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【1550】Different seconds difference

In addition, storage bags, masks, oxygen tubes, and safety valves are all important parts of it.

There is a mask and oxygen tube on the patient's face.

Lu Xin quickly unplugged the oxygen tube connected to the mask, connected the exhalation valve to the mask, and connected the oxygen tube to the air inlet valve behind the balloon of the simple respirator.

The patient was on the verge of shock and his breathing was very weak. The simple respirator assembled on site began to work and artificially ventilated the patient.

Lu Xin pressed one hand on the patient's mask to fix it to prevent the movement of the mask from creating too large a gap, causing the gas to escape from the mask. This would greatly reduce the ventilation effect. With the other hand, she held the balloon part and

The balloon operates by pressing and releasing it. Each time you press it, the oxygen in the balloon will enter the patient's nose and mouth through the air valve, supplying air to the patient's lungs, which is equivalent to the patient's inhalation action. When released,

On the contrary, it is exhalation.

At this time, you must be very careful. This patient is not a cardiac arrest patient. He has his own spontaneous breathing. Although it is weak, it is undeniable that his consciousness has not been lost.

Medical staff need to press and hold the balloon according to the patient's respiratory rate to avoid conflicts between artificial assisted ventilation and the patient's respiratory rate.

Lu Xin felt a little bit of difficulty holding the simple respirator.

It was not because she had never done this kind of work before and was unfamiliar with the operation, but the medical student next to her was very different, and his requirements for medical operations were stricter and higher than any doctor she had ever encountered.

"No, your pressing speed is about 0.5 seconds faster than her breathing, which will affect her breathing." Xie Wanying said to her.

What is the concept of 0.5 seconds? Will it have a big impact? Lu Xin blinked fiercely, her hands were a little at a loss, because she didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Xie Wanying immediately stretched out her hand to help her. She pinched the air bag and taught her to read the rhythm: "One, two, one, two, one, two, like this."

Following the rhythm of Xie Wanying's chanting, Lu Xin's hands gradually found the patient's breathing rate.

Xiao Shugang and Shang Siling watched from the side. The more they looked, the more they realized that this little cousin studying medicine was: so stable.

The most important thing for a doctor is stability. A more stable doctor can make appointments with patients and their families feel the greatest peace of mind.

Soon, Lu Xin discovered that this 0.5 seconds was amazing.

Under the mask, the patient's lip color gradually became lighter from the previous severe cyanosis, and the patient's hypoxic condition was significantly improved.

It had been several years since she entered the clinic. This was the first time Lu Xin had encountered such a situation. It felt like she was watching a miracle take place. She had never thought that a commonly used simple respirator could play such a big role.

As far as she knows, most of the time in clinical practice, this thing is used to maintain the patient's vital signs when used instead of a ventilator to transfer critically ill patients. It is a no-brainer to use it to improve the patient's condition. As for

Use it on patients whose heart has stopped to replace artificial respiration. The patient has a heart accident, not a respiratory accident, and it is CPR that plays a key role, not it.

All in all, the composition and principle of this thing are too simple, so no one expects it to have miraculous effects. I can only say that you should not underestimate any clinical tool, even if the principle seems to be easy to operate, it is despised as simple.

It has been used clinically for many years and has not been eliminated. There is definitely a reason for its existence.

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