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Chapter 1,042 Joint Financial Intelligence Group

"Go and contact a group of dirty rats. I'll be useful soon."

In normal times, Shen Huashan would not be willing to have anything to do with such a dirty rat, not only because of safety issues, but more importantly because the grade is too low.

But now the situation is different.

With Li Li's betrayal, if the internal collusion between Shen Huashan and the Jockey Club and the use of shady profits are revealed, he will definitely die without a burial place on Hong Kong Island.

Shen Huashan had no choice but to give it a go.

"Hey, Lao Liu, I'm Shen Huashan. I heard that you can find a way to contact the dirty rats. The price is easy to negotiate. You can arrange them first, and then you can do things according to my arrangements."


A small coastal village in the mainland.


A gunshot broke the calm of the forest.


The birds that were originally relaxing in the trees were now fluttering and flying high into the sky.

"Brother Laifu, your marksmanship is so good. You actually hit five of them at once."

Without waiting for the white smoke from the gun to dissipate, several teenagers quickly ran out and picked up the bird hit by the steel ball in the dark under the moonlight.

"Practice makes perfect, it's nothing."

Laifu has dark skin and messy hair, but he is surprisingly handsome.

He didn't take his friends' compliments seriously.

"Brother Laifu, Brother Laifu, Brother Six called again. There is a big job this time. We are all going to get rich!"

Just when a few people were excitedly preparing to go to the next mangrove to hunt birds, a young man ran out of a village not far away. It could be seen from his words and the speed of running that he was obviously very happy about the news.

This is understandable, who doesn’t like getting rich?

Well, that's not right, because after Laifu heard the news, not only was he not happy, but he frowned.

"Awang, you just said that Brother Six wanted us all to go over?"

"Yes, Sixth Brother said that there is a big boss who is willing to pay. The more people we can go to, the better. We can also find people from other villages."

Awang was very excited.

Because they are not far from Hong Kong, they understand the prosperity of Hong Kong Island better than the average person. Naturally, they are also very keen on the feasting and entertainment of Hong Kong Island.

In fact, since the two sides are so close, there are naturally a lot of people going there to make a fortune.

But there are really not many people who can get ahead, and Sixth Brother is considered by a few people to be the best among them.

After Lao Liu established a foothold in Hong Kong Island, he was quite loyal and made a special agreement with other people in the village to introduce them to some jobs.

Although the work is all dirty work, the income is very high, at least tens of thousands of yuan per order.

After finishing a job, it is enough for the family to build a big house, or marry a wife or something.

And because the industry chain is mature, and they leave Hong Kong Island after completing the task, the success rate is quite high, so for most people here, it is obviously very worthwhile to take a risk to gain this benefit.


"Ah Bao and Ah Wang, you two can't go, you have an only son."

Contrary to everyone's excitement, Laifu heard that Lao Liu not only wanted people from his own village to go, but also wanted to find foreign aid from other villages. He immediately knew that something must have happened this time, and it was a big deal.

The Dirty Rat itself is a life-and-death business, and actually speaking, the fewer people there are, the safer things will be.

Usually Lao Liu looks for killers, but the last time he only found two people.

Nowadays, it is no different than before. With the availability of pistols, it is simply too easy to kill someone. If there are more people, it will be easier to expose the person.

Now that Lao Liu wants so many people at once, it doesn't look like he is asking them to do some secret dirty work. Laifu's vigilance has been raised to the highest level.

The reason why he didn't let Po and Awang go was because they were both only children.

In this era, if a family does not have a son, it is as if the sky has fallen.

The reason why everyone is doing this is to make money and improve their lives. Laifu naturally does not want his friends who have been friends for many years to lose their lives just to make money.

As for blessing yourself.

If it was just for money, he actually didn't want to go, but this time he went to Hong Kong Island not just for money.

"Brother Laifu, will you be able to see Sister Susu again when you go to Hong Kong Island this time? Will you pick Sister Susu back, right?"

Abao on the side didn't care that Laifu refused to let him go, but instead became concerned about Fu.

We have all been friends for many years, so we naturally know everything about it.

Laifu has a Qingmei who was already engaged to be married, but she went to Hong Kong Island with her relatives a few years ago. At first, they exchanged letters, but then the contact became less and less. Seeing that both of them are almost over the age of marriage.


The main reason why Laifu wanted to become a dirty rat was to be able to go to Hong Kong Island smoothly and find his childhood sweetheart.

"Well, I will bring Susu back then."

When Laifu heard his friend's question, he couldn't help but feel dazed for a moment, and then made a decision.

The main reason why Susu wanted to leave in the first place was because the small village was too poor.

But now the nearby Yangcheng has begun to prosper, and if this mission goes well, Laifu is confident of making a fortune.

When the time comes, use this money as start-up capital to start a small business in Yangcheng, and your future life should not be too bad.

"Everyone go back and prepare, then count the number of people and ask Lao Liu to apply for family visit permits for us."


A braised food shop.

It was very lively at this time.

"Thank you, Sir Zhang. I didn't expect you to really appreciate it. This store may not look simple, but the goose heads are one of a kind. They are all lion heads and goose heads specially brought from the mainland."

Lu Zhilian went out to greet Zhang Pin with a smile.

The case of Z Fund has been concluded.

Hu Zhiyong's true identity was also revealed, and the other party was a complete liar.

He corrupted Xu Huaijing through money and beauty, then deceived Chief Wei, and finally won over the care fund project.

It's like a white wolf with nothing, leveraging 15 billion of the care fund at a little cost.

Then, through the Care Fund, we leveraged hundreds of billions of fund-raising projects.

This kind of empty-handed case is exactly the same as that of Liu Daxiong, who likes to pick up female stars in previous years, acquired some established companies through the stock market and then accumulated wealth.

The difference is that Liu Daxiong was too secretive at the time and had insufficient supervision, allowing the other party to achieve his goal.

But now the situation is different.

Because of Lu Zhilian's early discovery, although the superiors initially did not agree to directly investigate the Z Fund, they were more prepared.

Whether it is 15 billion from the Care Fund or 100 billion raised from funds, they are all kept in custody accounts.

If Lu Zhilian hadn't insisted on investigating Z Fund, these two sums of money would have been transferred to Z Fund's own account long ago. No one can predict what will happen by then.

Therefore, the Independent Commission Against Corruption showed its face this time, not only protecting the government's 15 billion care fund, but also protecting 100 billion in funds from citizens and investors.

Therefore, Lu Zhilian also benefited a lot from such a large contribution.

Although due to the model of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Lu Zhilian has been unable to be promoted for the time being, the bonus is quite substantial.

Lu Zhilian is also very wise. In this case about the Z Fund, not only the Independent Commission Against Corruption contributed, but also the police force also helped.

Especially when Hu Zhiyong desperately sent killers to silence him, if Liu Baoqiang and Zhou Xingxing hadn't intervened, Lu Zhilian might have died in the line of duty that night, let alone continue to deal a fatal blow to the Z Fund.

So before the bonus was paid, he took the initiative to invite everyone to a dinner to express his gratitude.

Of course, due to the special nature of the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the police force, it is not easy to have a dinner party in a high-end place.

But Lu Zhilian was also careful. He knew a shop that specialized in braised goose.

This shop does not use ordinary goose meat, but a kind of meat called lion head goose.

The longer this kind of goose is raised, the more sarcoid-like things will grow on its head. Generally, a forehead of a lion-head goose that is more than five years old can be sold for thousands of dollars, which is equivalent to a month's salary of an ordinary Hong Kong person.

This time Lu Zhilian obviously spent a lot of money.

Sir Zhang naturally accepted this with peace of mind.

"Tell me, if you spend such a large amount of money, I'm afraid it's not just for gratitude."

After eating and drinking, Zhang Pin glanced at the other party and knew in his heart that Lu Zhilian must have other purposes this time.

"Haha, Sir Zhang is indeed Sir Zhang. I do have something to ask for."

Ever since Lu Zhilian started cooperating with Chen Jin, a new world suddenly seemed to be opened up.

In the past, the relationship between the police force and the Independent Commission Against Corruption was at odds with each other. It would be great if the two sides did not attack each other. Cooperation was naturally a luxury.

After all, the Independent Commission Against Corruption's greatest achievement is its reliance on the police.

But this time the Z Foundation and Jockey Club case opened Lu Zhilian's eyes.

With the protection of the police force, even if Hu Zhiyong sent a dozen gunmen, he was still defeated in the end.

And with the financial support of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the police force can handle cases much more easily.

If nothing else, let’s just say that during the last surveillance of Li Li, the police did not even have any face-to-face contact with the other party. They relied on monitoring equipment to grasp the situation of Li Li and Shen Huashan, thus obtaining a witness like Li Li.

This time, the biggest reason why Zhang Pin, Zhou Xingxing and others came to enjoy Lu Zhilian's meal was because they also got a lot of benefits from the last cooperation.

Among other things, Hu Zhiyong ordered his men to kill two accountants, Chen Yongcai and Luo Luo Yong, and also wanted to assassinate the investigation commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Coupled with the assassination of the Jockey Club trader.

Although most of these cases are handled by the police, the Independent Commission Against Corruption has indeed made a lot of efforts.

Especially in the cases of Chen Yongcai and Luo Luo Yong, the main evidence was provided by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Moreover, in a case as big as the Z Fund, although the ICAC takes all the obvious benefits, if it really wants to benefit, the police force is actually not willing to give in too much.

After all, the lives of Lu Zhilian and others were saved by members of the police force.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption hogs the limelight in terms of publicity, but the police force also has many benefits.

For example, because of the Z Foundation case, the police finally decided to establish a new joint wealth investigation team in addition to the Commercial Crime Investigation Division.

The main work of this investigation team is to combat the increasing number of money laundering crimes on Hong Kong Island that are becoming more and more mature and standardized.

Moreover, the first chief of this joint wealth investigation team is none other than Sir Zhang.

Although Zhang Pin's police rank was not promoted, his power was greatly increased.

Apart from anything else, even the various teams in the headquarters of the Hong Kong Island Police Force generally have a fixed jurisdiction.

Not to mention the administrative team, even the operations department often needs to notify the local police station in advance when they leave the headquarters and go to other jurisdictions to do work. Otherwise, collisions between the two sides may happen.

But there is something different about this joint wealth investigation team.

That is the authority of the team, which is to investigate all money laundering crimes in Hong Kong Island.

To put it simply, as long as this team investigates projects related to money laundering, it does not need to be restricted by jurisdiction.

As long as Zhang Pin wants to, as long as it is within the scope of Hong Kong Island, he has legal authority.

Such a permission may seem inconspicuous, but if it is actually operated, the space that can be operated is too large.

After all, the authority of the team is to investigate anything related to money laundering, and what is related to money laundering and what is irrelevant, there is actually a lot of room for explanation.

There is naturally a reason why the superiors gave this right to Zhang Pin.

The first is the Z Fund incident. Hu Zhiyong went too far.

It is not that there were no economic crimes on Hong Kong Island in the past. On the contrary, economic crimes on Hong Kong Island may be the most common among all criminal incidents.

As a free trade port, it is an excellent hotbed for economic crimes.

However, the reason why economic crimes in the past were not listed as the most important issue for the Hong Kong Island police force and authorities.

Firstly, in addition to some unspeakable things, more importantly, economic crimes are relatively secretive compared to other vicious crimes.

Secondly, the direct casualties will not be too serious.

But what happened to Hu Zhiyong was different.

This guy suddenly got rich, and he doesn't have the tacit understanding that a rich person should have.

For the rich, it is inevitable to squeeze every penny out of the poor, but they often start from a spiritual level.

For example, find ways to make the other party empty their wallets to buy things, or even take out loans.

After all, these methods are separated by a layer, even if they are squeezed, they are subtle.

But Hu Zhiyong is different. He does things simply and roughly, destroying enemies directly from the physical level.

Doing things like this is naturally not in line with the rules of wealthy people.

All of them are very rich. Even if they commit something, they are not willing to risk their lives against others unless necessary.

After all, if they just fight for other things, they will lose some money at most. If they lose this thing, they can find a way to earn it back.

But life is different.

If you lose, you won't be able to buy it back no matter how much money you have.

It is precisely because of this that rich people like to follow rules more.

Unconventional rules will not restrict them, but will protect them. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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