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【253】As the second assistant

Jiang Huizhu's mouth opened wide in surprise: "I have never heard of such a thing. It is very powerful."

The senior sisters' compliments to her were of course exaggerated, and they could not rule out that they were meant to encourage her. Xie Wanying buried her head in chewing her food carefully, saving up her energy for the afternoon surgery.

"Are your hands tired?" Remembering that she was holding the hook with one hand for a long time, Liu Jingyun touched her arm and asked.

"Not tired." Xie Wanying replied.

It's not tiring. As long as you find the right posture to use your strength, you won't be tired. Physical work requires more thinking with your brain. Otherwise, how can you show the advantages of a mental worker?

Doctors are mental workers, and a variety of auxiliary tools have been invented to help doctors save effort.

The junior sister's tone of reply was too calm. Liu Jingyun and Jiang Huizhu were secretly surprised.

After eating, Xie Wanying quickly found a place to rest and take a nap.

During my time with Senior Brother Huang, the most valuable thing I learned was to seize the opportunity to rest, even take a nap, at any time, which is so important for a doctor.

When you go to clinical internship, you don't have to study anymore, you have to work.

Since Dr. Xiao Sun informed her to go directly to the operating room, she had no idea what happened in the department afterwards.

Luo Yanfen and the three of them went to the teacher in the afternoon to ask about arrangements.

"You three will stay in the ward in the afternoon." Sun Yubo told the three of them, "If you don't want to, you can go to the outpatient clinic with Teacher Liu."

Liu Chengran has to go to the outpatient clinic in the afternoon. This has been arranged by the department in advance. The outpatient department of the department needs to send people on duty regularly.

The National Association's outpatient clinic was full of patients every day, and Liu Chengran was destined to spend the afternoon in the outpatient clinic.

Luo Yanfen and the others had known about this for a long time and said, "Mr. Sun, don't you have an operation this afternoon and need help? Isn't Teacher Liu here?"

"Teacher Tan is here." Sun Yubo answered them.

The surgery performed by the resident doctor is originally a minor surgery practice. With a deputy director watching, nothing will happen and there is no need for multiple people to stand on the stage.

Hearing this, Luo Yanfen and the three of them were worried: I heard it, I'm afraid Teacher Tan is still angry.

"Who is that? The new one? Teacher Sun, don't you need us to take care of her?" Luo Yanfen asked.

Sun Yubo glared at the three of them: "Her affairs are arranged by our teacher, do you need to talk?"

Seeing this situation, Luo Yanfen and the others became silent and turned around to discuss among themselves:

"Did she commit an offense in the morning and was asked by the teacher to go back to the university to reflect?"

"It's possible. Didn't you hear that early internships in eight-year classes are often rejected?"

Liu Chengran dressed up and was going to the outpatient clinic. When he saw Sun Yubo in the corridor, he reminded him: "I'm not here, you can think about it this afternoon."

Everyone knows that Tan Kelin has a bad temper. In the morning, Sun Yubo almost had his head pressed by Tan Kelin.

Unexpectedly, Sun Yubo seemed to have figured out what was going on with him that morning, and answered his senior brother with a smile: "It's okay, I'll ask her to come and help in the afternoon."

Liu Chengran blinked and pushed his junior brother's shoulder with one hand: You guys are very good at taking advantage of newcomers, right?

The operation will begin in the afternoon.

Xie Wanying stood next to the first assistant, acting as the second assistant. What a coincidence, she stood next to Teacher Tan in the morning, and again in the afternoon. The difference was that Teacher Tan was the chief surgeon in the morning, and became the first assistant in the afternoon.

When leading young doctors to perform surgeries, senior doctors always act as assistants.


Thank you for your support!!! Good night~

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