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Whether it is thrombolysis or not, thrombectomy or other measures, all need to wait for the angiography results before considering.

Pulmonary artery emboli generally occur in the left and right main pulmonary arteries and their lower branches. Distal stubborn pulmonary artery emboli are relatively rare. Because the thrombus in the terminal circulation of the pulmonary artery has strong autolytic ability, small terminal thrombus can be completely autolyzed by human blood vessels, and there is no need for

The doctor overlyed thrombolysis. The doctor only needed to open up the main artery.

With this idea as a guide, it is like injecting the contrast agent at the root of the main blood vessel for coronary angiography. The doctor wants the contrast agent to reach the pulmonary artery at the root of the left pulmonary aorta and the right pulmonary aorta, usually in the inferior vena cava.

The inferior vena cava collects systemic venous blood and enters the right atrium. The venous blood from the right atrium is pumped into the right ventricle, and then the venous blood is output from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery, from the pulmonary artery to the left and right pulmonary trunks to the lungs, where gas exchange occurs and the venous blood becomes

The blood becomes arterial blood, and then the pulmonary veins return to the left atrium and left ventricle to pump it out to the whole body. This cycle is called pulmonary circulation.

The pulmonary artery flows venous blood, not arterial blood, and the pulmonary veins flow arterial blood. The veins in the systemic circulation flow venous blood, and the arteries flow arterial blood. This is the most common thing for laypeople to misunderstand. So pulmonary artery thrombolysis

What is dissolved is venous thrombosis, and the femoral vein is penetrated instead of the femoral artery. This is different from coronary angiography.

It is enough to illustrate the complexity and variety of interventional surgeries.

The doctors in the control room watched the imaging results through the lead glass with the surgeons in the operating room, and witnessed the real-time progress of the operation.

After the angiography machine is started, you can see a thin wire tube coming to the lower end of the lung. It is similar to coronary angiography again. At the end of the catheter, the doctor has to find a way to prevent the catheter from slipping out and wrap it around like a small hook. I am not young today.

It is obviously different when the doctor practices and the deputy senior surgeon performs the surgery himself. The speed is super fast. During the process, there will be no hesitation due to unskilled exploration of the anatomy of the human body.

Most people can't see clearly what the process is. Da da, the contrast agent has been injected into the blood vessels for visualization.

The principle is exactly the same as that of other interventional surgeries. Where the blood vessels are blocked and the contrast agent cannot pass through, there will be a loss of contrast, which will appear as a blank, that is, it will not be black but become white. In the pulmonary artery, the left and right pulmonary trunks are blocked by thrombus and the loss of imaging may be a unilateral one.

The pulmonary arteries are all dimmed. The visual effect on the display screen is amazing, and may be more shocking than coronary angiography.

The first thing to say is that under normal imaging of blood vessels, the pulmonary vascular system is the same as the blood vessels distributed in other human organs, just like the branches branching out from a big tree, but the size and number are different.

Having said that, the difference in the visual effect given to the doctor after the contrast agent is injected is very obvious. You can see on the screen that the two large-diameter sewer pipe heads on the left and right have black threads that look like feather dusters coming out of the blood vessel heads, which are the pulmonary arteries.

System. The blood vessel distribution map produced by cardiac coronary angiography does not have such terrible density.

Normal angiography is like this. Once blockage occurs, if it is an active pulmonary blockage on one side of the lung, it is not surprising that the feather duster on one side will be completely dimmed. It is enough to make medical students feel educated. This may not be like that.

Coronary angiography, the missing blood vessels shown by coronary angiography were like blank sections of wire tubes during the last surgery.

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