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Chapter 1,112 Ten million reward

"What’s wrong with you?"

The flip-flops scene was naturally discovered by Chen Jiaju, who had been paying attention to him.

Flip Flop opened her mouth, and just when she was about to say something, the cradle that had just been thrown away swung back again.


Flip Flop was startled by the excitement again.

But this time, the cradle that swung back was already grabbed by Baidu Tong.

Chen Jiaju, who was sitting opposite the flip-flops, saw that the other person seemed to be attracted to the window opposite, so he turned to look at the opposite side, but there was nothing outside.

Flip Flop waited for a moment, and after confirming that the cradle would not appear, he had an idea and shook his neck again.

"I'm having a brief muscle twitch!"

Flip-Flop shook his head while explaining the reason why he was like this.


Chen Jiaju repeated the words along with the flip-flop movements, and then he became more confused.

Because although he does not have muscle twitching, he often wants to jump when he sees tables and chairs.

When he saw that the flip-flops that looked very similar to him had such a problem, he unexpectedly felt that it was reasonable.

Seeing that Chen Jiaju seemed to believe his excuse, Flip Flop immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But he was obviously happy too early.

Because just when Baidu Tong grabbed the cradle, the thugs upstairs shook the rope again, trying to pull the cradle away.

Baidu Tong couldn't use much strength at this moment, so he could only watch the cradle move away from him. He tried with all his strength to stop it, but instead he was pulled further and further away by the cradle.


Flip Flop looked at Baidu who appeared outside the window again, and was so frightened that he shrank into the corner of the sofa.

"What's wrong with you?"

Chen Jiaju looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

"With muscle cramps, you might as well say you're possessed by a ghost and come help quickly!"

This time, without waiting for Flip Flop to make any excuses, Baidu Tong, who was almost unable to hold on to the outer wall, spoke directly.

Baidatong's words immediately attracted all the attention of everyone in the room.

When the tattooed man saw that the opponent was holding a cradle, he immediately punched the flip-flop in the face, and the flip-flop naturally hit him together.

Chen Jiaju turned around and saw that the Baidu was about to fall. He quickly got up and rushed over there, then grabbed the cradle.


Chen Jiaju took a look at the cradle and found that it was the child he had sent back before. He immediately pulled it down.

The thugs upstairs were trying their best, and when Chen Jiaju pulled him so hard, the first thing he couldn't bear was the rope they were pulling against each other.


The rope was torn directly from the middle. Bai Datong, who was originally pulling the rope, and Chen Jiaju, who was holding the cradle, involuntarily leaned out and fell down.

Fortunately, at this time, the flip-flops in the room had already taken care of the tattooed man. He ran over in a few steps and hugged Chen Jiaju, who had already stretched out more than half of his body. Then when he pulled him up, he smoothly

I also brought the cradle with the baby in it.

Then he quickly handed the cradle to Baidu, who had stabilized his body outside, and kept waving to him.

"Keep the baby!"

Chen Jiaju, who was still on the wall, saw the flip-flop moving like this, and immediately guessed that the child was definitely not theirs, and there must be something wrong with it.

So without thinking, he let go of his hands that were about to climb up, and speed-skated downwards, snatching the baby from Baidu's hand. Then he slid down a short distance and stepped on an outside.

Above the wall air conditioner main unit.

"I am Superintendent Chen Jiaju of the Central District Crime Squad. I now suspect that you are related to a child kidnapping case. I require you to surrender immediately!"

After Chen Jiaju made sure that the child was safe and sound, he looked up at Baidu and Flip-flops and issued a warning to them.

"Quick! The child is in his hands, do it!"

But Chen Jiaju forgot one thing. At this moment, he was alone. On the contrary, the support of the tattooed man had arrived. More than a dozen people from the other party directly surrounded everyone upstairs and downstairs. They were looking for something to put on the outside wall.

The Chen Jiaju on the air conditioner main unit was knocked down.

"Give us the baby quickly, hurry up!"

Just when Chen Jiaju was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do, Flip Flop and Baidu Tong didn't have any children in hand, so they were not targeted at this moment. Instead, they took the opportunity to run downstairs.

At this moment, the two of them were standing next to Chen Jiaju's car, holding Chen Jiaju's keys in their hands, and they kept waving at him.

Chen Jiaju looked at the group of guys opposite who looked like they were not good people at first glance, holding bamboo poles in their hands, eager to try on his body, and then looked at the familiar flip-flops and Baidu Tong. Finally, he shook his teeth and looked

To the flip-flops and Blockus.

"You guys pick up the kids for me, and remember to surrender yourself to the police station honestly, otherwise I won't let you go."

Chen Jiaju said harsh words to the two people downstairs, and then put the baby down.

"Goodbye, sir!"

"Take care, sir!"

Flip Flop and Baidu Tong successfully caught the child, and then they both waved to Chen Jiaju, and then drove Chen Jiaju's car and disappeared into the street before Master Hu's thugs came down.

"Damn it, chase me!"

The tattooed man had just run downstairs, and his face was full of car exhaust fumes. He watched helplessly as the flip-flops and the Beltopt disappeared.

He was so angry that he was ready to drive after him.

"Hey, you have been arrested. Hurry up and arrest me. You have the right to remain silent. Next."

Before the tattooed man and others could leave, Chen Jiaju, who had not yet come down from the wall, shouted loudly to the tattooed man downstairs.

“Fuck—you’re so crazy.”

Hearing Chen Jiaju's shouting, the group of tattooed men were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chen Jiaju as if they were idiots. One of them even picked up the bamboo pole that he had planned to use to poke Chen Jiaju, and strode over to poke him down.


Seeing the actions of their accomplices, the others immediately started laughing and laughing, and even stood there, wanting to see Chen Jiaju's joke.

But before they finished laughing, Chen Jiaju was not stabbed down by the bamboo pole as they imagined.

On the contrary, when the thug holding the bamboo pole had just stretched out the bamboo pole, Chen Jiaju suddenly grabbed the bamboo pole, then hugged the bamboo pole with his whole body, and then slid down along the bamboo pole towards the ground.

“Hey hey hey hey—”

The boy who was standing on the ground holding a bamboo pole with both hands was naturally unable to support the weight of Chen Jiaju's entire body.

As he yelled, his body kept swaying forward.

Then when he saw Chen Jiaju getting closer and closer to the ground, he immediately subconsciously let go of his hands, trying to make the other person fall.

But Chen Jiaju moved very quickly. When the thug let go, he was already less than one meter away from the ground. After seeing the thug let go, he easily landed on the ground with his feet.

"Your little brother actually wants to poke me. I will charge you with assaulting a police officer!"

After Chen Jiaju landed on the ground, he immediately pointed at the thug who had just stabbed him with a bamboo pole, and marked the opponent without hesitation.

"Boss, what should I do?"

When several thugs saw that Chen Jiaju could get down from the stairs with a bamboo pole, they immediately knew how powerful he was, so everyone looked at the tattooed man, trying to give him an idea.

"Hmph, give him a good beating and let's all join in!"

At first, the tattooed man thought it was a joke and allowed his men to poke Chen Jiaju. However, when he came back to his senses, he realized that Flip Flop and Patek Tong had already run away with the child, and now they didn’t even know they were there.


He thought that if he went back with nothing but his children, he would probably be punished by Master Hu.

So he simply chose to attack the police, thinking that if he was caught in the police station, he would at least have an excuse to deal with Master Hu's accusation.

So in less than ten minutes, Chen Jiaju showed off his power and knocked down all the tattooed men.

Because he was the leader, the tattooed man received special care from Chen Jiaju, and his nose was directly broken.

"Where's the child! Where did our child go?"

Just as Chen Jiaju was escorting a group of people through the city towards the Central District Police Station, the Li family, who had lost their child, finally discovered that their child was missing after a night.

This family is really very arrogant. No one even visited the child once last night.

Now that the whole morning has almost passed, someone finally remembered that the child had not been fed.

"Has it been stolen? Damn it, the thief, wouldn't he threaten us with the child to pay ransom?"

The Li family has a close relationship with wealthy people like the Tong family, so they are naturally very wealthy themselves.

In addition, they only have an only child, so this baby is naturally the only one in their Li family.

Although the child's biological father has not been found out because Ms. Li has so many love experiences, the Li family really doesn't want to lose their only grandson.

"Put me through the phone number of the Commissioner of Police of Hong Kong Island. Someone must find my child. Don't be afraid of spending money. I just want my child to be safe."

When the child was not lost, no one in the Li family paid much attention to the child, and no one even took a look at the child all night.

But now when they found out that the person was missing, they became nervous.

The fundamental reason is that they care more about the face of their own family than their children.

So just when Chan Ka Kui was walking on the road with others because he didn't have a car, the Hong Kong Island Police Force and all the citizens of Hong Kong Island received a strange news.

ATV deliberately stopped broadcasting all current news programs at all times. Instead, two lawyers appeared, announced a missing child case, and promised that whoever returns the child to Li's family will receive a bonus of 10 million.

In an instant, the entire Hong Kong Island was in a sensation.

"Lao Jiu is missing? The last place he appeared was at the entrance of the police station? They won't suspect that I killed him, right?"

Zhang Pin encountered an annoying thing as soon as he went to work.

Many reporters came to the door of the police station, and many people from within the police station also called.

There is only one purpose, and that is to ask where Lao Jiu is now.

When this old man was alive, he was actually relatively unknown. The main reason why his disappearance caused such a big sensation was because of Sir Zhang.

The previous feud between A Tian and Lao Jiu was considered a hot news in Hong Kong Island recently.

In the end, Lao Jiu surrendered directly and then went to the police station to report A Tian's actions, which attracted the attention of most of the underground forces in Hong Kong.

Because what Lao Jiu did was against the rules, everyone was naturally very curious about his results.

Afterwards, A Tian was able to initiate the life-and-death lottery, and it is impossible to say that there were many people on the road secretly helping behind the scenes.

Who would have thought that not long after Lao Jiu reported A Tian, ​​the Tsim Sha Tsui police led a raid on A Tian's hiding place.

The final outcome was that A Tian's Hutchison and all middle-level and above-level cadres were completely annihilated. More than 20 key cadres and senior officials died on the scene. A Tian himself was directly blown to pieces, leaving only eight peripheral subordinates who surrendered.

Quickly, thus saving life.

After this incident happened, the ordinary citizens of Hong Kong Island didn't feel much about it. At most, it was because there was one less community. Many people in Mong Kok found that things at the night market were much cheaper at night.

But for the many underground forces in Hong Kong Island, this incident was truly earth-shattering.

From the perspective of many people in the underground forces, although the Hong Kong Island Police Force has been very strong in recent years, their lives are not actually difficult, and are actually much better than before.

Don't look at the fact that Hong Kong Island's economy has been getting worse and worse in recent years because of the handover.

But these actually have little impact on them, and even because of the chaos brought about by the return, these guys who originally lived in the dark are even more at home.

And unlike ordinary robbers and other tough gangsters, except for a few gangsters who go crazy and risk their lives, in fact, most of the things the young and Dangerous boys do are not too serious.

Even if it is a group fight or something like that, because the victims are all young and Dangerous, and no one is dead, and there are so many people, even if the police deal with it, they will usually just let each society hand over the blame.

Therefore, A Tian's experience this time naturally made other societies completely uncomfortable.

In the past, even if there was a dispute between two societies and both parties made a lot of noise, generally speaking, the police would at most detain the leaders of both parties.

Because you need to know one thing. Because of Hong Kong Island’s unique ecological environment, communities are an indispensable part of the ecological niche.

If you really want to directly attack an entire society, the first issue is the number of people.

Even for a small society like A Tian, ​​which is huddled in Mong Kok, there are dozens of backbone members and cadres, not counting peripheral members.

The number of people in larger societies is even more terrifying.

Therefore, if the police really want to deal with everything, the general procuratorate and the court may not agree to it.

After all, so many people can't just be arrested and killed.

Subsequently, there will be a conviction and prosecution, and then the prosecutor and judge will hold a trial, and each trial will require the presence of a jury.

If the police force wants to be serious about such a workload, even if the number of prosecutors and judges on Hong Kong Island increases tenfold, it may not be able to handle it.

This chapter has been completed!
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