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【161】Call for help

Tension pneumothorax, Zhao Zhaowei searched hard for the knowledge in medical textbooks in his mind. At this moment, he wanted to scold the counselor. Ren Chongda asked them to come to practice in advance. No teacher taught them diagnostics, internal medicine, and surgery, so they only

When I read the textbook, I didn’t have a deep impression at all and couldn’t distinguish the knowledge points.

Teacher Ren was "bad" and deliberately asked them to come to the internship in advance to scare them. As expected, he was so frightened that he almost cried.

"What should we do now, Yingying?" Zhao Zhaowei asked again.

Hearing their conversation behind them, the two traffic policemen responsible for driving broke into sweat and asked, "Can you do it?"

"Don't worry!" These two words, Xie Wanying said to everyone.

At this time, the doctor could not reveal his weakness no matter what, otherwise the whole body would collapse psychologically.

It doesn't matter, she knows what tension pneumothorax is. There is air leakage in the pleural cavity, and the air leakage channel is a one-way valve.

When a normal person breathes, when inhaling, gas is taken into the lungs, and when exhaling, gas is discharged from the lungs.

Tension pneumothorax results in inhalation of inspiratory gas as usual, and expiratory gas cannot be discharged. Gas keeps accumulating in the chest cavity, causing the lungs to collapse and the trachea to deviate, affecting the heart.

This patient has heart disease, and tension pneumothorax appears to be even more dangerous at this time.

It is unclear whether it is a spontaneous pneumothorax or a pneumothorax caused by trauma. In any case, it must be treated immediately and exhaust, otherwise, the young patient may die at any time.

Although she is only a trainee, she can report to the superior doctor and obtain operating instructions.

Thanks to Dr. Jiang for the advice before she left!

Xie Wanying picked up her cell phone and called Dr. Jiang first.

Dr. Jiang quickly connected to her with a beep: "What's wrong? Tell me!"

There must be something wrong when she called. Dr. Jiang knew it without even thinking.

"The patient has tension pneumothorax." Xie Wanying answered quickly, not wasting a minute.

Hearing her words, Dr. Jiang broke out in cold sweat: This is a serious matter!

"I have to help him puncture and vent the gas immediately," Xie Wanying said.

"Wait a minute!" Dr. Jiang calmed down and thought. This is a heart disease patient. He can't mess around, even if he is at the scene. Fortunately, he called the hospital in advance and said to Xie Wanying: "You stay with the patient.

I told the hospital about returning to the National Association. Dr. Yang from the cardiac surgery department should be on the phone in the emergency room. You call him now!"

After receiving the instruction, Xie Wanying called the emergency department of the hospital without further delay.

The emergency phone rang, and the nurse picked up the phone: "Hello, this is the Emergency Department of the National Association. Please tell me something."

"My name is Xie Wanying. Dr. Jiang asked me to see Dr. Yang from the cardiac surgery department."

The call for help has really come!

Dr. Jin, Dr. Lin, and Dr. Yang, who were discussing around the phone, just walked away and heard the emergency nurse talking, and they all ran back. Fu Xinheng immediately instructed the emergency nurse to turn around.

The emergency nurse transferred the nurse's station phone to the phone in the emergency physician's office.

A group of doctors went into the doctor's office and closed the door to listen, so that they could hear more clearly.

Dr. Yang picked up the phone and asked, "What's wrong with the patient?"

Dr. Jin snatched the phone from his hand and put it back, pressing the speakerphone button. She was also nervous, she wanted to hear how her students were doing.

"Tension pneumothorax, Dr. Yang." Xie Wanying's reply came back from the other side.

The senior clinical staff gathered around the phone felt as tense as a bow: Tension pneumothorax is no longer a simple problem!

This chapter has been completed!
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