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【1421】A quick action

Who was talking to him, calling him to come back? Chen Chengran thought, as if his eyelids were about to open an eyeliner.

Huang Zhilei approached the bed while the junior sister was talking, picked up the flashlight, and checked the patient's state of consciousness at any time.

"Are you awake?" Director Zheng looked at the patient's face and said, feeling a little hopeful.

Li Guoxin was more cautious and only watched the operation without starting. He was afraid that the patient might have a temporary flashback, so he kept his eyes fixed on the values ​​on the ECG monitor.

The patient's heart rate was a little too fast, so he asked the doctor to take a look at his heart.

We need to do it as soon as possible, Xie Wanying thought in her mind. If she doesn't do it as soon as possible, she is afraid that it will be too late and the abscess will burst like a lake. Once this patient has diffuse peritonitis, there is no chance of surgery.

The others also had solemn expressions and concentrated on the drainage tube.

"Monitor." Xie Wanying turned to Monitor Yue and said.

After receiving her instructions, Yue Wentong's first step was to slightly bend the patient's left leg and knee, put the patient in a sideways position, and put his hands under the patient's left hip and left knee to assist in exerting force.

Together with the squad leader, Xie Wanying slowly moved the patient's left side slightly to the opposite side. The amplitude should not be too large, as too much would compress the drainage tube. She just wanted to make the position of the drainage tube as low as possible to facilitate drainage. At the same time, she

Her hands need to perform other movements on the patient's abdomen. She may not be able to separate herself.

Upon seeing this, Yue Wentong immediately took her place and fixed the patient's position.

Xie Wanying thought in her heart: It's great that the squad leader can come to help. The squad leader is the big backing of the whole class.

The people watching around saw that these three students were too busy and seemed to be in a mess, and they couldn't help but worry: Can these people do it?

All the results came when Pan Shihua pinched the patient's drainage tube and twisted it with his two sterile-gloved hands.

Dr. Jiang's heartbeat was about to rush out of his chest at that moment.

He urged the student to be slow and gentle, but at that moment, the other student seemed to be a bit too fast.


Too light and too slow won't work. The tube already feels a little stuck. Surgeons are called butchers, not only because of their knives, but also because of their ruthlessness.

Surgery students and internal medicine students are completely different in this regard. Thinking about Li Qian, who has almost a gentle temperament, I would probably tremble for a long time when I started. He said that he was using too much force but he didn't dare to use it. He was not ruthless enough.

Students who dare to come to surgery must have a ruthless heart, regardless of whether they have a gentle or gentle personality.

She, Xie Wanying, is a girl who is said to be gentle, and is always ruthless when performing surgery. This time, Classmate Pan did not exceed her expectations. She had just cooperated with an interventional surgery once before, which made her realize that Classmate Pan's attack would not be...

A gentle person, just like her speaking, she has a gentle voice.

The only ones who were shocked enough were others.

The people around him were wondering whether that "sharp thrust" would kill the patient.

Li Guoxin's eyes hurriedly scanned the numbers on the monitor: OK, OK, the patient's heart rate did not drop to zero instantly.

"It's pulled out, how much?" Director Zheng asked, raising his voice.

Don't think that if the doctor is strong enough, the tube can definitely be pulled out. It is completely wrong. The tube may be broken directly and inserted into the patient's abdominal cavity. I don't understand. Think about being suppressed by a big stone or being restrained by something.

If a rubber band is pulled hard, the rubber band may not be pulled out, snap, break, and the other end will retract directly to the opposite side.

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