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【1755】Accompanying elders

"Listen to me." Dr. Peng explained a few more words to the family, "A cesarean section is definitely not as good as a normal birth for her future recovery and for the baby... You have to believe what our doctors say, and we will observe again.

How is her condition? If she is really in excruciating pain, has weak uterine contractions, and cannot have a baby, we will give her other treatment in time. At this stage, it is best to continue with normal delivery."

"Doctor, if you don't believe me, ask her herself if she is in so much pain that she can't bear it anymore?" The mother's husband took a deep breath and became a little anxious towards the doctor.

His wife was in pain here, and he felt it the same way, and the more he looked at her, the more painful it became. As a man, he couldn't just watch his wife endure such huge pain.

Dr. Peng will not specifically ask the mother whether the pain is too much to bear, because every mother will basically answer yes. Refer to the previous five beds, she just came in and claimed that the pain was too much to bear and insisted on a cesarean section.

Childbirth is like a battle in itself for a woman who is about to become a mother. It requires a very strong willpower to support herself through this difficulty. Because of this, the hospital will arrange appropriate space for family members to come in and accompany the mother, with the purpose of allowing

Family members provide support and encouragement to the mother, allowing her to face difficulties and face the most difficult challenges in life.

It's just that sometimes things may backfire.

Some family members may be more fragile than the mother herself. If she cannot hold on, her own mentality will collapse first.

Dr. Peng thought for a while and made a suggestion to the mother's family: "I think you are very tired after spending a few hours with her. How about you switch with other family members and let her mother come in to stay with her?"

"No, no, no, doctor, don't—" The mother's husband waved his hands to the doctor and said that such measures would not work.

Dr. Peng was surprised. What's going on? Is there some story between the mother and the mother?

The husband of the mother in bed No. 2 nervously pointed to the single maternity room No. 1 next door to Dr. Peng.

Dr. Peng walked to the door and turned his ear to the next door to listen for anything.

The single maternity room No. 1 is occupied by the mother in bed No. 5 who has been transferred from the multi-person maternity room. Since her husband is as young as her, the family group decided to let her mother, who has had childbirth experience, come in to accompany her.

The result turned out to be like this——

"Why are you shouting that it hurts? What's so painful? It hurt more when I gave birth to you before. Bear with it, my child, there's no need to shout that it hurts, it doesn't hurt at all."

Hearing this, I almost thought that this person was not the mother of the mother but the stepmother or the mother-in-law who was making things difficult for her.

Listen carefully, these curse words are curse words, and the tone of the voice definitely contains the anxiety and worry for her daughter as a biological mother.

It’s not that the elders don’t feel sorry for their children, no one dares to say so. It’s impossible for the mother in bed No. 5 not to feel sorry for her own daughter. It’s just that these elders are nervous, so they can only use their own previous experiences to comfort their children. It’s not a big deal.

.The elders actually said this to appease their own anxiety, so they could not realize that what they said was inappropriate.

The mother was in so much pain that she couldn't stand it. After hearing her mother's words, she might have been furious. The mother in bed No. 5 looked aggrieved and in pain. If the performance in bed No. 6 hadn't inspired her, she would have been

I don’t want to give birth anymore.

Undoubtedly, the behavior of the aunt next door made the couple in bed number two tremble all over.

The husband of the mother who gave birth in bed No. 2 told the doctor honestly about her concerns: "I don't want to quarrel with my mother-in-law and my mother. My wife is in such pain, and I feel sorry for her. It's not that they don't feel sorry for her, but they are elders and I can't control them."

That’s what they said about my wife.”

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