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Chapter 1,114 Ten Million and Thirty Million

Chapter 985 Ten Million and Thirty Million

At that time, in order to prevent Lao Jiu from being plotted against, the police did not lock him up with members of the society.

However, the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station itself does not have a place to hold criminal suspects for a long time, and there is not enough space in the detention room. The crimes committed by A Tian's younger brother are not enough for prosecutors to prosecute.

When something like this happened in the past, it was natural to let the speakers or masters of various societies pay the ransom and then take the person away.

But now that A Tian sent the person in on purpose, it was naturally impossible for them to release the person on bail before the purpose was achieved.

Since the other party is unwilling, the police cannot just slap him in the face and let him go because there is not enough place to hold him.

Because of this, Sir Zhang personally came forward to lead the team to deal with A Tian.

At this stage, they happened to arrest the charterer again.

Because the charterer was older, in order to prevent him from being bullied by other gangsters, Chen Jin arranged for him and Lao Jiu to be placed in a guard room.

In the end, who knew that Lao Jiu and the charterer had an old relationship.

Because Lao Jiu wanted to help the police find information about A Tian, ​​even though he was in the guard room, he could still use the phone to contact his subordinates outside.

Now that this incident has occurred, it is obviously Chen Jin's dereliction of duty.

"Does Mr. Charter know who is behind this child theft?"

After hearing Chen Jin's words, Zhang Pin naturally guessed that Lao Jiu's disappearance might be related to the person behind the scenes who wanted to steal the child.

"The charterer didn't know it. After he contacted Flip Flop and Baidu to steal the child that night, Lao Jiu went out in the morning before he received the deposit.

However, he himself admitted that he knew this child was a golden egg because he saw the reports.

So not long after Lao Jiu left, he tried to find a way to call the flip-flops, asking the other party to hide them first, and then renegotiate the price after he came out."

"Let the chartered bus first cover the possible hiding places of Flip Flop and Baidu, and then deal with the matter according to the situation."

Although he heard the news about Lao Jiu's disappearance, Zhang Pin was not in a hurry.

Anyway, Lao Jiu is not a good person. If he was unlucky, he would probably be dead by now. Even if he is not dead, this guy who is locked up in the police station and still accepts such a business deserves to be taught a lesson.


Even Zhang Pin has decided that if Lao Jiu is not dead, he will arrange for the police to prosecute the other party if he finds him.

The crime of human trafficking is not a light one. At Lao Jiu's age, there is absolutely no difference between living and dead. Anyway, he will not be free for the rest of his life.

"Ten million, damn it, why don't I report you, and then we'll split the money equally?"

Just when the media was hyping up the case of a 10 million reward for finding the child, Flip Flop and Baidu, who had just been hiding, naturally saw the news.

Seeing the reward of one million, Baidu subconsciously looked at Flip Flop.

"Then why don't you tell me to report you? I can give you an extra million?"

After hearing Baidu Tong's words, Flip Flop retorted without thinking.

"Deal, you report me, then I get six million and you get four million."

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Baidu Tong agreed without even thinking.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

Flip Flop couldn't help but feel a little dazed when he saw Baidu Tong's expression.

"Who are you kidding? Six million. My original idea was to immigrate and retire after earning one million. Now it's six million. Damn, I can see clearly after the past few days. Rich women are not like that."

Easy to serve."

But Baidu Tong looked serious, and it seemed that he really wanted to make 10 million.

"Don't think about it. You have to know that Sir Chen from the Central District Police Station knows that we are in the same group. We will definitely lose both manpower and money by then."

But unlike Baidu, who was blinded by 10 million, Flip Flop is very sober now.

If no one really knew, he wouldn't mind reporting on himself and earning 10 million.

But not only Chen Jiaju knows their identities, but also the charterer.

If the two of them really want to play the game of reporting themselves, they are afraid that the final result will be that the child is not kept, and people will tell the truth.

"Yes, there are still people who know our details. Why don't we contact Sir Chen and share 10 million between the three of us?"

When Baidu Tong heard about flip-flops, it was also a pity.

He even thought of sharing money with Chen Jiaju.

"Do you think he is someone who can be easily bribed with money?"

After hearing Baidu Tong's words, Flip Flop was not in a hurry this time.

The first time he saw Chen Jiaju, he felt that he was an upright person, not the kind of person who could be easily bribed with money.

"That Sir Chen does seem to be a good person. No, why are you so proud? Why, you feel that you look like him, so you are also proud?"

When Baidu Tong thought about Chen Jiaju's actions last night and today, he also knew that the other party might not be bribed easily.

Then he saw that Flip Flop also looked proud, so he couldn't help but slap the other person.

"Of course. In fact, I don't agree with stealing children."

Flip Flop regretted talking about this incident. If he had known about this situation, he might as well have been firmer last night and refused to give up Baidu.

What is going on outside now, Flip Flop can guess it without even thinking.

For the sake of 10 million, they almost did it by reporting themselves. No matter what other people think, don't pat their heads or pat their butts. They all know that it must be very lively outside.

"Don't worry, it's only ten million. Didn't the charterer say that this guy is a golden egg? Before, I thought the charterer was farting. Now it seems that the other party is probably not a golden egg, but an emerald or a diamond.


After Baidu Tong found that reporting on himself was a dead end, he felt relieved.

"Since they are willing to put out a reward of 10 million yuan, then maybe they are willing to pay more money to redeem the child."

"Are you fucking crazy? Didn't we agree that we would just steal the child?"

But when he heard that Baidu wanted to turn stealing into kidnapping, Flip Flop immediately became anxious.

"Look, you are anxious. The child has been stolen anyway. Rather than handing it over to a stranger we don't know, we might as well hand it over to his biological mother's house. Don't make it sound like a kidnapping. We just want some hard-earned money."

After all, if we hadn't taken care of the children last night, they might have starved to death or froze to death."

Baidu sneered at impatient flip-flops.

Don't think the other party is so impatient, in fact they just want to act and act.

If Flip Flop really had a high sense of moral integrity, it would be impossible to steal things with his partner.

Moreover, a bad gambler will naturally be tough when he has money, but when he is short of money, he will naturally do anything.

No, after hearing Baidutong change the term "hard-earned money", Flip Flop immediately hesitated.

"It's useless for us to think about it now. We don't know who the buyer is. We have to wait for the charterer to come out before we can trade. The top priority now is to find a place to hide it. Don't let the charterer fail to wait, and instead wait for the note and the big brothers.


In fact, Baidu Tong is just a buzzword now.

Not to mention that he has no courage, no channels, and no trustworthy people to go to the Li family to ask for ransom. In fact, he doesn't even dare to show his face at the moment, for fear that he will be blocked by people looking for the child. When the situation gets worse, he will

Not sure what his fate will be.

So instead of taking the unreliable thing of taking 10 million, he was more concerned about how he could hide from his charterer.

"Yes, the most urgent task now is to hide it well."

After hearing what Baidu Tong said, Flip Flop also nodded in agreement.

A bounty of 10 million, and more importantly, this money is clean.

Therefore, unlike in the past, bounties were mostly received by some club members or even killers, this time it is likely that most people in Hong Kong will be tempted.

And you can imagine that the main force this time will definitely be the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

After all, finding missing persons is the responsibility of the police force itself, and now there is another bounty to collect. Needless to say, these people will definitely do their best.

The situation is not so good for Flip Flop and Baidu.

Although it stands to reason that the police will not kill them like the gangsters, but sometimes the energy of the rich is even more exaggerated than that of the gangs.

Flip Flop and Baidu don't dare to bet on the opponent's large amount, and they will let themselves go afterwards.

Based on what they have done before, nothing will happen if they are not caught. If they are really caught, they will definitely be imprisoned.

"The rented house can't be returned. Let's think of a solution first."

Flip-flops thought of his father's house, where the terrain was complicated and few people knew about it.

"Our people went to the house where Flip Flop and Baidu Tong lived, but someone had already gone there one step ahead. According to our investigation, it was a subordinate named Hu Ye."

Chen Jin's face was a little disappointed, but at the same time he was also a little excited.

According to the landlord's instructions, the Tsim Sha Tsui police quickly raided the house rented by Flip Flop and Baidu Tong.

But when they got there, they discovered that someone had already been to the house first.

Not only was the door splattered with paint, but the entire room was also turned into a mess.

Moreover, according to the testimonies of surrounding witnesses, a group of unknown persons were arrested by a police officer from the Central District Police Station.

Chen Jin immediately asked someone to find out, and the identities of these people soon came to light.

"This Mr. Tiger is the father of Liu Jianbang who died in the hospital that night."

Chen Jin was very excited. Although he had not yet found the child and the flip-flops, he had already identified the person behind the incident.

"I have arranged for people to keep an eye on Mr. Hu. When the time comes, they will definitely trade with Mr. Hu."

Chen Jin was very excited. It wasn't that he didn't care about the child, but he knew in his heart that since Flip Flop and Baidu Tong stole the child for trade, no matter how they hid or tortured, there was no need to worry about the child's safety.

Not to mention that he has now found the person behind the scenes. As long as he catches the person, he can bring the child back with him.

Not only that, but by catching the instigator behind the scenes, the previous slander of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Department for murdering Lao Jiu can also be revealed.

Therefore, as long as the person behind the scenes is dealt with, three goals can be achieved at once, which is why Chen Jin is so excited.

"If that Liu Hu was the employer, why didn't Flip Flop and the others hand over the child, and why did Liu Hu's people come directly to snatch it away?"

"Looking at the current situation, Flip Flop and the others obviously don't know who the boss is who hired them. The final issue will fall on the charterer. Let's let him go first."

When Zhang Pin saw Chen Jin's enthusiasm, he did not discourage him, but instead checked for Chen Jin's mistakes and made up for them.

"No wonder, I asked them why they keep hiding their children and don't trade."

After hearing Zhang Pin's words, Chen Jin also realized why Flip Flop and others had a conflict with Liu Hu's people. It seemed that something had happened to the middleman, Lao Jiu.

"Aren't you saying that the charterer said that he wanted to increase the price, so he asked them to refuse the transaction?"

Zhang Pin also roughly guessed the reason for Lao Jiu's disappearance. He probably didn't expect that the charterer could see the news in the cell. As a result, he was unlucky because of greed.

"You deserve it. You even want to steal a newborn child."

Zhang Pin did not feel sorry for Lao Jiu's death. This guy was not a good person and he came to the police station to surrender just to protect himself.

Now that the other party died because of greed, he totally deserved it.

So soon, the charterer was released by the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station due to insufficient evidence.

"Thank you sir, I will come and give you the banner in a few days."

The charterer was very happy. He probably also knew that the Tsim Sha Tsui police must have other purposes for releasing him. After all, the stolen goods were found from his home, so there could be no lack of evidence.

But he doesn't care.

As long as he gets the benefit from stealing the child, he will have money. Whether he immigrates directly or hires a lawyer to defend himself, at his age, he can definitely avoid jail.

Just when he walked out of the police station triumphantly and was about to contact Flip Flop and Blockus, a bald man came over.

The other party first took out his pistol and gave the charterer a look, and then pushed him into the car that had been parked there for a long time.

"Lao Jiu, why did you turn into a popsicle?"

After being taken to a cold storage, the charterer discovered that Lao Jiu had been frozen into a human stick and was too dead to die.

"Big brother, I think this is because Lao Jiu felt that the previous price was too low, and said he wanted to negotiate the price with you again. How could we negotiate a price, and it ended up costing lives."

"I will contact the two of them and hand them over to you right away. I have always told Lao Jiu that when we come out to hang out, the most important thing is to be trustworthy and loyal. Everything before was just a misunderstanding. I will pay according to the price you said.


The charterer was in a panic. He had no idea that Lao Jiu would die just because of his greed.

It doesn't matter that Lao Jiu died, but if people knew that Lao Jiu's death was related to him, the charterer would be very worried that Lao Jiu's men would cause trouble for him.

He is not afraid of the police, but he is very aware of how low the bottom line is for corporate members to do things.

"One price, 30 million!"

Liu Hu didn't care about the landlord's mood and thoughts, but raised three fingers.

"Three! Thousand! Ten thousand! Cough cough cough!"

The charterer, who was still chattering nonstop, suddenly choked on his own saliva.


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