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【2403】Open the magic box

"The thymus is here, and here is the rectus abdominis and diaphragm, which can break at any time..."

What is this guy talking about? Is he chanting scriptures? Reading the words in the textbook? Classmate Pan Shihua thought to himself, even though he was Holmes Pan, he was a little overwhelmed at the moment, and his brain was going to be dizzy.

Classmate Pan didn’t know what was so good about Classmate Duan. Xie Wanying understood it as soon as she heard it, and said to Classmate Duan, the surgeon: “You tell us how we should cooperate, Dr. Duan.”

Duan, the surgeon, was actually pointing out the important steps in the entire bone splitting process. People chanting sutras are just a habitual thinking mode. They are used to reciting sutras during the operation to verify their ideas repeatedly before performing the operation.

Classmate Pan thought, and finally understood why Brother Cao always called them children. At least Classmate Duan looked like a child, and his thinking and behavior habits were also like those of Tang Monk.

You can't make fun of this genius surgeon. If this surgeon really looks like a kid named Tang Seng, you must know that Tang Seng has also been a world-famous genius since he was a child. Look, after the chief surgeon's nagging steps to sort out the steps, the chief surgeon and his assistant don't need to see each other anymore.

It's time to recruit and demolish.

Knowing the strength of the first assistant, he handed over the blunt separation of the sternal blood vessels with separation forceps to the first assistant. The first assistant switched to pioneering the path in front, and the surgeon was responsible for using the electric knife to coagulate and incise the presternal muscle layer and periosteum. In this way

The two steps are combined and performed almost simultaneously.

The surrounding nurses, anesthetists, and cardiopulmonary bypass specialists all stood on their toes and looked around. These people are not surgeons. They spend time in the operating room every day. They know better than the surgeon himself that trying to save time and merging steps will not be seamless.

Collaboration skills are totally out of the question.

How can two young doctors do it?

To be precise, they were three young doctors. The seemingly inconspicuous second assistant Pan was approaching with a suction device in hand, ready to take various assisting measures at any time.

The people around me looked down at him at a glance, and they saw that the separation forceps held by an assistant were unzipping the clothes and pushing all the blood vessels in the block, and the electric knife was moving smoothly.

Cutting downwards, the second assistant's suction device head pressed the spool and squeaked behind to suck out the blood.

Wow. The anesthetist just made an interjection. If you say one of them is really good, forget it. What happened to these young people? When did the series of actions come together? They were seamlessly connected like several precision-operated machines.

It's going to make people dumbfounded.

Others looked at Cao Zhao: Is this your child?

The main reason is that no one had ever remembered that Cao Zhao had the ability to cultivate robots. I also knew that it was impossible for the immortal brother to cultivate robots because of his immortal nature.

The little black whirlpool in Cao Zhao's eyes stopped spinning, as if he was a little frightened out of his mind by a few "children".

Could it be that Cao Zhao was just playing around and suddenly opened some kind of Pandora's box?

After this trip, the three young people also felt a little bit in their hearts: Hey, why is it so smooth?

The three of them raised their heads and looked at each other, as if they were confirming whether what just happened was true. If it was true, they could definitely continue to try in this direction.

After cutting the upper part, the next step is to dissect the xiphoid process.

The naughty nurse sister changed the song for them, from a soothing aria to a four-hand medley of Little Stars.


Thank you for your support!!! Good night, dears~

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