverage, you deserve to go in.

At most, I will have time to visit the prison in the future, so that the other person can live a better life there.

Facts have proved that Sir Zhang’s vision is still very good.

His guess about Huang Wenbin was not wrong. It took less than 24 hours for the ICAC to summon Huang Wenbin for investigation before it came out in a big way.

But what Zhang Pin didn't guess was that after Huang Wenbin came out, he immediately came to see Zhang Pin.

"Sir Zhang, to tell you the truth, I am actually a criminal police officer."

Huang Wenbin's first words when he saw Zhang Pin were shocking.

"Oh, what then?"

But after hearing his words, Zhang Pin's reaction was beyond Huang Wenbin's expectation.

"No, sir Zhang, aren't you curious?"

Huang Wenbin originally wanted to see Zhang Pin's shocked reaction. The reason why he came to Zhang Pin immediately after coming out of the Independent Commission Against Corruption this time was not for anything else, but to seek protection.

"I'm very curious, why don't you tell me about it?"

Zhang Pin saw Huang Wenbin's expression, so he asked the other party in cooperation.

"Do you know why I, a Ph.D. in finance, gave up my high-paying job and joined the police force instead?"

Huang Wenbin took a deep breath. Although he knew that Zhang Pin's question was just to cooperate with him, he still followed the other party's question and continued.

"I wonder if you know that the Ni family was the uncrowned king of Tsim Sha Tsui back then?"

Zhang Pin was a little surprised this time. Could it be that Huang Wenbin's identity was related to the Ni family.

He actually didn't have a deep impression of the Ni family. On the contrary, he was very familiar with Han Chen, who came from the Ni family.

"I only know one Ni Yongxiao in the Ni family."

Zhang Pin tells the truth.

"I forgot that when you came to Tsim Sha Tsui, Uncle Kun was already dead."

When Huang Wenbin talked about this incident, his expression felt a little lonely for the first time.

"As early as when Uncle Kun was still here, because the business of making money was too sensitive, it naturally attracted a lot of attention, especially the police."

"Uncle Kun is a smart man. He knows that this kind of business will not last long, so he started to make arrangements for his descendants early on, letting his sons become lawyers and doctors, and learn accounting. The purpose is to let them follow the right path.


"At the same time, he selected a group of people with clean financial status very early on and supported them in going to school and taking the police academy entrance examination."

"It is precisely because of his early layout that the Ni family has been able to maintain its number one position in Tsim Sha Tsui for so long."

"I was one of the first members that Uncle Kun supported."

"It's funny to say that Uncle Kun originally had such a good plan, but in the end it didn't end well, even for his children. On the contrary, a ghost like me ended up rising all the way up."

When Huang Wenbin talked about this, although he was smiling, his eyes could not help but look a bit uncertain.

"It's quite interesting."

Hearing Huang Wenbin's words, Zhang Pin couldn't help but think of Han Chen.

I don’t know if Han Chen learned from Ni Kun about deploying undercover agents in the police force because he was working with him.

It seems that an undercover agent assigned by Han Chen is also performing very well in the police force. What is his name? Liu Jianming.

"Since Uncle Kun died, I haven't had any contact with the Ni family. In fact, because I have a high degree of education and studied abroad in Gui Laoying, Uncle Kun didn't use me at the beginning, so from beginning to end, I

There is no contact with the Ni family."

"It turned out to be such a mistake, but it allowed me to rise up the police force step by step, all the way to where I am today."

Huang Wenbin actually didn't say a word. The reason why he was able to be promoted all the way without a backstage was mainly because his identity as a criminal police officer allowed him to be more relaxed when doing certain things.

When it comes to who is most likely to break the law, it is definitely the rich.

Because of his identity, Huang Wenbin naturally cannot stand on the side of justice, so he is willing to satisfy the demands of some people in handling many matters.

After going back and forth, everyone knew that Huang Wenbin had outstanding abilities and was very smart, so many people gave him some help overtly or covertly.

After all, people like him will always be useful one day after being helped up.

"What you said is shocking, but Ni Kun has been dead for so many years. Even if we find evidence that he supported your schooling, it doesn't mean anything."

Zhang Pin didn't understand the meaning of Huang Wenbin's words.

Ni Kun has been dead for many years, and it is impossible for Huang Wenbin to keep evidence that he was a criminal policeman for so long.

As for Ni Kun's original support for him, there is no legal provision that members of the society cannot do charity.

And since this matter has passed, it stands to reason that Huang Wenbin should never let anyone know about it.

"I originally thought so too. This matter has passed. Uncle Kun's children have all died, and I have nothing to do with their family."

Huang Wenbin also laughed when he heard Zhang Pin's words.

"But, when Uncle Kun was still here, he often liked to say something. I didn't think he took it seriously at first, but now I think he takes it seriously."

"If you come out to fool around, you always have to pay back?"

Zhang Pin took the initiative to answer the question before Huang Wenbin said Ni Kun's catchphrase.

"...Yes, it seems that Sir Zhang is actually not familiar with Uncle Kun at all, as you said."

Hearing Zhang Pin's words, Huang Wenbin, who was about to say Ni Kun's catchphrase, couldn't help but swallow, and then he continued to speak.

"Don't get me wrong, the reason I know this is just because Ni Yongxiao also likes to say this."

Zhang Pin shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he was not lying.

"Ah Xiao, he studied accounting at first. Maybe it was because of this that he always struggled with the fact that things must have a certain outcome. If he had been willing to let go of Uncle Kun's hatred and not take the initiative to clean up the five leaders of the Ni family, I'm afraid it would have been...

It won’t cause death for the Ni family.”

When Huang Wenbin heard Zhang Pin mention Ni Yongxiao again, he also sighed with emotion.

Although Huang Wenbin himself said that he had nothing to do with the Ni family, judging from his understanding of Ni Yongxiao, this sentence actually has a certain degree of truth.

But now that all the Ni family members are dead, there is no point in pursuing what happened before.

The reason why Zhang Pin knew Liu Jianming's identity but did not take any action was also based on the same reason.

To put it mildly, Zhang Pin himself has killed people and collected illegal money, not to mention he has so many confidants.

If he really acted very righteously, he would probably have to kill himself first.

Sir Zhang has a clear understanding of himself. He must be a good person. The reason why he does these things is just because the world has gone bad.

Good people often don't live long. In order to continue to uphold justice, he can only let himself be the bad guy.

This chapter has been completed!
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