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It is said that the patient was abandoned in order to save money. This is one of the reasons why people outside often use it to talk about brain-dead families.

Since the mouth is on other people's mouths, Xiaoyu's mother and father can't control it. The fact is that a rational person should know that it is a real waste to let a dead person occupy a ventilator and bed and interfere with other people's life-saving efforts.

Shanshan only had a fracture in her left upper limb. During this period, she was able to get out of bed and walk. When she was walking to find her parents, the little girl overheard a quarrel between her elders.

Don't underestimate the children too much. Children are all human beings and cannot understand what adults say. What Shanshan heard from the voices of her grandmother and grandmother was: Mom and Dad don't want Xiaoyu anymore.

Xiaoyu is her cutest sister in the world. If her parents give up on her, she will die. Shanshan's heart is greatly shaken. What should she do? Tell her parents and she must keep her sister.

Since their parents were often away from home, these two sisters had to rely on each other since they were young. The relationship between sisters is unimaginable to outsiders. No wonder that when her sister was in trouble, her sister Shanshan said she would save her sister first. If Xiaoyu was alive, she would definitely save her first.

elder sister.

Shanshan turned around and wanted to call the police, but she couldn't get out of the hospital. At this time, she saw a big brother in the hospital carrying a camera.

"elder brother."

Li Huaien, who was suddenly pulled by his clothes by two small hands, did not expect that this would be the first time he had received a "report" from someone else to reporters in Shouer. But this time it was special, the person who broke the news was a child.

"My parents are going to sell my sister's organs to other people." Shanshan gritted her teeth and told the reporter that she was going to kill her brother.

Li Huaien was not the only one who came to the hospital to follow up on the Hao family incident. When fellow reporters saw the explosive new news, they all came to interview the little girl.

Shanshan, who cried to reporters, simply wanted to protect her sister. How could a ten-year-old girl think of the other social impacts this incident would have? Even adults may not think of it. Only doctors in this industry have the right

This kind of thing is sensitive.

Shanshan's attending doctor is Liu Huaiyu. He originally went out for a meeting in the afternoon, but after receiving a sudden call from his colleagues in the hospital, he couldn't wait to withdraw from the meeting and return to the hospital.

This matter will undoubtedly explode among doctors who have children waiting for organ transplants.

You said that a young girl complained about the organ trade, and the public's imagination is rich, so it must be easy to suspect whether there is an organ trade. Otherwise, how would this little girl know such news? Children may not be very sensible, but children will

If you repeat what adults say, you may not necessarily be able to fabricate lies.

Reporters flocked to the hospital to interview and track hot news.

The only thing the hospital can do is to either stop this type of surgery as soon as possible to avoid the limelight, or to keep a low profile and then a low profile.

The good news about the organ transplant operation that was posted on the wall suddenly turned into something dazzling, and the publicity department of the hospital hurriedly ran to remove the good news.

In addition to medical staff, another large group of people are panicking: family members of children who are waiting for organ transplants. For example, Zhu Xing’s mother and Xiao Hui’s mother are very afraid that their children’s surgeries will be affected.

The call to the attending doctor couldn't be made for a while, and Zhu Xing's mother was about to cry.

Xiaohui’s mother ran to the Department of Pediatric Cardiology to see Dr. Mu and Dr. Han.

Liu Huaiyu remembered that he wanted to tell his old friend something about the situation, and said, "Shanshan, this child, is supposed to need an operation."

This chapter has been completed!
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