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【2496】To ??compete

"Guozhi will definitely be listed. Is it because we, the National Association, can't be listed?" Chang Jiawei asked in shock.

It's impossible. A hospital like Guo Xie, the first general hospital recognized by the people in the country, can't carry this rescue name brand.

For this listing, the city must first consider the issue of regional division. In other words, if there are several hospitals in this area that are excellent but equally powerful, compared to another area where there is only one with medium technology, you don’t need to think about it to know which hospital is of medium technology. It's cheaper to occupy a position.

Guoxie is located in the old city and is not a newly built hospital in the new city. The old city area is narrow and there are many hospitals, so the competition is very high.

Secondly, the most common emergency rescue case of cardiovascular disease is myocardial infarction, and interventional surgery is now the first priority. The PCI level of the National Association is only middle-to-upper-ranked in the city, not reaching the upper reaches.

What makes Jin Tianyu very frustrated is that what people said at the meeting is right. Even if their technical level is OK, there are obviously not enough interventional operating rooms, and it will take time to get the equipment and facilities. It's not very good compared to others.

The Cardiac Surgery Department of the National Association is quite famous, but the problem is that now the person who starts the attack is in the heart and not outside the heart, so how can the National Association fight. I finally understand why Zhang Huayao is so proud and brings people to their National Association to watch the fun. Chang Jiawei I was so angry that I was itching my teeth: "Who has our area listed for?"

"How about we live in the same district as Guozhi?" Fu Xinheng wondered whether his old classmate had learned the geography knowledge well.

What does geography have to do with this? This is a matter of common sense, but suddenly his mind did not turn around. Chang Jiawei raised his finger: "Is there only one designated emergency hospital in a district?"

There must be more than one. There are tens of thousands of people in the city, and millions of people in one area. Just one hospital is definitely not enough. A total of 30 designated emergency hospitals have been set up in the city. The area must be subdivided into areas. The National Association said it is not an agreement. The national disputes are not in the same subdivision.

"Who did we fight with and lose?" Chang Jiawei asked.

Even though I lost, I didn’t lose. The card was up for grabs. I was just nagged at by others at the meeting, as if it was because of the words National Association. How could they feel better after hearing this?

Chang Jiawei understood something. He said that he was being fooled by his old classmates because he was stupid: "You go to the meeting. It is impossible not to give you a sign."

It is impossible for hospitals that have no plans to list to be called to a meeting. This means that the official notice of listing has actually been sent to the leadership of each hospital early. The special city meeting this time did not call the leaders of each hospital to hold an order meeting. It invites the most famous specialist technical backbones from major hospitals in the city to hold technical symposiums.

The city should listen to and refer to the professional and technical opinions provided by elite doctors to make fine adjustments and more scientific arrangements for the upcoming overall plan.

At the meeting, everyone spoke freely and expressed their opinions, so fighting and direct confrontation between hospitals could not be ruled out. Those who satirized and criticized the National Association were definitely not leaders, but competitors.

Fu Xinheng didn't think that he was playing tricks on his old classmates. The competition he had to face was terrifying.

In the same subdivision, the National Association was listed at the same time as Hokuto Iwabu General Hospital.

Uh-huh. His alma mater is Beidu, and Chang Jiawei knows that Beidu No. 1 is quite capable. The hospital is also a well-known top tertiary hospital in the country.

This chapter has been completed!
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