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【1855】Calm down

"She can wait a little longer. She is not the only patient of the doctor...Why is she anxious?" Dr. Hu followed mercilessly in criticizing the family members' erroneous views.

"She came here on leave and needs to get back to work." The patient's husband explained to his wife.

"Is she the only one in the world who has a job? Is her job the only one that is great? Doctors also have jobs, so why doesn't she understand that doctors are also very busy at work?" Dr. Hu's words poked the lungs of patients and their families.

"That's not what we meant." The patient's husband became angry and almost got angry to death from the other party's nonsense. He just explained the reason why his wife was anxious, but did not say that he didn't understand that the doctor was busy. "If you don't ask, I won't ask."

Why is she giving random answers to my wife?"

Dr. Su's face tightened with nervousness.

Dr. Hu raised his voice and hit the family members like a pointer raised high: "How many times have I told you. Why can't you hear? Are you so deaf? She is not your wife's attending doctor.

I don’t understand your wife’s condition. A normal person would go back to the doctor who prescribed the medicine for him and ask. What you should ask is why your wife is looking for her!”

The female patient burst into tears: It was all her own fault, her own fault. This was——

Seeing this, Du Haiwei quickly spoke up and asked everyone in the room to turn off the engine: "Don't worry. The bleeding is not serious. We need to be hospitalized for observation first. I think the problem should be minor."

The patient and family members were comforted by Du Haiwei's attitude. The female patient was sent to an extra bed. The patient's husband scratched the faces of Dr. Hu and Dr. Su with angry eyes, trying to remember these two faces: This matter is obviously not the case.

It's only his wife's fault.

After criticizing the family members, Dr. Hu then criticized Dr. Du: "If you had made it clear to her before that calling the doctor would only get you back, she would not have come to Dr. Su to cause this problem."

Du Haiwei stopped himself from arguing with Dr. Hu and said, "Yes, I'll talk about them later."

Some people don’t like to help their colleagues while working. The concept of unity and cooperation does not exist for this group of people. Dr. Hu and Dr. Hu’s people obviously belong to this style of work. Xie Wanying completely understood what Dr. Zuo Liang had said before.

Why is this group of people complaining so much?

Because next, Dr. Hu asked Du Haiwei again: "Dr. Du, the doctors in our team have been quite busy recently. I told the director that the matter discussed in the last meeting should be done by someone from your team. Your team has more people than our team."

Zuo Liang is about to curse. For this group of people, it is impossible to help others, and it is necessary for others to help them. Why do Dr. Du's team have more people than you? Why don't you reflect on yourself? Because no one wants to go to your team.


Knowing that the people below him felt uncomfortable here, Du Haiwei asked Zuo Liang to take Xie to examine the patient, and answered Dr. Hu: "I didn't listen to the director. I need to negotiate with the director."

Hearing that the other party did not compromise, Dr. Hu changed his mind, picked up a certain situation that Dr. Su reported yesterday and said, "Dr. Du Meng'en came to train yesterday."

Oh, what earth-shattering move did his son make and get into trouble? Du Haiwei felt helpless, as a father can only always be ready to wipe his son's butt.

"What did he do?" Duhaiwei asked.

Dr. Hu continued to criticize the junior in a haughty tone: "He and his classmates were watching Dr. Su perform surgery, but they deserted and ran away midway, affecting everyone's learning."

Du Haiwei was shocked: His son was an excellent student who was admitted to Beidou. How could he do such a thing as deserting mid-study and affecting the order of the class?

This chapter has been completed!
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